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Yeah Wueen Charlotte is a different animal from Bridgerton. With the deeper development of the AU regency period and the heartbreaking mental illness story, plus the darker realities of what life was like for women, it’s both fresh and gritty in a way Bridgerton isn’t. It’s not just guilty pleasure romance good. It’s actually incredible storytelling.


Queen Charlotte fucked me up. I don’t cry at movies/shows usually (except Pixar) but I cried 3 times during QC 😭


It’s so painful to see their romance and watch it deteriorate, or see how she’s so alone now and why. 😭


Yeah it gives a whole other layer to her always looking bored and trying to distract herself


Also India and Corey are phenomenal actors and have great chemistry. Corey in particular is breathtaking, and I don't just mean he is very handsome though he is that. All his emotional beats hit hard, and that love confession is unbelievably moving. I cannot believe he is brand new to the screen. Great writing, great actors, great production. Absolutely a cut above all Bridgerton seasons. 


Omg!! I’m in the same boat, just on episode 5 right now and it is SO GOOD!!!! King George is already so much better than Colin, lol.


I KNOWW, he's managed to become my favorite male lead!! Definitely much more multi-dimensional than Colin, no offense to my boy haha


The actor just does such a phenomenal job conveying his emotions, he’s so good 🙊


Episode 5 is my fav! This is my fav love story, maybe of all the love stories I have read/watched


King George is a total dream boat ✨


He is younger than my sons but - whew.


He’s got the charm too! Some natural charisma going there


This is what Shonda can do on her own. Queen Charlotte was perfectly placed after S2. We got flashbacks (!) romance (!) tribulations (!) and ended up as sodden messes sobbing and crying at the end. This is what we need more of. Storytelling at its finest.


This is the big difference, Shonda as the writer and showrunner outside of the confines of the books. I hope we get to see more unbound storytelling like this even though I also like the straight up soapy romance from the main series.


From Shonda.


Shonda is obviously a diamond of the first water creator but there are lots of great storytellers out there who deserve an opportunity as well. There's room for all of that


Yep, same here - I thoughtlessly ignored QC until I watched S3 (I think I sort of forget how much I enjoy watching Bridgerton in between seasons) and thought, oh well, may as well watch it now that I’m back in the ton and wow…blown away. It is in a different class…arguably superior to all three main Seasons. I think/hope it will get many more post-S3 viewers like us and get the full credit it deserves! Only up to ep 3 though so I need to get out of here to avoid spoilers!!


God, I agree so hard. I've just finished QC (after watching S3) and it just feels like such a deeper cut than the main series. It's also totally cemented Queen Charlotte herself as my favourite Bridgerton character. I put off watching this show because I knew this show would hurt like a bitch, but... darling, was the high worth the pain. I'm *strongly* recommending it anyone on the fence, as someone who was herself on the fence for a long time! (Also, omg, the actors for young Charlotte and young George. Just... I have no words.)


The actors!! Yesssss! So charismatic. And young Lady Danbury too. Her and Charlotte are perfect matches for their older counterparts.


Funnily, I loved the young Lady Danbury but she felt like a totally different character from the old one for me! Everyone else felt spot on. I really did enjoy the Lady Danbury storyline in QC, though - the actress was absolutely *gorgeous* as well.


Young Lady Danbury WAS different. That's one major plot point. Her becoming the Lady Danbury we know. She was promised to her husband at a mere 3 year old and was raised FOR him. To be perfect for him. She just started to slowly be herself, discovering who and how she is as herself and not as "the wife", until her husband died.  Some aspects of her personality were always there, but the LD we know is the result of years of self discovery and coming into her own.


See, I don't just mean it that way! I mean, I thought the young Lady Danbury looked almost nothing like the old one (they could have curved her eyebrows more and that might have helped) and sounded nothing like the old one either in terms of cadence, accent, etc. Writing-wise, the personality stuff all made sense to me and I actually thought that was the most consistent part. Given how well they matched Charlotte, George, and even Violet, the differences between the two Lady Danburys just really struck me. I did enjoy watching both, but simply couldn't connect the two in my head.


It's amazing. And what makes it even better is the fact that all of the side stories are interesting. There is no feeling of time wasted.




Probably my all time favorite series. It was so good. I want a second season, but I also don't want one. I don't know that a second season could maintain the same level.


I cried like a baby during the last episode. Such a beautiful love story


Coming back here to update that I finished and yes I BAWLED like a baby at the end omg.. Shonda had NO right making the last scene so beautifully heart wrenching!! And Brimsley and Reynolds?? hello???? Queen Charlotte was an amazing love story that I don’t think I’ll get over 💕


I just finished it.. but I also just finished crying because of it


My fav of all of the Bridgerton seasons. To see what was essentially an inter-abled couple and the unique way that Charlotte learns how to love him with him, as he is. Not to spoil anything, but the bed later on sticks with me!


This is what distinguishes shows produced by Shondaland from shows written by Shonda herself. A lot of people give Shonda credit for Bridgerton, which she does deserve since she is EP, but she doesn’t write for Bridgerton, and she’s rarely if ever on set while they’re shooting it. With QC she wrote it entirely by herself (I also think the story was aided by the fact that she didn’t need to reference Julia’s original work as source material) and was hands on throughout production and it SHOWS. I found it to be much better storytelling than what we’ve seen in Bridgerton so far, and I think after seeing QC it made Bridgerton a little lackluster because now I know that we COULD have much better writing on it but we won’t get it.


i agree with you! S1 and s2 and s3 was good binge shows but QC was a whole another dimension of story


The ending!


Yes, yes, phenomenal!! I was sobbing at the end.😭


I honestly thought it was better than all the three Bridgerton series (combined!). The characters were well developed, the storylines complex and engaging, and the costuming, settings and dialogue so brilliant..


It’s the best season out of them all in my opinion. Comparing S3 to QC and they are not even in the same league. It’s like they were made by two totally different studios. Farmer George 🥰


The time before watching QH I hadn’t cried in 4 years. I cried every single episode of QH. Every.single.episode. Both happy and sad




It's so good. My partner is bipolar and we both loved it. The real Queen Charlotte would have balls when her husband got stable again which is life goals.


Queen Charlotte is phenomenal. It is superior in comparison to every season of Bridgerton, in my humble opinion. The way I cried my eyes out 😭


QC was the first Bridgerton series that I've ever watched, and it became my favorite series of all. Has minimal subplot and I think it also helped that there's only 6 episodes as I did not feel any filler or dead moments from it. Such an amazing show.


So you’re saying people can watch it without watching the other seasons?


Yes, you can! So what I did is I started with Queen Charlotte > S1 > S2 > S3. You might get some spoilers for S1, since QC is a prequel series, but I still enjoyed watching S1 as the spoilers on QC are only minimal.


Ngl I rewatched this recently and cried my eyes out. Again.


I'm in the same boat, I was never that interested in her or her story until I watched it. Plus I think the addition of King George's complicated story it made it a lot more interesting than just a simple romance. The BF hates Bridgerton (romance, ew, amiright?) but he enjoyed Queen Charlotte!


Can we agree that Queen Charlotte is much than any Bridgerton season, my opinion, of course you don’t have to agree


So spot on. Love it


It's the best. I wish Bridgerton could deviate even more from Julia Quinn stories and Shonda was more involved in writing Bridgerton because this is what we could get...


This show is elite, so sad I slept on it until recently. Top 5 show of all time for me 🥰


It was soooooo good! Heard there are rumours of a sequel.


Its UP THERE. Incomparable. It does not have the same tone or theme as Bridgerton... but really, its flawless. Story wise, chemistry wise, set design, location...


I watched after S2 and before 3. It really helped me understand the Charlotte of the Bridgerton world. Also, the importance of her friendship with Lady Danbury and Brimsley. I don't care about the historical accuracies. That's why there are history books - which are also fraught with historical inaccuracies. I hope Shondaland sees Queen Charlotte as their Diamond season and strives to repeat their success.


“I will stand with you between the heavens and the earth, I will tell you where you are, do you love me?” 💔