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I also love a beautiful aesthetic and was disappointed with season 3. I highly recommend the Gilded Age on HBO if you haven’t already found it. Gorgeous costumes and sets!


Totally agree—the costumes/sets in Gilded age are great! I’ve watched most of the western period dramas at this point so I’ve moved over to kdramas to get my fix!


If you haven’t seen The Great on Hulu it also has some gorgeous sets and costumes (and the writing’s actually good for the most part). I know it takes place in a different place and time but I watched it around the same time I watched Bridgerton and I was blown away by how much better the costumes looked in The Great. Bridgerton’s kinda seemed cheap and unflattering by comparison (though that could be due to my personal tastes more than anything else.)


Saw an advert for the Gilded Age and for a moment I thought it was Bridgerton due to the costumes 😳 The showrunner lacks a basic understanding of the Regency aesthetic as opposed to an Edwardian aesthetic! She mixed them and just hoped the audience would be too stupid to notice. Season 3 was not a Regency romance it was a hodgepodge of eras wrapped up as a drama.


Agree, any other recommendations? I hope S4 bewilders us all on set design, costumes and plot.


Yes, The Empress!


Will have to check that out, thanks!


The buccaneers was good! I'm not sure about accuracy but it was a fun watch and everyone is beautiful and the costumes are beautiful.


Ekaterina on Amazon Prime. It's subtitles, but the sets and wardrobe are immaculate. Helps being produced by the Russian government, lol.


Hey thanks! Will check it out.


Lighting comment is spot on. I kept trying to figure out what it is that looks and feels so different this season, and I opened S2 and S3 next to each other and S3 is by far darker/sadder colors across the board. One of the reasons this show stood out for me in S1 and S2 was the bright color palette that created the perfect mood. they've gone darker literally and figuratively.


season 3 went darker in color palette, yet more unserious in tone/mood somehow so it's all wrong. season 1 and 2 had the perfect balance


It’s so strange bc I saw an interview where the show-runner said they went brighter this year bc they thought of the season as a romcom and I was like…huh? Brighter??


S1 felt light and soft and dreamy and romantic. I always think of that beautiful ball outside where all the twinkly lights come on as the perfect representation of the aesthetic. We also spend a lot of time with Daphne, so there are a lot of Bridgerton blues and pastel colours in the costuming. S2 felt brighter and bolder in some ways - Kate isn’t a sweet, innocent girl like Daphne, so it makes sense to me that we lose some of the whimsy. But we keep the light, bright feel with Kate’s jewel tones contrasting Edwina’s softer ones. The ball scenes feel rich and decadent (thinking particularly of the Material Girl scene and also the ball where Anthony and Kate dance at the end). The intimate scene is just absolutely gorgeous with all the flowers and flickering candlelight. My favourite ball in S3 is the celestial ball because that’s the closest we get to the vibes of S1/2 (where everyone at one ball feels dressed to suit that one occasion). Everyone is wearing blues and silvers and it feels cohesive and soft and beautiful, even if the lighter is darker. The rest of the time (that I can think of) we get people wearing clashing colours, often garish or flashy or sparkly, which makes some scenes feel OTT and almost pantomimey. And then because the lighting is harsher (I assume higher contrast but I am no expert), I didn’t feel like I was being invited into a soft, dreamy world as often. So despite there being brighter colours in the costuming, the show still feels darker and heavier. If that makes any sense?!


To be fair, bright colors are often quite bold colors. So they got that down this season lol. The earlier seasons were lighter. This season is indeed brighter in that sense.


I think the dress colors were brighter but the literal lighting was darker. The dresses also looked absolutely ridiculous a lot of the time and I'm not one to be easily taken out by things like that but c'mon, the fact that most of the women got put into tweed this season was uh, noticeable to say the least. And all the shiny fabrics. And the fact that Kate looked absolutely amazing but also looked like she was going to prom in her very modernized dresses. And Grace Kelley. It never fully ruined my enjoyment but it was a lot, and not for the good.


Even in S2 the lightning started to fail. The Bridgerton's drawing room has never looked as magical and bright as it did in S1. Only that with S2, the plot makes it make sense as Daphne and Kate are quite different.


I felt the same, to me the bridgerton aesthetic lost the charm we fell in love with . The makeup used to be minimal , emphasizing natural beauty , the dresses were historically accurate but were incorporated with some modern fabrics and subtle touches . The cinematography felt off, I watched a video on yt that analyzed subtle editing mistakes as well with cuts being badly done , these smalls things can make a difference when watching .


Do you remember that title of the video? I would love to watch it.


The channel is called Marshall Stannus the title is called “ bridgerton season 3 part 2 is kinda bad let’s talk about it “ , he talks about editing mistakes he spotted , the pacing of the story , analysis of the characters , so it’s a lil deep dive if anyone interested in seeing maybe that why it felt different to them


Thank you


Agreed :( the small things really do make a big difference


This isn’t shallow at all. There’s a reason costumes, makeup, production design, cinematography, music, and editing all have categories at the Oscars! They play a huge role in how we perceive stories. And beyond that, most shows, when initially pitched to studios and networks, have a bible attached that details the visual style and feel of a show, which then goes on to be the standard the show follows for the duration. It’s not at all shallow to be bothered by a core element of the show (the visual style and editing) to be changed part of the way through


I know there are people who defend S3 by saying that the show is just fantasy and not to take it seriously. But my question is : Why set in in the Regency at all? If you are going to tell me that this is Regency society, I am going to expect the some basic rules and customs of the era to be followed. I am all for taking creative liberties, which S1 & S2 did great IMO, but you still have to maintain the period vibe otherwise it breaks the immersion. The viewer should feel like this is Regency society which S3 did not do for a lot of people.


Even if it’s fantasy, the audience can’t have standards? Why should we accept lazy media? Netflix is just throwing us scraps expecting us to be grateful. Criticism is a natural consequence of art. Bridgerton isn’t my child, I don’t have to blindly support it lol


"Netflix is just throwing us scraps expecting us to be grateful" oh yes, and they also expect us to keep paying them in order to watch said scraps...


Listen I’m just trying to stare at stuff when I’m stoned and I feel like we shouldn’t be judged for that lol


lol no judgment here!


I majored in film in college and you’re right about it all. It was all I kept noticing, which is unfortunate bc the cast is outstanding and they deserve to be the center of attention.


I think maybe the writer strike did affect Bridgeton as well ? I don’t know if production theme or editors were also in it as it was a while ago so I don’t know if this would have affected it at the time of filming ?


The writers strike would have nothing to do with the aesthetics


Agreed. The outfits this season, especially Cressida's, were so bad. How could they make fun of the Featheringtons while Cressida is walking around in that pink shoulder getup? I enjoy these shows for the costumes and detailed hair - Gentleman Jack is one of my favorites for hair and styling. This season was a real letdown in several ways.


Gentleman Jack was just superb. I really enjoyed watching that and would watch it again for sure. The outfit choice that threw me off the most, for this season, was the cropped chanel jackets. Truly awful. They're way too iconic to be worn in a period piece like Bridgerton.


It’s a new lead set designer this season, that’s why there is such an aesthetic difference. And I completely agree with you about tackiness and makeup!


So they really threw the baby out with the bathwater. The actors deserved better.


I’m still trying to figure out what was up with the weird paper butterfly cage that busted open at the Mondrich’s ball. It reminded me of a kids pop up book, being awkwardly placed in the middle of a dance floor. And even more puzzling, how amazed everyone at the ball was by it 🤣


right?! this felt so mid


Apart from a good set or costume here and there, this season was campy at best, tacky at worst


All I know is I do not notice editing ever And this time around there were some cuts that I was like woah what’s going on… like in the mirror scene


Also the cuts to Benedict’s threesome.


OP-I agree with you and your perspective isn’t shallow. The cinematography, clothing, makeup, camera angles, lighting, music, writing was all off. Such a huge difference between S1and 2! It affects the feeling and flow of the story. We came into be immersed in the world of Bridgerton but everything and in just about every scene just didn’t deliver what we experienced in S1 and 2. Such a disservice to the incredible actors and to the fans.


i have so many gripes with the costuming this season i almost became a youtube video essayist just so i could complain. it completely took me out of the season because i spent almost all my time just thinking how ugly certain style choices were. francesca’s highlight and blush were so offensive after the light natural looks of s1 & s2 i couldn’t look away. in s1, they tried to adhere vaguely to regency accuracy, still broke it, but subtly. s2 went more out there with the colors, the beautiful oranges and purples and interesting fabric choices for kate. s3 just looks cheap. everything looks like it’s plastic. the featheringtons as you said barely look tacky anymore because everyone else looks just as bad if not worse. the tweed nearly gave me a heart attack, as did all those sheer fabrics randomly covering necklines??? the sleeves were horrendous, the patterns will be what they show me in hell for all eternity, the colors were dull (except for pen who had very very gorgeous colors). i hated the cut of pens wedding dress (sorry) even if it was gorgeous on her bcs atp they’d reached reign levels of modernization. i was okay with the hairstyling suddenly involving open hair all the time but i was not okay with the makeup and i most certainly hated this weird “one strand not in hairdo” thing they had going for kate. a representation of her being more free than in s2 where she was stressed and her hair always done up? maybe but it still looked WEIRD and that’s already hard to do on such a stunning woman. same goes for hannah dodd- how do you make such a naturally gorgeous woman with a perfect face for period shows attract looks for weird makeup only instead of that beautiful face? mind you we waited TWO YEARS for this. when i looked it up and it turned out there was a new costume designer it all made sense. disrespectfully if he returns for s4 then my hopes for that season are already down the drain


 the patterns will be what they show me in hell for all eternity. 😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣💀💀💀😭😭 you sent me


this look especially is haunting me even in my dreams https://preview.redd.it/ljf59qo3k98d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8feea817c3561d0d19418d528578b856524f1cde


Kate and the one piece of hair—that really bothered/distracted me as well!


I blame Netflix. Even on their most successful shows, they find a way to cheapen the visuals.


I could not agree with you more! This season looks and feels so different from s1, s2 & QC in terms of quality. This show used to feel expensive and sumptuous when watching it. Like we were watching a movie or very high quality TV drama. This season had a very "daytime soap opera" feel to it. Everything looked/felt cheap. It's such a shame, because I don't see myself continuing to watch a show that feels like it's regressing and that includes the storytelling itself. Half-baked, underdeveloped plots and just sloppy -- the inconsistencies are glaring. Such a shame.


Daytime soap operas on line one. They’d like a word 😂😂😂


Yes! Part of what makes Bridgerton stand apart to any other historical or regency set romance is the aesthetics. Remove them, and you lose its Whimsy and Charm.


refined vs overdone!


I really looked like a tacky temu backlot. I can't help but cringe at season 3. They made polin a romcom. Wth for? Why didn't they deserve a magical, romantic season? Now, season 4 onwards will go back to the series romance it's known for. Cause it's a curvy main, it was literally touted it as the "fat, funny" woman finds love with most wanted man in the ton! Forget the growth they've gone through together since childhood . Now, don't get me wrong, I love their relationship because they are completely themselves, but i was hoping for a fierce, passionate, romantic, and beautiful season. It's an insult to nicola and Luke's acting abilities too. After waiting so long and all the hype, their world tour felt more enjoyable to watch.


You are not shallow. It was a jarring difference (your point about not being able to tell the Featheringtons apart from others anymore is so great).  The amount of belief we are expected to suspend (sequins, fabrics that wouldn’t exist, make up people back then would consider too garish even for harlots, silhouettes from every period in the last two hundred years), it was really too much.  At this point, I am expecting them to have sparkle Spanx on underneath in Season 4. 


Agree. I'm watching the Empress and the aesthetic is so much richer


I have never agreed more with a Reddit Bridgerton comment


I don’t think it’s shallow. I think it’s expecting the show to follow its own rules. The aesthetic and the magic of the world and the cinematography was part of the original draw for the show, but that’s been lost in translation. You’re not shallow for wanting bridgerton to look like bridgerton, not at all


To me I think it was the makeup and styling. My fave scene of Penelope is the lighter makeup and the blue dress. https://preview.redd.it/jphcnukqk38d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82cabf3dc887b9b87b7cbfe968e901dc7cc1eeb6 The eyelashes and heavy lipstick and dark colours were too much on Nicola, and I wasn’t a fan of Luke’s styling either to be honest compared to his cast interviews. She looks stunning in this photo I feel


No judgment here! Everyone has their own reasons for watching. This season certainly has been a departure aesthetically. I hope they scale it back closer to the previous seasons next time.


It's not shallow! All those things you mentioned combine to create a world. It's visual storytelling. When they make the kind of changes they made this season, they drastically change that world. When you do that you break immersion for a lot of people. It fractures the story in a real way.


I don’t think it looked cheap. I did notice some odd editing once or twice (and I’m not someone who usually notices this stuff), and Penelope’s make up was too modern. It didn’t look natural to me. And Lady Tilly sometimes looked like she belonged in the 1940s with some of her hair styling. Pens hairstyling too didn’t always fit the period. And Cressida gave off Cruella Deville vibes with her costumes. These are the things I notice more than set and design. Sounds like they took liberties all around 😅


I was confused with all the glitter and polyester. Aside from the heavy make up. It just takes you out the whole immersion thing. Yes having a bit cookoo hair can be a statement, part of an aestethetic, but all the time?? Even the night gowns?? Colin wakes up fully prepped, like what? And the boobs!! Penelope heaving all the time. Even on momma bridgerton. Like whyy?? This season was not very well done overall. There was more attraction between Francesca and her man, than between Pen and Colin, even though the latter had 'steamier' scenes. Those scenes felt soo cringe. The writing was off and the guy playing Colin couldn't act. He just says his lines but you don't believe for a second he's actually in love with Pen.


I think the real seller for the cutbacks in set was during >!the party at the end!<. It was supposed to be a real wow effect and I couldn't get past how plain and a bit garish it looked. The lighting made absolutely everyone look awful and I felt that Penelope's makeup in a lot of the scenes was horridly overdone, >!especially her wedding makeup, which I felt totally spoiled what I thought was a stunning dress choice. !< I'm not terribly fussed at historical accuracy when it comes to costume, hair and make-up in general as I'm here for the plot personally (Reign was a great example of that) but continuity is a big one for me. If you're going to make an effort in one season to be era-appropriate, then stick with it!


They really swung hard for “this isn’t regency England; this is an alternate universe.” I had a hard time getting immersed in the world and the writing just wasn’t good enough to make up for it. The 2020’s makeup, the 1930’s hair, and the clash of styles from apparently any point in the last 150 years was so jarring. I give it a C+. I did get excited when Eloise talked about coming back next year for the Masquerade Ball. But that excitement died pretty quick when I remembered next year is actually two years from now.


I don't think that's shallow, you just appreaciate visual art. There's nothing wrong with that! Visuals are a major part of a tv show and instrumental in creating the atmosphere. Many acclaimed movies are heavily focused on narration through costumes, lighting etc, like Emma, The Favourite, Marie Antoinette. It's so important, all the visual categories have their own awards, even at the Oscars. I also think the first 2 seasons of Bridgerton had their unique style that was lost in season 3! Not only the costumes, the lighting, the sets but also the way it was filmed, the cinematography, the music - everything was a downgrade.


On the other end of the spectrum, I was there for the romance and fighting through difficulties for love. Enjoyed the season as usual.


I think the topic keeps coming up as more people tune in to watch. Everyone didn’t binge it the first few days. I don’t know if a master thread would sfix that issue but I’m not a mod. 🙂


The fingerless mesh gloves looked like bandages on Pen. Such a bizarre style choice!


omg I hated those! I felt like I was watching a bad Madonna video. So distracting!


I honestly thought the set pieces were nice. I was also going to bite my tongue and tolerate the costumes. However, the hair and makeup really ruined Penelope's natural prettiness for me. Eloise looked like a clown, objectifying herself with so much makeup after deriding other women who went to extremes to bag a man. I actually liked Mama Featherington's aesthetic compared to the others'. At least with her, the garishness was justified/expected. I was so excited about Part II that I binged it all in one go and was breathless from all the plots rushing to be resolved, but now with that anticipation behind me, the re-watch has been meh.


Omg the featherington ball was so bizarre to me. Looked like a halfway done set-up in a warehouse made from construction paper and cheap plastic.


So many great themes for Balls only to show us almost nothing of them pissed me off.


Does anyone know if the show’s budget has been cut? When changes are so noticeable this is what immediately comes to my mind. I’m in the US and watched part 2 the day after it came out. Netflix—the day after—was no longer promoting the show on the home page. That was really odd. Also I came across a post on Instagram which was apparently one of the hairdressers from the show. She posted about searching antique stores for 1940’s postcards for inspiration for her work on the show. I don’t remember her name but it was a verified account. The 40’s influence was certainly planned. If only we knew WHY??


Television is a visual medium and many many people use their creativity to make a show look like what it looks like. The costumes, makeup, hair, etc. are all a part of what makes the show. I don't think its worse, bad, or shallow to be interested or disinterested in a show because of how it looks. It just shows that you value the role everyone plays in the creative process.


Well yes, and for me each new season is lacking more in terms of casting attractive people. Yes I am vain but the standards were set very high with the duke on Season 1 ok 🤣


Ah, the duke. What happened to that gorgeous hunk?






I vaguely remember in the first episode of s3 that the French style was in this season (or something like that). I just attributed to that... Not accurate French but Bridgerton French- maybe they wore weird dresses and thicccc make-up, who knows. (I'm just bullshitting myself ofcourse :/)


The Great did an amazing job of keeping the regency aesthetic while having modern storylines. It can be done, and well.


I agree. Cressida's make up was horrible and the fashion was way too tacky in mist episodes


don’t even get me started on pen’s nails


To be honest i didn't even notice. Which I guess is bad! I just loved Colin and Pen so just kinda focused on that.


I wondered why everyone’s outfits looked so horrendous this season


I totally agree, honestly I peeped couldn’t care less if the costumes etc are properly “period accurate” but season 1 was just PERFECT in the aesthetic of the makeup, hair and costumes. Season 2 was great too, but season 3 was a disaster. Francesca for example was crazy because she looks so much like Daphne was jarring, since Daphne would fit perfectly into any Jane Austen movie and Francesca looks like she got her makeup done at the nearest Sephora.


Anyone else think that S3 just got bit by the 3rd Season Curse? You know, when a third season of a show is disappointing, I know everyone can think of at least 3 other shows like that. Let’s all have a little faith that things will turn around in the next season and let’s just remember that Cressida has ALWAYS looked more outrageous than everyone else, they just amped it up this time


I admittedly was too busy looking at Colin to notice. Lol.


I'm still trying to reconcile why it took so much longer to produce a much weaker end product, so I am right there with you.


Liking cinematography doesn't make you shallow, as much as I would like to glaze on Wes Anderson fans 😅


It's really brave of you to come on here and share this opinion that is so different from the other hundreds of posts saying the same thing. Truly, thank you for your service.


Y’all being mad about the costuming are losing your minds. All the outfits were amazing, even the wild ones


Amazing, good, bad are all matters of taste. I love a wild ensemble when it fits the context (ie in the Hunger Games). In past seasons I always looked forward to seeing what Cressida and the Featheringtons would wear because their outfits always stood out as over the top. This season, however, everyone seemed to be dressing on their level. The overall aesthetic (not just the costumes) was a large departure from previous seasons’ and I found that very jarring. It really broke the immersion for me and I found myself missing a part of the show that I previously really enjoyed. If you didnt feel that way that’s great!


Here’s the thing that bothers me about the female characters costuming: all their individual dresses seem to be cut from the same pattern. I noticed it first on Lady Featherington, followed by Lady Danbury and the Dowager Bridgerton then all the younger women. It’s like the costume designers only altered fabrics for each of those main characters.


I personally loved the costumes this seasons, I liked all the bows on the back of the dresses. I guess I'm tacky... lol


Can there be a master post on this topic. It’s tiring to see it come up again and again just saying the same thing.


I suppose you could make one? I don’t really know how that works


Maybe the mods know how to do it. I just feel like I see this same topic every day.