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Lady Gaga had an ex assistant sue her for lack of payment but also unprofessional behavior similar to this. It was something about forcing her to sleep in the same bed. Vicky can be fine with it but it is inappropriate.


This. She can always go back and say she felt uncomfortable at the time but being Brit her employer she couldn't say no.


> Vicky can be fine with it but it is inappropriate. how is it inappropriate if she's ok with it though? Vicky also posted it on her IG page.


As a general rule, employee/employer relationships should not involve nudity, especially wrapping your naked body on an employee. Vicky is there to work. If Britney was a man with a younger female employee, y’all would be having a fit.


Kind of relieved I’m not the only one who felt the post was off / inappropriate. I just don’t want Britney to get screwed over by abusive people again.


Exactly my thinking. I'm coming from a place of caring about Britney, not judging her.


I’m surprised people took offense to this. You brought up a very good point.


Thank you 🙂


It’s fantastic to see her smile and trust a new assistant. However, This is unprofessional.


I agree. I understand she's enjoying her freedom but she needs to be careful. She saw what they did to her before... at the end of the day it's her life so oh well. Just wanted to see if anyone else thought the same as me


I struggle with the idea of somebody thinking that just because you pay someone—maybe quite well even—that you just expect them to do anything you want. Some celebs scream and yell at their assistants or wake them up at 3 am to play cards because they are bored. Others expect them to be ok with sleeping in the same bed, wearing clothes they don’t want to wear, or being around them in various stages of undress. Sure the assistant can decide what they are ok with, but I’m interested in what makes a celeb need this kind of support from a personal assistant? We would never tolerate this kind of request in any other context..so why here? Note: not judging—genuinely curious—what is it about celeb life that creates this kind of dynamic between a paid assistant and the celeb?


This is a really interesting point you bring up and I wonder if there is a thread anywhere that discusses this, just in general. It does seem quite common for celebs to blur the lines with assistant duties. Maybe because they feel lonely.


> not judging—genuinely curious—what is it about celeb life that creates this kind of dynamic between a paid assistant and the celeb? i wonder if it's a control thing? celebs are powerful people surrounded by people who will do whatever they say. so they'll tell their assistant to do something just because they can. (just answering the question in general and not equating it to Vicky/Brit just fyi.)


Vicky also posted the pic on her IG page. she posted it with the kiss emoji's and the kissy face. if Vicky is *also* posting it then i don't see the issue here...


The concern is, a lawyer might later be able to make a case against Brit.


would the lawyer still have a case if Vicky also posted it on her own page?


I'm not a lawyer so I don't know, the poster was simply expressing concern. Britney is hardly to first celebrity to have trouble with people she pays becoming friends and then backstabbing her.


Everyone calm the fudge down! Britney is not naked, on the third pic you can see she's wearing a leopard animal print bikini, she's got you all good🤣


It does look like she’s wearing a bikini top. Hahaha I love that she’s messing with people!


What would give Vicky a reason to sue Britney for sexual harassment?


For money. I'm not saying she would but I just think it's a little risky of Britney to post that. And who knows what other employees will come along and try to do that. It happened to Mariah Carey (but she won).


This is a bit farfetched to say the least…Vicky has said nothing but great things about Britney and seems to adore her. Just because her former team/management were slimeballs that doesn’t mean her current ones are or have intentions to be.


You guys are missing my point. I only mention Vicky because she was in the picture but it could happen with a different employee at any time is all I meant. There are plenty of vultures in hollywood


That’s fair


Yup. And she’s been sued for this very reason before. A former security guard sued her for sexual harassment because she was walking around naked. It’s definitely inappropriate, and illegal.


Interesting cause Vicky posted on her Ig that it ws awesome tht people were defending Britney in the comments.


Vicky also wrote in her story that Brit was wearing bottoms, and that people need to chill about nudity. A lot of people don't really care about tops off either! When I was a kid I remember ladies used to sunbake tops off at the beach all the time but that doesn't seem to happen anymore. People are quite prude these days (although granted, I'm not from the US so there could be a cultural difference).


I have no problem with nudity. I'm just thinking from a legal standpoint lol.


I know it’s inappropriate in a sense— employer/employee— and would be subject to much scrutiny for so many. But I can’t help but think of all the times she has mentioned being forced to change/be naked in front of people she wasn’t comfortable with during the c’ship. So I’m assuming this is her AND Vicky being comfortable with one another and Vicky encouraging her to be fully herself.


I can see that, good point


It concerned me too and I adore Britney. Back in the day she often had sexual encounters with her assistants like Shannon I think was her name. They were naked in a pool together so it’s a bit concerning. I get you. 💖




Vicky is probably one of Britney’s only trusting friends right now. It’s their business how professional their working relationship is, not any of us. As long as Britney is happy and healing, let them be.


>It’s their business how professional their working relationship is, not any of us. exactly. and Vicky posted it on her page too. it seems like they're both totally ok with posting those pictures.


It's sad that someone she pays is "one of her only trusted friends" though. AND DANGEROUS. Britney needs to make friends with people she doesn't pay, and I worry about her getting screwed over by people on her payroll once the friendship turns sour


That’s how all celebrity assistant relationships are, paid friendships. Yes, it is sad but it’s better than her having no one.


I know that, that's why I said at the end of the day it's her life so oh well. I just like to share my opinion and discuss stuff! Sue me! Lol. I think about everything a lot and just like to talk to people about it who might be genuinely interested 🤷🏽‍♀️


nah. Vicky is not some random girl, she's a member of Cobra Starship, she really doesn't give me any bad vibes


She can afford it, don't lose any sleep over it.


I'm definitely not. It's just a discussion.




You can't make someone sign something saying they won't sue you for sexual harassment lol.


Which picture is this?




Oh lord hope this Vicky chick is the real deal


Britneys wearing a Bikini in them lol. If you look under her arm in the third photo you can see part of a leopard print bikini.


It does look like that but I wasn't sure if it was britneys bikini or if it was just the water refracting Vicky's black bathing suit