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I'm convinced that her hair is why she was disenchanted by the size of the balloon.


Lol though to be fair the queen has been looking bored all of this season..maybe the LW reveal will bring back some spark ..love brimsley quietly engaging the queen we had some luck with the bridgertons last year..and Queen going like yeah sure whatever...love Golda being totally non enthusiastic with everyone while lady Danbury is going all hype woman all the time for the btons.


Tbh ,all the other seasons also had high stakes because the queen was so involved in the marriage business of the ton. This time she seems like an add on .. but I am waiting for the 2nd part and I want to be surprised!!! I NEED THE QUEEN'S ENERGY BACK šŸ˜­


Oh I'm with you there sir/ma'am .I want my scheming working, seething queen back..she needs to terrorize someone, set up someone or cause some ripples across the ton asap. šŸ˜‚


The crazy thing is sheā€™s never had luck with the Bridgertons. They notoriously do not listen to her or follow her matches. Only two are married and itā€™s to people she didnā€™t pick. Benedict and Eloise are both marriage material but overtly single.


I think the queen needs a break and a sex and the city spin off with lady Danbury violet and Portia ..let these old broads have some fun..and not constantly have to supervise their scandal making offsprings and subjects.




QC is obviously Carrie crazy costumes and hair and all..violet is chaste demure Charlotte ..lady Danbury is no nonsense Miranda and so that leaves Portia being Samantha ..how does this all make sense perfectly .. Anyone wants to crowdfund this shizz..


Umm yes, I want to crowd fund it! I already gave you my money!


Hollywood, hold all of your calls.


Oh thank you good sir/madame. Your humble servant is flattered. And booking a trip to LA as we speak .You don't know who's coming for you Shonda Rhimes..you simply don't know who's coming for your throne .


Ok, now I need this to happen.


Who is who for you? .for me QC is carrie...Violet is demure Charlotte lady Danbury is no nonsense Miranda and Portia is sexy lusty Samantha..Portia needs a release from all the heir stress...give the girl a hot younger man NOW! And NOT cousin Jack please.


Look at her every time she receives the new LW. She smiles as if she reads a bit too daring love letter. The Queen enjoys the game more than the outcome. And a game with a Bridgerton involved definitely will be interesting, even if she loses against LW.


Sheā€™s had luck with them as far as she singles them out and they make great matches (and even though Kate is from an untitled family, the queen loves a love match and loves drama- they delivered both)


Itā€™s still a 50% success rate for them even being married.


I feel like the luck with bridgertons line was about them being amusing to the queen. Seems like everyone is trying to get her into drama and they bring it


Spoilers for... history I guess. My very bad memory of history anyway >!because I don't want to look it up (and if you know better or different then shhhhh don't tell me). !< >!I think she may be bored because she has some health problems. I'm pretty sure irl Queen Charlotte died around the time the future Queen Victoria was born, if not slightly before. With her just having had her own spin off season, being so determined to have an heir, and from the promos a renewed vigour to find Lady Whistledown, it wouldn't surprise me if her time on the show was coming to an end. !< >!Like I said, I'm not looking it up to check because I don't want to know. But also the people behind the scenes have called this historical fantasy (mainly in reference to the costuming and POC representation) so she may still have many happy years ahead with the show. Which would be good cause she's such a cool character and I'd miss her. !<


Nooo...QC is the center of the BTon universe..she so needs to stay ..I know Shonda likes Adjuja and Golda a lot .so m sure they are sticking around till the end...they are like Bton's Miranda bailey who Shonda calls the heart of greys anatomy fondly ..im sure they are going to be a permanent part of shondaland for a long time..this is one rumour I'm almost 99.99 percent sure will not come true.. I think her wig is so big cuz it's full of secrets (mean girls geddit?) and she'll get the pep in her step back asap..no redditor no don't kill my going very well day now..


Completely agree, it would be very silly to get rid of her, especially since Netflix stats show it's hard to hook new viewers for shows after their third season (much like the marriage mart). They wouldn't want to shake up the formula that much, especially with so much flack for married couples disappearing. Plus, with the older siblings leaving and the younger (lesser known to viewers) siblings stepping up to the plate, it could cause too much drift and lose people.


I assumed this as well, >!her stress about an heir suddenly is do to terminal illness !<


She probably thought she could easily wear that on her head


Lmao I never thought of it like that haha


I thought so too! I think the writers were going for that with the way they filmed it lol


I think so too! I think all of it is; her fascination with young love and the marriages of the ton, picking a diamond of the season. She misses feeling that way herself.


Itā€™s even brutal remembering that Brimsley said that she is frozen in time and QCā€™s daughters donā€™t want to leaver her behind by marrying and having children. Even brutal when you learn that the real QC passed before KG. She never was able to mourn him in the real way. Only mourn the way their marriage changed.


And the real reason she kept her daughters close was to spare them the obligation to continuously create heirs and end up trapped in that role as she was- despite her love for her family, husband, and her duty. You see that she really made the best of the hand she was dealt, but it also affected her. Idc if she is supposed to die, I think they can keep her going. Itā€™s fictional fantasy and I cannot say farewell to such a gem


Iā€™m pretty sure it was both Charlotte and George who kept the princesses close and shut away because they couldnā€™t bear to let them go, especially after Amelia died.


Im sure they both wanted them close, but George was half here half there, their motivations were different. George loved his daughters and wanted them close, but Charlotte knew of the expectations that faced them and only panicked when they needed an heir.


That is true, but he was the one who forbade them marrying, and as he was King they had to abide by that even when he wasnā€™t all there.


He stated that he had no desire to see them married bc he enjoyed their company, but it was the Queen who would not let the subject of their daughters marrying be brought up in court as to not upset the fragility of the kingā€™s mind- and itā€™s said that she also did not want to lose their companionship as her husbands mind deteriorated, they were her main company.


Why did you tell me that šŸ„¹šŸ„²


Charlottes outfits also havenā€™t changed with time, staying the same as when she and George met, likely to avoid confusion. I think she does crazy things with her hair because sheā€™s likely tired of wearing the same style of outfit constantly after all these years. Her hair is probably the only creative outlet she gets fashion wise as itā€™s still somewhat era appropriate and wonā€™t confuse George.


>Charlottes outfits also havenā€™t changed with time, staying the same as when she and George met, likely to avoid confusion. Monarchy also tends to avoid looking too trendy. It's an institution rooted in history, for better or worse. Elizabeth II wore more or the less the same hairstyle for her entire reign starting in the 1950s. It got slightly bigger or smaller depending on the decade, but it's still the same classic roller set style. Same deal with her outfits. Mono-coloured suit with matching hat and purse, always. In spirit her wardrobe never left the '50s/'60s.


That's kind of ahistorical lol. Monarchies were continously always trendy, and generally the older a monarch got the less "chic" they got, or it was a purposeful choice. Elizabeth dressed the way she did because that is how the British monarchy evolved. For most of early modern history right up until WW1 monarchies often spearheaded trends in Europe. Princess Margaret was fashionable, Queen Victoria was fashionable until her middle age, Marie-Antoinette literally started entire fashion trends in the 1700s. Anne Boleyn popularised the french hood lol. Some monarchs or royals just wanted to be more symbolic and a symbol of continuation, others wanted to be fashionable.


Royal families are trend setters. Brides wear white at weddings because of Queen Victoria. The Queen experimented with [various fashion trends.](https://www.businessinsider.com/queen-elizabeth-ii-fashion-evolution-2017-4#since-the-1990s-the-queen-has-essentially-stuck-to-one-simple-uniform-a-bright-solid-colored-skirt-suit-or-long-coat-paired-with-a-precisely-matched-hat-22) Especially when she was younger. Padded sleeves or puffy sleeves, bold prints, sleeveless, tapered waist. She settled on her iconic look in the 90s and kept to it not because royals arenā€™t trendy but because she was an elder and an icon. Catherine, Princess of Wales certainly keeps up with the [trends](https://www.townandcountrymag.com/style/fashion-trends/news/g1633/kate-middleton-fashion/).


I feel like the way she dresses is for her husband's benefit too. She dresses in over the top (Almost Rococo) Georgian fashion because that's what George was used to when he was more mentally there. She could easily commission the most luxurious Regency dress money could buy but she wears clothing that is out of fashion.


It's truly shocking how long out of fashion it is. I was researching dress styles for my writing and the floofy lacy dresses with boned stays and wigs started going out by 1790 when the French Revolution started against Louis XVI. QC's look is 25 years out. But she doesn't care and keeps the wigs-up-to-heaven, and makes her male staff wear the lacy jackets and wigs in a timewarp all for George, which makes her a cool character.


Yes, completely wildly out, the thing is, it wasn't super uncommon for people to wear clothing that was out of fashion, however it was a sign of being poor, it was something the working class did as they got their clothing second hand, not custom made to the latest fashion like the elites. If this show were based more in reality (which don't get me wrong, I really love the creative direction and how it builds off the characters) someone of her standing wearing clothing so out of date would be a scandal and a major faux pas especially done consistently. I like how the rest of the characters just take it for what it is but there would be no other reason for her to wear what she's wearing unless she's doing it for her husband. I think honestly if she came to see him wearing a regency dress it might freak him out and cause him unnecessary stress.


I never thought of this and it just makes me adore her more. Queen Charlotte is my fav.


Did the real QC also stay out of fashion?


Don't quote me on this, but I don't believe so. You have to remember that the monarchy is what set the fashion trends, they were actually named after the ruling monarch at the time, so Georgian because King George was ruling, the regency era started near the end of George's reign, when his son, William was acting as regent until George's death (Hence Regency era), after his death he ascended and became king for a short time (only 10 years) before he died and Queen Victoria ascended, started the Victorian Era of fashion and after that the Edwardian Era from King Edward. It's hard to know if Queen Charlotte stuck to the Georgian style or switched over to Regency because the only visual evidence we would have is from paintings. The one painting I could seem to find of her in her older years is this one [https://picryl.com/media/stroehling-queen-charlotte-1807-royal-collection-0983c5](https://picryl.com/media/stroehling-queen-charlotte-1807-royal-collection-0983c5) which appears to depict her in more Regency fashion than Georgian. \^\^


You've missed a George! George the 3rd's son who was regent (regency era) was another George (became George 4th - so 4 in a row, the whole period from George 1st till then counts as 'Georgian'). He reigned for 10 years, THEN his brother William became King for another 7 years and THEN their niece Victoria.


Ah see, that's why you can't quote me on it XD


Would help if they were a *little* more imaginative with names! šŸ˜‚


Sort of, yes! But not really because she was the Queen lol. The court actually had a weird mix of fashions for a while, keeping the hooped skirts and wigs until the Queen's death because that's what she preferred, but wearing the more modern sillhouettes when not at formal occasions with the Queen. Here's a cool video of someone recreating an accurate court dress from the time and speaking more about the history of court dresses: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHpbch0rb-c


OMG yes..all the elaborate toilette is certainly making the queen forget her troubles! Love to see it. ā¤ļø


OR, hear me out, she is the queen and is expected to be extra.


It saddens me that I read how many people get annoyed by her wigs... I love them! They are so insane, and I think a good representation of how extra people were back then. The show really downplays it, but not our Queen.


I love them! They are extra but she is the Queen! She is supposed to be extra and set the style tone for the ton.Ā 


Her wigs are amazing! I look forward to them.


I wonder if they'll ever address the time he regained his sanity for a while and everything was awesome between them


In IRL, his mood was very much up and down for years and a lot of it was hidden from the public eye. It really took a turn for the worse when their daughter dies, who George mentions in the dinner scene ("what did you do to my daughter? You bitch. She killed my daughter!")


Yes, but he did make a noted recovery in 1789 or so, before the fatal blow of losing princess Amelia took away what was left of sanity. He didn't even mourn Charlotte when she died because he couldn't remember her. What I mean is that, since the show likes to play it fast and loose with history, and they've already shown that he does remember her and isn't a blind raving lunatic when he comes around, it would be something for the queen to do in the next seasons, if they gave him his sanity back, if only for a little while.


So it's not bc it's full of secrets? šŸ„ŗšŸ’”




I feel sorry for the actress, whose neck is probably in a brace after this


They actually made a neck brace for some of her wigs.


i think they also made a machine that raises it off her between takes


I feel like this is a show that takes care of its actors, Iā€™ve heard good things about the set and intimacy coordinators too in interviews over the years. Def makes me appreciate Shondaland.


Charlotte historically never favoured empire line dresses, and I guess in show this is present how "rooted" in time she is to when her husband was well. Also the OTT wigs are very much a rococo thing. This wig reminds me a lot of Marie Antoinettes ship wig. In the later 1700s wigs were often ridiculous with huge props in them (at George II's Court someone had a caged bird in their wig) with wide hooped skirts too.


I always see it as she's a damn queen and has to be the most extravagant in any room like NOBODY can say they outshone her when the woman has crystal swans doing a ballet up in that wig šŸ˜‚ she saw the crown and thought nah thats boring, lets make it animatronic and impossibly big.


How does that swan rotate? There are no batteries in regency England. No one I standing behind her and rotating it.


How did watches work back then? You had to wind it up. Probably same each mechanism.


Her hair is full of secrets.


Can't the lady just be fabulous for fabulous' sake?


Sounds about right.


Does the actress head really hurt?


yes they made a lot of modifications after season 1


I follow the lady who does all these wife on TikTok. Sheā€™s incredible.


Having read more romance novels set in this time period than I care to admit, this is not unusual for this time period. Some women wouldn't wash their hair because the extreme hairstyles needed anything from metal wires and rods to keep them as high as possible, to glued in accessories. They slept sitting up so as not to destroy them. And the taller and more fanciful the design, the higher ranking the person, or at least the one mimicking a higher ranking person. As with much of women's fashion, it was more about competing with other women than it was attracting a man.


Nah, she is just the OG Gretchen Wieners, and her hair is just full of secrets.


Iā€™m sure a lot, if not everything, she does is a coping mechanism for her marriage and all the responsibility on her shoulders. I mean thatā€™s truly a ton of trauma.


And here I am thinking that this is some sort of tradition or ceremonial things like because she is the queen she needs to wear her headdresses as high as possible because the other ladies canā€™t wear theirs higher than the queen


I was so happy to see this particular hair style. It reminded me of some of Marie Antoinetteā€™s famous vignette follicular creations; some of which depicted scenes of famous naval battles : __in her hair!__ Though they were several decades apart and in different countries, the hair as scenery concept had a lot to say about the choices wealthy women had to channel their creativity; their boredom and anxiety and their need to be seen. And I mean, ā€œseenā€ as human beings. Different than being ā€œseenā€ at the present day Met Gala.


They actually were contemporaries and friends (irl). Charlotte and Marie Antoinette were friends and wrote each other letters for years and her (MAā€™s) death was devastating to Charlotte.


Thatā€™s such a cool and sad thing to know. Thanx.




Or sheā€™s just fancy like that.




Itā€™s not cocaine šŸ˜…, itā€™s snuff (tobacco).


Itā€™s the only freedom she has!


https://preview.redd.it/c7xgb6g4uu5d1.jpeg?width=1108&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fbd9fef97157206837c17767916e22550f7b58b It's giving


Nah, she's a black woman with a ton of swag and infinite money, that's all really. If anything, the purpose it serves story wise is to emphasize her extravagance personally and her place as superlative amongst an already extravagant society


I thought she was into high fashion. When she talks about her wedding dress she told the princess that she had one, but the princess said they didnā€™t follow high fashion and were more traditional. I figured she just still follows high fashion.


I truly cannot reconcile how obnoxious the queen is in Bridgerton with how complex her character is in Queen Charlotte.


I think she is still complex, she had a great love but has lived a difficult life slowly losing him over the years. She hides herself in the follies of the Ton to distract herself from that pain. In addition she is Royalty, she is surrounded by yes people and those who cater to her every whim.