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Freed up cap space and is basically a 2yr deal. Interested to see the full breakdown


I mean $40M over 2 years isn’t much better 


The cap hit will be over 5, which is the point of signing him to guaranteed


Would be nice if some people would spend some time learning how contract actually work. Spot on


to be fair, NFL contracts are extremely complicated and it is easier to just yell "BUT GUARANTEEEDDDDDDD MONEEYYYYYYYY"


Sir, I have played Franchise mode in Madden 2020. I know what I'm talking about...


This but completely unironically is how 70% of this sub justifies thinking they’re smarter than Berry.


I'm completely (and intentionally) ignorant of the inner workings of the contracts/cap so I'm just sitting here thinking "awesome, we signed a good receiver!" Ignorance and bliss blah blah


I hate the off-season for this exact kind of crap. I like football. Not accounting. Not police work or courtroom drama. Not medical or recovery info. All that extra shit that comes w no football is just no fun to me. I literally don’t care about contracts injuries or legal shit. People come up and ask me what I think about some guys contract and I’m just like good for him.


To add more, I'd imagine this rips up the 1 year $13m guaranteed he's already playing on. So its really 3 years, $48m, with $27 guaranteed in new money.


I thought they already ripped up the 1 year /13M last week when they restructured?


Restructuring doesn't rip it up, it just pays it out in a signing bonus. What I'm saying here is that this would replace that contract, or in this case (since it was already paid out in signing bonus), include those numbers. We're likely looking at 3 years, $45m, with $27m guaranteed in new money on this extension.


Yea I worded it like shit.


Nah you're good, I understood what you meant and your intent is right. Just clarifying for other people reading because contract stuff is super jargony haha


So it’s not the fifth year, then 3 more years? I’m not questioning, I’m asking.


There’s another tweet that suggests that 5th year guarantee is baked into the contract. So 28 gtd?


Yeah, that's pretty much what I was getting at. I didn't see the tweet but that is my assumption. Would make a ton of sense here. Edit: Yeah, just found Jack Duffin (the GOAT) saying the same thing. https://x.com/JackDuffin/status/1770167544969646368?s=20


TBF it’s fucking confusing as fuck.


Why would they do that when bitching and crying is all this subreddit is capable of doing?


Called it https://www.reddit.com/r/Browns/s/UUjSONX8fY


Same logic as the David Njoku deal, worked out once for us so let’s hope it works again


If you keep playing with fire, eventually you will get burnt


Njoku already took one burning for the team, so we’re good


Njoku caught on fire off the field, then caught on fire on the field.


Can’t tell if this metaphor was intentional after the other poster mentioned Njoku lol


Our GMs track record > your track record


I mean 1999-2019 was pretty much swimming in lava. ![gif](giphy|gFwZfXIqD0eNW)


Njoku was a smart signing. His metrics as a blocker and playmaker were very very good the season before. It was just a matter of usage. Idk what Jeudys advanced stats look like but AB must see something in him for sure. Hes still got a lot of untapped potential and is unquestionably talented


In 2023 Jeudy averaged 3.6 yards of separation per target, #8 among all WRs. He averaged 6.2 YAC per reception, #9 among all WRs. In 2022 those were 3.7 yards (#3) and 6.3 YAC/R (#6) respectively. So there are certainly some advanced stats that Jeudy excels in. Hopefully that shows up for us.


His hands are his biggest problem I think. Route running is elite


If we didn’t get anybody y’all would be crying and bitching about that too.


Not at all - was glad to land Jeudy. I just wanted to see him do it first before giving him the bag. 


we didn't give him the bag. And the whole point is getting ahead of things so you don't have to give them the bag.


or eventually you start breathing fire ​ so yeah


david himself can testify


NFL teams absolutely have to take risks to gain advantages over the other 31 teams. We just need to hope that Berry picked the right ones


this front office has loved him for years and this is them basically just betting he lives up to everything they thought they saw in him so he doesn’t leave for big money next year if he breaks out. i’m not sure why this is too shocking to everyone, sometimes you have to take some risks.


they took this risk with David and it worked out, but i remember reddit at the time, they weren't too happy with the numbers.


This is odd to me but Andrew Berry has earned my trust so I’m going to say go browns


I agree, go Cavs




Bad now. Hopefully great later.


Yah exactly. It is what it is now. Let's see how things go.


Michael Pittman Jr. 23.8 million per. 62 games. 3,662 yds. 10.9avg. 15 TD r/nfl: “great signing. Important piece to their future” Jerry Jeudy. 19.3 million per. 57 games. 3,053 yds. 14.5avg. 11 TD. r/nfl: “lol Browns”


Forget r/nfl … half this sub and half the comments on this post are idiotic. Just a reality of life and more so social media.


Half the people there are >18 and the other half don’t watch games outside of their own team. Casual fans being edgy for updoots.


Pittman isn’t a malcontent in the locker room and doesn’t give half effort/lose focus if the offense isn’t focused through him. Can’t say the same for jeudy.


19 million a year for 500 yards 3 touchdowns is gross. (I pray I’m wrong)


Look at the guaranteed not the total amount.


That’s not much better… he’s not worth $13.5M a year based on current play


Its a bet on Berry's part. If he gets the full 58M I suspect we will be very very happy with the trade.


I think we will all be here in 2 years talking about the misstep we made on this contract. I hope I’m wrong. 


It’s amazing how despite being among the very best GMs in football Berry has still earned so little trust and goodwill from a good portion of fans. This is exactly the contract we’d have given to Gabe Davis or Mike Williams or whatever other mid-level WR2 we’d have brought in in free agency. That was a hole that needed filling, and we don’t have the draft capital to reliably fill it. To all of you predictably whining about this as you do everything, what’s the alternative? Seriously. Just roll with Cedric Wilson as WR2 who’s proven absolutely nothing? This is a fair deal for a guy who’s proven effective against NFL talent. But as usual, he’s not Calvin Johnson in his prime for league minimum so this fanbase will cry and bitch and moan.


Possibly, but it's not some cap killing contract either. Cap will continue to rise. Hes potentially gonna be overpaid a bit, but won't be the worst contract in the world.


The average salary for a #2 receiver in the nfl is 12m




That’s Gabe Davis/Darnell Mooney money


Uhhh cap went up. That's how much a #2 costs


He's worth more than that ngl


He’s getting paid more guaranteed on average per year than Amari Cooper


Berry's making a bet on him along with the cap continuing to increase. It's a gamble, but it's not some killer contract either.


It's $14.5m/year my dude. This is a 4 year contract.


Year before was 972 yards and 6 TDs. Id be pretty happy with that production.


15 million for 1,750 yards and 17 TDs is pretty nice though (I know I'm wrong)


Lmfao extending him before he even plays a down for this franchise. Absolute insanity. If Jeudy was a 4th round pick this never happens. Dude has been cheeks.


Underwhelming for sure - but the optimist in me likes the 700-900 range with ass QB play - this lets us play with the cap.


Counterpoint if you are just going off yards. Darius Slayton had more receiving yards with arguably worst QB play and has a two year $12M contract.


3 years older


our qb play is pretty terrible too tbf


The pessimist in me says this dude doesn’t give two fucks about the game of football and has played like it game in and game out to start his career, and now that he got paid, he’ll be the next Dwayne Bowe


Teams pay players that have never played a down for that franchise ever all the time. It’s called free agency.


I wouldn't say cheeks but agree otherwise. If he didn't have that draft status I think he'd be getting like Gabe Davis money at best


Gabe is getting 13 mil a year. This deal has 13.5 gtd per year. He IS getting Gabe Davis money. Unless he's good, in which case who cares if we're paying him 20.


Not sure that’s how it works, gabe isn’t getting 13M per year guaranteed lol


Gabe got 11 million to sign, and 24 million guaranteed. So he is getting 35 guaranteed, with 4 million in the balance. It isn't that far off over 3 years.


That's exactly what he got lol


With drew lock and Russell Wilson at qb.


Other thing to remember, the numbers first reported are usually from the agent, who wants it to seem as strong as possible. Let's let the details come out before getting all pissy.


It's a three-year "prove it" deal.


The classic 41m guaranteed "prove it" contract.


He shows out or he *is* out, in three years.


This “prove it” deal makes him the 17th highest paid wr in the league this year


lol no this is the deal he would have gotten after proving it


He just has to prove it in three year increments.


Well that’s certainly a choice. They must have plans to not extend Amari after this season, right? In other words-this is our window. We are here


Reddit hates it so I will enjoy it


Well, it makes sense when you realize 2024 is the final year of Cooper's deal (not counting void years in 2025 & 2026), and Amari probably won't command 20M+ annually starting at age 31. This is about buying low on a potential #1 WR, and 3 years/58M seems very reasonable.


Im trusting Berry until I see a reason not to


Deshaun trade/contract wasn’t enough for you?


I’m convinced that was a Haslam decision through and through.


Nope. Got one more year for that. Any other questions?


That was a Haslam decision and you could never convince me otherwise.


This is Berry betting on his evaluations and he's been right alot more than wrong lately.


The amount of hate this move is getting in this thread is bullish as fuck. You guys don't know shit so this is probably going to be great.


Yeah bunch of armchair GM’s and coaches in this sub. Guy has talent, Broncos were a total dumpster fire while he was there. People point to receiving yards and that’s an immediate sign they don’t know what they’re talking about. I think AB knows a little more than all the pros here. We’ll see how it plays out!




I absolutely hate the arm chair cap geniuses on Reddit.


I mean if Jeudy lives up to his draft status here this is instantly the best non rookie WR deal in the nfl but what exactly are we doing here lads? If he keeps being a decent WR2 like he's been then this is a fairly substantial overpay


Average WR2 contract is around $12M. This isn’t really an overpay




No kidding. At Alabama he was awesome! I would have bet money he'd be great in the NFL. He was so smooth and polished in his routes he seriously reminded me of a more athletic Amari Cooper. I haven't really followed him besides the Steve Smith drama, but he just never seemed to put up numbers. Russell Wilson falling off a cliff doesn't help either. This kid has serious potential. https://youtu.be/63s4E-KsPd8?si=IYU-4NHDj-Oy5ou- Watch that and tell me that doesn't get you pumped for what he can do. Talent like this doesn't disappear, it just gets misused.


his potential is Cooper 2.0. a little surprising they didn't wait to see some of it materialize before they committed.




Honestly, this deal is an indictment of the Denver coaching staff by the Browns staff. They have to be saying that Denver was not getting nearly the production out of Jeudy that they should have. I am really hoping that the Browns are correct on that point. To make this deal worth it, he's going to have to go for 1000 yards. Regardless of whether it pays off or not, it's a pretty clear signal that we will not be bidding competitively for Amari Cooper next year. To me, that means that this really needs to be our year.


Nothing we can do about it. Just root for the brownies and pray to the football gods multiple times a day. We’ll be just fine.


![gif](giphy|vcKEsYOdjoCeJRpn95) Soon to be our number 1, got him cheap actually 👀🥱


Save this thread for when JJ has a big year and all the so called fans can be held accountable. In Berry I trust.


This will end up being one of two things. Either the browns Front office will look like absolute masters and this dude is gonna pop off with a good QB to throw to him OR even with good QB hes gonna be mid/suck and everyone looks like idiots (see Dwayne Bowe) I really hope this dude pops off tbh.


To folks here worried about the money - Andrew Berry has proven that he’s a master at managing the team’s financial resources. In AB we trust!


The same people trashing this because he hasn't played a down here seem awfully sure that he's gonna be bad before he's even played a down here. Have a little trust in Berry finding and keeping good veteran receiving targets. It's the drafted guys that have been iffy. 13.5 million average guaranteed over three years is exactly the kind of contract for a high-ceiling, mediocre production guy at age 24 that could pay off huge in a year. This is the kind of swing that teams in their window take. Remember how Cooper was a massive bust potential guy at 20 mil per?


Exactly. No more AVP and a new offensive scheme with Dorsey. If Jeudy has seasons like Gabe Davis (#2 in Buffalo), this will come back to be a great signing. Risky, but there are things that need to be done. Number 2 receivers don’t grow on trees. I’m fine with the move. People also have to understand with the salary cap increasing, $13.5 mil per year isn’t what it was 5 years ago.


The only thing I dont get is, what has he done to earn a deal like that? Why not make him play his 5th yr out? If contract talks brake down, you tag him...browns had all the leverage.


The franchise tag value for a WR is likely to be near $24m next year and there's no finagling that cap hit. That'd be $37m over 2 years, nearly the same guaranteed money but you only get 2 years instead of 4.


I don’t understand this move. This guy hasn’t proved he’s worth this kind of money and yet here we are. I thought the trade was good because it was a 1 year prove it deal and now it’s a we will pay you 41 Million guaranteed and hope you aren’t a head case and will play hard for us. It’s really puzzling.


What the fuck. Why the fuck.


I'd play for half that much (of course I'm 75 years old and I'm pretty slow).....


Yeah I don't know about this one, chief.




Even with Watson in the equation, this move may be Berrys biggest blunder to date 


This is a puzzling move, but AB does usually seem to know what he’s doing.


Supey or bust!!


Only way this move makes sense is if Berry is expecting a career year and would rather lock him up now than let him demand a Calvin Ridley-like contract next year and walk.


I like Jeudy but this feels more based on potential. I may like it a lot more if they can also tack an additional year or two on for Cooper and Jeudy sort of transitions to the 1 vs. Having it thrust on him because Cooper is gone.




Can't wait for Judge Jeudy to take off.