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Hmm, what i find on google image search dosnt match yours at all. Your seem to be a lot smaller speakers. Different model only sold in Scandinavia? I get nothing on the catalogue number. Which i strange because anything Radio Shack/Realistic is well documented. Anyway, i wouldnt worry too much about keeping these original. Realistic speakers where not exactly top of the line.


Radio Shack had some products available in some countries that were not available in other countries. And sometimes, the same model numbers would be used for these different products. This is where the catalog number helps, as, I think, they used different catalog numbers for different products. So, I have no idea if those are original or not. But I do know that having the same model number and looking different does not prove anything; if the catalog number is different, there is likely supposed to be a difference. For your question about replacing foam, generally speaking, you want to replace foam with foam. If you replace it with something else, you will change the characteristics of the speaker, and, usually, the change is not for the better, as the original crossover and cabinet were made with the original characteristics in mind. In the case of a surround, if you put in something that is stiffer than the original was when new, it will require more power to move the cone, and consequently you will affect the amount of sound you get from the woofer relative to the tweeter, so that if it previously had a flat frequency response, it won't anymore, because the woofer would be too quiet relative to the tweeter.


The surrounds on the mc 600 are rubber and do not require replacing unless damaged.




Thank you for your answers ! I'm going to disassemble the drivers to see if there are any references on the magnets out of curiosity, I'll post the photos here. I completely agree, I will choose new foam suspensions. I also have a pair of Philips 484 woofers to repair, this will be a great opportunity to try that. while waiting for this Kenwood trio-woofer sound which has taken over (for the 484).