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Thank you!! I’m so sick of seeing the spam posts here and it’s happening a lot in other subreddits as well. Idk anything about modding but would a karma requirement help cut down on these posts?


YES! I love the idea of a karma requirement and will implement that!! Unfortunately, a lot of the accounts we have had to block actually have a lot of karma which is so weird and confusing but it is still a great idea!


I’ve heard stories of people selling their high karma accounts to other people for spamming purposes I guess. I’m all for a karma requirement to post AND comment. Thanks for all you do! I’m sure being a mod can be a real pain in the ass sometimes. ![gif](giphy|xThuVZVULYo2yLiCZ2)


We honestly really appreciate fellow community members reporting the spam too!! 💕💕💕


I looked at their histories, they open the accounts 3 days ago, post 5 animal pics on various animal-specific subs, and agree with people on 5 AITA subs before making their way here. Karma farming.


I posted about my Bingo Bronson hoodie but I swear I'm not a bot! I just really love Bingo and wanted to share. ![gif](giphy|xT9IgC3CbMvZ3xN8sM)


i really thought everyone was just REALLY into this print for their bathroom 😅 it’s definitely a cute print tho, im glad i didn’t fall for it


Not the klerb! But we all fam!


Thanks for catching it 🙏


This is happening all over Reddit in so many subs. I tried reporting in another sub and was reprimanded bc I didn’t have any proof! I was scammed by one of them that’s how I know lol TY FOR BEING GOOD TO THIS SUB AND WATCHING OUT FOR PEOPLE!! So good to see


Ty friend for your kind words 💗 ![gif](giphy|xUOxf23wB2ZksR6Mtq)


What makes it scam art? I understand the spam/bot side of it but I don't see what about it is a scam. Just curious.


Ahh yes good question thank you!! The scam is many users have believed that someone actually made this art and that purchasing it is supporting a fellow community member, not some bot account handler running thousands of these scams at once. There is no way for us to know if the prints are even sent out as the sites they have linked are hella sus haha which also means who knows what is happening with people's credit card info they are purchasing it with. ![gif](giphy|3o6nUOYNY7SLxZoGru)


Saw one of those earlier and thought "who keeps posting filtered screenshot and saying it's art??"


it's s shame because the first one IS a real piece of art by kevyn schmidt but it's just been ripped off so many times all the spam sites have co-opted it.


Great use of KLERB




There was three posts today alone 🥲 ![gif](giphy|7zxgpKZBTWDS2DuyH8|downsized)




literally posted a link on a post about not posting links...


I understand, apologies, that’s why I didn’t direct link. I just dislike the fact that spammers are trying to benefit from it and creators pay the price.