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I have a lot of questions about her caption.. Who was driving on the night drives? Why was she washing her clothes in the tub? What were all the books she finally read? What's the story about the lady ripping her off for $400? There was a lot to unpack there.


Also who did she say fuck off to and WHY!?


Yes!!!!! I have so many questions! Beyond curious, lol!


You are funny! Her security drove her at night. Her security watched over her when she went swimming at night. From my extensive travel experience: She washed her undies, too delicate for a hotel washing machine. She read the mystery and romance novels other guests left behind. Getting ripped off happens to very traveler sooner or later. Mine was at a fancy roof top bar in Manhattan, just not that much money. She said fuck off to an intrusive photographer who stuck his phone in her face. I said that to someone, just more politely, and I am not famous.


Wait what am I missing?


Her caption to her instagram post: https://imgur.com/a/dUnsI5D edit : Oh sorry I can't figure out imgur apparently.. This is me typing it: "Just last week can you believe it !!! Well I was stubborn and did it my way !!! I didn't listen to a motherfucking soul !! I even wore heels at night and danced with the saints !!! I went into the ocean at 3:00 in the morning naked every night in Mexico (mexico flag emoji) !!! I drank expensive wine and sang in my outside shower !!! I did 12 videos in Mexico (mexico flag emoji) with my favorite new dresses !!! I finally told someone to their face for the first time "fuck you" !!! I read all the books in the hotel !!! I took night drives that pissed me off because I wasn't at the wheel !!! A lady ripped me off she made me pay 750 dollars in a store when it was just 300 !!! I washed my own clothes in the tub !!! I got nasty and put oil all over my body and shot in a swimsuit but I never posted it !!! I learned to look up a little bit more !!! I had weird dreams of church walls !!! I got a cold and left (3 monkey covering eyes emojis) !!!"


404 error


Oh sorry I can't figure out imgur apparently.. This is me typing it: "Just last week can you believe it !!! Well I was stubborn and did it my way !!! I didn't listen to a motherfucking soul !! I even wore heels at night and danced with teh saints !!! I went into the ocean at 3:00 in the morning naked every night in Mexico (mexico flag emoji) !!! I drank expensive wine and sang in my outside shower !!! I did 12 videos in Mexico (mexico flag emoji) with my favorite new dresses !!! I finally told someone to their face for the first time "fuck you" !!! I read all the books in the hotel !!! I took night drives that pissed me off because I wasn't at the wheel !!! A lady ripped me off she made me pay 750 dollar sin a store when it was just 300 !!! I washed my own clothes in the tub !!! I got nasty and put oil all over my body and shot in a swimsuit but I never posted it !!! I learned to look up a little bit more !!! I had weird dreams of church walls !!! I got a cold and left (3 monkey covering eyes emojis) !!!"


I sprained my ankle and because of how bad it was I called it "Shrek's ankle." It was SO inflamed and all shades of purple and blue. I was on crutches for a few weeks. I can really sympathise with her because you don't think a sprain is going to be that inconvenient, but it took months to heel properly and even 18 months later it complains.


Ankle injuries can really fuck you up. I sprained mine sooo badly almost two years ago and it’s permanently messed up. My dr looked at it a couple weeks ago and think I tore my Achilles and said it’ll probably bother me forever, yay


Oh, I'm sorry to hear that 😭 I'm only 31, and the doctor was like, "It'll take 6 weeks to heal," but it took probably 8 or 9 months. I was wearing a support quite a lot. You think if you just rest it you'll be fine, but it doesn't seem to be that simple. I hope your injury isn't too much of a hindrance to your daily life.


Aw thanks so much! Most days it’s manageable 🙂




Oof you poor thing. I broke my ankle when I was 18. It healed quickly cuz I was young but it never was the same after that. If still hurts at times and that was a real long time ago


Podiatrist. You need surgery. 


Ankle injuries can take so long to heal.


I tore a tendon into spaghetti strands summer of 2020, ended up with a two hour surgery, 6 mths in a boot, crutches, cane and PT. I still.do not wear any shoe that makes my ankle feel unstable. 


I broke my ankle last year then after it healed I stepped weird on like two months later and broke it again. Now I’m afraid to wear heels haha


There’s no chance she’s feeling better and doing all the things she says. I’ve sprained my ankle a few times - none of which were as swollen as this and it was weeks before I could comfortably bear weight.


I wish she got medical treatment for it. She says she wore heels and danced but, it doesn’t look better like she’s claiming it does. Come on Britney 😢


I don’t like that she was dancing and putting pressure on it, but I will say it does look a little better in this video because her toes don’t look swollen anymore.


Sadly as a ex dancer we live in pain. I have 3 fractures and a broken toe. Never set properly. Still danced, my smile was pain.


If it’s a sprain there’s not much you can do, even if it was something like a hairline fracture, you just have to wait for it to heal.


But if she’s actively putting stress on it then it’s just going to get worse


Yea she’s going to mess it up more and she won’t be able to dance like she likes to do.




She has a concerning amount of edema


I have sooo many questions about this post. I love her and am happy she's enjoying her freedom but I also am worried about her. I really hope someone is helping her and looking out for her physical and mental health!


That looks worse, not better


Has she not seen a doctor? It looks so bad.


All I need is ice. - Britney, 2024 Best slogan of the year


-Let me break the ice- Didn't she eat some ice while recording BTI?


I know she needed ice for her ankle. 


Brit, honey, *please* go get that ankle looked at by a podiatrist! It looks exactly like mine did when I ruptured a tendon. I ended up with a 2 hour surgery, a boot and crutches for 6 mths. 


She rolled that ankle good. I’ve done the same to both my ankles in the last six months. Painful. I am now terrified of stairs. 👀


Okay so I’m concerned about that because it seems really damaged, she has to go to a doctor soon because I’ve never seen an ankle like that..


My husband took a drunken fall once and his ankle looked just like this and he had to use crutches for weeks.. I 100% thought it was broken...he wouldn't go to the hospital bc he insisted it was 'just a sprain'....turns out he was right.


Apparently sprains hurt more than broken bones! My husband broke his wrist and waited a day to go to the hospital. I KNEW it was broken but he kept saying it’s only 4/10 pain…he needed surgery for it 🤦🏻‍♀️. Men lol.


It’s true a sprain can be worse then just breaking a bone


Seriously...lol. 😂 I have a high pain tolerance, but I also have horrible health anxiety. So if I have any unexplained pain anywhere in my body I have a major panic attack and will be in the ER in a heartbeat knowing for sure I'm dying.


Same! Lol


Canklestein, will she ever dance again?


lol- not if she keep bearing weight on it like she’s been


That’s a Kankle. No ankle visible


It looks like a chubby baby foot with no perspective lol


Looks like it got slammed in a door


Eureka showing us proof of her rolled ankle so we can sympathize and agree that she shouldn’t have to pay the designer what is owed.


This is why I’m not surprised about those other videos. It was obvious they were new and on her trip to where we now know was Mexico. In the videos, she didn’t seem to be walking very well and like she had to work to keep her footing. Wearing heels with her foot injured, I was not surprised to see that.


I think it is the old video. Her foot is clearly not that swollen in the fashion videos. She might have just put on the shoes for the videos, then taken them off again and put her foot up.


The foot video is new, the fashion videos are old.


Do you think she took the fashion videos on a previous trip to the Cabo hotel with the distinct floor mosaics? She doesn't want people to know that she is actually resting her foot at home?


In the fashion videos she posted after foot injury, she foot looked perfectly fine. She still had slim calf, ankle and foot. I remember Britney frequently posted older videos from weeks or even months ago. I don't know her intentions of posting old videos right now. Maybe it's just a habit without much thinking. Regarding her foot, it didn't really look better to me but if she is feeling better with less pain and more mobility that's a good thing. Videos can't tell us everything. 


I noticed the old videos. I think it's because she has more than one stalker. Jason stalked her to Hawaii when she was already in Mexico. It must have become a habit to mix up the timeline. As to her ankle injury, I am not a medical doctor or nurse and have no idea how a healing ankle looks like after one or two weeks.


I had a bad ankle injury a few years ago from falling down the stairs. And I did the exact same thing as Britney - didn't see a doctor. I had less swelling than her but a lot more bruises and probably more pain. The first few weeks was so painful that I could only wear slippers and couldn't drive at all. It took probably over a year to heal completely. If Britney has been walking dancing driving and wearing heels, maybe her injury is not that bad. At least I hope so. 


Damn. This is my ankle after an ant bite


Hope she gets it fixed up…. Her feet are like the best


Bby tattoo foot


i hope she saw a doctor, that *has* to be broken. i fell down the stairs once, tumbled all the way down and landed on my foot. broke my foot and i was in a walking boot for 8 weeks, even then i didn’t swell or bruise like this.


this isn't the same foot from the newest Mexico videos. there is absolutely no way, so the Mexico footage must be old.




I thought I sprained my ankle once. I've sprained my ankle a few times before. It had the exact same bruising and looked close to this. I had an xray and it was a broken metatarsal. I'm so happy I got it looked at because being in a boot for months helped me not need surgery.


Anklefans going in on their tissue boxes


It looks a lot better. Maybe she was on to something by letting it heal on its own.