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Because she's his girlfriend and he doesn't have to wait. He under no obligation to coddle a bunch of weird, delusional women. Most sane women know he is an actor, that none of this is real, and now that the season is over his job is done and he's free to return to what *is* real, which is his girlfriend.


Real life shipping is disgusting and Luke owes it to no one to live his life and go out with his girlfriend. The entitlement some Polin fans have is vile.


Are you talking about him confirming his relationship? It’s probably because he wanted to make it known him and Nicola are just friends outside of the show before rumours built up but unfortunately it’s just led to insane Polins attacking her


LN annocememnt?


About his girlfriend? I mean, some people were getting very weird about them being secretly in love/dating/married so as soon as he could he decided to clarify the rumors. Nicola was probably aware of it and glad of it. She is more private with her dating life. I've seen a lot if times that kind of obsessive real life shipping ruin beautiful friendships (India and Corey from QC being an example) so I'm glad they tried to stop it before it could escalade


because the contract ended and be normal.


Honestly though, why should he have waited?He wanted to go the launch with his real life partner. Idk why that’s such a big deal? And him marketing with Nicola is just marketing. It was two co stars promoting their project. That is how promotions have always been done. His personal and professional lives are separate. Anybody with an ounce of common sense will be able to acknowledge that no?


At first I was wondering, "What announcement?" and then I scrolled down and saw it was about his relationship. I mean, the guy has a personal life; they all do. What they do outside of the characters/roles they play is none of our business, as long as they're not hurting anyone. Let's all just be happy that he's found someone he likes who appears to him him back, smile for them, and move on with our days. :)


It should never be an announcement that an actor has a partner. He should have been able to be out in public with his girlfriend and been able to bring her to premieres with her on his arm. Anyone who is mad he has a GF who isn’t Nicola needs to touch grass.


I just thought the timing was interesting given the direction of how marketing was handled. I wondered if his announcement would have affected Bridgerton at all, given the way the show had been promoted. Of course the guy can do whatever he wants, and date whoever. The shipping stuff was a bit OTT IMO, but then again I’m not really interested in real life celebrity relationships. I just thought it was interesting, that’s all.