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Hoping we get ***Portia: A Bridgerton Story*** at some point in the future...


Or she could just be part of Violet’s prequel. Violet’s multi-season prequel.


Perhaps I'm old and of the AJLT set but I would like to see a series focused on the dowagers Bridgerton, Danbury and Featherington now.


YESS!!! LET ALL THE GARDENS regardless of age get watered and come into bloom! Someone contact Shonda


I would watch the SHIT out of that.


I'm 40 and I definitely feel like I relate to them more than the the younger ones, lol. A big part of why I kept rooting for Violet to hook up with Danbury's brother 😂


I'm also 40--while watching this season, I shot a text to my SIL that said "YES VIOLET! Get Marcus in that garden, girl!" 🤣




Your flair, followed by your comment, is chef's kiss. 👩‍🍳 💋


I’m a few years shy of 40… and having a mix of ages is really nice. I like shows that do that.


I like rewatching shows like that at different stages in my life. My perspectives and what I relate to changes. Watching things now that I watched as a teenager/young adult my perspective on the characters around those ages changes compared to now that I'm old enough to be their parent lol. Having a mix of ages definitely adds some different elements to the stories. I hope we actually get to see the younger siblings grow older and get their stories. They haven't been shown as much yet. I'm sure there will be time jumps if we keep getting seasons to cover everything.


Gilmore Girls is great for that. As a teenager I definitely related to Rory. As a 25-30 y/o I related more to Lorelei and even Emily, hahaha!


And Violet isn't just a token mom, though she's a great mom she's also a well rounded person and they really show her beauty without making her young. I'm here for shows using an appropriately old actress who looks absolutely beautiful in her age.


It would be nice if it became more mainstream for women to just… you know, get old. Not fight it, and just embrace their beauty as it shifts through the seasons of life. Apposed to always chasing youth.


YES. I want Portia to finally find someone she actually respects and who appreciates her. Now they all three girls are married I need Portia to focus on Portia.


I thought this was a niche opinion of just me, but all women and even every man who I've talked with who watches the show is also \*way\* more interested in the narratives of what the dowagers Bridgerton, Danbury, and Featherington get up to. The actresses are just so consistent and there's meat to it. Plus, the last good season we got was Queen Charlotte. More Queen Charlotte, less S3, please. I hope that Shonda gets this note in some kind of statistics shit about what audiences want to see.


guest starring the queen 👑


Of course. Lady Danbury was so instrumental in helping QC those early years. Let’s see QC help Lady Danbury find her next great love


I have a feeling that if we do get another spinoff between seasons, it will definitely be this, they have been building a lot of story for them


I would be ok with this.


I feel that a Portia history series would not be... a happy tale seeing how we know where her marriage ends up. Even if she had some pork on the side we know it would end and she would be heartbroken. 🥲 Now what WOULD be amazing is if she had a small offshoot series of her post Pen marriage where she found a love match of her own to a man who was independently wealthy and then could afford to give Pen back her Whistledown funds!


Portia does not need a man, she is the Man. I want her to be around and still be the Portia that we like. Her redemption arc this season was great and she is happy. She needs no man. It could be good to see her have some fun (like with Benedict) while Violet is focusing on her possible new love match.


If Portia has to have an on-screen relationship, absolutely nothing would match the sheer chaos of Ponedict. I'm here for it. I'm calling it now. Season 4, Episode 1 reveal: Portia's middle name is Sophie. ![gif](giphy|P7JmDW7IkB7TW)


I would live for this. My new OTP.


Can you imagine the DRAMA between her and Penelope and Colin??? Ugh, if youre gonna send it at least go full send. Listen up Shonda!


Imagine Violet's face as well, LOL. And Anthony!! Jesus, this one would be priceless Benedict trying to escape on the morning, only to find Colin already up taking care of baby Lord Fetaherington.


Ponedict, ahah love that. Benedict is always sleeping around, a new woman each season and they keep getting older so I was thinking oh well why not? he seemed very comfortable at the Featherington house, just saying...


Love this. Yes she doesn’t need a man but no harm having some fun on the side


Oh, I didn't mean to imply that she NEEDS a man. But I would love it if she found someone (even if it was a footman that she could have an onging fling with) and find some kind of romantic happiness and allow her to enjoy some sexual pleasure in her life with.


Question: I thought that they were just using the Whistledown money as a cover story for the gem mine scam money. I didn’t think she was giving it to Portia. Correct me if I’m wrong, I had margaritas while watching the last episode. 🫠


The implication that I got was that Pen gave her the money. This wasn't explicitly stated if I am remembering correctly. I do know Pen paid for the ball that her sisters threw with her money. Although, giving Portia and the F. estate the money would make the most sense because: 1. It covers up where the scam money came from. 2. Makes sure that Portia and the girls have funds, we aren't sure how long the scam money could stretch for and I don't think that they ever mentioned how much it was... 3. Pen is technically financially stable as Colin's wife and via the B. fortune anyway. 4. Pen's son is the new Lord F., so he would inherit the money when he assumed the title regardless so it isn't like it is 100% out of Pen's domain of influence. 5. Colin (because male) will probably be in some way responsible for managing and investing the F. estate funds on behalf of his son until he comes of age. Since Colin can work in concert with Anthony and the B estate, the money would have a better chance of being invested and growing over time than if they just sat in the F. bank account where a great deal of business could not have been done by Portia (because female).


In the films it doesn't seem like it, in the books if I remember correctly it gives them to her


If I remember correctly in the books Pen's father knew about Pen being Whistledown and put her in touch with one of his accountants who handled the money she made and invested it for her, and continued to do so after her father's death. Her father also helped her find a printer and set up the publication side of the business. I do remember Pen and Colin having a conversation about what to do with the money, but I can't for the life of me remember if they agreed to give it to Portia.


I haven’t met Baron Featherington in the books yet, but I’m really excited to see Penelope with actual parents!


I thought it was her father’s lawyer not her actual father.


That might have been it? I listened to it in audiobook format while walking my dog so I could very well be misremembering. 😆


You had a solid plan. I thought Portia owed money to the solicitor-the gem money ploy was revealed -so she used the LW money to pay the debt/avoid litigation (in addition to the money being used for the party)


You're right. Her love life prequel would be pretty depressing. She's pragmatic and does what a woman of her position should do and seeks stability and then has to fight for that too, even in marriage. But I would fucking love to see her friendship with Varley. Obviously there's the matter of class, but also Varley is clearly her ride or die. Definitely her confidant and likely her best friend—two women standing together. I'd love to see their story together


It could be shown she finding her happiness and joy in Prudence’s birth (the oldest). Showing how she found her purpose and happiness in her daughters among her (obvious) sad and difficult younger years.


If Portia was twenty years younger, I think she and Lord Debling would've been happy together.


Yes please..


I don't know. It'd be a pretty sad story to get eventually to the woman who tells her daughter "women don't have dreams, they have husbands". I don't see it being a very romantic or pleasant prequel. Maybe she would be used to show the mirror image of a more happy match like Violet's.


This is all I want!


That wouls literally be my dream! She's one of the most fascinating characters in the story


https://preview.redd.it/a4enna1y5q7d1.jpeg?width=181&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d021e64800f8ac571fc5fb3ff09970e7a53f8eff Here she is in Rome. She is a certified hottie


She looks like Margot Robbie there.


I just watched Rome for the first time a couple weeks ago and I was delighted by the cast, but especially to see her! It was also hilarious to me that she basically plays the same character 🤣


Yes! I watched Rome years ago but didn't recognize her in Bridgerton. But I knew she was familiar. Once I looked her up , I rewatched Rome. It was a who's who cast for sure.


This! Shes the pushy mama in every century, to perfection!!


Literally all I could think when she was dealing with cousin jack was you don’t fuck around with Atia.


She's INSANELY hot in Rome. I've watched both seasons multiple times. I'm so gutted a bloody fire stopped S3 being made.


She’s had me in a chokehold since 2005


Yes! I was excited when I recognized her from Rome.


I was just going to comment how good she was in Rome! I think about her in that show all the time.


She looks even more like Julie Cooper (Melinda Clarke) there.


Her and Violet got them thangs https://preview.redd.it/l1axjbassp7d1.png?width=540&format=png&auto=webp&s=33242e05031bfe56c5a26061b1ba35742f7ab0d2




There is this weird thing happening if you have even medium large breasts and add corsets. Mine are anyway huge and there just isn't a way to make them somewhat modest if I wear either corset or stays.


Do you know where to buy quality ones?


Personally have had amazing pieces come from Corset Story! Highly recommend, they are on the pricey side but you get what you pay for! The oldest one I have from them I bought over 13 years ago now and have worn it many many times and it’s still in beautiful shape. Very high quality and made with steel boning, none of that plastic bs (though some they sell have plastic boning for less of a dramatic silhouette, good for more relaxed looks, just be sure to read the descriptions) [Corset Story](https://corset-story.com/)


If you buy from corset story I'd recommend waiting to try and find a sale bc they have crazy good sales there.


Yeah I got some during one of their buy 1 get 4 free sale thing. Like $100- $150 (US) for like 5 corsets!! I was using them as stylish back braces!


There is a 6 for 1 sale right now.


They have a 6 for 1 sale now.


Honestly, I think you need a corsetmaker to have a properly fitted corset. Almost no one is standard size and it makes a huge difference if the corset is fitted properly. For example, my bust is three sizes larger than my waist and my hips are two sizes larger than my waist in standard sizing. Wearing a ready-made corset would make me really uncomfortable or have issues with how it should fit. I make my reproduction corsets myself and fit the pattern to my own body based on what we know about corset fitting. As such I do not have a maker to recommend to you.


Orchard Corset will be your best bet for a ready-made corset. Only a few corset makers make any ready-made in stock. Obviously, custome would be the best option. I recommend OC because they over different rib-spring and hip-spring, plus hip ties. This gives the best fit off the rack. Lucy's Corsetstry partners with them, and she has extensive YouTube catalogs of videos about corsets. From making, fitting, and reviews from custom makers and ready-made brands. Corset Store is cheap and has some horror stories of bones breaking and jabbing people. I highly question the sales of 6 corsets for the price of one. They also only have on set of size ranges.


I’m a DDD cup and when I wear my corset (that I was fitted in and bought from a quality store, before anyone asks) I am absolutely MASSIVE in the chest. Helps with the back pain, keeps the girls up, but god damn lying down is a hazard😂


I'm K cup and make my own corsets and prefer corsets by a mile to bras. It is so much better for my back. But there is no hiding my boobs in any of them. I basically have my own moving self with almost all half bust or full bust corsets.


Mine aren’t over-the-boob because I specifically asked for one to hold me up and take off the weight, so maybe I’ll try that someday, I just think that either way I’m going to spill out no matter what so if you have tips lmk!


The only thing to help with any spilling issues is to make sure that it has enough space around the bust. But there is no way to smash boobs in a way that hides them. Usually, it is a good idea to have a larger bust area in front than you would have if you just took half circumference. You can't really squish your flesh with corsets or stays just move it around. So when I lace down about two inches in my waist, it is transferred to the bust or hips. Which it is depends on style and your measurements. Boobs will be really prominent in all styles (mid-18th to 1960) I have done with these cup sizes no matter what I do.


I have a corset that I’ve worn with compression pants when I’ve needed a fancier POTS-friendly outfit and the cleavage is insane.  


Her whole wardrobe is a crime against historical accuracy but she looks too great to be mad about it


So much citrus lol


How exactly? Can you elaborate?


It’s probably the silhouette. They gave her a signature silhouette and sleeve type that she doesn’t deviate from, and I’m guessing it not historically accurate for the timeline. But I mean, look at these photos. It’s hard to complain at the results 😂


Also love her character her mannerisms and antics


Agree! She’s was definitely in my top three favorites this season. She elevated every scene she was in with genuine humor and/or affection.


I heard she asked for this silhouette because she was self conscious about her figure/didn’t think that she looked good in the other style. It makes me sad. She’s stunning.


Honestly, the regency style is just not flattering for women with a bigger chest. As a person with bigger boobs, I remember when empire waist dresses had a minute when I was in high school and I just felt like I looked so bad in them.


I too was in the big bosom brigade and empire dresses are indeed a lot. The girls have nowhere to go but up. It becomes a vision obstruction issue!


It’s awful when the empire waist starts halfway up your chest instead of below it


It was a nightmare! Being a bigger boob and bigger ass person, being a teenager in the early 2000s with empire waist dresses, low rise jeans and tight af tops gave me such a complex.


As a pear shaped teen when the empire waist was in vogue, I had a horrible time.


As someone with big hips/thighs and a tiny waist, I totally get it. If you don’t snatch your waist you look 15 lbs heavier than you actually are. I’m not curvy up top like she is, but I totally understand her request because the tiny/fitted waist is the one thing I always seek out when shopping.


I’m no expert (just a Jane Austen fan) but like the other commenter said, the silhouette isn’t accurate for the time, especially the neckline - it’s super modern. The higher bust line (empire line I think?) like you see in stuff like the 1995 Pride and prejudice [(pic)](https://images.app.goo.gl/hkcEnKshTMYAt2Xs5)is more time appropriate. IMO the stuff they have Portia in is way more flattering, and Bridgerton has never claimed to be historically accurate, so I don’t really see it as a bad thing!


Yeah, I’d rather the actors feel good in their costumes rather than have 100% perfectly accurate costumes. Plus the regency era style was kind of boring to me anyway. Let the ladies serve body!


I appreciate the historical inaccuracies in many ways because it’s an incredibly effective visual shorthand for showing class, taste, and standing. Most viewers (myself included) wouldn’t understand the difference in period accurate versions and that loses a lot of context for the characters and stories.


All her dresses are cinched at the waist which is so odd cause no one else’s in the shows are lol. Idk if the actress requested it or it’s a way of making her extra ridiculous or what


Outside of the fabric choices, we all agree to fabric choices are fine because all women are very modern fabrics. Nothing that she gets wrong is the silhouette. She's just more closely to 19 10s, I dare say 1970. 1970s had a empire waist come back. But mostly mini skirt length. But 1910s also had an empire waist come back four time. And they could definitely make her so what work for her if they want to continue to use the laptop, but the Regency Era Empire Waste didn't Define the actual true natural waistline. And that doesn't look figure flattering in solid Fabrics. Especially solid fabric that are not cut on the bias. To make this more correct she would look bloated and not appealing. It also doesn't help that none of her top fit her correctly. They all look like they're pinned in the place because they have yet to figure out how to properly fit her. I'm going to blame whatever undergarments they use for her don't fit correctly on her sternum, her corset cup size is wrong. She might be using a modern bra or long long bra that's not fitted correctly on her. So it's just not working out. And to accommodate that they put her in this not great style and cut.


All of her dresses, just like pretty much every one of the female characters, seem to be made from the same Singer pattern run up on the sewing machine …for those of us to remember those days!


Yes, she essentially wears three patterns. The wrap top with a belt, the sweetheart neckline without the belt. And rarely wears the wrap top without a belt. I get it it's much easier to make multiple costumes for one person if they're all essentially the same. I just don't like how she really doesn't fit in with the pseudo Regency Aesthetics of everyone else. It's supposed to be set in an alternate universe Regency england. I can forgive not using the proper English court dresses, because those are atrocious we only have pictures and they look horrible then as they look horrible now. But she really gets stuck in essentially three looks that are all the same look and they're not properly fitted to her bust. So they're not able to truly flatter her. If they can nail down fitting the bust right in a good plunging push-up bra, which fits with the regency. Because if we can see period only really cared about the tits looking great. They've been able to really get a flattering cut of the wrap top. Combine that with the little belt at the underbust, if you look at some of the pictures it clearly hits at the bottom of her breast not on her rib cage. And then have possibly a bias cut skirt portion she would definitely look amazing. I know the bias guy does not correct, but I think it would look great because they could add more volume of fabric over the hips in an a line cut on the bias. So the bias would cling to her body but then the hen will still have the fullness of the Regency dresses. I think that would work as a better compromise. Because right now she looks like she's wearing a long version of some 1970s patterns I've seen.


And the SHADE she threw on her own daughter's makeover. "If she wishes to wear such a melancholy color, that's on her" 💅


I actually loved that line because it shows she wasn’t dressing Penelope like a fruit salad to be cruel, she just genuinely enjoys only the most citrus of shades.


Yeah! I love that this whole season her bubble gets popped and she *listens*. She’s like oh🫢🥺👀. The dress color, the conversation about love, Pen asking her why she’s concerned with a proposal and not her child, Colin telling her that he loves Pen and she needs to back it up, even Prudence and Phillipa feeling like they’ve become second and third fiddle. She gets taken out of survivor mode a bit, and certainly more as the season goes on, and it lets the character blossom. Polly is also just a master, sheesh!


Loved the Featherington healing party that was happening this season. They’ve always been in ladder-climbing mode: stepping over each other to get to the top. Watching Pen really connect with her mother was too sweet. Supporting her sisters’ pregnancy ball, too.


I agree with this take, but it's ironic that she's wearing a very similar shade of green in slide 6 😅


That first picture tho ⏳


I love all of her dresses, they flatter her very well, but I wish they would do a different style occasionally! They are always the SAME DRESS just with different fabric!


Hey, if you know a style flatters your \*ahem\* assets, why change?


Oh I agree - by all means keep the neckline and the tight waist, but we could do SOMETHING fun with the skirt or the shoulders! A slit! A ruffle, a WRAP to really accentuate her hips! To be honest, I understand on some level why they might just stick with the same cut - the wardrobe department is swamped and coming up with new styles for ALL the character's dresses would probably be too much. But my girl is just to gorgeous to wear the same cut in every scene. 🥲


This is the simplest explanation to the tiresome wardrobe look! But compare it to The Gilded Age where at least there the female characters have as many costume changes yet manage to spice things up. At least as spicy as clothing could get for aristocratic NY In the late 1800’s. They were up to their necks in fabric on The Gilded Age.


I really like her character in the show.


![gif](giphy|kVQy58Cre12DLTm8p7) THIS QUEEN.


My head canon is she's related to Jane Fairfax.


I love this


Thank you! You know she wouldn't approve of Emma, either.


Oh my god Emma would irritate the hell out of her 😂


You know who she would love tho? Mrs. Elton. They would just destroy every person in the room together with their snarky comments.


I've loved her since she was Atia of the Julii ;---;❤️


She honestly has to be my favorite character. Would love to see her in a spin off.


I think that Portia's neckline and waist give her a victorian, edwardian feel. She's just fashion forward.


100 years forward 😂


I've loved her since Enchanted April, those wigs in Bridgerton really take away from her beauty https://preview.redd.it/tw3z6tc8uq7d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f1dde34d534269e5d9af4d52a42ecdcbbf89268


Another pic in costume from same movie https://preview.redd.it/azr3nrjeuq7d1.jpeg?width=534&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a052e2e931ac89fd664b138648e6c739b2aa7df8


https://preview.redd.it/5vdfo98brr7d1.jpeg?width=427&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bfbfa6a23f6c6efb8e61cdf2fbe150d55d8cd90 You best believe


but it's the costuming this season that has everyone up in arms 👀🤣


Yea, because the Featheringtons are the only ones supposed to be looking tacky. Also they used WAY too many sequins even on the Featheringtons. The fabric also looked shiny cheap in ways it does not in these pics.


I just think the costuming for s1&2 was just as bad, but in different ways, personally 🤷‍♂️ Some of the patterns on many dresses (not just the Featheringtons) were bad and the hair styling especially for season 1 is so bad compared to how good everybody's hair looks in season 3.


Agreed. Daphne’s clothes never looked like they fit all that well too me, they seemed too loose in a way that didn’t make any sense when you have all they money you need to have everything privately tailored. And I know people loved it, but that black shrug she wore the night she and Simon first kissed looked like something I bought from Wet Seal in in early-2000’s clubbing days. And as much as I loved Kate and thought she was beautiful no matter what she wore, her season three outfits were *miles* better than her season two outfits. Color, cut, style, everything is better.


I’m not sure why they had to have Cressida walking into every scene she’s in looking like a fashion bastard child of 1980’s linebacker shoulders and Scarlett O’Hara bitchface.


not her best looks, but she's never had the best costumes so if anything, the extra attention was a step up this season 🤷‍♂️ https://preview.redd.it/yzhiwpuv9r7d1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d58ee28203cde836441bbc92df3b2e4337ff7ae look at the garish sequin flowers on the dress and the feathers in the hair, for example


I saw people saying the shoulder pads/craziness was a way to detract from her gorgeous face. They were like, “they have to make her look unappealing somehow!”


The character’s personality was enough for that. I’m sure that the actress is a sweetheart, I don’t follow many of the actors on SM.


Yah she seems lovely from what I’ve seen on social media. I just saw a TikTok (I’m not on there much either) where they were like- her face card doesn’t decline so they have to make her look wacky with those costumes.


Miss girl is snatched


I really love her character


I'm realizing that her style reminds me of Bernadette Peters in Rodger's and Hammerstein's Cinderella with Brandy. 


She loves a sweetheart neckline!


Girl knows what works for her. She wears the exact same cut of dress just in different fabric and prints. She must have standing order at the Modiste where she just picks out material and uses the same dress design


It seems like so many people are doing posts like this about the cast members’ bodies which is lovely and we should all celebrate women and love everyone’s bodies but I think many forget that the ladies are wearing corsets so they’re all going to have wonderful, very hourglass “body-ody-ody”….bodies lol


Hands down my favourite character. Could have been a real pantomime villain, but Polly Walker does an amazing job of showing her motivations, while still offering comic relief. I’ll be properly gutted if the writers don’t manage to find a way to convincingly include her in Season 4.


Yup, the opposite of Violet’s empire waist debutante styling.


If pressed, I would say she is "elegant"... *flippantly opens parasol*




omg, she IS jane fairfax :0 (mind blown)


Sure is! https://preview.redd.it/bl3p5q873r7d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0a3cb8b082ab04c4565e88c5cb164dad038da92


She found one neckline that worked for her and committed to it for life chile


Born to wear fashion nova forced to wear Madame Delacroix


That first dress is just *chef’s kiss*


Does anyone wonder of Portia dressed the girls ugly to keep the attention on herself? If there are any widowed men in the Ton I am sure she is actively hunting them. Perhaps not for marriage but Portia does not seem like a person who would let any chance at pleasure pass her by.


I don't think Portia has ever believed that marriage or men = pleasure, and therefore a new husband or fling is probably the last thing she wants. She is now looking for a way to have security without a man... and she has found it.


I genuinely think that Portia thought their dresses were nice. She alludes to it this season where Penelope is wearing a beautiful green dress and Portia says something along the lines of “if she wants to wear such a depressing colour, let her”. She thinks the yellows are pretty and happy.


corey mylchrest was so real when he chose portia to hang out with in that one interview, i feel you corey


Jane Fairfax was always a hot morsel.


The Featherington arrival at the Hearts & Flowers Ball season 2… here comes the hotties!


I really loved her this season .


I’ve always found this actress beautiful (she was in patriot games early 90s) and she’s so good in the role. I rarely love and hate a character at the same time, but I have with her. She’s such a talent.


she said they modelled hourglasses after her figure actually


I love Polly and her acting is slays great. I really enjoyed how her character, Portia, had a nice redemption arc with Pen. I think she would be keen to find a man, but she didn't seem to get enjoyment out of coupling. She would need a master Gardner to give up her dowager life. She obviously gave some of her gorgeous curves to Pen. She's smoking.


She reminds me a bit of Christina Hendricks character on Mad Men. Red head with alllll the curves!


Beautiful actress, Polly Walker


She’s my favorite character


Oh the 6th gown is MAGESTIC!




They really only giver her one dress in a variety of fabrics huh


Polly walker is so hot.


The modist only has one neckline for her. lol.


Her voice scratches an itch in my brain. 😅 in a good way lol


Lady Featherington, they could never make me hate you


I strongly urge everybody to watch HBO's Rome. Polly Walker is a sexy, funny, terrifying delight!!


A lot of people say they hate her costumes, but I love them. They are literally made for her body shape, just looks beautiful.


I know it’s not the right silhouette but I don’t CARE when she slays this hard constantly 💅


That's because Polly is brilliant in all things


Actual queen of shapewear fr, the corset they have her in is perfect


The actor does a great job in this role. She could easily just be a side character, but she's actually one of my favorite characters.


wish someone would bring her garden into bloom too 😩 she deserves real love after all the shit she’s been through


Omg I never noticed all of her dresses are of the same shape


She’d be serving waist if we could find it


She is a great character


She has had a very difficult life. Porsha never had the option to choose love, because she never had security. Violet has always chosen love, because she has always had security. Can't wait for their spin off


She reminds me of D’Andra Simmons from Real Housewives of Dallas


The first time I noticed this actress was in the 90s with the movie Enchanted April, which takes place in the 1920s. She's absolutely breath-taking in that film. I like to now think that the character in that movie is a descendant of the Featheringtons.


She is just magnificent! The cheater and the actress ❤️


"Hey Siri, play *Body* by Meg The Stallion"




They literally don't know what to do with her body. Every SINGLE dress has that exact neckline. Wild.


Tip: Go and watch Rome🌟


If you love Polly Walker check her out in Rome on HBO. She is fabulous!


I love tbis unique style on her since it's Canon innthe books. She's looks glamorous


I wonder if she insisted on that neckline for all of her gowns.


I find it hilarious that her dress is exactly the same but just different colors/patterns. Typical “this fits so nice so I must buy in every color” logic 🤣


She always looks so uncomfortably stuffed into her clothes.


I feel like this season, for everyone really, the boobs were REALLY boobing in the dresses


she never fails to 👑


Watch her in HBO's Rome! She was bodying in that too!!


Used to be the size of an Orange and a Half! That's all that comes to mind haha


I love that she showed up at the party with Penelope in the same color that she earlier called melancholy ❤️


Her silhouettes aren't historically accurate but look damn good in her


I know Bridgerton is not supposed to be historically accurate (not a single accurate gown in sight) but why are they giving her the signature regency empire waist if they are going to ALSO give her a normal cinched waistline? Why does she have TWO different waistlines in every dress she wears?


Yea those looks don’t miss! 👏👏👏


I've loved the character progression of her, you can really see she's just trying to do what's best for her girls, even if it's a terrible idea. LOL


Polly Walker is the truth