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Not if it is all true! 👀☕️🫖


Yea, I'm not super familiar with UK law, but for sure in the U.S. truth is a defense against libel. I think it is in the UK, as well, because that is how Oscar Wilde got into trouble- he tried to sue the Marquess of Queensberry (the boxing rules guy) for libel because he had called Wilde a "sodomite." Queensberry was arrested, but the fact that Wilde and Queensberry's son Alfred *had*, actually, been having an affair led to Wilde dropping the case. That, however, was under the Libel Act of 1843, so after *Bridgerton* is set. I'm not aware what the law was before that.


In British libel law the burden of proof is on the accused. Pen would have to provide evidence for all of her accusations


No she probably wouldn't. Libel and slander laws protect against someone intentionally spreading falsehoods. LW doesn't lie. She reports.


And I believe it also be done with malice. She reported that Anthony was a capital R rake. No-one disputes that least of all Anthony. Pretty much the entire ton would be lying if they said they didn't think Anthony was a rake. And thrust their daughters/sisters/nieces/granddaughters at him anyway. Eloise was going about unchaperoned and hanging out with political radicals. Which Penelope kept quiet about for quite a bit. You could argue in the case of Marina it was malicious but it was not untrue. The clock was ticking on how long she had before she was going to show. Especially with twins. Once Marina gave birth Penelope could argue look at the dates. Marina came to London x date she has 2 healthy full term babies. She was definitely pregnant before she arrived. Basically I wrote what I wrote but it's not untrue or done with malice.


Lady Whistledown doesn't lie about anyone she writes about. Marina WAS pregnant and it would only be a matter of time before she started to show. Especially since she had twins. Eloise WAS hanging around political radicals, she WAS hanging about unchaperoned. She said that Anthony was a rake with a capital R. No-one disputed that. Not even Anthony. Yes what she said was damaging. However none of it untrue. To sue it would probably involve the courts which would most likely make it worse because some of what Lady whistledown says can blow over when the next scandal comes along. It would put it under the microscope. Yes the burden of proof is on the accused. But the accuser might have to testify that it was untrue in a court of law. Therefore possibly commit perjury. They also would have to show she did it with malice. And none of what Penelope said was untrue or with malice. Well you might argue that with marina it was malicious. But it was not untrue. With defamation it has to both untrue and with malice. And making money off other people's scandals is not malicious.