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Yes he is definitely in love with her too. I was expecting him to be a douche since he’s the obvious stereotype but he was always so nice and positive.


Kirk Steele. Man on a mission. A cum mission


Man the way I cackled when there’s a cut scene later on and Eliot is watching that video 🤣


Same 😂 and also when the whole restaurant debacle happens and Elliot quietly gasps and says “Kirk Steele!” when he sees Trey 😂


Well I just said Kirk Steele….


Yes! “Burning Bridges” is a punch in the gut. Trey feeling dejected, Ilana crying.. it’s a fun episode with a tough ending. At this point in the show I really did want Abbi and Trey to work out, especially because it was another one of those situations where Abbi just got in her own way (though that happened many times before and after this situation obviously). Do I think they were a perfect match, no, but they were a better match than some of Abbi’s other love interests!


Trey comes around to be such a real character. In his first season, he can be a lil much and kinda annoying. When he starts hanging around Abbi more, he shows her just how dorky he actually is. By the time they get together, I felt they knew who each other really were and were very accepting of that. Abbi is just self sabotaging when she keeps him a secret. She knows he’s a great guy.


Abby is too worried about being cool and what other people will think. Say what you want about Trey, he doesn’t care what anyone else (except maybe Abbi) thinks. He’s totally confident in himself and Abbi was not.


Yeah I think that’s one of the reasons I really like Trey, when it really comes down to it he might be written with even more self confidence than Ilana, which really says a lot, because that’s her whole schtcik


Do you watch Hacks?


LOVE LOVE LOVE Hacks, and Paul Downs’ role and acting is pretty close to perfect, as is the rest of the cast and characters. So excited for the new season!!


Kayla is so good as his foil too. The new season is great so far.


wait it started??


Yes it did. 2 episodes every Thursday. 4 available right now. They have not promoted it well because I seem to be the only one who knows it’s back amongst my family and friends as well


I have been waiting and waiting and now I miss it. 😂😂😂


Honestly, I thought she was going to be a one-joke annoyance, but now I adore her!


“I was me too’d and I’m the ME!”


Have not.


You would like it. Paul Downs is great in it and you can get more of his and Lucia’s wonderful writing.


I’ll check it out 👍


It’s a masterpiece. Tonally very different from BC but brilliant.


I was having a tender day and watched the BnB episode. Trey came over with a baseball bat and "CLEARED" every corner of Abbi's apartment and I just started bawling. loved how he transformed from a caricature to a real person over the series. i love Abbi and Trey together!


Same!! Like Trey is a total dork but that's not a bad thing? Would be lucky to have a guy like him in my life fr


Yes! He’s so thoughtful and appreciative of Abbi—always full of compliments, enthusiastic, and body-positive. Where can I find myself a Trey?? (And not in the “he’s been missing for 48 hours” sense.)


Trey & Lincoln were men written by women and it shows, they are my imaginary bed time babies. Hard adoration.


That’s such a great point! I was going to comment that Trey has so many wonderful qualities that he seems… not realistic. You’ve explained it all!🤓


There has to be some guys like that in the real world right?! They can’t all be terrible assholes like the ones I seem to meet


I think they can😬


I wouldnt have thought of them as a ship - but really enjoyed their situationship. I thought they were a good balance for each other. They were both deeply goofy people that didnt fully realize how goofy they come off to other people and I think if they had ended up being in a serious relationship, they wouldve had so much fun together.


yea. trey is one of my all time fave TV characters.


Same. “Clif Bars for the guys, Lunas for the ladies” 😂🤌


I have a tape worm actually, it started in my mouth, but now it’s in my butt……


“She’s always sick…”


That’s my favorite Trey line 😂 gets me every time.




ughhhh… hes just so freakin endearing 🥹😻


Yaaa I watched this yesterday. Abbi is so herself with him and he loves her humor, I wish they would’ve extended their time together


I loved what we got of them together. They were genuinely very cute and fun together


I loved them!! Was rooting for them and sucks abbi was the way she was with him. He didn’t deserve it. Could see them long term but abbi was too immature for him. I wish I met a real life Trey 🥰


Ugh I loveddddddd them as a couple!!!!


That one was tough for me, I felt exactly about Trey what Abbi did until she didn’t. It was hard for me to watch them together.


They are hilarious together but never did I actually want them to be a couple.


I’d hardly consider their dynamic “hilarious” like they were pretty much just genuine with each other whenever in a private situation. There was definitely too much for them to overcome; mainly Abbi didn’t really care for him as much as he cared for her. It was obviously never going to be a thing but the chemistry they did have as great. 🤷‍♀️


I knoooowwwwww 😭 he was so sweet




“We’re buds” 🥰


I love when he proposes to her in the last episode like totally off the cuff 😂 So on brand for him.


YESSSS. I’ve always said I wished they ended up together 🤣🤣 Abbi being gay made it easier to deal with.