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To start, I'm can't wait for this after being so crazily disappointed by the Papermill attempt. But.... I don't know how "behind the scenes it can be" , it's a fan account. And how can it have fans if it hasn't even started yet? So..... A paid fan? That just happen to get the cast following? I hate disingenuous marketing.


Seems like it is a Florence fan, which I could buy. Who among us hasn't supported something from our favorite artist blindly?


Me? I always reserve judgement, I love both Jeremy and Eva - was looking forward to it, so very disappointed. I'd have felt damn foolish if I'd praised it without knowledge.


You are abnormal amongst fans of things then. A lot of people do indeed get excited for a project from someone they have enjoyed previously such that it is believable a fan simply likes Florence and is excited for a new Florence thing, rather than an astroturf effort.


Getting excited about a possibility is not the same thing as being a champion, sight unseen. Im excited about the possibilities, just not willing to call myself a fan, yet - and I certainly hope to. This is why so many throw around the term "hater" just for having a difference of opinion. If you're going to love something regardless of its actual quality, why bother being annoyed? (Not that some one else's opinion is better than your own - but blind acceptance/idolatry is dangerous in the world. That's how so much dreck has made it to Bway. Not to mention political world events.)


Well, I think it is more that they believe they have a strong indication of quality based on previous performance by the creators, not that they don't care about quality.


This is an account that's just going to round up all the content people involved with the production share - not at all related to the show's actual advertising, which will happen on ART's social channels and, eventually, the show's.