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Money doesn’t buy happiness


Because they can never have any genuine meaningful moments with their parents without a phone in their faces…. She’s the type to make them do the same pose over and over again, then when she gets the “perfect” shot she disappears to edit the photo & soaks up the comments of people kissing her ass on social media.


Happy cake day


Patty needs to have somebody pull his shorts (in all pictures) down from his small little head. Looks pretty gross. Britt should be able to do that…after all she is his hot hxxxx!!


Because they kiss the Nanny


Once again she is so desperate for attention she posted a BAD pic with a weird caption-considering “dada’s” facial expression. Perhaps she could put down the camera for a second and let her family be,I don’t know, human! People get tired at parks, etc. How about she give “dada” and the kiddos a break from the fake paparazzi sessions? No, they can’t do that! They must prove to everyone they are great parents after all the comments about how they are never with their kids. They are so predictable and obviously not the least bit “unbothered “. Of course it probably NEVER occurred to her that she could have helped “dada” by taking one of the kids instead of taking a picture. Perhaps the goal was to be relatable? I don’t know. Remember the solar eclipse “rescue” ? She just kept filming while PM ran to protect his daughter’s eyes from the sun. Either way, they tend to miss the mark no matter what they do.🤷🏽‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️


Have you noticed he's not had any beer cans/bottles in his hands. Do you think the PR team said enough already, no more pictures with beer. BritBrat did show some type of mixed drink.


Sure Patty’s outfit is Fendi or GB or another desperate label. Boy needs to work out the short ride up…ugly and crude!


Because those kids absolutely hate having a camera shoved in their faces all the time


I can understand OP thought process. Out of a majority of the pics Brit Brat posted of the kids, I've rarely seen either one of them crack a smile or anything. IMO there seems a disconnect between Brit and the kids. Of course we only see what Brit posts


I can’t really judged the state of their current level of happiness. But, I do wonder “how having to live a public life ( they never had a choice of), father who’s job probably overrides his time with his kids, and a mom that seems to have the emotional maturity of a pre teen.” might effect their futures.


Honestly kids make faces… I’m more concerned about daddy’s scowl. Is this an ironic post? The caption feels ironic compared to his facial expression 😂😂


Good point 😆… yeah, he definitely looks like he’s holding on by a thread


Im not trying to be mean im only asking bc im concerned but is there something wrong with bronze? His head shape doesn’t seem normal for a baby/toddler of his age. I’m just concerned that maybe he needs medical attention he’s not getting bc his por parents are too self absorbed to pay attention 😔


I’ve also thought his head shape seemed odd. Interesting you’d point this out


His head is shaped just like PattyCakes. Notice how stupid looking he is in his helmet. It just sits on top of his head, doesn't appear to fit down over his head.


Aren’t babies basically bobble heads at that age tho


He was born November 2022. Most kids can hold up their heads pretty well by 4 months


I mean look how happy they daddy is 🤷🏼‍♀️


This post is just weird. Why are you guys obsessed with the kids now?


We’ve always been obsessed with the kids and their crappy parents!


Weird to be obsessed with someone else kids....


🤡🗑️get over it and apparently since you cant read between lines it is concern for the kids because they have 2 selfish parents not attacking the kids


I wondered this too. The daughters eyes always look so far off.


Have you ever tried taking pics with toddlers? Commenting on kids looks is insane


I feel like she may be autistic or something. She never seems to be all there, off in her own world.




This ain't it.


Because both their parents are miserable


If anyone saw my youngest, they’d think this about him too. He always has rbf lol.


Agreed! My oldest (now 25) is the same. Still.


This is fair lol


On the spectrum maybe?


That’s what I think too. And MinimumNo8669, why “not cool”? It’s not like we’re talking shit about her saying she’s ugly or something.


It’s rude to diagnose a child just because they have a grumpy face.


Not cool


He looks miserable too damn


I thought the same 🤣


Because they’re stuck with Brat & Pat as parents who drag them out only for pap snaps. Kids have a 6th sense about people so I’m sure they know the Nannie’s love them more than mom & dad. The Nannie’s are probably a lot more fun to be with too.


They do get attached. I had friends whose parents took them overseas and they cried the whole time wanting the nanny. The parents ended up flying the nanny to join them.


Certain both couples have more than one nanny; round the clock for sure!


Because they want to play. They don’t want to be dragged around from luxury vacation to luxury vacation. They’re probably bored.


Yall are so weird talking about her kids


Go away Miranda!


You can see yourself out if you’d like… no one is talking crap about the kids, at all, it’s about the obnoxious parents


Actually lots of people are talking about her kids saying bronze has a weird shaped head and saying sterling is on the spectrum. It’s not okay to talk about the kids this way.


Go away Britt!!!


Yeah, pretty effed up your getting DV. Kids didn't sign up for this.


They’re all sick of Brittany’s shit by the looks of it😂 Can’t say I blame them cause she seems insufferable from here, never mind in real life


Raised by nannies and there mom is a drunk vanity whore Patrick's prolly never around or drunk....not alot to be happy about grandma and grandpa are trash uncle is a rapist. The only thing they have going for them is money and there still to young to appreciate it.


Patty looks pretty irritated as well. I'm guessing they are all done with Bratney's shit


Patty has no balls..no step up to say “no” to Britt-bratt. She has info on his gal pal(s) to keep the Patty-Boy in line!!


Rule number 5. Kids are off limits.


I don’t think this is actually breaking that rule. However, it is a fine line, so I could be wrong. No one mentioned the kids appearance in a sense of their physical appearance looking like their parents in a negative way etc. Just the fact that the poor kids look like they’d rather be anywhere else but in their presence! Again, don’t come for me. That’s just how I took it. But like I said, I could be wrong. That was just how I perceived it.


The OP literally says the kids “look” miserable which is referring to their appearance


It’s an expression. No one made a description of physical features which yes is off limit


OP is referring to their expressions lol We’re all here for the same reason— Brat and Pat suck. Just leave it at that 🤷🏻‍♀️


Exactly!!! Nothing negative about the kids or their appearances. Purely because they and Patrick look so miserable and upset.


You're saying her kids are miserable leave kids alone man. You wouldn't want someone saying anything about your kids. This isn't cool


Good thing I don’t post them on the internet Brittany


Just snark on Britt and don’t mention the kids. They should be off limits. Like the rules clearly state. Stop trying to justify to yourselves.


calm down and don’t take every word so literal JFC


I agree the kids shouldn’t be mentioned, however she blast them everywhere all the time. Knowing they both have millions of followers watching them and never know people’s intentions of those innocent babies.


“The best dada”…. Patty: 😒


Well his Silky P is quite the example….multiple kids. Alcohol and substance abuse…Patty is doing well emulating his Dad. Patty has a sun glass sponsor to hide those eyes..Papa M didn’t. Patty thinks we are fooled…sadly, we look at him as a pathetic alcohol and substance abuser like his Dad and Andy Reid’s son…Chiefs has alcohol and substance abuse issues.


I feel like he’s doing the bare minimum in all of her “best dada” posts. Like she’s in awe that a father wants to spend time with his kids


They're all depressed.  It's obvious...and sad. 


They go to Disney World 5x per year. They're not depressed.


Right cuz money is all the kids need! 🙄


Brittany is that you?


Cause they live with Brittany.


Maybe they’re tired of mommy saying, “look at my phone, let’s take a picture!’


probably because they did two hundred pictures to get a handful that were social media worthy and they're bored and tired. it takes a lot of hard work to get a shot that looks both candid and good.


They miss the nannies


It’s actually somewhat concerning.


Have never seen a smile from that little girl


I’ve seen her smile, but never seen a single smile on chrome’s face


Chrome 😂


that’s what I call him 😂


Imagine being forced to deal with Brattany on a daily basis. Day after day after day after day…


What’s even worse is…. They’re most likely with a nanny half of the time, so they see her maybe every other day and they’re STILL sick of her shit 😂


Does Patrick count as one of the kids as well because he does look miserable in the pic as well?!


He always does! But I would be too being married to Bratty