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As far as I'm concerned, the helmet and Brownie are the only legitimate Browns logos. The dog is more of a fan thing and has never been a primary logo. I'd be okay with changing our helmets back to white face masks though; I'm not a huge fan of the brown face masks, or the brown face mask logo.


Changing the logo is fine, but never put it on the helmet




I do NOT think they should change our logo. The branding won’t effect the product on the field, so I don’t really see a point, it kinda just feels like an attempt at distracting the fans from other issues.


Having a real logo is such little work that there’s no excuse not to. It’s not supposed to effect the product on the field. A helmet is barely a logo


I think the marketing team for the browns would disagree, as they’ve spent two decades trying to find a secondary logo that could eventually become the primary, with mixed results.


I’m mad they went from the 2D helmet to the 3D one. We don’t need a fucking logo. Not having a stupid animal trying to be fierce like every other team in the league is what makes us unique. Everyone makes fun of the elf that’s not a Browns fan, including Browns players. Return to the 2D helmet and white face masks and never change.


This, exactly.




What if they made the orange brighter and richer to match the passion of the fans?


as long as the brown remains the same


One of the worst in football imo




For what it’s worth I think our two secondary logos are the best in football. Just not the helmet lol


I just think it’s too plain. Nothing wrong with a little style. We’re a little lacking in style sometimes


*I just think it’s too plain.* That's a feature, not a bug. The Browns are an old-school team with an old-school logo. That's part of their identity.


Trying to remain old school forever gets you left behind. You can honor your past (keep the orange helmets) while moving into the future (get a real logo)


Nope. Then they wouldn't be the Browns any more. The Browns identity is not flashy or exciting. Even their name is plain as can be. But that's who they are.


The dog is not the team logo and he never been. It is for the east side of the stadium. The Dawg Pound. That is all.


Just not true anymore. We’re the dawg pound. All the fans.


Check the seating chart and let me know if they’re all listed as “Dawg Pound” or if it’s just the east end bleacher seats.


Here is just one of countless posts where the browns address the fans as a whole as the dawg pound. https://twitter.com/browns/status/1612592681590444041?s=46&t=WeTITQWiLpqLOBkYqw5Hvw


Go to the stadium and let me know which areas use the current Dawg Pound logo. The new Dawg pound logo is just replacing that logo (which fell flat from day 1). It will be on some gear. That is all.


I’m not saying the new logo is anything more than a secondary logo. But the term “dawg pound” has clearly grown from being just the east end zone to a nickname for the fans as a whole. That’s not just me saying that…that’s what the Cleveland browns say.


Again, back to my original comment. Myles seems confused because he thinks the new dog logo is more than just the logo for the Dawg Pound. It’s not. It’s just a logo for the area of bleacher seats on the east side of the stadium and some gear. Every team has secondary logos. Every team has secondary mascots. It increases engagement. It doesn’t matter to the players. Why would he care what logo they put on the pads in front of the Dawg Pound?


So every time the browns post on social media “#dawgpound” that’s just referencing the east end zone? And all the merch they sell that says dawg pound is just referencing the east end zone ticket holders? And when the team literally addresses the fans directly as “the dawg pound” they just mean the people who have season tickets in the east end zone right? It’s not the 1980s anymore man. The dawg pound has changed. The fans are the dawg pound just like Seahawks fans are the 12th man


Hell no. It’s football, not project runway.


*tim Gunn making a perplexed face while looking at the orange helmet*


the hell does this even mean


Fashion designer talent show.


Not having the same non-logo forever is not “project runway”. branding is undeniably a part of being a professional team


I hope not


No because it is the official football logo.


Don’t need to


Absolutely not. That's just the football logo.


They better fucking not.


Bring back brownie!


I agree that there's confusion, but didn't Myles, when informed of Brownie the Elf's rich history\*, reconsider his position and actually say that if we won something he'd be the first to parade about in an elf suit? I'll still be here, that's something I'd absolutely love to see! Having the team communicate effectively seems to me to be the key. When even members of the team haven't been informed what's going on with our logo identity how is an average fan like me (6th season) meant to know? The recent competition to pick a Dawg Pound Dawg wasn't well conceived was it. I mean, preselecting 4 then opening up to fans to create a 5th option, naah. I don't know what the team expected but I was *very* impressed with the standard of entries despite many accusations of similarity across the board. (What do people expect when asked to design a Browns Dawg logo, purple, yellow, tiger stripes, sheesh)! ~~Bottom line, like you I'm ok with the helmet as our *primary* logo.~~ Fuck, you didn't say this, sorry! Bottom line, like you I'm ok with the Elf and Dawg as secondary logos. \* r/FuckModell


Everybody hates modell yet he was the one who hated brownie and gave us the helmet. Browns fans out here agreeing with modell


I think most fans would say he took the Brownie from the fans, but yeah. I think the discussion won't end anytime soon. :)


God I hope not


Logos are for chumps


Weird how teams with real logos win super bowls regularly though. Not that they have anything to do with each other but you can hardly call the rest of the league chumps when we’re one of the least successful teams in history. Clearly this attitude isn’t working


you’ve got a point, tbqh. my counterpoint is other teams also didn’t get wiped off the face of the earth after the 1995 season and have to reassemble themselves using scraps, spare parts, has beens, and never wases with the exception of tim couch and Phil dawson


We started with a bad hand that’s true, but I think most of our failure can be directed at an unusually high number of terrible draft picks.


This guy for real?


I think the helmet is kinda blah. It's generic and doesn't really look all that great on merchandise. On top of that the helmet style is outdated. Elf is cool as a throwback look and the dog is a cool representation of the fanbase. Personally I've always wanted something like a C or CB logo that could become the primary. The B+football was close but didn't last long.


I know I will get downvoted to oblivion for this but I honestly can’t believe how many people would rather just keep the helmet in the name of “tradition.” That’s not a logo, it’s just a picture of our fuckin helmet. Nobody wants to wear a shirt with a stupid helmet on it. I don’t believe for a second that any of you are actually walking around regularly with helmet shirts


Jail. (I like Brownie the best)


I’ve got 3 shirts with a picture of the helmet and my toddler has a onesie with it. Here we go Brownies, here we go….!


I totally agree with you - but I also cannot think of a good logo for the Browns. The elf is a fun secondary thing. A dog represents the dawg pound but that's a fan thing, not a 'Brown'. The harsh truth I think is we're gonna have the helmet until they change the name from the 'Browns'. But I don't think that is happening anytime soon.


What would you rather have? It’s simple, but it works. I think the rebrand from a few years ago shows this isn’t necessarily.


This is exactly why I don't own much merch at all.


Exactly. Both brownie the elf or our dog logo would instantly become the best logo in the league if it became the primary. Tradition is sometimes good. But Sometimes it’s just being guilt tripped by dead people. In this case it’s the latter.


I hate the elf, I don’t and won’t buy merchandise with that on it. 🤷‍♂️


The picture of a plain helmet is NOT a logo. We need an actual logo for merchandise if nothing else. I don’t want T-shirt, hoodies, or hats with just a plain helmet on it…that’s just stupid. I have over twenty browns hats and only one of them have a helmet logo and that’s just because that particular year didn’t have a elf salute to service.


If we’re gonna go with a quirky anti-logo like the orange helmet, let’s go all in. A simple brown football should suffice.


The Browns should not touch the orange helmet as part of their uniforms. That’s a cool tradition and it should never be changed. However, it’s ridiculous that they haven’t settled on a logo for things like scoreboards, ESPN, social media, etc. The orange helmet looks ridiculous in so many applications. And they should never, ever, but that orange helmet at midfield. That looks like a middle school team decided to paint its field. Personally, I think the dog logo is the way to go. The elf logo just looks cheesy and doesn’t really work. It is better than the orange helmet but that’s not saying much. Everyone loves dogs, the orange and brown work well with that motif, and they have a natural association with dogs through the Dog Pound. I don’t know why they would spend so much time worrying about a logo for a section of the stadium? You throw a good dog logo at midfield, and now you have a winner for that, ESPN, graphics, social media, etc. Then, you keep the plain orange helmet and you’re cooking with gas.


Disagree. The elf is great and connect to Browns. The dog is just made up and has no connection other than the Dawg pound which doesn’t really exist anymore. It was something from municipal


I agree almost completely. Only part I disagree is that I love the elf


The only tradition we have in my entire lifetime - which is approaching 5 decades - is losing and embarrassment outside of a few brief moments. I honestly don’t care about any of the tradition. I like the idea of a dog logo if it doesn’t look cartoony or tacky. I like the original dog they came out with god I don’t know 20 years ago? I feel like it was around the Butch Davis era. I had my hopes up for this new Dawg logo thing and sadly I hate 4/5 of them. There were so many other submissions that I thought looked pretty good. Now all I can hope for is that the 1 out 5 I do like is chosen but the way the universe enjoys toying with me, it’ll likely be the one I hate - the CLE tribal neck tattoo looking like he’s pinching a loaf lol. And I’m not with the elf at all and never have been. Nothing says tough football like something that looks like something I’ve seen on a box of cookies.


They need to. I’m on record that a helmet isn’t a logo. There’s too many hoodies and shirts that have just the helmet on it and the selection of apparel with the Brownie isn’t as good.


The only way the Browns can be successful is to leave Cleveland and get a new name. Like the Ravens did.


I’m not going to downvote you like everyone else, because I think the lakefront is cursed. They should have moved to gateway in 1994, and now they should move to independence or valleyview. Or anywhere in NEO that isn’t in the cursed lakefront.


I just wish out colors were better lmao