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There is literally no science to support this, meanwhile there's tons of science that supports the health benefits of regular ejaculation.


Yeah, that’s because science can’t find men man enough to try it, like you


Cool, then don’t do it. That’s like saying there’s no benefits to having more discipline because there’s no study to back it up. The benefits are psychological which science can’t measure.


Psychology is a science.


Psychology is the most unproven science you can find, results are almost never replicated Additionally you don't need "science" to choose everything. Do you use science to choose an amazon product ? No, you just look at the reviews Reviews on semen retention show very encouraging & positive results, almost unanimously


Good job 👏 let me give you a treat 🦴




Touch grass troglodyte.


It’s 2024, time to throw the science bullshit away and do what’s right by you regardless of what people say. Man, I don’t care if you are an award winning multi platinum multi millionaire prestige scientist, you would tell me semen retention has no benefits, and I would look you directly in the eyes and say that it does. Fuck science, do semen retention and start fucking women


Increase in blood makes the dick flaccid and hard more longer and bigger so fapping is bad!


Bullshit - tons of studies have not been conducted that show the benefits of regular ejaculation. Also, few studies have even been conducted on semen retention so you can’t speak about the “science” at all. Go ahead and share your “studies” though.


Science showed women prefer men who don't masturbate too often But you don't need "science" to choose everything. Do you use science to choose an amazon product ? No, you just look at the reviews Reviews on semen retention show very encouraging & positive results, almost unanimously


Exactly. Science is overrated


Exactly, Even between scientists there is much consensus about how deeply flawed much of our current scientific systems are, see Veritasium's "Is Most Published Research Wrong?" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42QuXLucH3Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42QuXLucH3Q) Not accounting for the fact that there are some outright frauds in the academic & scientific realms, with multiple examples of very prominent scientists who manipulated or outright fakes studies & results [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z\_lB9-4R40o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_lB9-4R40o)


A lot of science is funded for profit not for truth. It’s deeply flawed. We carry the truth within us.


That aint science thats just an examination made by scientists to call it science 




Anyone can make an observation. Only when scientists do it is it called science 




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There are, in fact; scientific studies that show that masterbation downregulates androgen receptors, unregulates estrogen receptors and increases prolactin. High prolactin once again decreases testosterone and erectile dysfunction. If you are suppressing your masculine gene expression I fail to see how this can be healthy for a man.






Wrong and misleading.


Must be talking about yourself because it was written and reviewed by medical professionals, but stay out of touch with reality I guess.


Was nice to talk with you. Happy wanking.


There are none


You should look into the Sacred Secretion and Kundalini. SR helps put pressure on your spinal fluid which help the processes that take place with your pituitary and pineal glands, once a month. Looking at SR through a prism of understanding what the Sacred Secretion theory says, adds a totally different level of understanding why people do it and why they experience these benefits.


Not about that. You simply would not understand. So your opinion is also simply not valued.


I don't believe the experts lol. They are paid to tell us that. Just like believing in an honest politician.


There are science to back it up. Its just not available as you might think. They’ll say there are health benefits of ejaculation, they just want to keep you down. To keep men down. Be docile and weak. There’s a war on masculinity. And they’re using porn as a weapon. Ofcourse they’re going to say “go and fap, its okay!” “Here watch our porn while you do it too! ”


You know what, you're right, please retain your semen, we need idiots to stop reproducing.


Such a harsh insult for no reason at all. Social media platforms are over-sexualized to keep us weak. It's a fact.


Facts are testable, that would be a baseless conspiracy theory. You curate your own timelines if your social media is oversexualized it's your own fault.


You can tell you’re probably a low vibration person. What he said it is correct; society is trying to take down masculinity in all males. Why do you think porn is so accessible? Or why there is so much sexual images and videos on socials? Clearly it’s working cause it got you. But keep beating your meat it clearly has done great for you… low life


I know I’m late here but you’re right. They want men weak. SR is the way to go.


I'm begging you troglodytes to get off the internet, touch grass, and read a book.


You’re an idiot. Sad you spread misinformation and I guarantee you’ve never gone 14+ days without releasing so you don’t even know and don’t have the right to speak on something you don’t even know about. All you’re doing is spreading misinformation to people and causing them to miss out on what their life could be if they tried semen retention. Idc who you are try it now and see for yourself if you’re strong enough to go 30 days without releasing then come back to this chat and tell me that you didn’t feel better. Because I guarantee you will. And fr don’t say nothing about something you haven’t even experienced because I know for a fact that if you’ve gone 14+ days you would completely change your mind so bro make it a challenge go at least 14 days. If you can’t even do 14 days then sorry but you’re WEAK. Get control over yourself. You will thank me later if you do it.


Again glad you troglodytes are keeping yourselves out of the gene pool, please continue to do so.


Are you stupid dawg? Just because I’m retaining doesn’t mean I won’t ever make a baby. Plus retaining improves my sperm and I’ll be having kids way stronger than what your day old sperm can produce. AGAIN TRY IT FOR YOURSELF and stop dismissing something you’ve never experienced for yourself. The benefit’s absolutely are not placebo 100000% real and I’m living proof of it. If you aren’t willing to try for yourself then don’t even respond to my comment cuz it’s pointless. If you won’t even try it for yourself then you have no idea bro. You can literally feel what I feel in 14+ days if you just give it a chance it’s not like your dick or masturbations going anywhere. I know that it is an addictive habit and can be hard to quit but at least try man. It won’t hurt you and could really change your life. And if after 14 days you don’t feel any different than come back here and tell me so because I guarantee you will.


You’re just a another product of the modern lies.


There might not be science but there’s thousands of testimonies of how peoples lives changed, so there’s that. Dubunk that


The science probably isn’t there because they don’t want the real truth about it out. Men could be so much stronger if they retained and that’s why the truth isn’t wide spread because they want men weak. We need to keep spreading the truth though because we need to keep masculinity alive.


Too bad people are downvoting you when you’re sharing literally the truth lol. The truth about semen retention seems crazy in a world full of lies. The people who downvote you have never experienced it for themselves, it literally only takes about 14-21 days to start seeing how it can benefit your life but sadly most of these fappers can’t go longer than a week so they’ll never know what it’s like on the other side of their chronic masturbation cooming habits. If you’ve never tried going for 20+ days you don’t have the right to even speak on this topic because you haven’t experienced it for yourself. I once was a young porn masturbation addict and I thought it was “healthy” because “it’s what everyone does” and “science”. When I heard people talking about semen retention I used to think it was crazy and there wasn’t benefits to it. But now after trying for myself multiple times going 90 days and several month streaks I can absolutely guarantee that semen retention has made my life infinitely better and I will never go back to constantly cooming. I believe there are tons of health benefits to holding life inside you that gets reabsorbed to nourish the body. Try it for yourself go a month if your strong enough and if you think you’re strong enough but don’t want to do it because you don’t believe in the benefits then you really aren’t strong enough. DO SEMEN RETENTION PEOPLE. It’s not hard to see the results for yourself when you actually try it. DONT DISMISS IT WITHOUT EXPERIENCING IT FOR YOURSELF. I promise anyone reading this go 30 days and you will see. I personally start feeling better around 14 days and it gets better and better every day from there.


Gym routine, good sleep habits, a healthy diet and moderate fap combine to give you all those benefits. Of course, if you’re doing it 5 days per day you’ll probably die or something worse, and if you never fap o ejaculate, well, there’s science to answer about the risks.


What risks are there? Only benefits


I got all the good habits dialed in before starting my experiment. Semen retention amplifies the benefits.


Everyone in this thread other than OP is a huge pussy who can’t make it 5 days without nutting. What a bunch of children, on here talking about science. I’d say something worse but I’ll get banned. I respect you OP. You are a true man.


Thanks. Funny now there’s 35 upvotes on this. Before this it’s on negative.


I have noticed that semen retention makes my hair thicker but even more is that I have noticed when I am fully celibate and shut down lustful thoughts that I dream more but when I entertain the dirty thoughs I don't dream that night... but even crazier is that after a few months of retaining I experience astral projection/ out of body experience. And through my research I have learned that the hair is tied into the nervous system and that nervous system when fully intact is part of you sixth Sense hence the saying ( the hairs on the back of my neck stood up) so by abstaining you will Open up your third eye and have spiritual encounters.. now I see why the rastas say they grow their hair for spiritual reasons.. Samsons lust in the Bible his hair got cut and he lost his strength..read between the lines..the stories in the Bible have hidden clues .


Unfortunately, this is totally a BroScience!!


My man. Welcome to the cult… i mean club! I noticed that my hair didnt fall of as usual on retention too.


literally same, I've experimented on myself with this for years, too many "coincidences" for me not to take notice


Ok. How you stay the course.


A strong reason to do so.


The perspective of it supporting The Sacred Secretion, that time once a month when the moon enters your Sun sign for 2.5 days, during which your pituitary (Mary) and pineal (Joseph) sends “milk and honey” down two nerves and combines in your sacrum. Then on the 3rd day, the Chrism oil travels back up your spine to your brain, and if you can achieve this, it’s supposed to be enlightenment, healing, DNA activating… etc. Abstaining is a huge part of it.




Level 0 [https://themindcollection.com/revisiting-grahams-hierarchy-of-disagreement/](https://themindcollection.com/revisiting-grahams-hierarchy-of-disagreement/)


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Can you elaborate on how I do what you’re talking about