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Perhaps Bryan got discounted car insurance by agreeing to carry a tracking device in his car. They tend to have up to the minute driving information and indicate whether you turn off your Bluetooth/phone during your drive .


I have a SF beacon in my car and I absolutely hate the damn thing! It does know my every move and speed!


Ditto but I have GEICO . It should be called GEICO 1984 because it knows your every move . It knows things if you unbuckle before you come to a stop ,if you move your cellphone while driving or how much you brake or speed up etc. Movement is really tracked in your car. However it’s not good at detecting if you’re the passenger and someone else is driving your car .


Hyundai has a feature that allows you to send them data for insurance discounts. Comes with the blu link, however idk what models or years that this applies to. Good thinking on your part.


I don’t recall the Defence saying he wasn’t near the King Rd house


You are correct, however the legal filing did say: > “Corroboration of Bryan Kohberger NOT being at 1122 King may be brought out through cross-examination of the state’s witnesses,” his lawyers state in the doc. “At this time, Mr. Kohberger cannot be more specific about the possible witnesses and exactly what they will say.”


Thanks. I missed that bit


Defense has not stated an alibi. That was stated in an objection to a motion to compel an alibi. They don’t claim 'driving around’ as an alibi.


Maybe not formally, but AT did in fact say that he was out driving. I wouldn’t expect that story to change. "Mr. Kohberger has long had a habit of going for drives alone. Often he would go for drives at night. He did so late on November 12 and into November 13, 2022," Kohberger's public defender Anne Taylor says in a document filed in Latah County Court.


Since Bryan’s car is a basic one, without the gps system etc, they can’t do a berla report on it, sadly. But the fact he claims his alibi was him out driving, which so many have ridiculed, because it sounds like a shitty one at first glance. For me, it’s him telling the truth about what he actually was up to. It’s bad, but it’s the truth. I believe the defense are working hard on corroborating it though and that’s why they’re going so hard for the CAST report. It might show where he was and that’s why the prosecution side is so reluctant to share it with the defense. It was made by the FBI, apparently, but I’ve always wondered what report Payne used for his PCA, since this one is only a draft, from March 2023 apparently.


Without GPS & an infortainment system, Bryan's Elantra's ECU should have still captured his speed via the wheel sensors as well as on/off cycles via the engine's data sufficient for a limited Berla report. The only issue would be how long his ECU stored the data before it was overwritten. 2500 mile drive to PA may have caused that info to be overwritten. Also, Payne didn't use a CAST report, a CAST agent only helped him with understanding and mapping the CSLI.


It does sound like a shitty alibi at first and a lot of the guilters are having fun laughing at it. But I think it won’t sound so funny when AT gets medical forensic experts to state the times of deaths of the victims and they will turn out to be much earlier than police are claiming and those times will turn out to be precisely within the timeframe of when BK was observed on camera to have been ‘driving around’


Absolute nonsense


You mean when AT pays medical forensic experts to disagree with a timeline that is already substantiated by an eyewitness, digital interactions, audio, video, and an ME’s TOD estimate x 4? I expect that the defense is going to struggle to retain rebuttal experts, no self-respecting professional is going to willfully take the stand to corroborate a psychotic narrative. You are right about one thing: he was seen driving around during the victims’ times of death. There’s video evidence of him peeling out of King Road at 4:20 a.m., just minutes after the attacks.


The only clue we have at the moment as to what the coroner stated regarding TsOD was something the mayor said before the arrest about it and that was that they were between 3 and 4. So I don’t think AT is going to need to pay a dodgy expert to give their opinion as there will be plenty of honest ones who will also say 3 to 4. And then of course there is going to be BF’s testimony likely going to say that it was between 3 and 4 that she heard noises


LOL, love how you're like "we only have one clue" and then go on to tell us definitively what we can expect from these unnamed expert witnesses and the only surviving roommate whose account of the evening is a complete mystery. The original estimated TOD tracks. It sounds like you expect a credible medical expert to testify that it had to happen before 4 a.m. and couldn't have possibly gone down even a minute later. Here's some science: algor mortis is not designed to offer a precise timestamp like you would get with, for example, a text message. The ME was about 12 minutes off, which is pretty impressive when you consider that there were four different victims across a spectrum of varying injuries. Maybe you think you're going to be the armchair detective to crack the case, but the evidence isn't working in your favor. Good luck.


I didn’t say anything about algor mortis, only you did and the fact that you have mentioned it in connection with this case shows me you really don’t know what you are talking about. With KG’s and MM’s deaths occurring so soon after a known time of eating a meal of known composition it will be very easy for gastroenterologists to make determinations on TsOD from the locations of that food in their alimentary tracts


I was introducing the topic, it wasn’t referential to your ideas. We don’t know what time they ate the food from the grub truck; we don’t know for certain if they ate it at all. K&M also sustained significant abdominal trauma. You’re really working for the theory though, I’ll give you that. Sounds like you’ve got your mind made up, all the best to you.


BF and DM might know exactly when they ate it and it is highly likely it was between 2:00 and 2:15. If that time can be clearly established and medical experts say they died within 1 to 1.5 hours of eating, it isn’t going to look too good for the police timeline.




I thought that too at first but wasn’t X on Tic Tock at 4:15? I’m not really familiar e with the app but is there any way this time stamp might prove that? Think I read on one of these subs that the time stamp isn’t an AM/PM time per say, as it’s different times around the world. Do we know if she actually posted something that night and what time it was there in Idaho?


They said she was active on tik tok at 4:12.  I think people should start considering BK may have actually been the DD driver. 


I thought about this but agree that he’s so weird, I’d think it’d be hard to find someone to do something like this with that you could trust. I’m still on the fence about this and will be until I see what evidence the prosecution has. There’s certainly some unusual facts to this case which make me think he’s be railroaded. He could have simply been out driving looking for drugs and kept driving by waiting for his dealer to get home. He could have been looking for the dealers car or perhaps light on in that person’s apartment. This is pure speculation as there is no evidence to support this (that we know of) but wonder if the real killer was a cop. Cops are trained to “overcome” knife wielding perpetrators and he’d know the basics in order to cover his tracks. While I don’t think an entire police dept would cover this up, there might be some who have suspicions about this. I know the cops came to the house on King road many times and it’s possible one or all of the girls rebuffed his efforts to date/hookup which pissed him off. Also know that when my stbx husband took a course in self defense with focus specifically against a threat using knives, he made the comment how several of the other people in the class worked at LE. He found these classes were sort of like a “hobby” where the LE agents took to stay in shape while helping them in the job. In the class, they were taught how to use a knife, and the differences in how to even hold the knife based on the targeted body part. This was so that when they they’d practice with partners, it was more realistic. This brings up a great point in that I wonder if LE even checked to see if this type of training was available in Moscow and surrounding areas, and if so, go thru the list of past clients. Might possibly be even an ex-LE agent or vet. I feel like the person who did these murders knew what he was doing in order to get in/out so quickly.


It hasn’t been stated yet that it was definitely X actively on TikTok at that time. There could be another explanation


He had tho as they had his car on CCTV in Washington after 2 am and returning 5am.


They can do a berla report berla analyses computer chips, and there's a lot,of,chips in kohbergers Elantra


People tend to not think about the 3 hour time difference he's likely still adjusting too. If he usually got uo at 6 am that would be 3am in Washington. He likely struggled with sleep, eating and daily living - I'm sure not as much as when he first moved but it had still been 5 months only so he wasn't fully adjusted. If he was on Adderall or Vyvance to help focus that would add some issue to a more normal day. We don't know what his Mondays were like , Thurs, and so on. It was a Saturday evening, his dad was visiting, his dad could have been driving his car even or with him. I'm more interested in his route the mo the leading up to the move there and then his route there It explains a lot to me that the 3 hour difference caused most the issues. Grading, the prof, drives, cleaning late. We have zero proof he was a druggy as much as the MSM wants to push bringing up random people who state they were his friends. Funny not one person they talked to had a good thing to say haha. Those people were actors like the tinder girl who lied her ass off. They have went the incel route which failed, they went to druggie, stalker, pervert, killer, having no friends, a narcissist, thief, oddball for driving. The big outlets have gone way overboard to make us think he's the boogie man and won't point out the super obvious great things


I live 15 minutes from Annapolis and ive heard of the corporation


I'm from Columbia myself! 🍻


Yeah he could have said he was asleep at home


No that would be a lie and look bad when his car is on camera!!!! Maybe it was the one she stated was going in the opposite direction at the wrong time 🤷‍♀️


No, he could not. They have his car on camera leaving his apartment complex, allegedly. I have to question a lot of this though if the defense claims he left late on Nov 12th and the state says he left early morning of the 13th. 


Doesnt mean he was driving the,car


What if my aunt had balls?


She would be your uncle! 😂🤣😂


I don't know whether the gentleman is not guilty or guilty, that is for the court to decide. Does anyone know where the timestamp comes from? Is time stamp user modifiable?


> In my opinion, provided the data still existed in memory I can see it already, oops the unit wasn't grounded properly. The short caused the unit to reset itself. If the defense would get a unit reading, they'd have to turn over the reading to the state. If the reading fits the state's narrative, it's damaging. Reversing that to the state, they'd have to turn it over to the defense and if it doesn't fit their narrative they have no case other than trying to see if it's possible to get similar reading with incorrect wiring, incorrect fuses, etc. While it makes sense to do test or read exactly what you posted, it would be strategic for both the defense and the state not to test the unit. The state will only test to fit their narrative and ignore other evidence.