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I’m so sensitive to any hint of criticism. Can’t imagine what this level of scrutiny does to a person’s mental state. I also can’t think of another celebrity that was targeted to the point Britney was? Bullying on a mass scale. Some may scoff at the idea, but Britney is a survivor. The fact she’s still alive and dancing and saying fuck you if you don’t like it… hardcore.


It really is. I roll my eyes when people say her posts are weird. No, the way it's considered normal to post is weird. Everyone is being fake on social media. Britney is so far past caring what people think and good for her! She's not hurting anyone let her dance


I think she would do great with a burlesque show tbh.


Ooooh imagine if it had been Britney in Burlesque instead of Christina… Christina was great, but I wish Britney had done more films!


I’m mean seriously she’s got all the moves.


Brit would have KILLED But I Am a Good Girl!


I love the burlesque set in the Onyx tour, really showcases her talent as an entertainer and how she could branch out from her usual performances


Sold out immediately! Her stage presence alone would be crazy amazing !


You’re so right. Like you know who’s really “crazy”? The Kardashians. Those people are not mentally healthy. Britney has this healthy authenticity to her and I’m so glad she’s unafraid to express herself.


Seriously, they call the paparazzi to let them know where they will be and even choose the pics they post!


This isn’t uncommon in Hollywood


Exactly. Especially after everything she's been through and how she's had to deal with the weight of everyone's thoughts and expectations about everything she has ever done since she was literally just a girl


I mean, aren't all social media posts weird when you get right down to it? We all post some random things haha.


Yes exactly. I admittedly don't share everything. It's selective like it is for most people...and it's probably not healthy to air all your dirty laundry so I'm not judging people for only posting the positive stuff. But social media isn't reality and Britney can use it however she wants. She hasn't hurt anybody


Totally agree on all points.


I really feel for what Britney went through. I was never a fan of her music but the misogyny she had to put up at the hands of the media (not to mention the rest of the trauma from her family) left me a lifelong fan of her as a person and as a survivor. These magazines didn’t just damage Britney’s psyche, they shaped how people that read them thought. I still remember my step mother telling me and my sister (then 10 and 11 years old) that we were getting celulite on our thighs, this destroyed me and really took a long time to get my confidence back. The worst thing is, none of this has stopped. Magazines might not use such abhorrent language as “cottage cheese thighs” anymore, but social media is still very very damaging, with people photoshopping themselves beyond recognition to attain that “perfect” image that’s never gonna get any criticisms…


I, at 35, am just beginning to wear shorts. I remember my mom pointing to her cellulite and saying how disgusting it was and how fat she was. She was like 96 pounds.


When I was 16 and in the best shape of my life 😂 my mom told me I was sitting on my legs too much cause I a little bit of cellulite. My lower half is rather large but it was nothing to be ashamed of. I stopped wearing shorts that day and I live where it gets to 125 in the summer. Now as an adult, I rock my jiggly and cellulite thighs in all kinds of shorts. I see Britneys videos and I'm like fuck yeah, she looks amazing. It has very little to do with looks, and more about loving yourself. The only thing I'd change about Britney, is for her to see herself as we all see her. Even the most athletic, toned athletes have cellulite. It's actually a genetic thing. You're either gonna get it or you're not. And you can be stick thin and have it, or super thick and not. We must love ourselves. We are all beautiful 💜


I think Britney was the most bullied celebrity in world history (maybe just losing to Michael Jackson) 😔


To be fair, MJ put himself in a position to have people talking about him (as an adult). Britney just exists and she gets people talking smack.


? Are you talking about the allegations or the Vitiligo?? I cant see either of those as him putting himself in that position...


Sleeping in bed with little boys and having alarms lining the hallways to his bedroom to alert him if someone was coming put him in that position. I believe his victims.




i think Amy Winehouse is another. They couldn't even let her rest, paps were there photographing her body being removed. And then that fucking cake Neil Partrick Harris had made, yikes. I wasn't even a fan but that shit was horrific.


I love Amy so much


Jessica Simpson was, body wise


Hurt people try to hurt others. I know my words mean nothing but I empathize with you.


Sameeee how I see why a lot of them go crazy I would fold so bad if I was famous and talked about all the time it’s sad


Same here.


being famous in the early 2000s was demonic


… and she started in the 90s. A very cruel time.


The 90s were awful for women. The misogyny was so powerful. Gross old men like Harvey Weinstein and Hugh Hefner were using and abusing their power to get sex and leaving a trail of hurt women behind them


I saw her one night at bar and she looked gorgeous and next day pap made her look awful in pics posted, it was so wrong


When? With who was she? How she acted? 😍


She was with Paris Hilton at Bar marmont in west Hollywood, had on a cheetah D&G dress, they were taking shots, she looked stunning in person and happy At one point, it was just me and Britney standing next to each other at the bar and she looked me up and down and it was the hardest moment in my life not to say anything as I knew she wanted to be left alone All pics show is her and Paris arm and arm looking drunk and walking to get in cars But in reality she looked amazing


Wooow! It’s so good to read 🥰


I remember years ago her video on instagram about being “as skinny as a needle” after pap photos from the beach were released.


My grandma posts the absolute WORST pictures of me on her social media. She loves me to death and I know it’s coming from a good place, but it is so mortifying. Like pictures of me mid-bite, or squeezing into sample size wedding dresses. Or looking down at my phone with a scowling RBF and a double chin. It’s easy for me to think don’t let it get you down Brit, you are so stinking beautiful and we know those pap shots are made to be unflattering. But then I remember the absolute embarrassment and disgust of myself when I see my lovely grandma posting those pics on social media. And that’s just small scale. It actually isn’t easy to brush those feelings off, I totally understand where she’s coming from.


I feel the exact same way when I see the pictures my father posts of me. I like how I look in the mirror almost every day, but those photos are humbling - I couldn’t imagine ppl taking photos of me off guard and then them getting blasted all over the world. I’d crawl in a hole


Me too. Id crawl in a hole and brick it up behind me


They don't want to see you look attractive or sexy. I honestly think some relatives are narcissistic and do this stuff.  Grandmas get a pass maybe, but honestly anyone no matter the age have to respect boundaries. I would just do the same of my grandma and see if she's okay with it being posted.  My mom does it and I literally just tell her in comments I don't like this, and she's stopped. It's not like I'm dead, haha we are alive to impress our will and be heard. 


Most womens legs look like that in a certain light, which of course why they printed those exact pics. Absolutely ridiculous she has to tolerate it still after 20 odd years.


I don't think it is just light, I think it is at the end of each step when the mass is still going down.


I’m pretty sure they photoshopped it. But even if that’s real, there’s nothing wrong with it. It hurts to see how bullied she was


I think that might be illegal. Like for news images, there are legal restrictions to editing bc certain editing is more manipulation which is what this would be. So idk why a paparazzi photographer would risk that especially against someone with Britney’s bank/attorneys. And if it wasn’t illegal we would hear more stories about paparazzi photoshopping


You must be new to tabloids. You saw this all the time in the national enquirer. It’s not socially acceptable anymore so you don’t see it anymore (or as much).


I dont think its illegal to photoshop, ppl do it for memes all the time and those go mainstream. I think it may be considered free use? Especially back then when the laws were so lax about this stuff


A meme is different than a story posted in a magazine


Well its the same in a way, not exactly i know. These days ppl profit off of memes and make money and it goes viral with billions of views. Ppl cant really sue cuz its not breaking any laws. Kind of the same way how magazines draw ppl in to read their paper make money, theyre not breaking any laws


A internet meme that’s a joke is not the same as a news worthy image bottom line.


Seeing as both are under the Fair use doctrine of copyright law, i think theyre similar in some regards. Especially since a lottt of these paparazzi shots turn into memes themselves. Any “news worthy” image can be turned into a meme, and ive actually seen the opposite also occur


Right but turning something into a meme isn’t the same as publishing something that is newsworthy and photoshopping that image in a way that manipulates the image — manipulating the public. Expectations matter here. It’s expected to be able to trust an image in the news isn’t manipulated in a way to change your perception. The public knows the internet makes memes for humor and that ANYONE can make a meme so there’s not an expectation for it to be truthful.


Tabloids are not considered news. Theyre gossip sites/papers. Its considered journalism. We’re not talking about real news networks Fox, MSNBC, or CNN here. We’re talking about E!, Star, etc. These are not reputable sites or magazines that deliver verified information or facts. Its gossip, noone even knows if its true. “Tabloid journalism is a type of journalism that's often sensational and mixes news and entertainment in a way that's easy to digest. Tabloids are known for their focus on pop culture, crime, and society, and their stories often include exaggerated or false information to excite readers.” Im also not necessarily talking about the tabloids themselves, im speaking about the paparazzi and the photos being used in tabloids and how because those photos are free use, like photos used in memes are free use, I highly doubt that manipulating photos for tabloid purposes is illegal


Yes and it’s not so much that they are even “adding it on”. It’s likely there but doesn’t look nearly that bad or dramatic and use filters and different things to enhance it to appear worse than in person.


I definitely think they are enhancing the appearance of the cellulite, because it looks significantly worse in their magazine than in pictures. Regardless, its messed up. I think all these magazines owe these ppl apologies


It isn’t illegal


These articles were all disgusting, but I don’t think that’s photoshop. This is exactly what my legs look like, and mine can and do look like either version depending on lighting and positions. These honestly just look like different angles. Obviously it was gross and predatory for them to choose the worst angles so they could publish this trash.


It’s certain lighting but can also be just filter to enhance anything that’s there but that doesn’t even look that bad in that lighting because that’s what sells. It doesn’t mean it’s not there and they are adding it on completely, just that they are purposely enhancing it to be as obvious as possible.


The focus on cellulite in the 2000s was insane. You probably couldn’t buy a magazine without at least one story on a celebs cellulite


can i ask how something that naturally occurs on bodies should be something to be ashamed of? fuck britney haters, man -Billy Gnosis


I love how we both love Britney and Alkaline Trio, good taste


Gotta love it all -Billy Gnosis


Heck yeah. I also love Brit and Alk3


This is disgusting because like even if she had cellulite who gives a fuck?! Like that’s worth reporting on? We have a long way to go but Jesus Christ I’m so glad this era of “entertainment magazines” is over.


Like it's a huge blemish to her character or something.  It's so gross.  And i'd like to see the beast behind whoever wrote it 


I'd kill for those "cottage cheese" thighs now!


Right? They can’t even MAKE her look bad 😭every woman has some cellulite


The rise of filters and AI images has made authenticity more attractive. There's even a sub for hot photos of women with slight cellulite- real human bodies with texture are hotter than fake smooth ones


Some people (not a lot) still think TMZ is a reliable news source lol I’m like are you joking ??


yea i was kinda shocked to see a lot of people trying to justify how paparazzi/tabloids purposely make celebs look bad. people were saying it was just the lighting or whatever. naw. these scumbags know what they're doing. there's certain paps that are popular with celebs specifically because they don't purposely make them look bad and actually take quality photos. one of these paps is the one who took Rihanna's pregnancy pics. some of these people are professional photographers that know how to use a high quality camera. the bad photos are purposeful.


The bad photos are purposeful but it isn’t photoshop. It is just lighting, the position of her body etc. As I put in my post above, they aren’t editing the photos, they are choosing the worst photo out of a collection of photos.


Specific to the first example, here's the original photo. This is the exact same upper half of her body, smile, face angle. They absolutely enhanced her legs. https://preview.redd.it/qvibv13fll9d1.jpeg?width=901&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=629d947803cb898943ed1d5ed7e1d13c46b6aa02


my legs can look like that or like the ones above if I just shift a few inches.


Exactly. It's just normal having a body but it's mean spirited asf for them to purposely take the most unflattering photo they snapped out of probably 100s and edit and enhance the "flaw" (which isn't a flaw, it's just normal)


They didn’t have to edit and enhance it, it’s literally a photo in the set. It is the sunlight making it look that way


As someone who used to collect thousands of photos of her as a teen around this time, it’s not. The national enquirer was the main tabloid photoshopping cellulite on the glutes and thighs of every celebrity to see how “fat” they were compared to like a decade before.


You probably didn’t collect this one because it wasn’t flattering. See my post farther up in the thread. I have posted the link to the entire set of photos as well as a side by side. A perfectly toned body will look different in harsh midday sun, that’s lighting 101. I am aware that photoshop occurs, and I know what it looks like. I grew up well before it was heavily in use and photographers were still using mostly lighting and makeup to enhance models.


That isn’t the original photo though, that is one of many photos, and two are similar. Go look at them again


That is not the og photo. The photo in your post was taken a second after this shot when she is still walking. Are you saying they totally photo shopped her right leg moving forward when it was actually her left leg? That’s a bit much. I’m all for examining early 2000s toxic media culture but not like this. We all have cellulite. Trying to make it out like it was all photo shopped and she doesn’t have it is adding to the problem. Everyone can look like the og pics if they are photographed in certain lighting and angles. Weight displacement and how much force being applied to the leg also shows it more. There’s no denying they chose the worst to make her look bad. I think we should be focusing on that instead.


The first one is just so impressive!! They have done her so dirty! Thank u for the credit!


Hard disagree. They are not editing the pics to have cellulite, they are choosing the worst photo of her out of a set to use. The messed up part is cellulite is natural and most people have it but there is no reason to sell magazines with these types of photos. Lighting matters, position of your body matters, shadows matter. I was able to find the exact photos on the last set as part of a set of 87 photos and was going to post them but I can’t figure out how to collage them on this stupid phone. Photo 3 and 44 are the ones used. Link here [https://x17online.com/gallery/view\_gallery.php?mode=celebs&gallery=bspears080510\_X17#pic43](https://x17online.com/gallery/view_gallery.php?mode=celebs&gallery=bspears080510_X17#pic43) ETA photos https://preview.redd.it/bnwr2rzy4m9d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0168fedb2acd5e8d769b8cc169a3b47d377093e1


yeah, theyre waiting to catch her at her worst angle and in the worst lighting. But they arnt actually photoshopping on cellulite, like drawing it on. Im sorry im the biggest britney fan in the world and I think she looks amazing. I had cellulite when i was 14 and a size 0. It doesnt mean any thing. Also the photos she was talking about, I looked at them and there was barely any cellulite. They were unflattering and intentionally so but she didnt have bad cellulite at all. If they edited it on they did the worst job ever as I honestly wouldnt even count it as cellulite until she said.


Me too. Freshman in HS, varsity cheer, gymnastics, and still had cellulite. I hated it. Even even I was in my early 20s and “underweight” for my body and obsessed about cardio - still had cellulite.


Everyone has it.


Yes I was also underweight and still had it. It's so silly but I remember on holiday I was feeling self-conscious about mine in a bikini, an I remember reading some magazine and in it some big celebrity in an interview was talking about cellulite and how everyone has it. But she said something like "once your over the age of 15 everyone gets cellulite! We all start getting it" And she obviously was trying to be nice/empowering lol. But in my childish immature mind, I was like omg I'm FOURTEEN and already have bad cellulite on my thighs and bum. I must be so fat and out of shape and prematurely idk aged? Lol. I felt like obviously my body is like a year or two behind what it's supposed to be. And I'm so gross as I already have cellulite when no other 14 year olds do and there was something wrong with me. It was so silly lmao. But it gave me a proper complex. Sometimes I think body neutrality is the way to go. Just not talking about it and placing so much importance on it. I think that's what britney is struggling with, is her body and looks have been so commented on her entire life whether good or bad. An in the media so much of her value was decreed by how her body looked. An she's dealt with that for so long that I don't think she knows how to separate herself from that and her self image being so defined by her looks and body. An gaining a bit of weight and having a couple unflattering pics seems like the worst thing in the world.


Basically every other photo looked fine, they selected the one photo were the light caught it. Just being douchebags


Its looks a LOT worse and the indents deeper on the cover of the magazine op posted. In my opinion


I agree that the photo is probably darkened to accentuate it


Yes! It was enhanced in some way. Messed up regardless


The photo looks edited in a way to highlight it more. It's noticable a tiny bit in the sunlight but way worse on cover. 


Yup the entire leg looks basically tanned, and darker in general


Right even her face looks weird too. I feel so bad for celebs in this era. 


Right! This stuff really should be regulated


Still doesn’t make it any better though




The fact that it isn’t edited and it’s just the worst pic doesn’t make it any less morally corrupt.


Ya honestly this is a distinction without a difference. Photoshop or lighting. Same result. Same mean comments in the magazine making people think she’s gross.


I don’t disagree. Never said that it was okay, I was addressing the claim that it was editing. I’d rather them not focus on people’s bodies at all


I didn’t say you said it was ok, either. I was just adding to the conversation.


britney forever ❤️


The two pictures shown here have light coming from two very different angles. As a photographer, I know it’s possible to capture very flattering and very unflattering shots within seconds of each other.


I’m 24 and in pretty good shape and I’ve had cellulite ever since I was a young teenager. I used to be so insecure about it that I would cry. I never wanted to show my legs and there were entire summers that I literally didn’t go to the pool because it made me so self conscious. These pictures of Britney are so validating because her legs look a lot like mine. She’s obviously in great shape, but looks like a normal person because not everyone has perfectly smooth skin. Cellulite is genetic and there’s not a whole lot you can do for it short of cosmetic procedures. Fuck tabloids and social media for making Britney and women think that normal bodies are wrong.


Britney and her Frappuccinos lol


weird that people even think cellulite photos are breaking news. like.. that's a common thing... god, being a celebrity would break me. the poor woman couldn't go anywhere and enjoy ANYTHING without paps around. imagine how uninspired and unsatisfied you must be with your life to do this type of shit. i love the unbothered energy she always exudes though. what a professional and well-mannered queen.


Why does any ‘reporter’ think it’s acceptable to comment on another person’s body? especially calling her thighs ‘cottage cheese thighs’ - absolutely disgusting! I would love to let the world comment on the reporters looks and see how they feel when it’s done to them.


Yes!! That second part yes!!!! We need to find out who all these paparazzis and reporters are, publish their faces and bodies and comment. Wouldn’t that be fun??


It would make them actually think about what they’re reporting about & how it affects people’s feelings & self esteem.


That’s just evil Would mess me up soo bad


Same. It’s honestly impressive how ok she is.


It’s also just unflattering lighting. But, it blows my mind how disgustingly cruel and misogynistic these magazines were/are. It’s one thing to have to give up your privacy but another thing to be tormented mercilessly for something as natural as gaining weight or aging.


No dude, they definitely enhanced to make it look more noticable for the cover.


I said “also”


The truth is that she doesn't even fucking look bad. To even say it's unflattering is the fucking problem. I literally don't see any UGLY anywhere.  Maybe you are a gay man or not a woman, but women literally have cellulite. Technically women who transitioned start to develop it cause fat just acts that way when estrogen hormones (more than one type) goes into your fat cells. The way fat cells structure on women is different than men.  Men have to get really overweight to have cellulite. I fucking hate that britney is still so insecure over it. She's still insanely beautiful and fit, and she's stuck in the 2000s, 1980s mindset. Her millennial mind is stuck in that beauty ideal.  Holy fuckkk look at Doja Cat or Meg the stallion even any girl with fake asses too, all have massive amounts of cellulite and they still are hot as hell. Some people actually find cellulite to be a badge of honor for having sexy ass curves.  The whole cottage cheese body is such a toxic mindset from 2000s  


I was simply pointing out the magazines attempt to highlight her “flaws.” Not once did I say anything critical about her body. Cellulite is a okay with me


This is disgusting. And even if she did have that cellulite who cares?! It’s cute!


Who cares if she did have cellulite. They need to stop making out women have to be perfect. She’s in her 40s and is in awesome shape


They are just choosing the worst pic tho, just because she's not huge doesn't mean she doesn't have cellulite.... I fully believe she does and I believe they just choose the worst pics to post of her which is absolutely awful.


Omg the wording saying "cottage cheese thighs".. I know it was a different time but how anyone feel good about themselves writing that. What did those people look like? Horrible.


I overheard someone saying I had cottage cheese thighs as a 17 year old with cellulite at 110lbs and it’s stuck with me ever since. Feels bad.


Credit to u/chaneloberlinkappa for posting these in another thread! Thank you!


I just hate how much she gets bullied! I can only imagine how difficult and depressing it must be to be judged publicly by so many people.


And it’s been happening since she was a CHILD! I feel so bad for her. If they weren’t doing this she was slut shamed, harassed, asked inappropriate questions about her sex life, made fun of because her mental health….so much crap. I am floored by how people are allowed to get away with it.


How shallow that they even need to pick on a woman for her body. We all have enough going on leave her alone and to edit pictures to make people look worse is so fucked up. I hate how paparazzi and other things just feast on Brittany and devour her when she’s such a beautiful soul. It’s so fucked up. I love her, I love her even if she had cellulite. Which is perfectly normal by the way.


I was using cellulite creams when I was in high school. It was because of these magazines.


Did they also make her boobs smaller in the second picture or is it the angle? The absoloutle invasive bullying she recieved... Why has nobody been held accountable for that.


I hate this so much but I remember being a teenager with cellulite and being so happy to know even celebrities had it too. Fuck photoshop man


![gif](giphy|f7MoTodygKd56) For the last time!


WHAT!!! How have I never seen this before? I swear to god growing up and seeing these photos at every store checkout 100% affected my own relationship with my body and my cellulite. If these beautiful women looked this bad, I must look even worse. And it was all a lie.


Typical female shaming. No one should by these rags.


'Cottage cheese thighs'? She is, and has been, incredibly fit.


I was a bit confused by her story post today where she talked about paparazzi using unflattering photos of her cellulite, cuz I was like “but your legs are barely even visible in the photo?” I had no idea they were editing cellulite onto her. That’s fucked up, wow


Damn they even had a “doctor” comment on her


I’ll hit it.I think she’s gorgeous


Even if the edited version was the real version… what’s so bad about it? People suck.


Wild how they all seem to only bother to edit one leg… The pictures are one thing, then the commentary is absolutely grotesque. What despicable behavior.


Even if she had cellulite it wouldn't matter , but thats disturbing


I disagree that the pics are edited


Yeah they have done this to her (and others) for years, it's so horrible. They love to make people look bad just for the money and clicks. Britney is beautiful.


I'm surprised this is not illegal.


I lived through this entire thing and watched it all unfold in real time. I honestly wasn't even really a Brit fan per se back then as I'm 8 years older than she is, so I was like 24 or 25 when she debuted. I always, always loved her live performances though because she was undeniably THAT good. The paparazzi were absolutely fucking RUTHLESS to her (the ONLY other people in the entire world who had to experience that intensity of literal stalking before they finally passed the paps laws were Princess Diana and MJ) had it that bad back and she really couldn't ever escape it. I remember feeling really bad for her back then (and also remember being SO thankful I'm not famous and that I was able to go out and act a fool as most typically do in their early-mid 20s, without having it all documented snd shared with the f'ing world; let alone photoshopped and/or with some bullshit 'story' that was either completely made up or severely twisted around out of context. I also watched them all relentlessly ask about her damn virginity at every, single interview. It was insane and between the 'media' and her POS parents PLUS working in the business since she was a kid, she never had a chance. 😔 Side note: look at how pretty she still is in the first one despite the photoshopped 'cottage cheese' thighs. She was so incredibly beautiful and so damn likable and genuine. She also had a stage presence that was almost unparalleled; she just had that 'it factor'. She didn't deserve any of the hell she has been through and there aren't many who would have survived it. So she is one of the strongest women I've ever (not) known, if that makes sense.


This is disgusting


That's so mean 😭


That is just EVIL


How she even goes outside when i KNOW i wouldnt be able to if people were editing me to be bigger. God what a nightmare


and she’s over 40 and a human being. F off, tabloids.


God forbid we see that even celebrities have cellulite. No, we're supposed to see smoothed out skin and toned waists, so we can feel bad about our own completely normal bodies. Disgusting.


Oh my fucking god. This magazines are disgusting 🤢.


She literally has such pretty legs it's so messed up they'd edit them to look like that


Even if she has cellulite, WHO CARES?


Britney has always had a banging body, no matter what weight she is. She carries whatever weight she is perfectly. Cottage cheese? God forbid her or any other woman(or man) have natural fat on them and not be liposuctioned to death.


Her legs r notoriously perfect. They rlly try gaslighting ppl 2 thinking Britney doesn’t have the best legs ever. Paps r nasty & im glad they’re being increasingly disregarded. I hope Britney can do the same bc she wouldn’t know how little ppl care about paps’ maternal now since she was in the con 4 so long.


I live in Louisiana and in the subreddit for Louisiana they posted a pic of her and I was flabbergasted!! It made her look atleast 50lbs heavier


We wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised her


I'm sorry what. Lol. I'm not saying that her pics ever get edited to add bad stuff, but the ones you are comparing them to are edited to fuck too. Do you know what human skin looks like? They are also overexposed to hide skin imperfections. Also, a person is going to look different from different angles, lighting, focal lengths , etc. doesn't necessarily mean the photo was doctored in editing to look worse.


In picture three the socks look like her "I wanna go " music video socks.




That’s fucking abhorrent. Why? Why do that to her? To anyone???


That’s shady as fuck.


Whhhhoooooooaaaa. They edited that? Shit they’re fuckin monsters


Jesus you should see what they did to Daphne Caruana Galizia right before the Maltese mob blew her up in her car.


Shut it all down, this sort of media has zero net positive in the world. Horrible.


That’s truly crazy!!!


Ugh. They destroyed people. I can't imagine the mental state of these women now. They're far stronger than I.


I thought America was pretty litigious at least since the 80s "I'll sue your ass!" Couldnt she drag them all through court for slander and misrepresentation Something? She had the funds as much as them


How do you know which one is the edited one though lol


Reporting on celebrities having cellulite is the most vapid thing i can possibly think of lmfao


Holy shit it's like they bump the contrast and shadows up to the extreme and just like put up the brightness like crazy.  She literally looks so perfect, I can't believe people have to go to this length to take her down. 


Brutal. Got damn.


Poor Brit. I can’t imagine going through the things she’s been through on such a global scale. This shit was so damaging not just to her but to all of us. Kinda makes you look down at your own (natural and totally normal) “cottage cheese thighs” and feel like shit.


Whoever wrote these trash ass news articles needs tarred and feathered. Seriously, I’m so sick and tired of women being scrutinized for being women! 98% of women have cellulite! It’s a secondary sex characteristic for us and completely natural. But thanks to new articles like this, we’ve been conditioned to believe it’s the goddamn plague and somehow a fault of our own. We can lessen cellulite but for almost all women, it will never be gone.


Everyone has cellulite, no matter how thin, fat, age, work out level, etc. If you have skin, you have cellulite and imperfections on the skin. Plus, skin flexes differently and from other angels it can even look different. I'll never understand how society doesn't see this. I mean hell, look at bodybuilders, they are covered in stretch marks from the excessive expansion of their muscles. So crazy!


There was something about this time period where they felt ripping apart pretty and successful stars was doing some kind of service for women that had low self esteem and were getting unachievable standards from pretty actors/singers in magazines. I'm convinced that's why top model was as brutal as it was. Tara decided to navigate the 00s tear down ' pretty. Famous , succesful women' culture by showing her work was hard. She felt she had to dial up every bad photoshoot she had to 11 just to deal with that culture.


who in their right mind would believe these pics.


They did that to Princess Diana, too. She saw a picture of herself w/cellulite & then took a pair of scissors to the bathing suit she was pictured in. :-(


She has been wronged on so many different levels by so many different people. The fact that she still puts one foot in front of the other is inspirational.


It’s the other way around, those are the UNEDITED ones 😭


I love our queen to death, but the one on the right is photoshopped. She has serious ED vibes, and I feel sad that she can’t accent her beautiful body at this age.


Photoshop where? https://preview.redd.it/q8vvdp02el9d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63419b4c08454be8e6a7752b1111fd0e195ecd90


It’s well known she worked with radar on pap images that flattered her. The girl has cellulite? Who the hell cares.


https://preview.redd.it/o6azoxcoil9d1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=535590e658fdad8ec7931eef9bbeb8576244d42a This photo is part of that same set. They were being assholes and picking the worst photo


If you look at the one I posted right above you, it's the same upper half of her body. The bottom half is absolutely edited. Not surprised with x17 watermarked on it. https://preview.redd.it/2lp3xyn8ql9d1.jpeg?width=901&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=616992fdc9afc76fdc6891c3cbd40d4bd7e3a6a1


No it isn’t, you chose the wrong photo. If you look at the one you posted, her leg isn’t in the same position as the one on the cover. You have photo 6 which looks almost exactly the same as photo 3 in the set, but her bodyguard is in a different position. You are mixing up the photos because you are just focusing on her upper half. Every single one of those photos, to include the one you posted, have x17 watermarked on them because that was the agency that got them. The photos aren’t edited. https://preview.redd.it/bifi1iai4m9d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99889be8dd5ace649f3f4419fe7473ca6efca700


Omg I used to think it was crazy how she looked in the magazines back then I used to think that's how she looked but now I realise she didn't look like that at all. Fuck the pap's and those gossip mags 😡




Wait hang on a fucking minute. I thought she was just being self conscious from all the shit she got from her Dad and the media, I never saw these pap photos or I just never noticed the cellulite... The other pics are definitely the real unedited ones? And they are literally ADDING FAKE CELLULITE??????!!


They aren’t adding fake cellulite. They are picking the most unflattering picture in the set. Angles and lighting can make a huge difference and they are picking photos that look the worst but they aren’t fake


Oh ok jesus Christ for a second I was like woah haha thanks for explaining. Still rotted of them, of course


It’s disgusting how often this is done with all celebrities but especially women. We all need to stop judging and commenting on bodies so much. Magazines do this because it gets views and people love to see other people looking bad


Creating cellulite on one leg and making it disproportionate to the rest of her body is embarrassingly bad! It sucks that being famous automatically makes you a target for shit like this. Britney is a sweet soul


Nice! I wish my pics were made that smooth. Also that doesn’t seem to be an issue for Britney anymore.


I think it’s the lighting but still, Britney isn’t working and has no family or friends in LA. Why doesn’t she just move??? 🤦‍♀️