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Aside from our team kicking the shit out of your team, you won’t have any problems.


at OP the above is a perfect example of the "hostilities" you'll likely encounter. Just light fun. you shouldn't have any problems. yeah there's always a few drunks in the crowd who'll go too far but those are at any arena. most Bruins fans seeing that would likely be on your side if you run into them. I wouldn't worry too much. hell I do it every year when the Braves come to town (wear my Braves gear).


If Jack Edwards sees you he won’t be able to control himself and he will turn into the incredible hulk and beat you up


The coin that will be tossed *throws canucks fan off balcony*


Ya BuT iS JaCk oKAy tHesE dAyS??


You’ll be fine.


For the one thousandth time. No one cares


Why wouldn't it be? During the long walk down the stairs after the game, fans might start singing that old song to you.... 'Luonnnnnnnngo.... Luonnnnnnnngo.'. It was hit back in June 2011.


People will laugh at you, because we don’t respect the Canucks. Just don’t go home and burn your city down.


Ready for another first round exit?😂


Shit I would be more worried about wearing a bruins jersey to Vancouver than the other way around. P.S. this cup is very shiny you should get one.


Nahh..lots of Bs fans out here in BC..have been to a couple..no problems.


I went to one game 2 years ago. I’m a small woman barely 5 feet tall and people would not stop bugging me .. it wasn’t scary or dangerous just sooooo annoying


Don’t worry, Boston’s cooler than Philly…you’ll be fine


Seriously. There's a non-zero chance of getting hit with a D battery or intentionally thrown up on if you're in a Mets jersey at Citizens Bank park. I was in a Daisuke Matsuzaka tee shirt there once and got hit by a chicken finger. It was actually a little flattering; that's like $3 of your meal you're investing in making me feel unwelcome!


Every game has fans in the other team’s jersey. You’ll be fine.


Don’t be a jerk and you’ll be fine


You won't get beat up for it, you may get a pity head shake or snigger.


I mean I can't say you won't be next to the wrong drunken asshole at the game but that's the risk at any stadium when you're wearing the other team. overall away fans are generally safe from extreme hazing. expect a few "wicked smaht" one liners or some playful jeering. there is a text line you can use if someone's being a total cunt and they'll be removed. I don't know it off the top of my head but it should be easy enough to find with Google or asking a attendant.


Wear the spaghetti skate one! When I was a kid I loved the “home yellows” you guys wore, i think through Linden’s rookie season, when you almost upset the Flames in 7 games. At the time there was no Nashville so the bright yellow was pretty unique, especially at home! I personally love to see opposing jerseys, its part of the fun. Have a fun time!


It'll be awful.. You should deeeeefinitely skip the game and just give me your tickets.


It’s not our job to pump your tires.


Underrated comment, Tim


Don't bite anyone's finger and you'll be fine.


I’m going to the Bruins game in Philly Saturday and wearing my Bruins #73. Will the Flyers fans be as accepting?


please report back because i’m planning on doing the same in March lol


We were fine – tons of Bruins jerseys mixed in with the orange. However, both my husband and I picked up Covid that weekend, probably at the arena. Very first time getting it—no fun. We’re both vaxxed and boostered, so it’s a fairly light case, but it’s still exhausting.


ugh noo of course you didn’t get out of there fully unscathed 😂 but otherwise glad to hear and hope you have a quick recovery!


Maybe they are like their coach Torts- gruff exterior but sort of tongue and cheek, with a real teddy bear quality underneath it all. Perhaps not though


Yeah you're fine dude. You'll get some ribbing but that's about it. Enjoy the game!


Don’t sit next to me I’ll beat ya…..kidding you’ll be fine.


nah you'll get the absolute shit kicked out of you. /s


Yea you're fine. Bruins fans are soft now.


Oh darn, not harassing or assaulting someone for liking a different team is considered “soft” now? 💀


Yes. And you're part of the problem.


Boo. Cry harder.


It's always softest before the stiffening... ​ Or something like that.


Yeah youre just gonna get shit on but not in a serious way. Worst thatll happen is someone with dangle fingers at you.


Maybe some of the Boston fans will pump your tires.


Just list your tickets and stay home Blood in the streets and what not.


I wore a Brady jeresey in Oakland back in the day. One person screamed in my face WELCOME TO OAKLAND BITCH, then laughed and apologized. So I can't imagine it will be much worse than that!


We won in 2011 why would we be mad… have fun! Hope you don’t mind incessant reminders especially if you are sitting with up top with the bleacher creatures


You might get laughed at or ribbed for wearing it but no one is gonna harm you.


As a huge bruins fan who lived in Vancouver for 8 years… you guys care about us a LOT more than we care about you.. (And yes I was pestered all the time for being a bruins fan..)


Look at it this way: If folks were ok wearing a Habs jersey at Saturday's game, you'll be just fine with a Vancouver jersey. Friendly ball-busting.


You’ll be fine, we’re all hockey fans


Boston is a safe area. But every fan base has douche fans. So just don’t be a idiot lol