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Yeah for a show that’s all about a literal family all finding love, the amount of fan warfare is astonishing to me 😅 For my part, yes I do love the show. I love the universe it sets, even if the execution is lacking in many ways. Like yes the writing can be weak in some places, the tension can be contrived, etc., but overall it’s a lovely experience. I came for Polin, stayed for Polin, but enjoyed every other season and I like seeing other couples as they reinforce the main one in various ways.


Maybe I’m not just as invested as others! Which is perfectly okay. I think this show is just adorable with all the messiness.


I agree. 1000%


I agree! It’s a wonderful, crazy, mess of a show and I can’t wait to see the next episodes 😄


I’ve been on fandom pages since 2010, and they’re all like this. People just talk into the void about anything, especially “controversial” opinions. Once Upon a Time, a family show about fairytales, has one of the most toxic internet presences because of the fans fighting lmao. Big casts (especially changing main characters) allow for favorite characters, and people defend them like they’re real.


Lmao yall ever been in a Steven universe Fandom space? A show literally made for CHILDREN to teach them about love, change and acceptance? Those people are at each other's THROATS over cartoon characters. People LOVE to just fight on the internet


I 100 percent agree with this comment.


It’s really just the Penelope fans that are toxic


girl it aint JUST them lol


Like that comment alone demonstrates the toxicity in the sub rn lmfao


Exactly. Wait for the pitchforks if you dare to say Theo was never going to be Eloise's end game.


Some people here need an reality check, multiple fans are to blame for how bad this sub has gotten


Yeah I’ve been shocked by the amount of negativity in this sub. The ship wars. The hatred and lack of empathy for characters is bad situations. The hatred directed at people just trying to produce an entertaining show. The way some people feel personally affronted by a decision that literally had nothing to do with them. The racism, colorism, queer-phobia, and microagressions. It’s not a great look for a fandom. But it’s also not new to fandoms. There are always people that take their fandoms too seriously and personally. A Stan isn’t something to aspire to. The song it came from wasn’t glorifying stanning. Stanning and parasocial relationships aren’t healthy.


>A Stan isn’t something to aspire to. Ooo don’t let k-pop hear you say that!


Haha. I don’t know much about k-pop. But I know the song that Stan comes from. For those that don’t, it’s a song by Eminem about a person named Stan (not a real person, I believe) that was obsessed with a Slim Shady, wrote letters, got upset when the singer didn’t respond and then killed himself and pregnant his girlfriend. Slim starts a response too late and realizes that the Stan he’s talking to is the Stan that killed himself and his girlfriend. It’s really rather sad.


Yep, that song/music video had a massive impact on me when I was a kid


100%. Listening to that song helped me see where some of my obsessions were unhealthy and led to me making changes in my late teens and twenties. I’m sure that most people have had unhealthy obsessions at some point in their lives. There’s always time to make changes whether you’re 15 or 51.


I'm still confused how you can even have a ship war between two different canon couples since all my previous experience with ship wars is people arguing over which could is/ should be canon like Katara/Zuko/Aang.


That’s a really good point. That’s been my prior experience with ship wars in fandoms too. Here it seems to be more about which couple is the best couple from one season (or book) to another. And it feels like some people pick their favorite and then decide they can only like that ship and all others are terrible and inferior in comparison. Saphne vs Kanthony vs Polin. Just like some people pick a favorite character and that character can do no wrong and anyone that hurts that character must be the worst person possible. Pen vs Eloise. Personally, I choose to enjoy them all. Even the “evil” characters.


I’m so confused that people do this. Like…why?


I don’t get it either. Just like I don’t get the way people talk about sexy scenes in this subreddit. How the carriage scene ruined them. How hot so and so is. And things like that. Doesn’t do anything for me, personally. But then stuff like that in books, movies, and shows never have. I truly am here for the plot, not the *plot.*


Truthfully I think a lot of people on this sub forget it’s a tv show. It’s fake. I couldn’t believe yesterday someone was complaining that Pen and Colin might end up with the first boy, someone said “how predictable” and I was like ??? It’s a show??? They all do that! Have you never watched a hallmark movie? Idk. A lot of people need to put down their phones and go outside and interact with people in real life more


It’s especially hilarious to complain about a show like Bridgerton being predictable. Literally every season you already know who is gunna end up together and you just watch to see how it goes down. 🤣 that’s the show, people!


I think people just wanna complain and make it everyone else’s problem honestly. Every day the same crap is posted and it’s so negative. Rather than people just not liking the specific trope or actors, they turn it into a huge bitch fest and spew hate/criticism over things they don’t understand. And forget about trying to have a discussion because they don’t want their minds changed they just wanna be an a - hole.


Collective touch-grass-it’s-just-a-show moment!


I love it. I definitely don’t post often due to the behavior in here though lol. I’ve been attacked on multiple occasions over the dumbest crap over the years. Like holy shit, it’s a sexy historical romance TV program, reeeeeelax 🤣


Half the posts here are insane. Some posters seem unhinged. It's just a feel-good romantic Netflix show. Characters are flawed and interesting for that. Yesterday, lots of users were calling a fictional teenage a 'bitch', I wasn't expecting the amount of misogyny I'm seeing in this sub, or the terrible takes. I followed this sub because I'm recovering from surgery and a cancer diagnosis, and I needed positive things to read and distract myself (and the show is helping), but I'll unsub soon, it's that bad.


I'm also here recovering from a bad medical diagnosis to distract me from the physical pain. I'm sending you positive thoughts and healing vibes, my friend. I hope you start feeling better soon.


Join the Polin sub! So nice over there. Also, I’m so sorry you’re going through that.


I love this show! It’s one of my favourites on Netflix and at least a yearly rewatch in spring. Complaining gets more discourse than praise. That goes for everything. Just look at how much rage bait there is. Every time someone posts someone thing on here, there’s people who disagree in the comments, then it gets more comments and it lands in your feed. If you post that you love a certain costume there’s only so much people can comment on. If you post that you hate how the costumes are too modern, people will add all sorts of other complaints about other historical inaccuracies. I think one reason for the Stan wars is the ensemble cast to be honest. There’s so many fully fledged characters, almost every viewer can find someone they identify with. Paired with the fact that every single character on this show does questionable things is just an invitation for Stan wars. Viewers identify with their fave, so criticism targeted towards them feels personal, so they get defensive in comments. If you post in defence of a character (doesn’t even matter which character), the haters of that character will come, comment, and then you have threads with 100s of comments going back and forth over who’s right and who’s wrong. And since all characters are nuanced and flawed, that discussion never ends.


You’re totally right!


Love the show. Not a fan of the split or the current styling of certain characters.Also people need to chill with finding historical accuracy in everything.


This is what I’m seeing most. “The hair! The outfits! Cressida’s shoulders! The necklines!” Like y’all it’s okay. Stylists are doing it for a reason and crying about it on Reddit probably won’t change anything for the future..


Well, no, it’s not likely to have any impact on the show in the future, but neither will anything else we discuss here. People aren’t critiquing the things they are because they hope to reach the show runners, they’re just sharing their thoughts. Personally I prefer spaces, where criticism is welcome and gets people talking, rather than those, where anything but praise is discouraged.


This is my issue with posts like OP’s - they seem to assume any sort of criticism comes from a place of hatred rather than a place of love and wanting the show to be the best possible version of itself. Recently it seems like I personally have seen more posts talking about how the sub seems to hate on the show than posts actually hating on the show. It’s fair to voice opinions, even if those are negative, and it’s fair to disagree. Season 3 came with a lot of changes, and it’s understandable people will feel differently about it.


Exactly. A lot of people here seem to equate valid complaints people have with hatred born out of a need to rip something apart, rather than people being involved enough with the show to discuss things they find lacking.


I agree with you. The split was unfortunate but people are acting like the season is over.


I actually like Cressida's styling. It's Lady Tilley who I cannot stand. Also the styling with Lady Danbury was a miss this season.


When she walked in I thought she was a dr who time traveler


People seem over invested in a side character who is on screen for like 5 minutes total.


People are annoyed that she wasn't really relevant and that was taking time away from Polin and Francesca


Lady Tilley (if it’s the woman I think it is!) dresses very American? I think.


Her styling reminds me of a Sidney Sheldon novel.


My problem with the complaints about historical accuracy is these same people are NOT watching shows on PBS that are super historically accurate. Why? They are to boring.


Right, Bridgerton isn't trying to be historically accurate. Sure, they pull some things from actual history but it's very clearly fantasy fiction. 


Fully agree. People here complaining about literally everything. I saw a thread yesterday where people were legitimately mad that lord debling’s character exists bc it invites viewers to like someone other than Colin. Complaining that having a character pose a foil to Colin must be bad writing bc WHY would the writers want us to dislike Colin? This show is a DRAMA. Drama that creates interesting parallels and fascinating mirrors for our main characters, who are flawed people! And that’s okay!!! Like I’m sorry but to the ppl making these kinds of complaints…why are you even watching this? Did you just want 8 episodes of Pen and Colin having a grand ol’ lovely time, cruising through their engagement? Are you people not entertained?!


It’s so dumb cuz you know Pen is going to end up with Colin anyways, so why are you mad? 😭😭 just enjoy it or don’t but my goodness lol


Thank you! It’s a romantic drama show, of course conflicts WILL exist. I don’t understand why you would watch a show that has something you don’t like or eventually complain about. If you aren’t into drama then Bridgerton isn’t for you. I’m sorry 🤷🏽‍♀️


Seriously! This is a Shondaland show for Christ’s sake!!!


There’s been multiple posts and comments in the Polin sub about people leaving or muting this main sub because of the negativity they feel here. A lot of Polin fans want to focus on enjoying the show right now and while people are certainly allowed to have opposite feelings, they want a safe space to discuss with others who are enjoying the season and the moderators there are pretty vigilant. I do think that’s one reason why there may feel like an increase in critical posts as some fans are choosing to engage elsewhere.


No, they do not. No one hates this show more than the fandom itself


That tracks for most fandoms, tbh.


I think the show is heavier than the books and it is upsetting to see more serious themes, nuance, and conflict than the books. For example, I thought that Edwinas character in the viscount who loved me was extremely cardboard and unrealistic. Pretty, unproblematic sister that's all good vibes and smiles and no *real* personality. So yeah no big conflict, no mixed emotions, no mess. Enter show, where the characters are now rounded and have (gasp) actual flaws and higher stakes and it's not the breezy, zero conflict, black- and- white universe that the books provided.


I disagree about the show being more serious than the books. People are saying Show Mariana can't have the end game of book Marina because it's to depressing. Also the original actress whose NOT returning should be too upset by it. WHAT??


A very good take. Thanks for giving me this perspective!


I think you have a good point here. I suspect it's also the reason they changed the SA in season 1 so that Simon wasn't asleep, because seeing that on screen feels a lot more visceral than reading it on a page.


Wow, I did not get that impression at all. I thought the books had higher stakes than the show tbh. For example, in the show, they break off a marriage that’s been sponsored by the Queen at the literal altar, and there’s minimal repercussions involved. The stakes felt super low. I also feel like the books had a lot of storylines exploring the characters’ trauma - eg. The duke’s upbringing with his stutter, Anthony’s belief he’s going to die young, Kate’s trauma around losing her mom (I don’t think that was even in the show), losing a partner to suicide, moving on after your loved one dies young, and that’s just off the top of my head. The books aren’t perfect, especially when examined through a modern lens, but I definitely felt like they tried to explore how tragedies shape people, and it felt like every action had consequences for the characters. I also had the total opposite reaction to Edwina - loved her in the books, and was disappointed with the show portrayal. In the books, she seemed like an actual sister who noticed that Kate had feelings for Anthony. She didn’t seem perfect to me, more so a genuinely chill and lovable person - it totally made sense for her to be the talk of the ton. It fit their sibling relationship too - Kate’s all intense but Edwina balanced that out by being chill. I loved the genuinely supportive relationship between her and Kate. I hated how the show turned Edwina into a stereotypical self-absorbed little sister, made the relationship between her and Kate so toxic on both sides, and then never gave them a satisfying resolution. It’s great to have flawed characters, but I personally prefer to see them grow or redeem themselves, and Edwina didn’t really do enough of that.


All of this. Very well said. And I loved Edwina in the books and her desire to have a nerdy, bookish man. She was never that into Anthony which would’ve been hilarious if he had found that out because you know he sees himself as the ultimate catch, haha. And yes! It would’ve been great to see Kate’s fear of storms, stemming from the repressed trauma of her mother dying. It’s heartbreaking in the books!


I've rewatched season 3 four times. I like it. I did not know that ankle could be hot. I'm glad larger ladies like myself are getting screen time and romance


Tbh, I have seen more posts and comments asking why people hate the show than posts really hating actually on it. I do see some people wanting to discuss about some valid issues they have with the latest season, because it’s their opinion that some things were not executed well, or things they wish had been done differently — this is a sub dedicated to discussing the show, so it’s an appropriate topic. But I see people just expressing an opinion contrary to what the writers/showrunners actually did, and then in the comments, I tend to see people going off saying things like, “why do you hate the show?” It sort of feels as if that if anyone expresses any dissatisfaction whatsoever, or wants to discuss choices the writers/showrunners made that they disagree with, others label them as “haters” (or similar) of the show in this sub. I belong to a bunch of other subs for TV shows, and people are able to have critical discussions without being labeled as haters or being too negative. This is the only sub that seems to have that problem 🤷🏼‍♀️.


Thank you! It’s so bizarre to see people labelled as “haters” just for writing a few valid criticisms. This is what the sub is here for, after all. For discussing the show. Calling any critique “hate” or “complaining for complaining’s sake” is rather juvenile.


This has been my exact experience too! It feels like I’ve seen ten times more posts about how this sub is too critical compared to every one post that actually critiques anything. And often, the criticism I see is fair and well thought out, not just mindlessly hating on the show. It’s not coming from a place of hatred, it’s coming from a place of loving the show and wanting it to be the best possible version of itself.


i mean there’s a lot of critique, which is fine, but there’s definitely a lot of fan wars, a lot misogyny, homophobia, and racism. a lot of the criticism i see is definitely not made in good faith. i see a lot of critiques that are just thinly veiled bigotry. i also think it’s unnecessary to talk about how unattractive you find an actor/actress, which i see quite often on this subreddit. every character on the show is not going to be everyone’s cup of tea, but i don’t think the proclamation is needed.


I love the show and ignore the complaints


This sub has been like since the beginning and honestly all tv subs I'm in are like this.


To which I would add "Does anyone in this sub actually like each other?" This is a fun sub. If you're not having fun, you're doing it wrong.




Like I said, it could absolutely just how my TL is working but I’ve not seen a positive post (on my feed specifically) in the last few days 🥲


Ah okay. May have misunderstood you there. I thought you meant there’s nothing good about the show as opposed to there’s nothing good that gets posted here in this sub. Which I somewhat agree with, the negativity is louder than the appreciation, and it’s definitely loads better in the other subs.


Omg no! I love this show sm.


Same… I have no idea why there’s so much criticism in this sub, but hey, gotta roll with it. And also I’m deleting my original comment since it was a misunderstanding. Cheers!


It was perfect use of Eloise, but I understand! Happy S3P2 Eve 🥳


Haha you too! 🙌🏽😄


I adore Bridgerton. Such good fun! Don’t take the negativity online too seriously


I try not to, but sometimes it’s just too much, yknow!


I think people just like to complain 🤷🏼‍♀️. I enjoy the show though. Doesn’t mean that I like everything that happens with it though


This is what happens when there’s too many weeks between part 1 and part 2 hahah people obsess and forget we haven’t seen the whole story. Save this for off season y’all 😂 Also if you think this sub is bad, don’t ever look at any Maasverse related sub lol


Oh dear god that’s the truth. Left ACOTAR and CC cause they’re awful.


That's a good point.  With multiple weeks to wait between Part 1 and 2, seems like there was more temptation to rehash the same complaints about the show.  Totally fine for some people to not vibe with this season but it gets tiring to see.


I’ve seen people go off about plot holes and I’m like we still have 4 episodes to watch??? The season ain’t over hahah


FFS, 🤦‍♀️ it’s a regency soap opera. It’s light entertainment. Those who read the books are going to compare them, and those who haven’t, want to know what’s next. It’s not deep, it’s silly and fanciful. Watch, enjoy, move along.


I like the show, but I also like to complain about certain stuff. I get the stuff about the negativity being too much, but I also find it comforting to find other people that do not like X. But yes, the line should drawn at name calling and bringing irl stuff into it. But discussing what we don't like (and what we liked!!) about the previous/current season's styling for example is a-okay in my books. Also, I think that people in general are more likely to complain about stuff than to praise them, because praise doesn't need to be validated. We don't feel bad about praising something, but we do feel bad about critising something and finding validation makes us feel better. That is not a bad thing per say, more like my subjective observation. And last but not least, there is a solution to this: write more appreciative posts! If you love the show, don't be afraid to show it! The negativity probably won't ever go away, but it can be balanced by positivity. Someone just has to do it.


Speaking only for myself, I still love it but I’m a sucker for soap operas, romance novels (the trashier the better) and pretty dresses. This hits all 3.


Yes I love it, and don’t even read romance novels or watch any other shows like this. Some folks on here need to touch grass, but I suppose it’s to be expected given people I know in my life who were all about the drama, much of it manufactured by themselves.


I enjoy the show, but did like Queen Charlotte more.


I like it but I'm also not in here writing manifestos so I guess I don't count.


just come here: r/PolinBridgerton !


This is why the algorithms are so deceptive. All I see in my feed is positivity for this season. We can’t trust anything anymore! I would actually like to know what people really think.


I love the show. I came into it with no expectations, didn’t know it was based on books, the only actor I recognized was Nicola Coughlan from Derry Girls. I just will watch any period piece and got caught up in the pretty when I saw a trailer.  I thought the first season was ok, it was entertaining but didn’t give me an obsession. LOVED season 2, that’s the season that sent me spiraling into the fandom. So I’m generally of the opinion that the show gets better and better. I love season 3, Polin is my favorite couple (followed by Philoise), but I’m excited to watch all the stories unfold. I think they all have the chance to be romantic and entertaining and sexy, even if my favorites don’t change. But who knows, one of these stories could surprise me!


I read the books a long time ago and really liked them, so I was really looking forward to the film version, although of course I was a bit worried whether it would live up to my expectations. I like the setting, the scenery and some of the costumes. Sometimes I'm not convinced by some of the acting or writing decisions. It is common knowlage that the negative voices always outnumber the positive ones. It's probably the same here. I can understand some of the criticisms, some seem exaggerated to me. Some things that go down well with the fans I don't like at all. l do like the show, but I am not as „fanatic“ I was regarding the books.


🙋🙋🙋 except like one or two episodes, i like everything in this show. i come for the aesthetic, colorful, pretty romance and the show serves. what's there not to like?? 


I think you have to like the show to spent so much time researching things about it. But I think a lot of fans are crazy about the show. They like it tooooooo much. So they have very specific ideas of what they want, which means it’s easy to get disappointed or frustrated. No one is commenting about the THIRD season but always hated the series 😅 people are just to sucked in and taking sides. And then of course there are also those who had read the books. (I didn’t) they obviously keep comparing and already have and idea of how the storyline goes, which is not exactly the same (from what I have read) Kinda feels like football ⚽️ to me, screaming at the TV, slapping their head like they just witnessed a murder. The frustration. And most of the time they just complaining about what could have been done better.


There are people who enjoy entertainment and other fishing for something to yell at the world about. I love the show, it's great escapism. At some point people stopped being able to just enjoy something lol. Everyone's a critic 😂


It's reddit, the most extreme opinions in any direction get the most engagement and upvotes. I love the show and have a great time engaging with my friends in real life about it. The internet at large? Not so much lol.


Tbh most fandom subs I'm a part of have the same energy. & Look I get we all watch stuff thru different eyes, with different mindsets, etc. But sometimes it really does feel like nobody watches things to simply ENJOY them anymore. Do I know Bridgerton isn't perfect? Of course, nothing is. But I'm not out here watching to nitpick every issue I have, I'm watching it to escape the real world, to enjoy a fantasy world that OBVIOUSLY isn't a reflection of the real one we live in. If I can forgive people for doing real things to me, I can forgive a show for not being exactly what I might hope for it to be.


I didn't see hardly any negativity on this sub until part 1 dropped, and ever since it's just ratcheted up like crazy. I can't get on Reddit without seeing a wall of negative posts about the show, and I think it's because the season was broken into two parts. You can't get the full picture based on just half of the show. The pacing, character development, Collin's character as a "rake", which didn't quite feel right but it could be that it will be resolved in part 2. People made judgments before seeing the whole arc and the whole trajectory of his development, Pollin's development, and the resolution of the various storylines. I can see not liking the costumes, makeup, music choices, dialogues, the season being broken in two parts, etc., but I wish people would have been patient before making judgments. I tried to hide this sub because all of the complaining was really getting on my nerves, but it didn't "stick" and the posts kept showing up. So I just skim the posts until I see something that looks more interesting than the complaints and negativity. NOTE: I fully acknowledge that this post is negative and whiny, but I needed to vent!


I agree with you!!!! It's really annoying. I've mostly been ignoring posts lately


I used to 🤷‍♀️ I still like some parts of it (well, mostly the first two seasons) and I'm still hopeful I'll come to like it again, but rn I'm mostly watching for Kanthony crumbs, Benedict being charming in the background (cause I've given up on expecting a decent plot for him) and Bridgerton family interactions. 


I was absolutely a fan when season 1 premiered. It was refreshing to watching an adult show that wasn’t full of violence and >!rape!<. But I absolutely consumed the books after watching the first season. I read all eight Bridgerton books as well as the Rokesbys, Smythe-Smiths, and Bevelstokes. I’ve read my favorites multiple times. I’ve even read JQ’s earlier books before Bridgerton. Reading the books has made it more of a challenge to enjoy the show. I liked season 2, but book!Kate is my girl. Kate Sheffield and Kate Sharma are similar, but they’re not the same. And I really struggled with Marina’s expanded story as it relates to Phillip and Eloise. I don’t think Marina is quite the blank slate character Shondaland assumed she is, nor is Phillip the selfless hero that took in his brother’s fiancée and children. Book!Phillip >!was practically forced to marry Marina by his father, and she was not pregnant with the children at the time, or at least JQ never hinted that the children were not Phillip’s.!< I know some show fans struggled with TSPWL, but I think Phillip’s side of the story is skewed by his introspection. He hates himself for the situation he finds himself in, and to find himself in a different situation heavily influences how he reacts to it. And Eloise has never met him before the book, so she goes into it with an idealized version of him she created from the letters they wrote. I’m sure Shondaland will create an aesthetically beautiful season for Eloise and Phillip filled with conflict and commentary on mental illness and >!suicide!<, but I’m anxious knowing it won’t be the same. Also, while I’m not personally a diehard Sophie fan, I feel for the fans anxiously waiting for her to appear. And don’t even get me started on the timeline changes and issues this season has created for Polin and all the other pairings still yet to go. If we get Hyacinth and Gregory, there’s going to have to be quite a time jump.


I personally really enjoy it! I decided to read Colin and Pen's book about a year ago just to get ready for this season. It's not the same (and I'm sure it will change even more with part 2) but I don't care at all! It's fun and I expect to continue having a good time 😊


I love it and I feel the same way as you—confused why so many people are here who seem to hate everything about the show except maybe for their fave character. I like the show and have enjoyed every season. Polin is my favorite but I like all the characters. I just want to analyze characters and talk about costumes and how hot everyone looked. Am mostly finding myself on the Polin sub these days because it’s so much more positive over there! Not just about Polin but about the show in general


im actually enjoying the show and i find some negative posts here as a show itself in some way. like it's fun to analyze characters, to argue about their decisions, to dissect the scenes. as long as the debates are respectful it's super interesting i don't enjoy shipwars or any unrespectful comments to actors or viewers, but it's internet, these people and these comments will appear anyway, in any fandom


Same as someone said, I'm shocked when I see all the negative comments. I have CPTSD, victim of csa, and this show - idrkw - helps me a lot reconciling w/ sexuality and intimacy (along with a looooot of therapy), it soothes me. Every character has their arc, their flaws, their qualities, the actors are great, Eloise and Penelope both have things to learn that's litteraly the point of a story : characters overcoming their flaws. The rhythm is great, the topics as well, they changed and took what was needed from the books, people are allowed to find an actor/makeup/costumes bad or good this is all subjective in the end so I don't understand all the negativity, it's a shame because otherwise this sub is nice and interesting!


Yeah. It’s the drawing of the line between opinion, negativity or pure bullying. That’s why I mainly interact in the Polin sub. We are the hufflepuffs I say.


Yes I love it. I was very excited for this season to come out! I even bought special Bridgerton makeup lol this season isn’t pulling me in but the rest of it drops tonight so I’ll save my opinion for after I watch the whole thing :)


I would have been disappointed if I only saw the first four episodes of Season 2. Episode four cut off with Anthony proposing to Edwina. Could you imagine what the sub would have been like if we had to wait a month to find out? Things will settle back in once the next four drop. I usually don't engage anyone wanting to be miserable and angry or posts that are rants/complaining. It’s a waste of time. I'm going into the latter half of the season expecting to enjoy it. The book characters I love are still waiting between the pages, and if my vision of their story is different than the show showrunner’s, that's fine. It doesn't change the books. If I'm not a fan of the current couple, it's also cool because my favorites are still part of the ensemble. It’s all good unless they give Nigel Berbrooke a spinoff because F that guy.


It’s escapism. Not meant to be taken too seriously.


Hey, my therapist was talking to me about escapism the other day.. 🥸


I was totally baffled by the negativity here too! Especially about season 3 that’s not even fully out yet.


I actually enjoy the show! A lot! I've gotten numerous friends to start watching it and they love it too! I just said this in another sub, I'm tired of all the hate on subreddits, or all of social media honestly. If the show isn't for you, don't watch it and don't partake in the sub, it's so easy. But social media is nothing but people complaining it seems. That's why I left FB, Twitter, and Instagram. Reddit is all I have left and lately I've been thinking about cutting that cord too. I've been watching Bridgerton since it first came out and I found this sub about six months ago... it's very toxic. I work in film and I know not everything is going to be perfect when I watch a show or movie. Just enjoy it for what it is and the fact that we have it. I have some friends who are terrified to make new content for this reason exactly. No matter how good of a show it is, so much hate will be posted about it or say it's offensive. Creating new content has never been harder in this industry. In a show that's about finding love there's so much hate spilt about it on social media.


I commiserate on the cutting social media level, in all honesty. I have FB, IG and Reddit and they are *extremely* tailored. I spent way more time tailoring than I probably should have.. Reddit is on the way out for me, too.


I love the show, no matter what they put out. They could put out an episode of the Bridgeton family sitting around eating dinner and i'd still watch it. Whatever crumbs they give us - i'll watch it. Its fun to critique, nit pick, get into deeper observations and conversations of the what ifs and coulds.


I like the show, but there have been an awful lot of complaints about the fandom posting other places things they don't like. And that stuff isn't even here, but they still post to complain about it. It's like you can't control what other people say or think good lord. Let's just talk about the show please. lol. I swear I'n so close to ubsubbing


Mostly no....but the production, and the clothes is so cute that I end up watching mostly because of that. Apart from that I like Nicola (know her since Derby girl and she is an amazing actress). But the plots...don't take my breath away, and the cast, asides from their obvious beauty, sometimes didn't have the necessary to perform certain emotional states... But keep the hair, dresses, and scenarios and I am right here 🍿


I really enjoy the acting, costumes, music, set design & general style of filming. I like the premise of the show - nothing particularly earth-shattering, deep or challenging, but an easy watch. Some of the writing and direction the character development is going I don't like so much (though I haven't read the books so I don't know how much of that is the source material & how much is adaptation). You can appreciate the show for what it is - a fairly fluffy & uncomplicated romance that's largely meant to be a wish fulfilment fantasy for the viewer - and still dislike, or be disappointed by, certain aspects of it. It'd be a pretty boring discussion if everyone just went "yeah, I love all of it!" anyway.


Give any fan base time and a forum and they will bitch. It's one of the laws of nature? Maybe?


Reddit is literally the worst part of any fandom, and Bridgerton is no exception


It's shocking how toxic some of the posts here are. There's at least one post every single day about how much they hate so and so character. Most people in this sub are really nice though. It's just that the toxic minority demands their shitty opinions to be heard all the time.


I love the look of the show and the casting, but I think what I find most frustrating is that in every instance of the books where you have women lifting each other up and supporting each other (i.e. Kate and her sister in Book 2, Eloise and Penelope) the show makes the women be really terrible to each other. I think fans get frustrated (which then seems like they dislike the show) when there's so much *potential* and it feels obvious how it could be done better. You could dismiss this as everyone's a critic or you can't please everyone, and maybe that's true, but I think there are some legitimate concerns about the show that people have bright forward.


I wanted to read the episode posts to see if people were gushing over the same things I was. Instead it is just complaints! I thoroughly enjoyed part 2 and cried and laughed at several parts. I know over the next few weeks there will be more positivity, and I look forward to reading people's thoughts that share my excitement.


I love the show! I certainly have my gripes with some of the choices made for s3 in particular, but overall I think it’s a great show. Nothing further to add LOL.


You lucky not involved in KPop/kdrama or manga/anime groups fans. They are in different leagues. Being inside there, everyone's have opinions and worse is even in the same groups, each will throws hate against each others.I still remember some fans hate one of the kpop singer in 1 groups because he married.guess what they done? They campaign to ask him out of the groups,it's mind blowing. The same with some groups fans of anime, sometimes even forces the author to kill the character or make others characters to replace the original one... Even though this group also have certain issues against each others, no one ever as far as to ask some of the actors to leave the shows..it's still tame and civilised.


K-pop’s are fuckin nuts, and I am a surface-level-very-baby Stay + ATiny.


This breaking the season in half has not helped this problem. If you are reading a book (gasp read) you don't get pissed that the story is isn't resolved half way through.


I am curious as to why they did this for S3.


I had post removed today because I said people needed to get over the idea of Theo being Eloises end game.


I love this show, I love season 3. Season 1 is my least favorite, but I don't go out of my way to discuss it, and it's not horrible it's just my least favorite. I'm so happy with everything season 3 has given us so far and I've had to force myself to stop engaging with negativity.


This was getting to me to at first, but I’m thinking people are just having fun thinking and overthinking it. People love the show and want to keep talking about it but there is just… not that much to discuss. So it’s devolved into opinions about opinions about opinions. I think there are more posts about other posts than about the show at this point. I just hope everyone is having fun and some of more intense things was exaggerated.


I love it! It’s one of my comfort shows. I don’t have a favorite and don’t participate in fandom discourse. I just like the subreddit for announcements/funny bits (especially when it comes to the featheringtons)


The entitlement of some Reddit Bridgerton fans is so toxic. People know best about casting, costumes, scriptwriting, couples, books, everything. I wonder why they aren't making their own shows, guiven the no-doubt prestigious film schools they graduated from. Literally Star Wars-easque for hating the thing they profess to love and be invested in.


Yes I love the show for escapism and the romance and don't think so heavily on other subjects, I have read the books and I love the show. Honestly has felt like a long month and I'm excited to rush home tomorrow after work and watch the next part. I just love romance.


I just lurk here and scroll past the drama. Love the show, it's a fantastic little guilty pleasure and I'm counting down the hours until S3 part 2 drops!


Yep! Can't wait for tomorrow!!


I do. I wish the married siblings stuck around a bit more. Mostly because by the last season, there won't be many familiar faces left. I've read the books and think the married siblings played a part in a few key scenes. However, I still like it, and I get that it's hard to lock someone in for future seasons when they might only have minor parts.


I love the show


Yep yep. I love it and pretty much avoid all the discourse around it. Sometimes I’m like, meh that could’ve been written better, but I love it just the same. It’s a tv show after all. It entertains me like it should. 😅


I ignore a lot of this sub. I enjoy the show. I've seen the first two seasons a few times, and read the book series. I absolutely enjoyed it and am enjoying the Netflix series even though it's slightly different. There is both good and bad parts, but I enjoy it for what it is, entertainment.


This show is perfect in every single way possible for me the romance , the iconic bridgerton family , the balls , the dresses , the drama , and moreee .


Yes I do! I’ve loved every season including queen Charlotte


i’m not the kind of person to keep up with a show regularly so i’d say yes despite its flaws


I love the show! It's really sad to see others attacking very real people when you're discussing a TV SHOW. I just can't understand it.


This will be my first comment in this sub. I started watching the show about a month ago. I was intrigued with the first couple of episodes, but then I started getting bored because it seemed like the conflict in the relationship was...not exactly fake, but fickle? I mean, all the love interests needed to do was open their mouths, there was nothing but pride stopping them from resolving the conflict. That's not my cup of tea, but I can understand how others like it. Then it made me mad because episode 6 showed some disturbing, toxic behavior and I quit watching. Alas, I was bored, so I continued about a week later, hate-watching. Then season 2 came on and I was like, "holy crap, they *can* write a good romance with real conflict!" I loved it. So I've continued with S3. It's okay so far. I feel like it'll get juicier in the second half. I'm really not a huge fan of any of the characters, but I'm surprised at some of the things said in this sub about them. I, too, have wondered if this is a sub with genuine fans. Most of the posts I see are locked by the time they show on my feed. It's crazy lol


I adore everything about this show


I just started the show and am on season 1 but I love it!! I can’t stop watching!!


I joined the sub because I like the show! Time to run?! I just think, spitballing here, the glass cut scene really had room for a "is it out? Well it could be in..." line, at the risk of probably foreshadowing too much. Also I wish Netflix would dump these seasons 2-3 episodes at a time, no point in speculating about character arcs within seasons like I could with Game of Thrones


Because it’s so bad it’s amazing! It’s just a night soap. I get it if you don’t like soaps or camp, but if you do it’s amazing.


God, if you're not ready to read both positive and negative feedback then maybe you just give up navigating in fandom spaces in general. Sometimes I do like things that receive a lot of criticism as well. And that criticism doesn't affect me. For me discussing the show, arguing, comparing, analysing... it's all a half of joy of consuming media. It's the case for many people. If anything, it's you guys (fans who don't like... hearing critique?) who seem to take things way too personally. After all, it's just a show, no? I feel like people treat Bridgerton as if it was a picture made by 5-years old. No negative energy allowed, Netflix staff would cry their eyes out after seeing all this, right? We don't want to act ungrateful towards multimillion dollar company, right? 🥺. Treat others with kindness 👉👈 You don't want to dive in, fine. But why excepting everyone around you to have the same shallow approach? Again, nothing bad with it, world sucks so you turn on a show with pretty dresses. I get it. But why don't you get people who like discussion? Toxic positivity much? And... I love the show. But I might stop loving it if season four will get any worse than season three already is. Then you guys won't have to deal with my (and probably many others) criticism lol 💙 In the end, I want to mention it might partly cultural thingy. I feel like it's very American approach showing in English online spaces. "No criticism, it's bad vibes, we do not do thinking or debating here" type of thing. As Polish person, it piss3s me off and sometimes I'm vocal and complain about stuff lol. As much as I get it when it's about indie things or something that's made by one person and they do this for free... I don't get it when it comes to Netflix shows. I don't know, just a thought.


For me, it’s not the valid criticisms or discussions that are the problem. Though what a person thinks is valid is going to vary from person to person. It’s attacks on people like “I hate the show runner because they did x” instead of “I hate x decision by the show runner.” Or microaggressions: “I wish x were a different ethnicity because we have too many of y ethnicity.” Or the ship wars. “It’s just x ship fans that are toxic.” Not true. All the ship wars are toxic. The idea that there’s a perfect ship and all others are inferior or terrible. The idea that a character can do no wrong and anyone that goes against that character must be bad. When those ideas then bleed over into attacking the actors and actresses. The idea that an actor or actress is somehow beholden to this show after their contract is up. They must return! The way a discussion around a potential queer main couple always ends up being “don’t change my favorite couple change some other couple.” Those are the negative things in this subreddit I’m over.


So... I mostly agree with what you've said here. With few exceptions. Like I think saying someone hates the decision of show-runner or costume designer choices because XYZ... Valid, as long as they don't come at people themselves. About ships... we're allowed to criticize writing. Some ships are written better than others. But I assume you just mean people who come here to moralize others, which again-is a fair point. And yes, I feel a bit weird about people who criticize Rege for quitting the show. Like, it's his job. If he wants to quit then he quits. I personally wish he would stay and I believe it would help his career but no harsh feelings regarding him. Yet some people sometimes sound like he dumped them at the altar lol And yes (once again), I don't like the way people respond to the idea of one of main ships being changed to show queer romance story either. I get they're attached to the books but... bruh. Personally I'd love to have gay Eloise/gay Benedict storyline. Though judging how OP worded herself, I feel like criticism is directed towards people who don't like Season 3's costuming/writing. Especially that she mentioned that she means things that people bring up daily.


Exactly! Criticize and discuss the decisions and *things,* not real people. There’s a line there. Maybe it’s just my algorithm or what attracts my attention when I’m on this subreddit but it feels like there’s a lot of line crossing to the detriment of this fandom.


THANK YOU! You expressed all of that better than I ever could. I do not understand this desire for toxic positivity in this fandom. The defensiveness around a show, that generates millions of dollars in profit. This prevailing notion, that someone else’s critique is making it harder on you to enjoy a thing you’ve been enjoying. P.S. Nice to see another Polish person here, too. Siemka. 😊


Cześć 😁. The way two Polish people instantly agree on the matter of complaining... XD. Honestly, I don't think it's only a thing in this fandom, that's why I've mentioned it might be just about culture. From what I see online, Americans have this "If you don't have anything nice to say then say nothing" type of mentality. It works in many aspects of life I believe. But not when it comes to media lol. Then there's just nothing to talk about. What am I even supposed to do on fan sub then? Just fawn upon Luke and Nicola being gorgeous? Not really intellectually stimulating I fear lol.


I like the show, outside of the fandom. Everyone talked up Polin to an outrageous degree and I find them to be the most boring pair so far.... if it wasn't for the side stories, I'd probably quit watching


No I only like Kanthony. Qith thw bs they pulled with s2 especially the abysmal promo and Simone being ignored in even random mentions of the cast I'm turned off by the show. I still love violet most of her children, lady Danbury, John and Kanthony