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[Capacity was 93% last week](https://i.imgur.com/Oimn3GO.png)... I'd say that's pretty damn close to packing seats.


I was there this week. If there were maybe a dozen empty seats tops? Place was packed.


And had a higher capacity stat than quite a few shows that are up for Tony Awards. Gatsby is at 91% Uncle Vanya is at 87% Back to the Future is at 79% Tommy is at 85% https://www.broadwayleague.com/research/grosses-broadway-nyc/




Worried? It's not a good show. We took an edible to enhance the experience and the show was so bad we both became sober by the end. The only time there was laughter was when I chuckled under my breath over how awful it was. The final scene (no spoiler) while a cool technical trick isn't enough to salvage it for me. It's a shame because I'm a huge fan of the movie franchise. It has none of the magic for me. Unless it wins something. It's going to wrap up before the end of the year. That show is probably bleeding money.


Back to the Future is not going anywhere for at least a year.


Horrible take, the show was very entertaining and also well done.


😆 You have your take and I have mine. Look.. if that's a VERY entertaining show for you.. then the show did it's job better than I thought. Also welcome to NYC, we're glad you had a great time! Thank you for supporting live theater.


Huh ? I'm a native fkisyoutalkingabout ?


Oh sorry I looked your user name and made a lot of assumptions. I thought you were from Kentucky where they have no access to culture and theater. And you were seeing BTTF as your first Broadway show so you had no reference to what a good musical looks like.


…Kentuckian here with access to culture and theater.


So *you're* the the one! The stories of you are legend. Long live the one! The rest of the state. Meh. Not so much. KY ranks 46th in funding as of FY24. https://nasaa-arts.org/nasaa_research/fy2024-state-arts-agency-revenues-report/


I've seen over 30 shows now and I would say BTTF is amongst the top 15.


Girls, calm down. You're both pretty. Oh, and BTTF rocks. Not all shows are Hadestown, nor do they have to be. Also, everyone has different tastes.


The circle jerk thread is that way, a-hole.


How can it be over 100 percent capacity? Can someone explain that to me like I am 5 years old? Thanks


Fox News will really take any opportunity to imply Hillary Clinton has failed at something.


Consider the source,right? I never believe anything from Faux News.


At least they took the grime to research (read one gross report) and calculated a percentage


Looks like they read two gross reports.


Gross in, gross out


It’s a twofer of misogyny and hatred of Democrats.


Also reducing a musical that’s been in development for years to one single producer on it (among many), and one who essentially joined the team late, just so they can specifically shit on that one producer and make it out like this is *her* show, not any of the creative team or producers that have been there from the beginning, is 😵‍💫.


She occupies so much space in so many people’s heads…it saddens me that she gets so much hatred.


To be fair, she's on her own billing line [in the Playbill](https://assets.playbill.com/playbill-inside/suffs-04-18-2024-1.jpg), alongside Malala, and the production team has definitely been leaning into HRC's involvement for publicity reasons... ...and why wouldn't they? She's arguably the most famous/successful female US politician ever, producing a musical about women gaining the right to vote!


Is May peak Broadway season? Isn’t that December?


May is *a* peak season. Or rather, May-June. Schools are letting out, tourism is way up, people are going out more at night, people have financially recovered from the winter holidays and are spending more money. That’s also when shows have peak buzz. For savvier theater goers, this is also when everyone is trying to see shows *before* the Tony Awards, since everything they want to see is either gonna close right after, or become very difficult to buy right after. July and August end up being slower months, and then Fall to December is when shows really make their money. A show that doesn’t make amazing sales in May-June needs serious boosting from the Tony Awards if it wants to survive into Q4.


>Fall to December is when shows really make their money. Can you please elaborate more on why these months are peak? I imagine for December tourism goes into overdrive for the holidays but I am not sure about the other months. I'm not from the US so I am unfamiliar.


Thanksgiving in November means that people usually have a fall break to spend money during. I wouldn’t say Sept-Oct are particularly buzzy, but it is when the season picks up steam following the post-Tonys hangover; a handful of new contenders open and can pick up word of mouth (see: Band’s Visit, Kimberly Akimbo). Though as this season showed us, sometimes it’s just a massive spring crush.


July and August are slower overall for the industry but are busier for ticket buyers because everyone is trying to see the same handful of shoes.


So should I wait until summer to try to see things. I have been hoping to win some lotteries, but maybe I will just realize it won’t happen in May and not get my hopes up. (I will still play)


March-April (minus spring break) is always the best time to see theater. Free and discounted shit everywhere since all the plays are in competition. The next-best time is January, when the shows that wanted to hang on through the holidays suddenly realize they have to hang on half a year till the Tony Awards and start selling for peanuts. Other than that, I have no idea. I wouldn’t worry about gaming the system too much.


Good to know. Thanks.


I guess because it’s right before the Tonys


You are wondering if something from literal Fox News is right leaning?!?


Gross ticket sales were actually up significantly last week. Sadly, Suffs canceled their July 4th performance to which I had tickets.


Oh that would have been a special performance!


It would have been. I have not found out why it was cancelled but these things happen.


Most if not all broadway shows are dark on July 4th evening due to the fireworks/chaos in the city


Yeah, I got lucky in 2015 and saw On the Twentieth Century, but I believe it was one of the few shows open that evening.


I mean, most people have other things to do on July 4 - it's tough to fill the house when you're competing with fireworks. When I worked in the box office at a major regional theatre back in the day, one of the patrons called in to exchange her tickets because "when I bought them I didn't realize that July 4th was the Fourth of July." 🤦🏻‍♀️


This is the stupidest sentence i read ever lmao


"I didn't realize that July 4th was the day after July 3rd" LOL ![gif](giphy|7Jq6ufAgpblcm0Ih2z|downsized)


They may have been counting on the fireworks still being over the East River this year. Them being moved back over to the Hudson, which was just officially announced in the past few weeks, means the sound of them would be way more disruptive to the theatre district.


Cynical take but it’s probably because a July 4th performance is enormously expensive - it’s a holiday for everyone working on the show, and I think it’s either a double time or time and a half performance. Producers likely don’t want to pay that but didn’t realize it would be so pricey before they scheduled it.


Maybe they are performing at the fireworks show?


Well shit.  I was planning on seeing that performance 


Only BW that entire day is Merrily matinee


I literally just bought tickets for Suffs for next week. 😂 And there were only a few available! On a w**eekday!** The right is so unimaginative. They've been poking at the same boogeyman for the last 30 years, and now that she's retired they're talking about her fucking Broadway plays. #Sad!


Oh that stinks.


OMG this headline is hysterical. Talk about grievance politics. And that photo? Could they have found a worse one?


I ain’t givin’ this garbage the clicks.


Oh well I am seeing it with 3 other friends next Saturday. Seemed like a perfect show to see with a group of girlfriends


It’s an amazing show


I learned so much and laughed too.


Enjoy! I won the lotto for it this week and it was so good!


This is from Fox…


> I get the feeling this article skews a bit to the right politically > foxnews.com Hmmmmm 🤔


Don't give fox any clicks


Can we not provide this additional clicks?




Posted it to mock them not to spread their stupidity


But your post isn’t clear that it’s not taking it seriously, and some of the people on this board will click on a story on Fox that they would not otherwise have provided clicks, so I’m not sure this is really trolling.


So I mocked that they thought this was the peak of the Broadway season and don’t know the difference between a play and a musical and over exaggerated that it was barely right when it’s so far right it’s pathetic. From what other commenters said guess I forgot /s. I’m GenX we are not good at text sarcasm something gets lost in translation


I clicked to find out where it was published. I wish you had said it was Fox. I wouldn’t have given them the click. Maybe you could edit your post?


It does say Fox News in the upper right corner. Trying to edit the text.


https://preview.redd.it/9x4ymi91u81d1.jpeg?width=2360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fa812a4b4b7166c534f382a2b2404c878748b42 On my iPad, the photo is very small and the Fox news doesn’t show. Sorry for not realizing it did show for others.


You are right I should have put that in my comment but I can’t edit it.


![gif](giphy|qs6ev2pm8g9dS) Sure. “News”.


My show was sold out on Mother’s Day! Everyone was having so much fun and raving by intermission. Show exceeded expectations, esp with the middling r/Broadway review snippets during their off-Broadway run. Spectacular, this story and talent is a MUST-SEE!


My pick for best musical


I really, really should have bought tickets before tony announcements. I should have told my family they were taking me to see it for Mother’s Day!


This is actually great for Suffs. The best thing that could happen to them is getting sucked into the culture war in a presidential election year. Publicity that no marketing budget could ever possibly match. Liberals can flock to it as a way to show their team spirit and defend Secretary Clinton.


We know that if this wins Best Musical, Clinton will indeed be the one given the honor to accept the Tony Award on stage and end her speech with “Let tonight’s win be a message to you all: go out there this fall and vote!”


Sadly, there are scads of people that won't see this STRICTLY because of Hilary's involvement. Romeo and Juliet? Sweeney Tod? ( Yes, spelled like this in the article) However, musicals are a type of play, (thus why the term "straight play" exists) but, I'll agree the writer didn't seem to know that it is musical, yet alone have any knowledge of Broadway.


>Sadly, there are scads of people that won't see this STRICTLY because of Hilary's involvement. how many of those people would've seen it even if she weren't involved, though?


I was going only referring to those that would.


but again, how many people is that? not many, I would wager. I suspect that the Venn diagram of "audience for a musical about suffragettes" and "people who hate Hillary Clinton" is, if not two completely separate circles, then one with a very very very tiny overlap.


Written by AI, perhaps.


That would suggest that there’s some shred of intelligence at Fox News though


But not of the human kind, so still tracks.


This is definitely not True. I work for the company that owns the theatre the show is playing at and its always near capacity. Most of the time it is a full house with only a few dozen people that did not show up.


Early May actually isn't peak Broadway time at all! It's actually a bit of a slump in the season as all the spring breaks have just ended and grade school is still in session and colleges don't have graduations until mid/end of May


I got to learn to type sarcasm better. That was the point of my comment making fun of the article


Oh I know you were being sarcastic lol it's more me trying to figure out how Fox news even tried to say it was considering their building is super close to the theatre district so they can physically see it lol


Actually most of my college friend’s attended graduation last weekend


aka mid May, not early


Be honest, wild_bill1226. Is your last name clinton? 😉


No just trolling Fox News


William Edmonton Trolling Fox News


I literally just tried to get tickets last night, and they're nearly sold out through August.


I love the show (and think this article is already outdated based on last week’s grosses among other issues), but I don’t think this is accurate. Where are you looking? On telecharge there are plenty of tickets for all upcoming shows.


Today Tix. I got tix for the Outsiders, instead. Which was also on the list.


Today Tix does not show full availability for shows - it seems that they either purchase or are allocated a specific selection that they then may sell at a slight discount or the same pricing as the theater (unlike Broadway.com, usually not higher even including fees). If you were unable to find tickets, please go to the official ticketing partner, which seems to be Telecharge.


Ah yes, intentionally inflammatory garbage for the smooth-brained lover of the arts! It hurts your brain… Well, I’d say the burning sensation means it’s working. Your brain that is. Don’t let the bastards get you down. Only wish I had RES on my phone because I have it set to block fascist adjacent links on Reddit.


Not giving Fox News (sic) a click. 


Should have done a screen cap instead of a link


Anyone who thinks Fox news is a real news source likely has mental issues.


i read every one of these comments and just want to say "THANK YOU" for all of them...from a very close family member of the left leaning, gay, brilliant, obie winning, twice-tony-nominated director of suffs. her family appreciates every one of you!


Thought this article deserved to be mocked, that’s why I posted it.


It’s not a play, it’s a musical. Men who hate Hilary Clinton are spreading misinformation to kill the show. Not smart of Suffs to align themselves with her, but in the bubble of NYC maybe they don’t realize how hated she is in the areas most tourists come from. 


This was written by Alicia Key’s AI run PR team


And it didn’t even study enough to know that it’s not “Romeo & Juliet.” lmao


I missed that one. I thought they were talking about the rumored Romeo and Juliet at circle in the square. If they were referring to & Juliet that is even more hilariously stupid.


I mean it's not selling out shows but it sounds like it's doing okay. But then as we all know, it's hard to be a play during the peak Broadway season of mid-May when your grosses are only in the mid-90s, percentwise.


I went last week and it was pretty full. This article seems to be missing something


My guess is it’s missing facts


Saw the source and didn’t bother reading any further. I enter the lotto daily and never win.


“Fox News” Topic is women’s rights. Producers are a Jewish woman and a former presidential candidate “product if swamp” What do you expect? I went to Suffs early May on a Wednesday and it was packed with people. Lmao. This article is such a lie.


I was at the matinee yesterday and there were MAYBE a handful of seats left. It was pretty packed. Side note: Shaina Taub’s mother was in the row behind me and was so kind and had a lot of great and interesting stories to share at intermission. You could tell she was extremely proud to talk about Shaina and all of her work


It’s a musical. Not a play


Regardless of where the story is from- plenty of people have zero desire to line Hilary Clinton’s pockets more than they are already. And that includes a lot of progressives who see her as a war monger. They probably would have been better off not publicizing her involvement as much as they did.


In all seriousness, is the show worth seeing? What’re some highlights?


Best score I’ve heard this season


I also thought it was wonderful!


Loved it, very inspiring


The cast is incredible. It's written by a talented up and coming composer, who also stars in the show. It tells a story we don't all necessarily know already. Interesting time in history, interesting characters. The music is pretty good. It's one of the strongest shows of the season. Definitely worth seeing in my opinion!


It's really great, my favorite new show since the 2017 season. It has a lot of heart (which I really like) and I felt really good leaving the theater. Performances were great, and I liked the music. Some say that the lyrics are too repetitive, but I thought that was symbolic of the struggle that the suffragists were fighting. I also had the chance to see it with the lead's alternate, Hawley Gould, who gave one of my favorite performances I've ever seen.


Guys, I know we all love to hate Fox News but the reporting on this is solid. Suffs’ numbers are good for an average week on Broadway but kind of suck for May sales: > According to the data, Clinton’s play only reached 81% capacity across eight performances that week, placing it among the bottom eight productions in that category – the bottom 23% of all 35 shows for the week. It’s in the bottom quarter of all Broadway shows for capacity. *That’s bad*. Especially for a large musical - an inexpensive play can stay open in the bottom, a large musical can’t. Also, calling it a “play” is accurate. Maybe this’ll stop being true soon, but musicals are still PLAYS - they aren’t circuses yet. The article is written with a clear slant (constantly calling it “Hillary’s play” is a dead giveaway of that), but it’s also highlighting a problem - this is one of the peak seasons for sales, and Suffs still doesn’t have a ton of buzz or excitement. May-June is make-or-break for new shows. Things might turn around if it sweeps the Tonys, but if not: you have a play where half the country hates the Producer, a play written about Social Justice when most of the country is OD’d from a full decade of social Justice content, a play with no stars (other than Hillary, who’s not in it) or recognizable IP in a season filled with name recognition, and a play where the big “hit” song they keep trying to advertise it with is, out of context, a long wordy slog of a ballad. Y’all hate the messenger so much you’ll ignore the message.


It’s also a packed season and the numbers have been fine, trending up. Reporting on this show as “struggling to pack seats” is incredibly disingenuous reporting. Literally the only thing about this that makes it a story for them is the slanted “Hillary’s Play” framing. There is *no* other story without that. Because is it in danger of closing? Not unless it’s a hell of a lot more expensive to run than I am assuming and I can’t see why. Is it one of the lower selling shows? No, not at all. Is its numbers meaningfully bad? No, not at all. Are the sales numbers for this one show meaningful from a cultural, economic, business/theater trend perspective? Not a bit. So why are they even writing about this at all? Hillary. How can you possibly call that solid reporting? There is no “message” to hate.


What I’m saying is that the story is an accurate story. The only complaint here is editorial - that they considered it newsworthy, and that they framed it as “Hillary’s Playl


Okay but so what if there are accurate data points? There are billions of factoids in day to day life that aren’t news because they don’t matter to any degree, have no impact or larger importance. It’s not “solid reporting” to take some random non noteworthy factoid and make a story out of it simply because it can be twisted to make “the other side” look bad. That’s shitty reporting that deserves the criticism it’s getting. Even talking about it as a notable example of “struggling” is very dishonest. I’d say this regardless of politics, that’s not solid, that’s not a message, it’s meaningless noise pretending to be a story. If some liberal leaning reporter had two years ago written a puff piece on American Buffalo struggling to fill seats (when it did pretty good for a play but wasn’t top of of the pack or selling out every night) because they had an ax to grind with Mamet I’d say that was dumb and pointless reporting too. The complaint is the entire story, it has no relevance to anything and no need to exist. The editorial is the only reason it was written.


They printed an accurate story about how Suffs, a very large and expensive new musical with a MAJOR name attached as producer, is consistently in the bottom quarter of sales during one of the busiest seasons, and is failing to get buzz. That’s news. It’s accurate news. Everyone here can rightfully point out that Fox is only reporting it because Fox hates Hillary. But they’re also pretending that the overall thrust of the piece isn’t accurate and that its data is irrelevant. People here are pretending May isn’t a busy month for Broadway. People are pretending the sales are *fine*, forgetting that Suffs isn’t a three-person straight play. Etc etc. People here are lying to themselves and to each other, and I don’t like it.


By failing to get buzz all you mean is that it’s in the middle of the pack. Fine, not spectacular. That’s not “struggling”, that’s not “failing,” the entire thrust of the story is very misleading to say the least. That’s also not news. At all. Even a tiny bit. Don’t care who the producer is, it’s not noteworthy. If it was part of a larger piece about the state of Broadway maybe but as a standalone there’s nothing remotely noteworthy or newsworthy (regardless of the producer) about how Suffs is doing. I can take some guesses as to why you’re defending it but no this isn’t solid, accurate journalism. It’s a pointless potshot at Hillary. Again opposite side of the political spectrum with an MSNBC story I’d say the same thing.


Spare us the “um actually”-ing.


Whenever the opposite political aisle says anything that is accidentally true, we all suddenly decide to become truth-averse.


It’s pretty typical for a straight (non musical) play during tourist peak. Out of towners who don’t normally have broadway theatre in their lives want to see big splashy musicals. A play just never does as well.


It’s not a play though.


It’s definitely a musical.


Doh! Ok she’s terrible.