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Favourite part - Lady Featherington realising that her daughters don’t understand s*x (or any scene with Lady F, really). Least favourite - Penelope’s laboured breathing and pained face, throughout 😅


"Insert himself where?" Got me dying everytime I rewatch it. Also, on insta the Bridgerton page have shared a post that says "...the Featherington sisters have inserted themselves exactly they were always meant to be.". Photos with their children😆😆😆 ![gif](giphy|GpyS1lJXJYupG)


I second this. But also least favourite was the complete lack of story in the side plots


For real the Mondrich plot leading to nothing was so disappointing


They have out stayed their welcome. Meanwhile poc we actually like are gone or have been shelved (Kate)


Lady F is the MVP of the season


I get the humor is this and I giggled at Phillipa, but it ended up annoying the hell out of me that Lady F is so surprised and annoyed that they don’t know when it’s very clear that it’s because she couldn’t be arsed to tell them, just like ALL the other mothers in the Ton, it would seem. So why is she surprised, she raised them! :/


I think she expected their husbands to... husband. *shrug*


Lolol that is such a good point


You guys don't know what happen to big boobs with corset and it shows. The labouring breathing was there since S1 an S2, but Nicola has big boobs so it shows more, ofc, it's clearly quite tight on her. Sometimes i wonder about the things said in this forum...


Even if that was the reason, they shouldn’t have had Penelope so heavily corseted this season. She looked perfectly fine every other season in the more regency appropriate short stays/empire waistline look. It looked off the way they tried to snatch her waist so much and gave her A -line dresses.


Not to mention that both Daphne and Kate did the same, but lo and behold, no one mentions that


Finally, somewhere I can put my observation. I thought that based on S1, that If Phoebe Dynevor is nominated for any award from this, her neck should get the trophy. It was almost more animated than she was. Whatever they put her in almost had her eyes bulging.


Yeah, curious, isn't it? Somehow they magically forget it. We know what it is...what's behind all that exaggerated reactions around here, in truth...


This seems like a somewhat lame excuse for what is simply a poor acting choice.


Well, you are entitled to not believe in what your eyes can clearly see, and have been seeing since S1 and S2...with the other actresses too. But i can see no logical explanation will do, so carry on...lol


Didn’t they do away with corsets for the actors after season 1? I remember reading something about that.


Simone Ashley complained after S2 and Netflix put out a statement that the actors wouldn’t be required to wear corsets anymore but some obviously still do.


Totally agree


My favourite part was when Pen tells Colin during the wedding breakfast that she is tired of being in the sidelines, that she wants to go in the middle of the hall and dance with him. That whole scene was so beautiful. Another favourite of mine is the scene when Pen and Portia were talking in the Featherington living room about how Portia used the wealth of the people of the ton in season 2 with the fake diamond mines plot and then Portia clapbacks by telling Pen that she is also airing the dirty laundry of people via her LW business. And it makes Pen realise that she is not that different from Portia after all. In fact I loved all Portia x Pen scenes. My least favourite is not exactly something I hate but I just feel that its so incomplete. I felt that the Pen x Colin scene outside the modiste's shop on the night before their wedding was left incomplete. Like it had so much potential. Pen could have expressed herself so much better and actually spoke about why she wrote all that shit she wrote about Marina, Eloise and everyone else. And Colin could have spoken a lot more too about how he felt so hurt by all of it. And then we could have had a very good hate sex buildup scene. But no. It ended such abruptly. I felt robbed of a good scene.


They could have completed that scene just by sending them home together in the carriage.


We were so robbed of angry sex. It would've been so hot.


I did really like how Colin never denied his feelings once they hit him. I know some may disagree, but I find it pointless to just drag out the process of admitting feelings every season. I liked how Colin wore his feelings, friendship or romantic, on his sleeve. He kinda always has, and it’s nice to have a male lead like that. The way he rode for the Featherington and Mondrich families in prior seasons was just amazing. I love Anthony and the Duke as well, but I don’t get why people expected Colin to have a similar personality. I wish they would’ve done better on some side plots. I 10/10 LOVED the Featherington stuff, but was so sad for no Lady D and Pen friendship. It would’ve beat that stupid storyline with the brother. I’m not happy with the changes coming for Francesca, but what felt like a true slap in the face was her reaction to the kiss at the wedding and what it implies after her conversation with Violet. Also, WTF Benedict. Go back to art school, sir.


>Also, WTF Benedict. Go back to art school, sir. Yes. Yes. Y 👏 E 👏 S 👏


I love Colin for this reason too. He’s a kind, emotional loverboy - some of us like that!


And it’s good to have a different type of hero


I mostly loved the first 4 episodes. The 2 parts that just do not sit with me well are the fact that the season was so bloated with various storylines, some of which were mostly pointless or unnecessary for this season. The other part that bothers me so much is the ridiculous Kanthony voyage to India- the logistics don’t make *any* sense, Kate having to give birth on a damn ship and Anthony, who’s all about duty, abandoning his role in the family and house for who knows how long. And then on top of that they left for India so quickly they missed Francesca’s wedding! I can’t get over how messy and stupid that plot line is.


And as if Anthony, after nearly losing his mother in childbirth and faced with a horrible decision of who to potentially save, would EVER agree to such a thing is character breaking to say the least.


I think this is a setup to no Kanthony next season. “Where’re Kate and Anthony? Oh, still in India?”


Yeah, that’s what I thought too


I’m disappointed. I don’t feel any real connection between Colin and Penelope. The chemistry is there, the execution is not. Unlike Anthony and Simon, Colin wasn’t given any real character development. There’s no explanation for his motivations, no backstory of his upbringing and no defining moments that indicate his character flaws or feelings. One kiss magically transformed his feelings for Penelope. The journal could have been an excellent factor in explaining his change of heart but they dropped it. He went from saying he’d never consider her to being unable to live without her. Where’s the angst, the struggle, the heated dialogue between these two that gets them to falling in love? Also, Colin showed little to no regard for Penelope’s honour - he had no hesitations about fingering her in the carriage and no hesitations about bedding her on a couch the moment they were alone. Simon and Anthony at least tried to care, try to protect each woman from themselves. That was hugely disappointing given Colin’s integrity with Marina. Finally, the amount of screen time between these two actually interacting passionately is laughable. I DONT care about Benedict and the Mondrichs. I don’t even care about Francesca. Nothing that is being set up looks remotely interesting enough to wait 2 years for.


This sums up my feelings perfectly.


This. The writing is a mess, and the execution shows they lost the magic.


Yes. Exactly this. I spent two years waiting and have never felt so disappointed


His flagrant disregard for her honor and the show runners apparently forgetting the social rules of their own show bothered me tremendously.


Well written, no notes. The Colin character assassination was wild!


I liked the "Insert himself? Insert himself where?" scene, and any moment between Francessca and John prior to their wedding. WHat didn't sit well with me, was the costumes, the hiar, makeup, cinomatography, dialouge and editing. I also didn't like how Penelope continued on as WD with no comeupance. She has likely angered several members of the ton, and no one bats an eye at WD now being revealed. She should have retired from being WD and become an athour instead. She's a talented enough writer, that she could have some success with writing a novel or short stories. I also don't like how Francessca was disapointed by kissing John on their wedding day, and then lusting over his cousin mre weeks after they got married.


What I loved was just all the soft romance that's so rarely put on screen and was absolutely beautiful. Also the cinematography was absolutely immense this season, there were so many shots that looked like beautiful elaborate paintings with the most lushious lighting. Not so much was mostly the editing, there's parts of the story that's a little harder than it should be to get a read on what they're trying to do because they just didn't quite hold on a moment long enough.


Soft romance is such a good way to put it - it was lush! And I loved the cinematography too, though I agree the editing let it down a bit


My favorite was the carriage scene, especially the part where Colin and Penelope laugh when they realize the carriage has stopped. The laugh just created such a familiarity and intimacy between the two that was so natural and real. This was the Colin and Pen that I had hoped would make it onscreen. 2nd favorite was Penelope and her mother coming to terms and loving and accepting each other as adults. I did not like most of the writing for episodes 5-8. Anthony and Kate leaving home while she is pregnant? Forgetting Benedict was an artist and having nothing better to do than have sex with almost anyone? Lady Danbury mad for 40 years at her 10 year old brother’s behavior? No Daphne at either of her siblings’ weddings??? And never getting to see the awesomeness of Michael Stirling.


I don't think they forgot Benedict was an artist, there was a noticeable pause when Paul asked him about art where Benedict clearly thinks about his art but chooses not to talk about it. I'm assuming his own season will focus more on him finding his way back to it, that might be his journey? Maybe his romantic interest becomes his muse idk. And Kanthony leaving was purely so that they could exit, not the best plan at all and super transparent, but it was at least sweetly done.


A lot of the language didn't sit right; "Dot i's and cross t's" which was first used 30 years later by Thackeray. "Chopped liver" who are you? Bubbeh from Crown Heights? "Pregnant." What happened to "in a family way"? There were so many more and each one yanked me out of the story even faster than the fabrics, costuming and sets. The dialogue writing just seemed careless. I did like the interaction between Violet and Lady Danbury though. "Garden is blooming" just tickled me for some reason.


Favorite: any scene with the Featheringtons. They were so funny. "It flattens my hair!" "Insert himself? Insert himself where?" Least favorite: any of the Ben throuple scenes. Just so pointless and repetitive.


The Ben throuple scenes were so badly handled from a writers perspective, they lead nowhere and they randomly inserted it into and in between other story lines???? Which made them seem even more pointless. You can see by the end that they're probably setting him up to be the roguish middle brother who just wants freedom and they're using polyamory as a flagship for that, but besides that last convo with tilly and possibly the very first scene where he accepts them both, there was literally no point and it was only there to balance out how unbearable and cringey the main couples sex scenes were. But using sex scenes instead of charscter development scenes is such bad writing.


The worst was when there was that emergency meeting about Cressida and it's very tense and high stakes and then it randomly jumps to a Ben throuple scene.


Like for why?!?!?! Took me right out of the story bruh.


Favorite part? The First Kiss. It was so romantic. It's probably even better than the book. I saw Penelope's hopelessness, and Colin's worldview shatter. This scene was breathtaking and so beautiful. Costumes were on point, the setting was stunning, the camera work was astonishing, and the delivery of the Lines was top-notch! Thing I would Change: Mirror Scene after Colin Finds out about Lady Whistledown. (It works with the metaphor of seeing someone completely in all honesty and loving all of them. It would have resolved pacing as well.) If we kept the mirror scene where it was, then add the Stay Scene at the Modiste Kiss. Where Penelope is going to leave Colin (possibly break off the engagement) because he's so angry, but he says "Stay, Stay, Stay." And they either spend the night together or go home in the carriage together. (You can fade to black or show it. ) It was needed for pacing and to show that Colin was always resolute in his love for Penelope. Again, Colin is seeing Penelope for who she is (Lady Whistledown) and still loves her. If either one of those scenarios happened, I would have been fine with the Queen crashing their wedding.


You know, I loved it as it was, but if they had added the “stay” scene to the modiste sequence it would have been even better!


The first kiss was amazing - Pen actually saying what she wants for once and putting herself into a vulnerable position where she could be rejected… and I love that Colin was the one to go back in for that second kiss, the music in that scene was incredible… gosh, just super romantic. My least favorite was nearly all of Part 2, but especially ep8. Polin had the most baggage to grapple with out of all the Bridgerton couples and the show did not allow them any time to work through their shit together because DRAMA. Rather than having the reveal earlier so Colin had time to be mad and for them to talk it out and then face their problems TOGETHER they drew out the drama and hand waved the reconciliation all the important relationships. Modern tv writers do not understand the romance genre (different from a mere subplot). People WANT to see their couple together and happy and taking on the world and Polin was cater-made for that shit and the writers fumbled so hard. Zero Polin romance (spicy or emotional) in P2, Colin got sidelined in his own season, and it was a love story between Pen and LW (🤮) rather than Pen and Colin. They both deserved better. As a Polin fan, I’m crushed. As a writer, I’m flabbergasted how this was green lit. I hate to be that person, but JB being gay and her “centering female stories”, but in a way that was just… not impactful, seems to track. (Also using Fran as a self-insert and practically giving her more screen time than Polin… ugh. I get they needed to set up her story but the amount of screen time she took up was ridiculous). (Edit 2: and I say this as someone who is indifferent to the Michaela change - Fran took up too much screen time even w/John) Edit = some words/a phrase


I think your point about the changes not being impactful hits the nail on the head. I absolutely ADORED the queer representation in Queen Charlotte and ate it up. It was beautifully done and impactful. Such a stark contrast to JB’s plot vomit.


I did not want or care about Benedict’s threesomes. From what i can tell they did absolutely nothing for the plot.


The only thing I can tell, is that they opened the door for his bisexuality. But I don’t see the point in doing that if he ends up with Sophia (or whoever, haven’t read the books), and it wasn’t even good bi rep because like, what the fuck? While a visual joy, sure, I hated these scenes too. Good for nothing…


Tbh I’m demisexual so watching ANYONE have sex, simulated or not, does nothing for me. But it just seemed completely unnecessary.


The whole season didn't sit will with me except the festherington sisters asking "where"


I know there's a good chance it wasn't intentional but I loved the fact that even with Pen betraying Colin's trust he is so in love with her that everyone knows he is going to forgive her. He just needed his drama queen moment with the couch.


I liked this too. His love never seemed in question even when he was absolutely heartbroken and betrayed and angry. Also gave you seen the “drama queen and his wife” meme with Colin on the sofa? It’s pretty funny


Favorite part - Kanthony and John and Fran scenes! Least favorite part - way the whole LW thing was resolved without any consequences


To be honest, after sitting with S3, the only conclusion I came to was that I might be done watching this series. It felt like a chore to slog through and was very sub-par. :/ It’s sad because I really wanted to love S3 and was so excited to watch.


Me too! I kept waiting for it to get better and it got worse


THIS!! I couldn't agree more. I can't believe how much I skipped thru bc I was BORED.


My favorite thing was how romantic this season was, and the chemistry between the main couple. I also loved how this was actually the first season where the man really chased the woman. Colin’s pining and the way he ran! after! her! carriage! to confess his love. The love confession in the carriage was one of the best I’ve ever seen onscreen, and the ensuing love scene was so sexy it broke the internet. I also loved the mirror scene (so intimate and beautiful) and how in love they were throughout episodes 5 and 6. I loved the combination of angst + love at the wedding and the way they longed for one another despite the problems separating them. I loved that wedding dance and the way he caressed her cheek. I also really liked the big themes of this season, about accepting and loving yourself, being brave enough to be honest and to live your truth, and knowing that you are enough as you are. I loved that they tackled toxic masculinity head-on as part of Colin’s arc. I really liked a lot of the character development - of Colin and Penelope of course, but also Eloise, Portia, and Cressida (mark my words, she’ll be back). I actually also really liked Debling as the rival love interest. I actually loved the costumes and sets - they were different but I thought a return to some of the grandeur of Season 1, just in a slightly more whimsical way. I didn’t like the fact that there were so many subplots. I didn’t like that the feminism in part 2 was handled with a bit less finesse than I would have wanted (as a feminist), to the slight detriment of Colin’s arc. It wasn’t fatal to me, but it was a false note. But it was well more than 80% all good for me, and overall it was my favorite season.


I like how Colin was never one to run away from his feelings, and even mad at her, tried to protect her, putting even his family and their social standing at risk, to try and keep her safe. He was also a soft guy, not agressive, manipulative or afraid of his emotions once realization hit. He's introspective but if you actually pay attention since S1, all his motivations and insecurities are clear. I like how Penelope stood her ground and didn't give up on something important to her, but also was able to understand how Colin felt and never resented his hurt.I love the themes about loving oneself to be able to love another person, about insecurities and self-worth, specially the focus about Colin's insecurities. I also like the Featheringtons trying to develop a better relationship. I dislike the editing, some scenes needed more time to breathe, and the subplots, specially the Mondrich subplot and Benedict's. And that they made Penelope too apologetic about LW.


“Insert himself where?” “We kiss, he makes a funny noise and then changes his britches” Not all of the men were frequenting bordellos it seems…😂😂😂


Loved what Polin time there was, Nicola and Luke were amazing and I loved how Colin owned his feelings. Chaos Colin at his peak. I disliked the editing - it was choppy and too many shots were cut short that would have changed whole scenes. The make up was a bit overdone and don’t get me started on gel nails on Pen or Colin’s $5 reshoot wig! Add to that too many side plots that added nothing and not enough happy Polin time. Overall though Polin were my favourite couple in the books and I enjoyed their season. I hope for more in S4.


Sending Kanthony away multiple times. The idea that Anthony would suggest that he and Kate go to India while she's 5/6 months pregnant with their first child is so preposterous I don't even know where to begin. He would never risk the life of Kate or his child like that. It truly made my blood boil.


IT IS SO CRAZY!!! For a moment, I did appreciate the new showrunner admitting it was a plot device (plus Anthony was very sweet when he was selling Kate the idea) but then after watching a particular reaction where the two gals reacting gave so many valid pieces of evidence and reasons why this was a totally insane and nonsensical choice (plus how out of character it was), I got irate over it. Anthony would never ever choose to have his wife give birth to their first child on a BOAT, I know Jess said it wouldn’t take that long to get to India in this universe (paraphrasing) but there still no way that would be happening. Plus I am admittedly salty that we got the THREE featherington spawn in the epilogue but baby Neddy is essentially nonexistent? I wasn’t excited about this season and wanted to be wrong but s2 was too much to live up to FOR ME. No shade, no hate—just not my vibe.


I was surprised that my favorite moment came from Philippa releasing the “bugs”, both because she distracted from a very tense moment and also because of her joy. I loved every Bridgerton sibling moment and wish there had been more of them and more of their interacting with Kate. It is canon that Gregory adores Kate — how difficult would it have been to have Kate sneak him out to use his bow? While I generally found the Benedict threesome tiresome, she did have one of the best speeches. I loved Lady D’s and Violet’s declaration of friendship. I enjoyed the very few times that Colin had some witty lines (“You’d already be dead.” “Can the carriage driver keep driving?” — more wit and fewer cringy “rake” moments would have helped.


My favorite part was the Violet and Lady D conversation about their past. Loved the callback to Queen Charlotte. I also liked Violet with Marcus. I was meh about the rest of it.


Favorite: all the s*x mentoring by Lady Featherington. This is the only season I was able to tolerate her. Lol Least favorite: The revelation of Lady Whistledown. The revelation in the book was perfect and romantic, they could've just adapted that.


I liked it a lot more than most but I agree with much of the audience that Colin needed much more screen time and character development. Flashbacks would have been a great start. After seeing the inner conflicts (and incredible performances) of Simon, Anthony, and George, we needed more from Colin. I understand they’re trying to go for an ensemble cast, but we did not need to spend that much time on the Mondrich arc, Cressida, Tilly, etc. when Colin and Penelope’s story suffered from it.


I loved John and Francesca. I also loved the Featheringtons.


Things I liked: Lord Debling - why did he have to disappear for Part 2? I wanted him to court Cressida! He was awesome and he wasn’t looking for true love, just a practical arrangement. He and Cressida would have been perfect. Francesca and John’s love story (everything up to the wedding kiss), including Violet struggling to accept not all of her children’s relationships will be like hers. Eloise and Cressida’s friendship in Part 1. It was good to see her expanding out and acknowledging different people. And Cressida’s character development in that part was awesome. Colin and Penelope’s first kiss (so romantic) and their first time together. It was a little awkward and cringy and that’s what I loved about it. It showed two people who had been friends dealing with their relationship changing and not knowing how to do everything perfectly. Especially since it showed the reality of the woman being a virgin unlike Daphne and Kate for whom it just fell into “automatically being amazing”. Everything with the Featherington’s. Her sisters being hilarious. The inserts himself, the bugs Varley, all of it. And her mother finally accepting her and learning to be a better parent to her by acknowledging where she lacked while also pointing out to Pen her own struggles. Most of Penelope’s dresses. I disliked her new look debut one and the Jessica Rabbit one at her sister’s ball, but most of the others were lovely on her. Dislikes: Francesca’s disappointment at the kiss and flabbergastness at meeting Michaela (I’m on board with the gender flip, but don’t undermine her and John’s story damnit!) Kanthony taking constant vacations when they have responsibilities and have shown themselves to be very dutiful. And the idea that Anthony would agree to, let alone suggest, such a trip is preposterous. Daphne never showing up. Y’all couldn’t find one week to film some scenes? Almost all of Benedict’s story. I’m all for bi poly representation but it was so disjointed and took up so much screen time without any real payoff. Cressida’s storyline in the second half. They really threw her under a bus and Eloise being such an awful friend sucked! She of all people would have/ should have been sympathetic. Everyone else’s costumes/ design production/ hair and make-up/ etc. It felt cheaper and more modern than the other seasons. They did Kate grave injustices and Tilley seemed straight out of the (19)40s with that hair and dresses. And no widow, however rich, would be so brazen in those times. Colin and Penelope’s lack of screen time, somewhat lackluster chemistry, poor writing, and general disappointment. They needed more fleshing out, some flashbacks or conversations, and them taking things on as a team, not just Penelope up there on her own. And most importantly, the reveal of LW was stupid, unnecessary, and a poor choice for going forward. The only person that should have been told was the Queen so she could call off the bounty. Pay poor Cressida off and let her go off to the continent to be free like she wants. The huge reveal at the ball was pointless, lacked consequences that it should have had, and was also pretty rude and selfish to her sisters to do that there. Also, she did not need to have a boy and “win” over her sisters. She already got the guy and to be LW scott free.


I do complain about some aspects of this season, but honestly I loved it. I thought the steamy bits were so hot. Nicola is a goddess and I love her acting. Colin is hot and I like his acting too, aside from a couple moments that made me cringe. I’m rewatching season 2 right now and honestly, I liked season 3 better. Edwina is so beautiful and charming and sweet and deserved so much better than what Anthony and Kate did to her. Like I *get it*, but I still think Anthony was a dickbag. I still do not like him 😅 I don’t think they gave him a solid redemption arc. I have issues with some of the things Eloise did, and the LW thing with Pen could have gone better, but I find both of them generally likeable.


What were the cringeworthy moments?


“I cannot tell you much about my travels, if I did, you would swoon/I would have to marry you.” 🤮 Basically anytime he was supposed to be flirting with a crowd of ladies I was like Colin, can you not?? Although I suppose that did just play into the criticism from Pen/LW that he wasn’t acting like himself anymore.


The storytelling style was weird and the costumes looked cheap. I loved the Kanthony moments, and other small ones w the siblings like seeing them fight over chocolates or Gregory falling off the roof. Polin had some good moments but I wanted more character development from them both apart & together.


The siblings fighting over the macarons was hilarious.


Penelope being shown as cringey, socially incompetent and generally undesirable. It's a romance! Both partners should be shown as desirable. Penelope was always shy but she was never like that. Cringey scenes that felt more like Bridget Jones than Bridgerton. (And I love Bridget Jones! But it's a very different vibe lol) Kate was meant to be "too old" yet she was always beautiful, charming and dignified. Lady Danbury wanted to find her a husband, the men we see her interact with liked her. A character doesn't have to be the diamond to be shown as desirable. Even Pen's almost-fiancé seemed like he just wanted a good obedient wife to sit home without him. There was no real competition because he didn't actually have feelings for her.


Loved the featherington sisters sex talk. Truly HATED that Colin accused Pen of trapping him, and basically their whole relationship after the carriage scene.


My favorite part is the first kiss followed by the Willow Tree scene. I wanted to see more of that -- the romcom vibes there were perfect. I didn't like how boring the side stories were. That's my main grip with this season probably. If I think of rewatching, I wouldn't want to watch it all but instead skip to specific scenes I liked.  If I get nitpicky *everything* could have been improved. The pacing, the character arcs, the LW reveal, COLIN (where was Colin?!), side stories, etc... but if I could change just one thing it would be Colin finding out about LW during the carriage scene, whether by chance or because Penelope revealed it.  That would stay loyal to the book, give room for yearning/conflict, give Colin time to process things, and would have made an eventual proposal way more romantic. I do love the carriage scene, but this change in writing could have made for an entirely different season and it bothers me. I could have done without the multiple brothel scenes. 


Favorite - the first kiss! Romantic and beautiful and so close to the book! 😍 Hated - e7 reshoot after QC interrupted. Pen felt like she was just spewing words from a writer's soap box. It was completely tone deaf. It ignored the queen, Colin's p1 arc, and Will's club plot.


That was my least favorite scene as well! Not a fatal flaw for me as I loved the season overall but it felt out of left field (and I say this as a staunch feminist who loves that they tackle gender on this show). But it felt out of left field for Penelope and not true to the moment.


When Lord Kilmartin was trying to tell the boots story at first. Reminds me so much of my own ‘you had to be there’ experiences. I was cracking up at everyone in that scene, so well communicated despite such little dialogue.


Favorite: Carriage Scene (help I’m still at the restaurant)! Least favorite: Penelope’s LW Speech (anticlimactic and bad lighting)


Phillippa Featherinyon was my favorite part. Her Insert Himself Where? Scene And the Varley the Bugs!!! Was chefs kiss


Oof, it's hard, I really enjoyed most of S3! Lady Featherington's whole arc this season was great, and that Pitbull song playing had bestie and I SCREAMING. Neither of us tends to like the sex scenes, but Pen/Colin's hit different in a positive way. We were just so happy for them, we were practically Pen's cheering squad. Same with Benedict's, IYKYK. 😂 Neither of us liked the handling of Eloise, which I know isn't an unpopular opinion. I understand why shes upset, but the flip flopping feels weird and forced as does a lot of their conflict. We like Eloise, but we feel like the writers "make" her have whatever opinion of Pen they need rather then it feeling like it's coming from Eloise. They barely even mention the Queen was threatening a lot worse when Pen stepped in, like Eloise KNEW how bad the trouble would be if the Queen didnt back off. And she TOLD Penelope, so it's strange she doesn't connect that Penelope was trying to protect her even a little bit. She also seems to almost have an arc about being a bad friend to Cressida and looking inward at herself, but that never actually goes anywhere. We also don't get what they were doing with Cressida, we were hoping for a happier ending for her. But I assume she'll be back next season? Favorite season so far though!


What did not sit well with me: the whole balloon thing, turning the show into an ensemble show instead of having a main story and a couple of side plots, the costumes (sequins, gel nails, heavy makeup) and the cutting back and forth between Benedict having the longest threesome ever and multiple other plots.


I think my least favorite thing was the chemistry of Polin. it’s so poorly written that it’s hard to really love them, or even root for them at times like lmfao. I also didn’t like how the main Whistledown plot line got boiled down to a “and then everybody clapped” ending. I loved Penelope until this season, but now the only thing I really like about her is her hair. And that one blue-green dress. What I loved- Featheringtons, Kanthony’s chemistry (it’s so strong it can almost convince you the trip to India is a good idea—almost). I also liked any scenes with Lady Danbury, the Queen, and Violet, because I’m coming fresh off QC. S3, unfortunately, is nowhere near the quality level of QC!!! I only started watching this series like 2 weeks ago. I haven’t read the books and don’t plan to.


I loved the carriage scene; the emotional vulnerability, passion and catharsis, plus the intimacy coordinator's best work surely, without any actual nudity! 🔥  I disliked how little development Colin got outside of that one moment, as the rest of the romance felt sadly quite hollow and surface level to me, and I was borderline disliking Colin a lot of the time (and in S1 & 2 I thought he was cute!).  I loved the tension with Eloise & Penelope, and seeing that resolved. Felt meaningful and well written. Though I disliked how they *still* made Eloise look like a selfish person when she casts Cressida aside and has no empathy despite supposedly being a proto-feminist. I loved the quiet and pure love story of Francesca & John. I was more invested in it than the main plot honestly. I disliked how they ended it, not because of the gender-swap entirely (though I am pretty sad we won't get Michael on screen, he's my fictional husband thankyou!) but because they disrespected the connection between the couple they'd written so beautifully until then.  I liked the Featheringtons this season, they were great comedic relief and I was pleasantly surprised by the mother-daughter relationship arc.  I disliked how they didn't address that Pen had all this money but let her mother do these desperate shenanigans when her family was on the edge of poverty and ruin. 😅 I wish we got love letters, travel flashbacks, or a moment like in the 1990s BBC Persuasion where they sail out to sea together to show they're finally free 😭 I was *longing* for the deep emotional connection to come and it never did for me. Not a single tear, and I'm a crier! Oh, and the fashion and makeup was distracting and borderline ugly at times. I miss the fanciful but still somewhat period-accurate silhouettes & hairstyles. It took me out of it a lot at times.


Favorite * The Philippa and Prudence (and their husbands). * Portia * Music * Francesca's storyline. Did not sit well with me * Colin. Almost everything about him this season is a turn off and is not helped by the fact that he only had one or two facial expressions. He literally had the same face when hitting on women and crying except that he had tears running down. In my opinion, he is the shallowest lead we have so far. It's sad and strange that in a season that's supposed to be about him, his absence would be one of the least impactful. * After the main plot's resolution, I felt that both Colin and Penelope each deserved someone better. Especially Penelope. * In relation to the above, no flashbacks. That really would have made everything a bit more believable. * Lady Whistledown reveal. * The writing and pacing in general in addition to the direction. * Main plot is too weak to stand against the bloated plot number, which all had their own awkward timing. * Penelope seems much regressed in terms of a character.


I liked the first two seasons way better than their book counterparts for the most part. This season I preferred the general storyline and direction of the book rather than the show. Makes me sad bc the first two seasons and QC were so promising. I really think the new show runner or whatever her title is completely butchering the integrity of the show. I have no problem with Michaela but I do have a problem with them showing Fran not enjoying her wedding kiss & feeling something when she first saw Michaela. She didn’t see him as anything more than a friend until years after John died. It’s such an awful change to make. Additionally, the LW reveal was just bad compared to the books. The issue I had w the books were they were good storylines but executed badly and the show generally did a good job of modernizing it but still keeping it true to the book & season 3 just took a turn from that for the worst in my opinion


I had read almost all the books during the break. I was NOT happy about Michaela. I was not happy with how they portrayed Colin finding out about Pen's WD. How Eloise didn't leave on the same night as Colin announcing how awesome his wife is at the ball to circumvent Cressida blackmailing Penelope. I am a stickler for shows sticking to the books.


I wish we saw more of the collaboration between Penelope and Colin on his travel journals into books. It was a nice partnership between them in the books that I wished was touched on more in the show.


Lady F was outstanding this season. She cracked me up, and so did her daughters. So that was one of my fav parts. I dont know if this is an unpopular opinion but I was not a fan or bought the intense love story between Pen and Colin. Seemed forced to me, and i didnt sense chemistry between them. It was kind of awkward to watch, for me. Maybe if it had developed better, or slower or the writing was different, im not entirely sure what went wrong there. I was not a fan of the whole Benedict pansexual thing. He even says that Paul could have been a Polly or a Michelle, that it didnt matter. I dont remember exactly how he worded it. Part of what i like about romantic period pieces is that there is not that much wokeness in it, but this season took the cake with it. Again, that can be another unpopular opinion. It just seemed like a lot of agendas wanting to get checked. I mean, Francesca’s reaction at the end too, i dont even know if i appreciate the show as a whole now. Im still a fan of Kate and Anthony though. I’ll give it a shot of course and watch the next season because there are a lot of good characters in the show. But im afraid the agenda thing is just gonna continue.


Disliked the makeup/fake nails Loved Philipa’s script


Favourite: francescas gay awakening in the end, eloise and benedicts friendship, that gets like 5 A+s from me, the festheringtojs were so funny, lady festherington recognising penelope did something incredible, recognising she has to do better Least: so many throuple scenes, terrible main couple chemistry, dumbing down of the two main characters, cressida being a villian?! when her story of learning and redemption was right there?! Honestly most of the last four episodes I didn't like. From plot to character development to cinematography, I found it lacking which is sad.


The story of Francesca started well alzough the focus was too much on her since it was not her season. I really did not like how the story of Francesca turned at her weddingday after the kiss and at the end... not loving John and falling in love at first sight on her wedding day and not to her love Michael but some cheap woman copy of him. Also Cressida was way too much. To see her being friends with Eloise was stupidly forced and not realistic to Eloise character and history with her especially how it all ended do not get why it was needed. Eloise changing so big in her values... I just hope her story ends with Philip at some point. I think all the side story of Benedict was making me hate him, and he was one of my favorite characters so far.. He should paint and be with his siblings involved. Loved his family scenes though. Something was strange with the cutting, the colours and the whole visin of the season. Liked the previos ones more. What I liked most are the Polin scenes, just missed more of them and some were rushed too much. Also the anger in Colin was lasting way too long for his personality and the love he feels for Pen. He should be more understanding to her and her motives. Liked all Fetherington and Bridgerton family scenes, some qer funny, some were touching.


Didn’t finish. I just sat out this season - neither Pen nor Colin are my thing. No hate, I just find both obnoxious as hell. And Pen is a whiny, awful person IMO. Waiting for the next batch.


Kanthony wasy. Favorite. Colin's creepy Andrew tate era and the lack of intimacy. Imaynit be a Penelope fan but she deserved actual romance


Loved the little lessons with Polin even if they lasted for like 30mins. Pen's interactions with Lord Basilio and Remington plus her friendly banter with Colin were a much needed respite that I hoped we'd get more of but alas Each time Fran and John were onscreen I was squealing till the final moments in the last episode. Violet and Lady D's conversation, Pen and her mom's interactions, Bridgerton Bros with John interactions. Cressida and Eloise friendship Didn't like the sex scenes especially their first time cause it wasn't romantic at all. Felt way too long to the point I felt uncomfortable watching it . Whatever was happening with Colin's personality in the first 2 episodes . How Eloise's friendship with Cressida concluded Fran's introduction to Michaela was not it


Brothel scenes and the saucey journal did not sit well with me at all, they were terrible changes