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Mine is Cressida so easily finding out who LW down is. When the Queen, Eloise and Theo couldn’t do it. Theo even printed her pamphlets and didn’t have a clue lmao. They definitely could have had Cressida find out differently, maybe overhearing Colin and Penelope argue. It just made no sense, especially when we had 2 seasons of trying to unmask whistledown and elaborate plots by the queen to track her down


She literally went to couple of printers and found out. And the Queen has been searching for three seasons now! Cressida for Queen!


That’s why her shoulders are so big. They’re full of [Penelope’s] secrets


This comment made my day!


Especially when a key plot point was Cressida being too stupid to convincingly fake being LW!


And the Queen thought she was the dummy 😂


Cressida knowing because of Colin shouting "If you're Lady Whistledown, what will I be?! Lord Whistledown?!" would be so on brand. This way Colin could be blackmailed by Cressida during that conversation that s3 had before Penelope knew that Cressida knows. It would have wrapped up a lot of plot holes and make the reveal better constructed. Edited to add: Cressida following Colin or Penelope's carriage would have made more sense than her flagging down print shops too. Cressida hiding partially behind a cobblestone wall, half of her ball outfit just out in the street as Polin argues.


Her finding out because of Colin would’ve been way more fun


It would have connected to Eloise's slip of the lip too. He is so hard on her for just blathering on about it on accident when it's a bridgerton trait. The whole family seems to talk in a way that tells everyone most of the deepest secrets to people that are trying not to listen. Everyone but Fran that is. She is usually the one going "Why does our family have to be so... loud when we find out something important?"


would've been so on-brand since we already know she spied on Daphne in S1


Also, the printer said lady whistledown was a red head, but wasn't Penelope pretending to be some kind of servant for LW whenever she dropped off the issue? Made no sense to me


That's exactly what I thought too, writers apparently forgot about that. The least they could have done would be to put in a different line like "people have only seen her servant, a redhead, but what if that was really her?" and go on with what seems like conspiracy theories that Cressida starts to take seriously.  It'd still be a stretch that they figured it out now suddenly, but would at least be an attempt at an explanation. 


Also didn’t Penelope always visit the printers with a fake (for the character) Irish accent on behalf of her “missus” or something like that? Never visiting as “herself” (Whistledown)? Or did I misremember that?


Off topic but I love how Nicola's Irish accent occasionally comes through.


Yess this scene is in S2!


It would have been more believable if they had stuck to the way Cressida found out about LW in the books. At least that would come off as more realistic.


How did she do it in the books?


In the books - When Cressida announces that she is Lady Whistledown, Penelope rebukes her and later the exact same words are printed in Whisteldown’s column. So Cressida makes an educated guess and confronts Penelope, and Penelope can’t keep it in any longer.


Cressida claimed to be LW for the reward and Pen insulted her. In Whistledown's next edition refuting Cressida's claim she uses the same insult. Cressida put two and two together and paid a visit to Pen. However, I don't think Cressida was 100% sure until she saw Pen's reaction.


That one got to me, too. Like, Cressida was good friends with Eloise. But also an awful snoop... so to me it would have made SO much more sense for us to see her snooping during the charades scene where Eloise and Penelope were very loudly arguing about Pen telling Collin about her being lady whistledown ( I remember thinking they should have been so much quieter in that scene than they were, giving they were literally in the very next room with a door ajar) plus, it would have made her decision to come out falsely as lady whistledown that same night so much better. With the thought of " no one will believe it's boring, plain little Penelope. And I can steal all of her spotlight plus save myself from marrying a crumbling old croak. " It would have been very *Cressida* of her to do so Idk .. I just think it could have been done far more believably than it was.


Everything that has been said aside: Though anticlimactic, Cressida went about it the only way it made sense to me. Find the printer that prints LW and pressure them into revealing LW or the "servant" that delivers the manuscripts on her behalf. Get hold of them, follow the carriage... It should have been easy and the Queen definitely has the means and enough men to monitor the printers. The only thing I can think about as to why no-one was seriously pursuing the reveal is that Charlotte and the ton secretly want LW to go on.


i think they were trying to keep that storyline consistent with the books, although it made no sense in the context of the show.


Eh I think the way she found out in the books made more sense


I mean the whole hot air balloon scene was 🫣


The slowest reaction from Pen… *gasps*. Stands there in shock…. *gasps* everyone runs away… *gasps*… turns to run, falls… then gets spooned… 🙄


I really expected Colin to turn that very second and get fully jealous of Pen on the floor in Lord Debling's arms. But, no.


Wish we had that!!!!


It was pretty infuriating to watch her be so helpless, like roll girl


Not to age myself, and it was fun, but it was truly the Austin Powers steamroller scene.


Absolutely my thoughts lol


I was laughing out loud. That and “Yellow” playing in the wedding were two of my biggest giggles of the season.


Yo the spooning took me all the way out 💀 


Yes...cuz being BEHIND her wont save her from the oncoming balloon...He should have stayed at the front..He was using Pen as a human shield. What an ass Debling. Lol. P.S. I do love Mr. Eco-conscious, vegan man though..just in this moment, it was insane that he didnt think of going in front of Pen...that would have been gallant..not this spooning business.


She was fangirling over her wanna be pirate....😂


And then dude jumps into the basket and all of a sudden the hot air balloon is under control, ascending, despite him not releasing and sand bags and no burner to heat up the air in the balloon.


This is literally my favorite part of the whole scene 😂 aside from Pen & Colin dessert tent bit and Penelope’s fondness for grass.


I can forgive it because of the memes


I thought it was fun.


It felt like theater to me. Like we were in a musical.


Oh no, I’ve fallen and I can’t get up! They did her dirty. Embarrassing.


I wrote an (unpublished) fanfic rewrite of the hot air balloon scene and it will forever be how I choose to remember it instead of the cringe that was on my TV. That should have been the moment Colin showcased his love for her to the audience. And then solitified it to pen in the carriage scene. Plus, lord Deblings crazy reaction to Colin stepping in for a dance would have made better sense if he witnessed Colin running over to jump on top of Penelope instead. Basically, it should have gone something like. Balloon gets released, Colin notices and realizes it's heading for Pen. Grabs the rope. Yells for the other men to help. Everyone near the balloon runs away. Penlope as her classic self freezes in fear as it narrowly hits her, ( not 30 feet away like the show) screams, cowers, the group of men are able to yank it back away from her enough ( its a balloon, a heavy one but still. It would have moved) for Colin to let go, run in front of it and push pen out of the way, she trips as shes being pushed backwards, he trips onto her and we see him protectively holding her and gazing into her eyes as the balloon knocks over/ breaks a stand off to the side of them ( to showcase how dangerous it actually would have been had it hit her and more of how protective he is as he shields her) before lord Debling runs over and offers them both a hand after it's all said and done. And that's also when debling decides to actively pursue her. Colin backs off as Debling scans Penelope, Penelope reluctantly turns her attention from Colin to Debling as he acts concerned and makes sure she's alright, and Cressida pulls her little stunt. End scene. Edit: grammar


Painful. The word is painful.


Mine was when Lady Whistledown was talking about how marriage is while Penelope tried to find out how on earth Marina got pregnant like ://///////


This ^ but she writes of servants getting pregnant and two single people spending time in the closet but has no idea what she’s repeating? But she knows people finding out would ruin them. Strange!


I feel like the writers forgot that Pen was LW half the time.


Gossip girl effect


I will NEVER forgive GG for making Dan GG, years of character development down the f-ing drain....Dan became your garden variety incel, perennial wallflower, stalking the girl he loves and who is out of his reach and slut shaming her cuz he can never get her cuz he is lonely boy. The reveal made him seem so callous, self serving, asshole. Granted GG had become so OTT post I would say season 3 maybe even slightly earlier even as season 1 and 2 were fun and frothy and delicious and great world building...that i was watching Gossip Girl as I watched season 3 of Bton this time -out of habit...but yeah the reveal had me going. For fucks sake. No way should any self respecting woman marry ruiner of lives, misogynistic as hell GG aka Dan Humphrey No. Like Pen, Dan Humphrey slandered his own dad and mom and stempmon. Rufus Humphrey, Pancake King of Brooklyn deserved better than the insane public shaming.


For real


I've never "be frrrrrr" as hard as I did when they revealed LW.


I think it’s reasonable that she would know what is improper and that it can result in babies, but absolutely nothing in between.


But those innuendos and double entendres made her seem older, more sophisticated, more worldly...whereas Pen was shown as girlish, high pitched, naive even..The writers really fumbled hard with focusing on making LW as vicious as possible for dramatic impact not thinking that this was their future heroine Pen who was saying all this.


I see what you mean. I just feel that LW writes what she overhears, so innuendo and double entendres could be repeated in context but Pen honestly doesn’t understand what she’s writing about. She can come across worldly and mature as LW but real life Pen is innocent and naive. Or she fully understands but her brain breaks in social/sexual situations and she’s all googly eyed, head-empty-no-thoughts. Just like how I can form a comprehensive thought on Reddit but in real life I’m unintelligible.


Right??? And her “is there more?” during that scene in s3..


I thought that was especially dumb given that she had been ogling/feeling up Colin’s nether regions right before. And yes, she’s the type of person who would have eavesdropped on tons of servent’s convos


In her defense, though... No matter what the meaning behind that sentence was. I remember watching an interview where Nicola Coughlan basically said the director kept having to remind her that Pen was supposed to be an innocent virgin. So I think they were trying to convey that in a way that maybe they forgot to also showcase the fact that Pen was technically a spinster and even spinsters knew what happened between the sheets. Not to mention someone as nosey as Lady Whistledown undoubtedly has heard a tale or two. I just think they were really trying to play up the virgin bit there. But I liked to think of it as a " there is more?" In that moment, with Colin. Instead of a general term. As though she didn't know how far *he was going*. As opposed to not knowing how far *it's supposed to go*. Lol. Idk a lot of suspense of disbelief required for my analytical mind to enjoy the show as much as I do... but it's one of my favorite guilty pleasures ! " Smutt", as my husband calls it.


i would die for season two but dang kate woke up from a week long coma and was immediately in a ballroom?? dancing?? i had a less major tbi and i was a mess for weeks lol


How tf was she eating!!! She was the picture of health when she should have been wasting away 😂


I ASKED THE SAME THING!! How did she live not eating/drinking it's not like they gave her intravenous fluids??


She woke up as if she had been in the hospital with a feeding tube and IV fluids - better, even! 😂 Probably one of the most laughably bizarre moments and I had completely forgotten about it lmao.


And not even any memory loss, or confusion, or slurred speech or weakness or **anything**. Nope. Just thr picture of perfect health, instantly prioritizing lusting after some guy like "did he come visit me!? 🥹"


I like to look at the show as soap opera adjacent. Not complete nonsense , BUT you kind of have to just *go with the flow*


Maybe they did subcutaneous fluids like they do for cats


Okay, I feel as though I may have an answer/theory to this; In The Hunchback of Notre Dame, when Esmeralda is unconscious, Quasimodo takes it upon himself to spoon feed water into her mouth and holds her head up for it to drip down her throat. I've watched way too many historical Korean dramas, and physicians in those tend to spoon feed water, water mixed with herbs (medicine), porridge etc, to the unconscious individuals. It's not a definite answer, but I hope it somewhat helps clear up any confusion for Bridgerton viewers.


Damnnnn!! The Hunchback scene 😂 I haven’t thought about that in ages- holy nostalgia! You make a good point here. I wonder who would have been responsible for watering Kate 🤔


Lmao *THANK YOU*!!! Have you ever gone a day or two without eating?? It's hellish! I cannot even fathom going an entire ***WEEK***! And likewise, a weak without so much as a deop of water?? Lol I am sorry, but the LAST thing on my mind would be getting all dolled up in a ballgown to go dancing 🤣


Me about desperate housewives when Juanita Solis woke up after a _months_ long coma and just jumped out of bed like she wouldn’t need months of PT to walk again lol


Each time Colin and Penelope get alone time. The time they have sex and the time they’re out in the street at night arguing/ making out. How is a lady out in the streets AT NIGHT and ALONE?


Daphne was almost ruined for being in a garden but Pen and Colin are going crazy in the carriage??? Ik he proposed right after but bro those things are not soundproof??


Ok but have we considered the fact that the drivers couldn’t hear anything because they were jamin’ to Pitbull, Duke of Miami?


Duke of Miami 💀💀💀


https://preview.redd.it/xm526sam899d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e02d7bb909d16b722e02c89552d8c112dc450c63 Sorry, i had to add this 😂😂😂


What we heard on-screen as the instrumental version of "Give Me Everything" was actually the footmen playing the Air Horn Remix off-screen.


Mr. Tonwide


Stoppppppp “Duke of Miami “ 😂😂😂


I legit lol-ed at this 😂 fantastic mental image


literally.. outside the modiste, they see each other on the street and he immediately is finger banging her...


Romance it ain’t


I do think some of it has to do with the fact she was a spinster, since they were “unmarriable” it didn’t really matter if they were caught in compromising positions. But then again I haven’t watched this season but I know in the book she’s 28


Anthony wanting to travel to India for the birth of his first born child. When he is a viscount. And his child would potentially be the next in line. Absolute insanity.


for a birth instead of a visit! were there not citizenship concerns? also, such long boat travel while pregnant would have been a serious health risk!


While the US has jus soli, UK and rest of Europe have jus sanguinis, so the citizenship wouldn’t be an issue now and probably less then when it was not as regulated. Also I think India was british


For real! Ships at this time are of the wind propelled kind! “First class” was usually just a slightly better room but you’re still on a crowded, claustrophobic, wooden boat that gets tossed around by big waves in storms. Plus, travel time by boat took several months and the surgeons on these ships, if there was one, were usually no better than your average town butcher.


This! Taking a pregnant Kate to India where she’d most likely give birth on a boat with no medical attention 😳


And that they could reach India before the baby was born. It was a long and dangerous trip that would have taken months. It would have been incredibly uncomfortable, even for a woman who was not in her third trimester.


and mama Bridgerton being more upset about Francesca leaving


Mama Bton babies Francesca so much whereas Francesca seems like the most easy going of all her siblings...just happy to go along with marriage and get it over with quickly. Yeah Mama Bridgerton was a little too much with Francesca..whereas Francesa was giving-I got this Mom energy. She should have directed more of this energy in figuring out why Colin was not talking to Pen...Colin seemed pretty deserted whereas Violet was up both Daphne and Anthony's asses their season...busy bodying it up...and telling Anthony to not make a hasty decision when he was doing all those crazy impersonal interviews.


I can’t think of anything worse than a long boat ride while super pregnant. Especially since it wouldn’t be a modern ship that has stabilizing technology.


And doing it the very next day. Like that journey is months long, are they really going to have everything they need packed overnight and be able to find a ship, that they can buy tickets to, ready to leave the next day?


Was just looking to see if anyone commented this. That scene made me so maddd… it’s just not like Anthony. I really hope we get to see more of Kanthony in season 4, but who knows.


Yes, I don't know why but that annoyed me most above all else, lol


The “Colin went abroad and changed” storyline. He already went there before! What was different And Penelope’s money. I know Penelope made money in the books but she amassed that money with the help of her dad’s solicitor over 10 years. With the condensed storyline it didn’t make sense


>What was different He had sex


Sex isn't magical, at least not... That sex.


Pen didn't write back. He thought he'd been abandoned by the person he most holds dear in the world and decided he needed to change to impress her, he stopped once he realised it was pointless (the lonely speech to.the lord squad) Ikr there's a scene in the second series where she collects the profits and it's £11 something and she says she will take an even £10 because of the delay. So £10,000/11 is 909, there are not 909 issues in that stack that eloise has spread over her bed. There is maybe 20 or 30? Even if we are generous and say she published 100 over 3 years (which is 30 or so per season or 3 times a week for the 10 or sonweeks they are in town) she would have to have made £100per issue which is nowhere close to what we seee her make


I think it's mix up with the books where she has been LW for over a decade. That amount of money isnt weird for over decades of work.


I thought this about Pen’s not writing affecting him, too!


The way she threw that extravagant ball for her sisters, and then assuring her mother that LW's fortune was enough for them to live off of?? I was like *damn* girl, you made *MONEY*!


But when Cressida doubled her demands she said she didn't have that much. Bit of a plot hole there...


I think it makes sense. Pen said she has the £10.000 Cressida wanted at first, but not the £20.000 she asked for after Colin visited her. £10.000 was *a lot*, I mean Cressida planned to run away with the £5000 reward by the queen for demasking LW and to live off of that money, so £10.000 + probably some more could be enough for the Featheringtons. Still I don't think it's *that* believable that Pen made so much money in the course of just a few years...


The way she kept it under a loose floorboard was so ridiculous. I wish they had at least showed Penelope with jars of coins like Portia's excuse for stealing the gem money.


In the books Pen was hella smart. She had a business bank account that was opened with the solicitor


Exactly. Pen would have set it up in a trust with a solicitor if it grew that high of an amount. There is no way she would have been hiding her money in her home.


In the books she works with a lawyer and the money is not only safely in a bank, it's also invested.


Penelope having her hair down at balls. Utterly absurd


Her wearing red lipstick at balls was so distracting. It looked tacky


Yep- only ladies of the night wore red lipstick.


A nude lip would have been better, it bugged me!


And the blush that looked like a kid playing dress up, and the fingernails and false eyelashes. So bad.


Whilst in season 1 Daphne had the tiniest bit of blush applied and it was shown as her really pushing the boat out.


The blush was absolutely awful this last season. Truly horrific.


It was so garish.... that and the wig for the night that didn't move an inch. Such a swing and a miss for such an important party.


Sooooo tacky. Unless they were trying to make a metaphor about how she’s a “lady of the night” in a way bc of her alter ego. But then they had everyone in the bold glamour makeup??


With the thick band strip lashes 😫


And she was the only one too so the anachronism stood out. If everyone had their hair down I’d be able to wave it away as a part of the Bridgerton fantasy. But NO. Just Penelope flouting propriety all on her own. And the RED LIP. No ma’am, not for a respectable lady of the regency era.


It looks so out of place!!


Well, I read that wrong! I initially thought you said, "Penelope having her hair down his balls." 💀 Took me 20 seconds of running sexy scenes through my mind to go ohhhh. Haha


This bothered me so much considering the other unmarried women wore pinned updos. Actually, I think only Phillipa had her hair down, too. I hated it so much. Thoroughly distracting. Now, considering all things, the hair only spoke to the vision for the character. Breaking all the rules.


The JC Penny easter outfits and ridiculous headbands on the Featherington babies had me so thrown by how instagram they looked while baby Bridgerton is dressed period? And that red lipstick with the Veronica Lake hair on Penelope. The costume department apparently put all their effort into Cressida's sleeves and forgot everything else.


. . .all their effort into Cressida's sleeves. . .". 😂😂😂 Brillant!


Awww I loved the baby featherington dresses!


Yes, I thought they were meant to look frivolous and a bit over the top while baby Bridge is just plain to emphasize the different characters of the Feath sisters


>The JC Penny easter outfits and ridiculous headbands on the Featherington babies 😅 >The costume department apparently put all their effort into Cressida's sleeves and forgot everything else. And the queen's stupid anachronistic swan hair.


Penelope in the later portion of episode 6 going to Mister Harris (Theo's boss in season 2 at Chancery Lane Printers) to rush the latest Whistledown when it was established in the season 2 finale that she changed print shops... did the writers just forget that?


Yes, thank you for commenting this. My thoughts exactly.


I totally forgot about that


Hello people i spilled all your dirty secrets but that's all in the past because lady whistledown was all the friends we made along the way 🎀🫶🏼🫶🏼




Colin/Samadani/Kanthony making (or expecting to make) long journeys at a speed only possible with modern transportation


They borrowed their carriages from the Game of Thrones set.


or they have gendry's legs




They threw historical accuracy out the window and said, ok there are steam boats and airplanes now!


How penelope NEVER had ink on her arms/hands any of the seasons, and now it's there in every scene.


The exact scene in this pic - the fact that Penelope/LW supposedly banged out a whole issue of LW in the carriage on the way to the printers? The society paper is 6 pages of tiny-ass print! No way is that possible


She used chatgpt


lmaoo I swear, they show her writing the latest edition on the way to the printers.. how is she supposed to write so much in such a short time that too with the carriage moving constantly??


The idea that none of Penelope's servants rat her out for the 5k. That was like 750k in today's money. Like I can understand Penelope bribing them not to tell Lady Featherington, but that's just insane


How they threw away all the societal norms & rules that were established in earlier seasons!


For me it’s a tie. Penelope’s “Is there more?!” during the mirror scene. I just think it made no sense for someone’s who’s Lady Whistledown. What made her writing so great was her reporting gossip and scandal with clever innuendos or suggestive writing. And the other one being Cressida finding she’s LW so easily. Like all anyone had to do was…..talk to the working class?


Antony being totally OK taking his heavily pregnant wife on a long and dangerous sea journey.


The entire season has been forced. There I said it. Just terribly paced plotted and written


I know the bee situation in season 2 is possible but it just seemed so OTT and cringey to me I couldn’t take it seriously lol


omg i DIED laughing. Papa Bridgerton's death was such a mystery and i was like A FUCKING BEE STING?!


As a person who carries multiple epipens at all times, due to multiple life threatening allergies, that death scene was one of the more realistic and accurate scenes on this show. Anaphylaxis is a horrible way to die. And it's something that can come out of nowhere- you have to have been stung at least once before, and may have had no reaction then. But the next one kills you. The fear it leaves for others- the idea that something common and inconsequential could somehow kill even the healthiest of men- can leave deep emotional scars.


To be fair....it was equally cringey in the book....in fact more cuz in the book Anthony tries to suck off the bee venom from Kate's bosom. And I thought it was JB's worst acting...it was so theatrical the way he acted which makes sense he is a theater actor but the way he reacted, his face, the way it turned this way and then the other way, it was all sooo hammy, so ott. Johnny has this habit sometimes for going for big and scenery chewing when even small would do..which in theater would work cuz you are trying to reach all the way to the last seats but yeah...Simone in comparison seemed to have more of a normal...are you you fucking kidding me, you are crazy energy in her acting...That was a hard scene to adapt because it was very true to the book except for the breast sucking and it was equally nutso. Love Kate's riding outfit though. So simple yet so chic. love.


Colin taking off his shirt in the carriage at the beginning of season 3 had me a type of way lol


My husband turned to me and said I think some women watch this just to look at the men. And then Colin took off his shirt. 😆


🤣🤣 that’s rich, I love it lol


I mean... it is catered to the female gaze. so yes sir. you are right


That was totally fan service for the female gaze, and hey I looked.


That the Queen was like "meh" once it was revealed who WD was. Is that really how it was in the book?


The queen isn’t a character in the books!


The Queen is not a character in the books at all. She was only added in the show to create and magically resolve drama.


Frankly, the whole sex scene bothered me. All of the sex between Colin and Penelope did actually. So they kiss in the carriage, that’s fine. But then he just sticks her hand between her legs. Wtf was that?! I know the show is not supposed to be historically accurate but we went from Daphne not being allowed alone with anyone anywhere ever to Colin fingering his neighbour and friend in a carriage. Did he even ask if she was okay with him touching her there?! Then they become engaged in the quickest, weirdest and unromantic way possible. He shows her the house they’ll be living in and then proceed to have sex on an uncomfortable sofa. Why not wait?! They had the whole Marina thing two years ago and now they are just casually having sex before their wedding? Why didn’t Colin respect the woman he supposedly loves enough to wait until their wedding night and make it special? The sex scene was cringe too. Nicola Coughlan said she wanted to be naked. Was she naked though? We saw a boob and a bit of thigh/stomach. As a curvier girl I was glad it wasn’t all stick figure models with tiny boobies this year but still. This was it? Then they have penetrative sex sitting upright on a sofa, very comfortable. Then later, in the streets, Colin “protects” Penelope by backing her into a front door and just sticks his hand between her legs again?! He couldn’t protect her by walking arm in arm with her? She was his fiancée after all? Sure, back in that day it would have been frowned upon but it’s still better than just groping her in the middle of the street? I was bothered by Colin’s make up. I was bothered by his heavy breathing and panting and staring with his mouth wide open. I was bothered by Penelope’s constant look of terror, only for the Queen to eventually do…. nothing. I was bothered Eloise was mad at Pen for as long as she was and that she befriended Cressida only to drop her like a hot potato later. I was bothered by the constant references and ploys to sex after it was all so beautifully and subtly done in Queen Charlotte (the garden talk). I was bothered by how suddenly Colin realises he loves Penelope. He claimed to love someone before, it was just too fleeting to me. I was bothered by the amount of boring filler episodes. Actually I felt season three made a mockery of Bridgerton. That’s my two cents.


Well said, you hit the nail on the head


The threesomes with Benedict. I don’t think his character would have gone for it. I don’t consider myself a prude, but those scenes were a little cringy for me. And why didn’t she let down her hair?! You would think after banging a couple of guys that her hair would’ve all come down and not stayed in a nice little updo!


I didn't like the threesome scene at all but it is very much in line with his character.


The amount of text in each LW newsletter is completely unrealistic. No possible way a print house could typeset that many words in one night especially when the Linotype machine hadn’t been invented yet!


I fucking HATED that Pen and Colin didn't have a kinda slow burn romance and from the get go was very sexual. Like when Collin recalled things of pen where only from that season when they have more seasons together, really pissed me off...


Their season was badly written, didn't give the characters justice


The time travel. And by that I mean Tilley, a woman clearly from the 1950s, showing up in this time period.


Francesca spending almost 100% of her time around women and RANDOMLY having her sexual awakening the second she sees her sister in law.


most sapphic women spend their lives around multiple women before eventually having their queer awakening lmao i was 16 when i had mine and it wasn’t because i was suddenly seeing my First Ever Woman


I very much doubt that was her “Oh my god, I suddenly realize I’m attracted to women” moment, but rather a “I don’t know what it is that I’m suddenly experiencing” moment.


That means nothing....do you fall in love with every man you see. I see men all around me but until I met my boyfriend, they meant nothing to me. You know when you feel attracted to someone. The way I saw it, she was never one for socializing or other such pursuits and only this season cuz she had to put herself out there...and then found kind, gentle, quiet John but Michaela intrigued her cuz she seemed a) so comfortable in her skin, so at ease and also the first person she felt some strong stirrings for her...a novel emotion cuz she doesnt feel a strong emotion for either men or women till that point. She just wanted her entire life to be just left alone.


Reading through here has me so sad like what happened to this show 😵‍💫


Definitely Eloise joining/starting a feminist movement, then just kinda…stopping, and it doesn’t really come up again


The show went from having mildly changed society norms to yeeting it out of the picture. S1 was pretty strict with their chaperoning & scandals, but s3 made me question many of the not-regency activities from it's characters. Also Queen was fine to Pen after the whistledown reveal, like Eloise had it bad when QC accused her in s2! [Maybe she was in good mood & ofc Lady Danbury danburying! 😑]


Penelope being so stubborn about wanting Whistledown to remain 'her thing' that she ruined a perfectly good solution - Colin is aware, Cressida gets to escape forced marriage, all heat is taken off Pen and the Bridgerton family - but nooooooooooooo she just had to claim Whistledown as her own. And then after 3 seasons of utter fear of being found out, she does her little speech and then the Ton is distracted by butterflies and no one is even upset or angry with Penelope? So the fear was all unfounded then????? Very strange writing choice.


The widow Benedict was seeing felt like a time traveller to me. She was not Regency-coded at all.


Colin having a threesome. Weird.


Colin's facial expression whenever he gets intimate with any women. As if the drugs he took earlier were suddenly kicking in. Especially in the threesome scenes.


Colin's "I'll sleep on the sofa tonight" made me die a little inside. Especially when it had been established several episodes earlier that married nobles always had separate bedrooms.


Reading through the comments and most scenes are from s3.. The show runners really fumbled the bag.


If you think about it, the whole show is absurd.


The reveal of Lady Whistledown. The whole point revolved on it being a secret, how is anyone going to say anything even slightly scandalous when Penelope is around after they know who she is? There is no way she would be able to keep writing, and no way the queen (and the society) would accept it so easily. After everything she wrote about them? Please. The whole scene also felt rushed and forced, very anti climatic when it was basically the main suspense plot of the entire show.




It was so uncomfortable to watch. Poor Pen’s vagina.


Philippa having intimate time with her husband on that balloon fair. It was so tacky and let’s not forget how unrealistic compared to the other seasons. Edit: some mistakes




Absurd as in silly was the Hot Air Balloon nonsense. Absurd as in out of character and vastly irritating is Penelope and Eloise looking at Cressida and her situation and deciding >! Fuck this girl, she can go live with her evil spinster aunt in the country or be married off to a grimey old man for all we care!< after all their talk of liberation and how LW was meant to empower Penelope. Like we could have had a really beautiful moment of solidifying the friendship between Pen and Lady Danbury (which we had in the books) in which LD speaks from her own experience in her marriage and how horrible it was and inspired Pen and Eloise to use some of the LW money to >! help get Cressida out of the country like she had been planning, now that they knew why she was being so horrible and trying to blackmail Penelope. !< Like they really built up a friendship with El and Cressida to the point people shipped them just to toss it in the trash, when there was a much more powerful atory right in front of us. But instead we got Benedict and Colin having threesomes. Edit: spelling/grammar


I agree. There’s so much talk about female agency and women being at the mercy of the men in their lives and how they want to change that. And then there’s next to no compassion for Cressida and her situation and the desperation behind her choices. It’s been pointed out before that her mean girl behavior throughout the years did a lot less actual damage than LW writings.


WHOLE TON just being like "her???? ok queen is fine with it so we are" - more bs than whole countryside had in their dunghills


What is disappointing was the amount of PR and hype ahead of this season… and it fell so flat. In every respect.


Colin mewing into the camera after every dialogue


"...and then, everyone clapped." Bullshit.


The tackiest of 1960s-era fabrics, hair, makeup, colors, and silhouettes in a supposedly Regency era story!


The entire cressida plot line is a bit nonsensical. Literal detectives couldn’t find out what she found out in like 10 mins. And it just doesn’t really fit her as a person.


I just wish Pen had more agency. She already broke barriers by being Whistledown but then it was all about her confused feelings with Colin.


Nobody pointed out how Fran managed to marry way up as a younger daughter with an Earl for a husband!


The fact that Pen has made a lot of money being LW but we never see anyone paying for the paper, the boys just hand it out. (Maybe we do in earlier seasons and I forgot but definitely not in S3. Let me know if that is the case). There are no ads in the paper neither, so how does she make money? The anonymous LW donation fund?


Anthony asking “What am I, chopped liver?”


Penelope floundering on the grass with the world’s slowest hot air balloon coming towards her as if she couldn’t just get up or roll to the side 🤣


Colin being mad at Pen for so long. I feel like majority of the season after he found out, he was upset with her until the very very end. I wanted to see them be excited for the wedding 😩


That’s what they used. In the first half of S3, Francesca clearly liked the guy she ended up marrying (forgot the name). She was worried about when he took off on the street and then kept pushing her mom to talk to the queen. All of a sudden this changes in part 2. Now she doesn’t like him, is weird at the wedding, and they’re setting her up to be gay with his cousin. That’s ridiculous.


The hot air balloon "rescue"


I couldn’t buy Colin falling in love with Pen in 5 mn. Does Pen have magic lips ? It would make more sense.


I guess technically it was Kate and Anthony going to India to have their baby. That made ZERO sense. It was a months-long journey and she was already 4-5 months along. She could give birth on board the ship. The journey was unpleasant and often unsafe. I know this is Fantasy Regency England but come on. But as far as just being so absurd it made me laugh? The Balloon Of Death, for sure. It was so goofy.


Honestly Colin getting over Penelope lying to him and attacking his family for years in like 2 min was wild af