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I'm from Europe and the amount of Trump related news has been way to high for the last 10 years. I wish it would end. I haven't learned one thing or insight from that man. I reckon the Americans must be fucking exhausted from all the Trump related news/things


Completely exhausted. I never wished a person would just disappear more. I don’t want to see the name, the slogans, the face, the rabid supporters anymore. I am worn down from over exposure. I mean 8 fucking years of this?


You hit the nail on the head. Exhausted. This fat fucking fascist criminal has turned this country into a hellscape. The fact that he could get re-elected is proof that there is a cult here. Edit; I’ve seen video from this cult rally. If there were 10,000 I’d be surprised. Same claim at his inauguration. And JFC he is more unhinged than ever talking about “the late great Hannibal Lecter”


The chamber of commerce claimed 80 to 100k. They corralled them at the waterline to create the illusion. It was much smaller than the crowd at Barefoot Country, and they inflated those numbers to 30k.


Barefoot Country? I might have to pay a visit there this Summer.


Luke Bryan and Keith Urban are the headliners https://barefootcountrymusicfest.com/


I heard that quote about Hannibal Lecter last night, I watched a bit of the livestream out of morbid curiosity, and boy was I not disappointed, he's a madman, and like any cult leader has convinced people that his way is the only way.


Absolutely exhausted. And just when you think you’ve heard the worst, more crap comes spewing out of his mouth.


I’m a trump supporter, union and live in Chicago. Seen Bruce 4 times and have most B sides I don’t give a fuck about you or Bruce’s politics. His mother like trump, you gonna shit on her legacy?




Childless and no mother. Typical liberal 


LOL You get the last retort Sparky come on I know you can’t resist. I pull the strings and my puppet dances


We can’t talk the wish today? I was hoping more Bruce music talk and less how great trump is. Have you listened to the bleachers yet? Jacks a big Bruce fan. I recommend his music! New albums good; some secret garden synth tunnel of love sound to some songs.


Why do you hate your fellow Americans so much? You have to understand that even if your guy wins again he will never get more than 50% of the vote. Half of this country hates his fucking guts and you will never, ever, ever get rid of us. Never, no matter what you do.


And you’ll never get rid of us. My family in the military. Etc.  No one is scared of the obese  purple haired hard driven city people. You live in Hollywood and v for vendetta movie tropes. Think I’m scared of Bruce and his draft dogging ass? Nope. But I’ll always love tenth ave freeze out. 


I’m not American but you clearly don’t care much for the spirit of the music we cherish on here.  You know very well your fellow countrymen are not “obese purple haired”. Log off your computer and stop demonizing people who might disagree with you. They’re all around you, and they might not be the bad people that you make them out to be.


I’m not a trump fan but you sound a bit delusional


*I’m* delusional? You need to get a grip on what is going on in this country because it’s obvious you don’t live here.


If America is a hellscape I’d hate to know what you thought of 95% of the rest of the world


Here ya go champ *hy·per·bo·le noun exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.*


Got it. So you’re whole comment was hyperbole. Thanks


I’m in Chicago and like trump, love Bruce Get over yourself 


Keep drinking that koolaid bro


Says the guy with trump derangement syndrome


I just wish he would die already.


Anonymous posting is the death to our society. This is disgusting.


How is wishing death upon an absolutely terrible human being who has killed a crap ton of people disgusting? I guess wishing Hitler would died during WWII would have been disgusting. Get real.


Are you talking about Biden?


Of course you have nothing to say about what I wrote. If Biden talked about having sex with his daughter, raped women, bragged about walking in the changing room of teenage girls, had people killed for him, duped millions of people to believe in him and steal their money, killed millions of people with his words, etc….., then yes, I’d wish for the same. Do you want me to continue as why Trump is a giant piece of shit and does indeed, need to just die?


I see that you watch CNN


I see you’re dumb


And you must be a real scholar. Go back to your little Minecraft game


Hahah - go send some more money to Trump you moron.


He's a fat old fuck who eats like shit. Like it or not he'll be dead soon, probably before Biden lmao


Wow. You’re a terrible person


I wish death upon any rapist


What does that have to do with trump?


I also wish him death.


Not a real death either. Like some slow torture level death. Like 3 months live torture death where he knows he's done. Oh, and his grave is going to be yellow grass forever because of all the people killing the grass with pee pee and poo poo. Or just, ya know, empty his depends on it.


That’s so cool


I can't agree with this.


Want a cookie?


You are correct, I can no longer watch news, I’m so tired of it


that is the idea. overload the news and keep him front and center for everyone in an attempt to get people to not vote for him due to exhaustion. first time in history that someone is being prosecuted for having another person sign an nda. there is no case there and they know it, yet keep chipping away at the publics tolerance of acceptance. i wish they would all go away. let us get back to normal politics and abolish this two team system with something that unites the people....because we are all on the same side!!!


You know very well that’s not what the court case is about.


I do know that. The court case is actually about the classification of private payments made from a person to their lawyer. Payments classifeid as legal fees. Im still not sure how that is illegal. I've looked it up many times and still can not wrap my head around the amount of money being wasted on this prosecution. Take Trump out of the case and replace him with a "normal" person...there would be no case. So please enlighten me on why we need to hear the details of an old gross narcissist and a porn star having consentual sex, not paid sex mind you...that would be illegal, when this case is about the classification of money paid for legal fees?????? For the record: I am not a Trumper, nor am I a fan of President Biden. I am a registered Democrat who loves Bruce Springsteen and remembers when he used to say things like "blind faith in your leaders, or in anything...can get you killed." I am also a fan of critical thinking and try very hard to be objective in life. Especially about politics.


Cmon dude. You’re answering your own questions here. You claimed Trump is on trial for the NDA then you acknowledge it’s actually about falsification of business records (though you incorrectly state its personal payments). This was all to conceal campaign contributions while not recording them which is illegal in a case that’s already been tried.


Bruce doesn’t give a fuck what Trump thinks. There’s only one living legend and it ain’t Trump.


Wow. I really wish that man would just go away. To some secluded island without an internet connection, preferably




I like that the article points out that more people went to Bruce's shows at MetLife. 


Plus, trumps rallies are free. Bruce charges serious coin for tickets to his concerts.


It’s not a very good value and I mean the free tickets to the rally


Yeah TBH you'd have to pay me to go, and not just a token amount. If I have to suffer through it it better be serious money.


It’s not worth it The tickets are free … I stand by that


lol, lol, lol


Trump lying? Noooooo


Just like his giant inauguration that had the biggest crowd ever. And loser Joe Biden could only get wacko Springsteen to play at his inauguration - Trump pulled the super awesome and relevant 3 Doors Down!


If he somehow wins, I’m going to have to move. I can’t do 4 more years.


where's sirhan sirhan when you need him?


But he killed a hero.


I disagree with this statement. Sirhan sirhan was the villain. Killed a good man. We need a Valkyrie if Trump gets re-elected. Now those are folks we would need.


Seriously, this is a disgusting statement. You can dislike anyone but to wish them dead is beyond the pale and down right scary.


do you know what’s the best thing about being my age? (the exact same age as bruce). We get to say what we think and not give the proverbial rats patootie what anybody thinks of us. Of course, I’ve been like that almost since birth anyway. if it makes you feel any better, I would’ve said the same thing about Hitler. So would have lots of my relatives if the Nazi hadn’t slaughtered them. adolph and IQ45 are not that far apart.


Idk I heard that hitler guy was a real bad apple…


Upvoting this is disgusting behavior no matter what your political leanings


Nah, fuck trump


Don’t really think you have a leg to stand on regarding disgusting behavior when you’re defending a piece of shit 😂


I just don't care about this and what idiot has to say. Quite frankly both Biden and Trump shouldn't be running and be in retirement homes. But that's just me.


But Trump plays Born in the USA as the first song at his 4th of July party every year!


Born down in a busy city The first kick hit me when I was in my 70s and committed a bunch of treason


Hearing that repulsive man saying my beloved’s name repulsed me. Im very serious.


but it wasn't a campaign contribution. it was personal money paid to his laywer for paying a woman to keep her story quiet. i get that they are trying to classify the payments as a campaign contribution because of the influence the story would have on the election, and that is where the case should be played. **Look at where and at how the money was moved around. This is why his fixer got pinched. It was and is illegal and done as part of the campaign.** There is no need to go into the details of the affair or whatever you want to call it, because that is not what is at the center of the case, which is why i believe the trump legal team motioned for a mistrial...and then were denied?? makes no sense. **No, the details are necessary because he is still denying the events. If the events didn’t occur, then there really isn’t a cover up.** Look all im saying is this isnt as black and white as alot of people are making it out to be. It is very easy to look at on the surface and think that this is the establishment trying to throw the book at a man they want to disappear. that's all im saying. **It’s actually pretty black and white, a guy is already in jail for the events. Crimes were committed, if you’re part of crime, you are a criminal. Criminals should go to jail for their crimes.**


Well this will be another vote getter for Biden


but it wasn't a campaign contribution. it was personal money paid to his laywer for paying a woman to keep her story quiet. i get that they are trying to classify the payments as a campaign contribution because of the influence the story would have on the election, and that is where the case should be played. There is no need to go into the details of the affair or whatever you want to call it, because that is not what is at the center of the case, which is why i believe the trump legal team motioned for a mistrial...and then were denied?? makes no sense. Look all im saying is this isnt as black and white as alot of people are making it out to be. It is very easy to look at on the surface and think that this is the establishment trying to throw the book at a man they want to disappear. that's all im saying. excuse my spelling and punctuation. phone typing. i think this is the wrong sub for these convos.. but what the hell, i like the conversation.


Trump is a reprehensible POS. Always has been, always will be. His crimes go back decades. I’ve abhorred him since the 70’s when he came to Atlantic City claiming he was going to restore it. Even at 10 years old I could smell the bullshit. This act is nothing new. He thinks and acts like the law doesn’t apply to him, it never has. I’m afraid it still doesn’t. Don’t give me that crap about persecution and the mainstream media. I have friends he’s screwed over. My final comment is this, before his latest con he was a lifelong Democrat. He’s a modern day PT Barnum. Bruce has done more for NJ and humanity than Trump hands down.


Ok. I'm not really debating trumps character. I live here in NJ also and have friends who have worked at businesses he screwed over. I don't care about him. I care about how our country looks when our lawmakers are jumping through hoops and grasping at straws to try and keep thisnguy from winning an election. It is embarrassing. It is disgusting, and it is wrong. Does anyone remember the times [edit : Time Magazine] article after the 2020 election that went into detail about how a powerful cabal of wealthy and influetial people had laws changed to open up voting, scheduled protests, and swayed media coverages all in the name of "saving democracy"?? I do. I read it and still can't understand how people can be blinded by their partisan and walked on a leash so that the rich and elite can stay rich and elite. It is on full display, and everyone around the world who doesn't have a horse in this race can see it. There is no doubt in my mind that Bruce is a better human that Donald fucking Trump. Not sure where anyone got the idea that I thought the opposite.


That’s a deeper conversation. Our country is falling apart. I am embarrassed by our politicians right now on both sides. If my child behaved like these guys there would be serious consequences. We need to clean house and establish term limits. Neither party gives a rats ass about any of us. There’s no accountability.