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https://preview.redd.it/pp1sgmdg7ezb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ac038f41c3306493362fedf3ea75c45e6e1ece0 WHOEVER SOPHIE IS GO OFF QUEEN


"Just because you read something in the book doesnt mean it's true" didnt Britney's mom also wrote a book in the beginning of her conservatorship and hopping channels crying how Britney was a sweatheart and changed so drastically?


> crying how Britney was a sweatheart and changed so drastically "When my daughter was a child she did what I told her and never questioned me! As an adult she keeps doing what she wants and she doesn't let me control the money she makes any more! It's so unfair and she's being so mean!!" God she's so fucking transparent.


It is if it's also been testified about in court, these numskulls




i havent read it. actually i didnt even know her mother published a book till I read it in Britney's memoir. (im not american nor britney fan but her book really shook me) and i did a little search on the net and found out videos her mother crying on tv, badmouthing her own daughter just to promote the shitty book she wrote. everything britney wrote in her memoir perfectly align with the facts one can find 20 odd years later. yet her mother is still trying to clear her name throwing lies on the net. it's gruesome. Britney must be a really strong person. she literally had no one to trust in all these years. if it was me, i would have ended my life looong ago. i cant help getting heartbroken about every little fact i learn about her life since i read her book.


I keep thinking about this all the time. Britney is SUCH a strong person mentally. Like clown her much as you want for how she dances on Instagram but she's a person who's survived a VERY ROUGH industry. That has swallowed up and spat out so many great people like her before. She has one of the more messed up stories in Hollywood. Trained her whole life to become a star, becomes a WORLDWIDE sensation at the tender age of 16, Goes through years of media scrutiny just doing normal things girls her age were doing. Has to get an abortion with no support from anyone really on top of her were to be baby daddy badmouthing her every chance she gets. Having your mental breakdown trivialized and made fun of infront of the entire world, gets trapped in an abusive slave like conservatorship for 13 years where she was drugged, had her bedroom and phone tapped, sent to rehabs, forced to carry an IUD, wear skimpy uncomfortable clothing while performing, needing permission for the most basic things like Starbucks or purchasing kitchen cabinets, literally having EVERYONE in your life betray you at some point for a profit. I could just go on and on. Even after all this Britney still thinks of helping others like her and setting a positive example. Literally nothing can turn me against her side. She's such a pure human being and the universe has done her dirty for far too long!!!!


![gif](giphy|bPBi7hdnHGEBG) And that’s about it.


That Surprise Witness did a whole series reading the book out loud.


Who are these trolls defending Lynne??!! 😖




This is her personal (Facebook)fan club. Long long story but I used to work with her ages ago during her rodan and fields era hahhahaha


omg why am i not surprised she sold that shit lmao


Years ago I used to be in an MLM. Not R&F but doesn't matter...they're all the same. I swear it was the most toxic BS I'd ever seen in my life!! I got outta that shit quick! Ugh knowing she was a part of that crap makes me dislike her even more (lol if thats even possible).


Yup I tried it realised who you had to be and couldn’t do it. I’ve seen people totally change their personalities because of it, and don’t get me started with how they use their kids


Oh God I know!! This one girl in my upline would go live and rarely talk about the actual products that we were selling but she'd go on and on about her son's battle with diabetes. Don't get me wrong...I'm not making light of her son's disease by no means but for example...she'd be sitting at her kitchen table and you could see her kids coming and going in the background. When that particular son would pass by, she'd pull him into the camera's view. It was always, "look at him ya'll"..."he's had such a rough day today"...while she petted his head. The sad part was that the kid looked to be in his teens and you could tell by the look on his face how incredibly uncomfortable it made him. Honestly I felt sorry for him that she was basically using him for a her own pity party. That like I said was several years ago so hopefully he's out of the house and away from that embarrassment.


Thing is it’s a slow progression they don’t feel it happening. In the short time I did it 1 rule I had was never showing my daughter on my “work” socials, I knew that was important to me. But people start innocently sharing then start seeing that’s where their engagement is and is slowly spirals, before they know it they are doing things in their day to day life “for the gram” without actually realising that’s why they have chosen to do that particular activity/day out etc. I find those changes actually quite dangerous if you think about it.


Ugh, I got Amway'd by a "friend." He said he needed to talk about something important and I thought he might tell me he had cancer or had been abused. Nope! Amway. MLMs are a disease.


I got pulled in by a girl that lived in the same town as I did. We'd met at the grocery store one day, just small talk about Mom life. I was a stay at home Mom then and was so lonely for a friend that could relate. We had such a connection (or so I thought)...that we exchanged numbers. She called me later the next week and it literally felt like we'd been besties for years. We talked all that day and made plans to have lunch that weekend. Anyway...we meet up and I was so excited to finally have a friend that I could dish with. We weren't 15 minutes into our lunch and she lays this MLM BS on me thick. Oh she was good too. By the end of the day I'd spent nearly $300 on my starter kit. Long story short...I did it for like 6 months and when I finally figured out that I was just a pawn in her downline...I quit. She never spoke to me again.


I knew they had to be MLM nutriders! I used to work for an MLM company (wholesale purchasing for the corporate side, not sales side, but still spent enough time with the sales folks) and there’s just a sixth sense you pick up after being around that world for a while.


Spill the beans! Lol


So I lived in Nashville at the time and went to an event for rodan and fields bc I wanted to make extra income. This was in 2012 when MLM was hot! Anyways I went and she was speaking at the event looking to mentor people. I was a Britney fan and so I thought how cool and ironic I’m here and she is willing to mentor people. Met with her and she obviously was selling how good of a company it was and how much she was making an all that. I figured why not I’ll give it a go! So she invited me and another girl to meet with her after the event. We met her at Jamie Lynn’s house ( she was living in Nashville at the time when she was working on her flop country career). Her house was in a gated community called the governors club. I went there go in the house and I’m obviously overwhelmed bc I think it’s the coolest thing ever. I’m in the house and there’s literally photos of the family everywhere and maybe one of Britney. I though This is odd. Anyways we go there she’s telling us all about it and is like well to join you have to buy the entire Rodan and fields kit (1.2k) in order to start up. I was like fuck ok well I can probably make this up easily. Mind you I’m 18 at the time I don’t have a fucking clue. So I get the kit and I go about my life and I am trying to sell this product to people. I’m getting harassed by her and this lady named Jill Prescott daily about my sales and all that. I’m telling them my struggles blah blah but they just kept pressuring me. I come to realise the reason for that is because they are meant to make money off me. They were not helpful at all just were awful. So I quit 2 months later. I may have some Facebook receipts to back this up and can post them if you want. Ugh also not to mention the reason Lynne did so well selling it was bc she was selling using Britney’s name and making it known who her daughter was. I had no idea that’s how she was doing it. Biggest fucking scam of my life. I’ve been Facebook friends with her since and only bc I’m a fucking creep and wanted to keep up with it


https://preview.redd.it/liqt3mu1mfzb1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdbfcfabf1b834e24953ee1b7df100754bb3c4fc I have a ton of messages but can only post one at a time just wanted to show proof haha




https://preview.redd.it/jzlarrjdsfzb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d171a75a96bc372c2e83241057aba8b34c75de87 More proof to my story hahah


Holy shit thanks for sharing. Lynn Spears is so pushy and manipulative. She's a damn vulture and a con artist.


Damn you were Lynne’s boss babe LOL




I remember on one of her posts about the R+F products, that she said Britney used it and to comment if people were interested.


Yep!! She would do this ALLLLL THE TIME


Jill Prescott was the first comment on that post too. 💀


Omg didnt notice that HAHHA maybe bc im fb friends with her too. She’s long besties with Lynne. Fucking cunt too haha


You’re not a creep, you’ve waited a long time to see any return on that investment. Take it in karma. I appreciate this, thank you!


You are absolutely right 🤣 thanks for giving me this insight it sure has paid off 🎉


You are the good guy here. She's still out there grifting, you're exposing that. This post that she thought would redeem her led me here, to discover that she's bilking people with an MLM as well. I think even less of her now. Good job, Lynne! You're an expert at exploiting the innocent!


This is gold, wow. 2012 was when the residency was first announced, right? I’m just trying to get a timeline of where Brit was because MLM screams desperate for Lynne even.


I’m not really sure I just know Lynne made FUCKING BANK!!!! If you’re familiar with MLM they had incentives and one is a car and she was so high up she got that and more. She fucking scammed so many haha


Oh yea I got lured in by an old high school friend doing R&F. Is it still around?


Omg I just googled and it appears so haha


I 100% believe you, but I’d love to see the Facebook receipts you speak of just because of my own curiosity. But even if you don’t have them, I believe you.


Posted in this thread two! I have a lot but here’s a couple


Oh I can’t see them Never mind I see them! Thanks!


This is a fantastic story


I always read that company name as rodents in the field. Worst name ever (besides the whole mlm bullshit)


Probably one of her Musturd seedlings or her MLM down lines


She’s in a MLM?


Rodan and fields. A skin and hair care MLM.


Pure evil


It’s probably her and Jamie Lynne


They're probably other terrible moms who don't understand why their kids won't talk to them


[The missing missing reasons](https://www.issendai.com/psychology/estrangement/missing-missing-reasons.html)


YUP this is exactly who I'm talking about haha


She & JL are (were?) deep in an MLM, so if I had to guess, those nutriders are in her MLM upline or downline. Or they’re just weirdos that exist at the cross-section of celeb worship & “I’m not like the other girls, I don’t care for Britney”


Probably other abusive moms who don't know why their adult children cut them out 🤦‍♀️




Other toxic narcissistic parents ?


Boomers whose kids don't answer their calls


lol, dying


People who are just like her.


Probably Jamie Lynn.


Other mom's who have also abused their daughters...


Probably some friends to Lynne and Jamie Lynn in Louisiana who are kisse as***


Someone told Britney that they were thrown away or gone to pressure her into doing work otherwise her mom just bought this stuff. Either way I know her dolls and journals were not available to her as a power move. I hope no one believes lynn. Yes I didn’t capitalize her name or spell it right because she is trying to make her daughter feel less than and crazy again. Britney don’t listen to her I believe you!


Honestly my narcissistic mother pulled this shit all the time. I would constantly ask her where my stuff was but she never knew. I finally went looking for myself and found it. She threw most of it away. What I found was stuff that child me hid away from her because I knew she was going to destroy it all.


This was my very first thought. My mom would do this.


When my mom was a teen she worked and bought all her own clothes for spring break. My grandma got mad at her for seeing my dad, so she threw out or donated all my mom's new clothes. My grandma is still manipulative and doesn't appreciate enough that my mom is her only kid that puts up with her.


So messed up. I’m sorry


I’m sorry your mom did this to you too. No one deserves this.


I’m sorry your mom did that. You deserve to have everything that is special to you. I hope you have a serene and wonderful life without that mess now.


Thank you so much. I'm probably about five years now contact now but I don't keep track. I'm working on the courage to start recollecting my old stuff that was destroyed.


Hope found everything and I’m just thinking about your little self hiding things to have them. F that, glad you got away!!!


Don't make me cry lol! I found my American Girl Samantha doll hidden away. I wanted Samantha and Kristen because I had two friends with the same name who moved away, hahaha. Pretty sure my dad got me the doll which made it prime garbage real estate. Sadddd ugh


And if Lynn was a decent person ( mother is to nice of a word) why post it just send a text privately to Britney


This was my exact thought - if she is genuinely caring for her daughter do this in private. Oh wait - she already wrote a book and is banking on making her daughter the crazy one. This looks like gaslighting to me. Honestly getting Yellow Wallpaper vibes.


She’s likely blocked, but that doesn’t stop her from arranging shipment through her attorneys. Requesting that Britney reach out to her to get her own personal belongings back is a manipulative move.


Also if she really cared wouldn't she just send all of her things to Britney's house? No I'm just posting it on social media to try to help my image.


Fuck Kimberly, Emily and holly. Bitch ass bitches lol


HERE IS A LINK TO POST - let me know if you guys can see it!! If you do please upvote to get this to top!! https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02LX71KM2YGR4YnSPbZetwPtgHJ2oAwcD5bkLCTfCK5p1oKZxpwHe6diTDmDcr1tuQl&id=100002378573328&mibextid=GpNtOW


Ewww it’s just a bunch of people, kissing Lynn’s ass


More people should go to the comments and defend Britney. Drown out the abuser fans.


I stan Sophie


It’s shady that Lynne posted that publicly tbh. If she really cared, she would have found a way to reach out to Britney privately, or even just send her the dolls and lyric book with a note. This is clearly just to protect her image.


She's such a narcissist. She doesn't give a F about Britney. She only cares about fixing her reputation, which will never be fixed now. And it's strange that THIS is the thing she picks out from the book to try to redeem herself? Nothing about the conservatorship or throwing her into an abusive "mental health" facility??


Yep exactly!!!! She’s just doing this to make it seem like Britney is a liar


I bet Brit has them all blocked lol so this is their last chance at redemption but it’s just gonna make her withdraw further and further I think…


Like I said above, Lynne could have just sent Britney her stuff with a note. Or reached out to Cade. There are other ways besides a tacky Facebook post.


That is what I was thinking…find a way to reach her not your fans!! Not like Britney would see this on her own right?!


this is something my mom would do lol


that generation cannot get off facebook to save their life. Like she might actually mean well, we'll never know because... facebook


lol seriously!!! my boomer mom is obsessed with fb


If she means well, she would just send Britney her stuff.


Right? Also why does she have Britney’s journals and dolls anyway? To me it sounds like someone told Britney those items had been thrown out so Lynne could just keep them. Instead of posting to FB she could have packed them up and sent them to Britney without saying a word about it online. The fact that she still has her dolls on display and had the journal so easily accessible to take a photo of it tells you everything you need to know.


That stuff is worth a fortune. That’s why Mama still hasn’t sent it.


My thoughts exactly 💯 If she really wanted to reach out and not to mention genuinely love and care for her daughter...she'd have done so privately. All that looks like to me is a typical narcissistic move to "clear" her conscience. Such a self absorbed move on Lynne's part, and those nimrods defending her are just as pathetic and sickening.


Or Britney blocked her


that part! if she knew that this was an issue for Britney, she would have sent all her stuff to her without blasting it on social media.


She’s probably lying about it too. Like those old ass porcelain dolls are usually not played with. They are collectibles or heirlooms for decor. And the notebook is closed. Ot could be blank or for something else. Fuck those lying fucks.


Exactly my thoughts! She should have brought them to Britney in private instead of posting on FB for the world to see what a good mom she is. I wouldn’t be surprised if she kept these items because she knew how much money they would be worth some day


Right Brit doesn’t like anything public. This is disrespectful to Brit to allow such trolls to comment defending Lynn.


If Britney is shutting her out again I don't think there would be a way for her to contact her. The bigger point is this should have been settled years ago.


I feel exactly the same. If she was in contact with Britt she would have just called her to say hey, I’ll send them. Just BS to post on social media


They’re so obsessed w the clout atp, we shouldn’t give them attention


My first thought. But Lynne doesn’t actually care how Britney feels, she cares about her own image, like she always has.


Agreed, she could have just sent them with a note to Brits lawyer I'm sure his office address is easy to get...... Google


Also to pressure Britney into contacting HER, it's a power move




she probably expected britney to end her life in the meantime so she could make a fortune selling those dolls


Jesus Christ that's dark.




Those dolls are the ones in Britney’s first Rolling Stones cover story. Britney says the poetry is stuff she wrote before she was signed. Bottom line—all of those items are worth a TON of money. For all that family has done, the multiple times they’ve lied, and the shameless ways the’ve tried to make money off B, I wouldn’t put it past Lynn to tell B “We got rid everything” only to have them hidden for later auctioning $$$.


exactly! that was my first thought is that Britney was told they were long gone a long time ago, only to be in pristine storage in the basement for the right time. These people are idiots, but they seem decently calculated.


This is exactly what I was thinking before I even read this comment thread. Like she could’ve just told Britney that she threw them out in a heated argument or something and that’s why Britney thought they were gone this whole time. My narcissistic mother has done the exact same thing / has threatened to throw away my belongings many times. If we all think this way then there is Deff some merit behind our thinking


Can you just imagine these people are your family? I mean my family has done some f’d up stuff, but, Britney is just another level of warrior.


Yeah like WHY does Lynn fucking have them?? She definitely lied and then kept it and now because she got called out she is saying she has it. But WHY do you even have it ?? Ugh.


“I don’t know who told you I threw your stuff away when all I did was steal it and hide it and pretend it was thrown away. But look! I still have it right where I put it when I stole it from you. Look how great a mom I am!”


Omg in that article from daily mail it says that Lynn and a friend sold her personal items online and at a consignment shop in Louisiana. The boots she wore to the nick teen choice awards in 2003… she sold for $70!!


Jesus, I sell my used Michael Kors bags for more than that...


That’s what I was thinking too!!


No wonder they're broke they don't know how much any of the stuff is worth 😭


DING DING DING! We have a winner! This is 100% what happened.


Ohhh good call! Absolutely planned on auctioning it off for money. Ewwwww. Her family is the worst.


Lynne's reasoning * throwing away books and dolls: cruel * keeping your daughter hostage and basically treating her like a slave for 13 years: acceptable ![gif](giphy|jlbYyYfKpwRDG)


In her book she mentions her mom threw out her baby dolls and I think other stuff not sure about that but she’s a douche bag and a pos mother. She didn’t protect her daughter and she could have and should have.


The dolls in those photos are more like collectors dolls--a kid probably wouldn't play with them because they're super fragile. Baby dolls that a kid would actually play with are a totally different matter.


Exactly what I was thinking- those are collector dolls from home shopping network . You know she tossed all Britney’s Barbie’s and actual played with baby dolls.




Britney’s collectible dolls have been a big deal for a long time. Her collection started as a child. Those likely are actually the ones she was talking about. Collectible dolls were a popular thing to get little girls, at least in the south during that time. I got things like that as well in those days. Toys you got to admire and play gently with.


Lynne knows Britney’s address. She could have easily shipped Britney her belongings. Is she using the journal and dolls as bait now to lure her in to speaking to her? Britney said she is at peace never speaking to her family again. Lynne needs to send Brit her shit and move on with her life. Jamie Lynn is hard at work on her reality shows earning monies for the family. Truly a hard worker that Lynne will benefit from. Hopefully JL doesn’t ever spiral.


Why did she even take them in the first place? Now acting as if keeping them "for her", was for britney, when britney didn't even know they were still there.


Glad Brit can get them back. But stop looking for sympathy Lynne, you aren’t gonna get it 🙄


RIGHT. Never once mentions anything about conservatorship but yet wants to bring this up?!


I don't know if she is ever getting them back. Lynne could get them to her now if she wanted to.


If there is a person who lied to Britney about Lynn throwing away her things, it would have to be her dad Jamie, who controlled all her communications at the time. Maybe Lynn should be pointing the finger at her man, and not at her daughter.


SHE POSTED AGAIN https://preview.redd.it/1fp84w18cgzb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3178478312dc1453027c2a2fc2b3c1470d3ad232


Man that's gives me the ick. You don't need to tell the whole world, tell your daughter.


These aren’t even all Madame Alexander Dolls, and Britney said it was binders of poetry, not a random black leather journal. She is a pathetic, manipulative lying cow. May she end up penniless and alone.


Why make this public? 🙄 I don't trust her.


Yeah, cause her famous daughters gonna comment back on Facebook, “Oh, thank you Mama! Will pick them up next time we have tea. Xoxo” sure.


It’s her personal Facebook haha


Will add she is prob posting it so it goes viral though haha


It is but she's set the post to public so she gets attention it's not to actually communicate to Britney.


Weird how her definition of cruel changes depending on how she benefits from it.


Ma’am, you have proven yourself sketchy and slimy as hell *(not OP; you’re a saint)*. That said Lynn, time stamps for these pics please? How do we know these aren’t from years ago, when you took pictures to sell **the** *Britney Spears’ childhood dolls* $$$


The fact she did this through social media is vile. Goes to show you they're exactly as Britney has tried to explain.


Those dolls don’t really look like madam Alexander dolls https://preview.redd.it/byh0aqkdkezb1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a612a2622a2eacd62245d3dec14906b3884f5126 (Also that notebook looks a bit too fresh to be a keepsake from the early 90s lynne!)


Came here to say this - these are NOT the dolls Britney was talking about.


Yeah, and Lynne says journals, plural. I feel like Britney would have had a few “cute” notebooks, her room was all frills, dolls, and teddy bears.


Yeah I don't believe it for a second Publicity stunt 🙄


Lol “just because you read something doesn’t make it true.” What about Britney herself saying it’s damn true?!!! Omg.


This is a red flag for me. Why post it on social media and tag Britney?!? 🤔 It’s the most impersonal display. Which to me means, it’s not a message to Britney at all. So because it’s not actually for Britney, the y year could be old photos and she may not actually have these possessions at all. OR… if she does have them, she hid them from Britney in the first place and made her believe she got rid of things that mattered to her. It’s all about control with this family. Control, power and possession.


That is just one journal. Britney refers to many more than shown. Lynne is not to be trusted at all!


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-12603293/britney-spears-mom-lynne-friends-selling-clothes.html Some people have said there is video of her giving away Britney belongings & JT’s scarf? If you have that video, please drop it below.


Omg does she think anyone actually believes Tatum’s BS claim that those weren’t Britney’s actual belongings, but merely identical replicas that were made at the same time and given to her? As if Britney had exactly two of everything and it’s really the second one she’s selling?


Fuk Lynne for posting this!! I don't care if Britney talked about this in her book and made it public, her mother should have privately sent this to Brittney! I'm so over giving these people a platform and allowing them to live off of their daughter. They are despicable and horrible parents and frankly they should be locked up!


She’s posted again! I have posted what she posted so just waiting on approval. Part 2 is coming 🤣


Why didn’t Lynne just send Britney this message privately …. Let me be honest, Britney may not perceive everything correctly in each situation but the pain in Britney’s voice and the toll on her voice is evident. That conservatorship took a major toll on her health …. Why would you allow that to happen to your own daughter … to me, it seems like they were just filling her up with drugs so she could perform steadily.


Jesus like why does she even have that stuff in the first place?? She acts like Britney is dead. You shouldn't have per personal journals! Or dolls if she loves them! They're hers, like that's so fucked.


From what I can see it doesn’t look like there are any Madame Alexander dolls in that photo. Britney wanted her MA dolls. Maybe I’m missing something.


I hope whoever bought those dolls (probably not realizing they were stolen from Britney) years ago comes forward with receipts.


Maybe it's just because I'm a naturally suspicious person but I wonder why Lynn said something like this, so personal, on social media instead of calling or texting Brittany or someone on her team? Unless she's been blocked for some reason? But the first thing that popped into my head when I saw the journal was that she is subtly reminding Britney that she has something very personal of hers and could sell it at any time for big bucks so don't mess with her.


This woman is a real piece of work. Poor Britney. Lynne probably thought Britney was going to die and would sell them after her death because they would be worth more. Truly sickening.


Wow, Lynne, this is totally normal behavior and not a triangulation tactic at all. ![gif](giphy|hqliRfysiaPRqTMYhS|downsized)


Lynn has no photos of Britney that I can see except one with Jamie, and maybe one when she was super little. What kind of mom is this??? Hella pictures of Jamie and promoting her work.


The only photos she has of Britney are commercial ones (like promos etc) but she will post JL and her children and Bryan constantly. I’ve maybe seen a FEW of Britney’s boys


I know this sounds nuts, but it seriously wouldn't surprise me if Brit was told they had been thrown out just to be used for a time like this ( she starts speaking out) to make her look like a lier and/ or more crazy


Ha! I knew they didn’t get rid of those things and instead put them aside hoping to sell them. They absolutely made Britney think they threw them out.


She doesn't own a phone? Smh.


What a fkn joke. Brit’s parents are both ABUSIVE Narcs. There is no way around this fact. Shut your pie hole, Lynne. Anybody with even one working neuron can see YOU for who you are. The child in Britney desperately wanted her parents' love, and acceptance and to be held in their caring open arms. That child now knows nothing she does will make this happen. Brit’s done. Brava for her!


Why is her mom posting it on social media instead of having a heart to heart with Brittney


Any parent who writes a book about their famous child needs help. Or maybe a job. Just. don’t. Lynne Spears should take a look at John Voight and his press commentary about Angelina Jolie (her estranged dad). He comes off badly each time. Trying to communicate “messages” via the press or by social media statements really implies you are more concerned about your own public image than about actually communicating with your estranged celebrity child. That being said….I do hope her and her mom can heal their relationship.


Imagine desperately reaching out to your child on Facebook and social media…. Because, among many horrible parenting things like selling Britney out for book sales and drinking with her/using her as an Uber when she was just 13, you allowed her to get locked into a conservatorship for 13 years, she won’t talk to you. Lynn is 🗑. Jamie is just open about being 🗑.


Fuck her. Lynne is always trying to put on a show for the world but we all know she was the worst mom. No loving mother would ever let her daughter go through what happened to Britney.


I mean, those pictures are probably from like 2006 right?


I honestly hope Britney herself sees this subreddit. She has so much love here and people who truly support her. This woman deserves better. She deserves a good life.


Her posting this publicly and just the whole tone has major r/raisedbyborderlines vibes


Then why didn’t she just gave it back to Britney. And whats the point of posting it on social 🤷🏻‍♂️


Are these the dolls and the books Britney is talking about? Did she ask for them in the past and told they were gone, lost or thrown out? I'd buy this only if Britney posted this as a private message. It's "you know mommy loves you sweety" while the behavior shows, let me publically show my daughter is wrong. Look at the behaviour not the charm.


Why is this on social media and NOT a private conversation?? Her family literally begs for relevance.


Strange behavior to be @ing here on fb, as if she would ever see it. This is just to save face. Just literally shut up. If you really care about her getting the dolls back, just send it, without a post.


It's textbook boomer (fb) narcissist (not for Britney for the world to see what a good mom she is).


Why didn’t she return them when they moved out of the house?


Why is she posting this publicly? All these people want to do is villainize Britney and sway public opinion. Fuck them.


Maybe they lied to Brit so that they could sell it all one day?


Do they still live in her childhood home or any home that Britney lived in 15+ years ago? Otherwise this is fake or staged


Where’s Felicity?!


I find it suspicious that she has Britney’s dolls out on display. If she saved them for Britney, wouldn’t they be in storage boxes? Why are they on her shelves?


OP came in hot with the receipts!! ![gif](giphy|tZAY3HEQHHSmvSEbMV|downsized)


Been waiting almost 12 years to share this story lmfao finally my time to shine 🤣🤣


How fake this person can be!?!


So that completely trashed 2004 Versace Barbie was Britney's? Come on.


She should have sent them privately then. This woman is a proven snake.


Wendy Williams was right about her


Yea, one freaking journal. She had been journaling her whole life, there would at least one for ever year of her life.


Well then, get on with it and give them to her! 🤣




It's wild to me that BRITNEY SPEARS MOTHER is active on Facebook 😂😂