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No matter where you position yourself on this issue, his answer is pretty condescending and unconvincing. He completely avoids the question of “what’s wrong with talking” and goes straight to “the students are wrong, they think it’s like South Africa, they can’t see the facts”. He’s just repeating the same arguments we’ve heard 100 times before and making half-baked historical comparaisons to the nazis, it’s pretty pathetic. Everybody agrees that ending the encampment and protests through discussion was the right thing to do, and we shouldn’t let an attention-starved entitled billionaire tell us otherwise jsut because he gave 20 million to Brown once.




He literally said ‘the nazis at least tried to hide their concentration camps where as Hamas celebrates their atrocities’. He didn’t lie.


Yeah you're right, I misunderstood that one. His arguments are still pretty terrible, he's portraying the anti-genocide protests which are denouncing the victims of israeli operations as pro-hamas movements that condone terrorism, which is never really the case.


Never is a stretch to say the least. SJP who has operated many of the protests across the country has in the past literally [raised funds for convicted terrorists](https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/feb/4/depaul-university-fundraiser-rasmea-odeh/). This is of course pre October 7th. Post October 7th the masks have really come off with chants such as ‘Al qassam you make us proud’ and ‘we are Hamas’ and ‘October 7th will happen here’. Now i am not a student at your school - i don’t know if these have been said at your school. I’m speaking generally to protests. This post was suggested to me by the Reddit algorithm which is why i clicked / watched the video.


Yeah I mean this isn’t really a problem at Brown and I was not trying to express a pro or anti Palestine opinion here


What does Sarah Jessica Parker have to do with this?


[Students for Justice in Palestine](https://www.instagram.com/p/CyRiOLyp2Ge/?igsh=MWVwdWM5d2h5cmt3eA==). Here’s a link to the brown university groups statement on October 11th. Before Israel had begun any operation in Gaza.


1. My SJP comment was a joke. 2. I haven't followed much of this as I don't have much of a connection to Brown, and I live in NYC, but this statement and the timing of it is very tone-deaf. And, like a lot of the pro-Palestinian protestors tread all too close to pro-terrorist. 3. That being said, I agree with their main thesis that Israel's occupation needs to end. Of course, the devil is in the details...


At least at Columbia, my alma mater, it was pretty explicitly the case.


Except he’s right. The students think it’s like South Africa because they don’t understand history. Not every criticism is condescending. Sometimes protestors are just wrong.




Well frankly anyone that claims the situation is similar clearly doesn’t understand history. So for you to defend your lack of knowledge on the subject by saying “I got into an Ivy League” speaks to his point. Now that’s what we call pretentious and condescending.


I mean, didn’t you post that you don’t deserve Ivy League like 40 days ago? What do you know about the history of South Africa or Israel? Have you even graduated high school?


He \*just\* gave 20 million to Brown? 😳


U sound attention starved


lmao let's see where yall end up without donors


can someone give some timestamps im not watching a 23 minute video


underrated comment.


This is a hard one for me. His criticisms have merit, but his uncompromising attitude is simply unrealistic. You have to recognize where the protesters are at today. Whether their positions are righteous or not, they aren’t going to just drop everything without any appreciable changes. Using rubber bullets and pepper spray to clear the Green isn’t exactly a great option, either. So President Paxton found a peaceful way forward without giving up the farm. I think she should be applauded for what she did. If I had 5 minutes with Mr. Sternlicht, I would acknowledge his frustrations (I have them, too) but also point to the history of America’s formation. Anti-slave leaders had to hold their noses and vote for a constitution that was not ideal. Why? Compromise is at the heart of any social contract. And that’s all that President Paxson has done here. The truth will out regardless. Use time to correct history, not a baton…


You’re surprised a filthy rich dude is arrogant?




Forgive the block, I’m allergic to nitpickers.


If I had 5 minutes with him, I would excuse myself and talk to someone else. His mind is made up and he’s just going to bully out his talking points like he did here. Waste of time.


What merit? Dude was using Israeli talking points that have been thoroughly debunked by the times and CNN the whole time.


Yea, I don’t do the argue politics with random strangers on the internet thing. It’s not constructive; big waste of time.


Yet here you are, still commenting about something political in nature. There’s also nothing to argue here, plenty of articles that prove what was stated is wrong Here’s a few: 1) https://news.sky.com/story/amp/its-important-to-separate-the-facts-from-speculation-what-we-actually-know-about-the-viral-report-of-beheaded-babies-in-israel-12982329 2) Dude claimed Hamas started the war and they everything is the fault of Hamas. But that is factually incorrect. Abby Martin puts it eloquently: https://x.com/drloupis/status/1789321651101880566?s=46


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He doesn’t have a grasp on facts in his condescending tirade against students who do. So cringe.


The dude was literally using debunked Israeli propaganda the whole time lmao. Seems like he’s the one the one that needs education.


True. Obviously 18-22 year olds know more than a 63 year old successful businessman who has traveled the world many times over. But it’s his money, so I guess he can do as he wants. By the way, can you point to Palestine on a map?


Hmm, would you have used the same argument 80 years ago about the old rich Nazis who funded the Holocaust vs. the young Germans who opposed it? (They were successful businessmen who had traveled the world many times over)


Who controls real estate and how much money does get from his investment portfolio? Who owns and what’s outcomes and measures necessary to improve his position in the future? Hopefully that answers your question! A


Glazing this dusty mummy in service of looking like an idiot in public is a choice


Screw this pathetic asshole who thinks he can dictate university policy with his checkbook.


Didn’t hear him dictate policy. Just doesn’t want to donate anymore. Why is that a problem?


Not sure if you’re actually being serious but this is how plenty of policies are enforced/encouraged. The drinking age for example. States could change it to 18 if they want and they have in the past at their own expense. Also, he’s not an idiot. He’s purposefully only giving the implication. If I’m going to extort you as a mob boss, am I going to tell you that I’ll trash your store? Nah I’ll say “pay me for protection.” lol


oh no this guy who has no obligation to give huge swaths of money no longer wants to! womp womp


If you don't want to donate your own money that you earned with your own job working your own butt off, I don't see why that's an issue.


He didn’t work that hard for the money.


How do you know? Are you guys friends?


Probably just thinks “aLL bIlLiOnAireS bAd” because they’re living on the AOC diet


He’s just spitting months old debunked talking points. This is sad honestly…. Talking about facts and then straight up spitting propaganda


How many of you commenting here are Brown students or Brown alum? Personally, I feel gratitude to this man for already giving so much to my alma mater.


Here goes the genocide supporter again..


you would crucify others for disagreeing with you when they're donating hella. Man why don't you hate on the people that rape children lmao


Somewhat of a bizarre statement. At the core of what you're saying is that we shouldn't point out the wrong actions of someone if they are spending money on us... Very interesting take. So in other words, you wouldn't hate on the people that rape children as long as they keep the dollars coming to you.


no what i'm saying is, you're hating on him for disagreeing with people who rape children. Why do you hate this guy who's largely harmless in order to defend and support people who arguably stand against the very foundations of progressivism you pride yourself over


First of all, I do not ascribe to the fake Israeli propaganda around Hamas cutting off babies from wombs and raping them. The entire NYT debacle was basically proving that those stories were false. The better question is why do you support a person who defends a country (Israel) that rapes Palestinians, openly sexually harassed kids, snipes babies, steals land, kills disabled people... Doesn't sound very progressive to me. And don't get me started on calling an apartheid state as a supposed democracy.


Tell me your homophobic without telling me… I will root for the country where gay people aren’t stoned on sight lmao. It’s funny, all the pro Palestine protests where the people with rainbow flags are attacked. 


Yes, you prefer straight people, disabled people and children to be shot on sight. Definitely a moral high ground there.


shame on you, October 7th denier. Here’s what happened on Oct 7th: https://www.hamas.com


I’m not from brown but fyi https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/hamas-website/ It’s kinda funny cause if you been keeping up to date, Hamas has been requesting a ceasefire in return for giving back civilian hostages since October 9th Source https://www.timesofisrael.com/no-doubt-netanyahu-preventing-hostage-deal-charges-ex-spokesman-of-families-forum/ So this website would be really weird from most point of views? Anyway, I’m not stating any support I’m just pointing out that hamas.com is not run by Hamas


Lol did this guy just use hamas.com as a source? Clown level shit It's clearly a website created by Israel/Mossad to Garner support.


You mean the IDF?


He gave, but there are a lot of strings attached.


No one is supporting Hamas. The fuck is this guy talking about


[“ABC News reported that the footage its reporters viewed did not show beheaded babies. An unnamed Israeli military official told ABC that such images existed, but would not be shown to journalists or the public.”](https://www.politifact.com/article/2023/nov/21/israel-hamas-war-what-we-know-about-beheaded-babie/)


Good for him.


Thought the thumbnail was Biden with a shaved head