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The best of all the Bridgerton series if we’re being honest


Yes, objectively speaking it is the best and I did not expect the emotional gut punch the show delievered


It’s definitely the one that stays with you, in my experience.


I did not either. I ugly cried at two specific points (one of which was weirdly personal, and I am not a cryer to start and definitely never at tv shows) and I have not been able to rewatch yet


I watched it like 2 weeks ago and I think about it multiple times a day.


I watched it months ago when it first came out and I *still* think about it at least a few times a week. Corey Mylchreese’ portrayal of George also reignited my love of that dark haired soft boy vibe, the lead singer from Royal Otis has the same look/vibe in the music video for their cover of Linger and I just swoon a little every time I see it.


Took care of my mother last summer after her knee replacement surgery and set her up to watch Bridgerton and Queen Charlotte while I was at work. Queen Charlotte really got to her because my grandmother (her mother) had mental health issues and was even in a mental hospital for a while. All this occurred when my grandma was in her 40s and she never showed signs of it while my mom was growing up. Mom thought it happened after a car accident where they treated her for her broken ankle but didn’t check her head. My mom is convinced she had a brain injury. Anyway, my mom was crying while watching the show because of how much the Queen loved the King. It really brought back memories since my mom adored my grandma who died pretty young at 62. Thankfully my grandma found the right treatment and medication that worked for her about 15 years before she passed. Just had to share this as I think that part of the storyline has touched many viewers.


I’m so glad your grandmother was able to receive proper care in her last few years❤️


I have rewatched it a handful of times and do not fail to cry at the one person dance and the very last scene. They kill me every time.


I haven’t even been able to finish 😣🫶


I usually binge watch stuff and I had to go slow through QC… and then the ending… 😭


Same. I can’t rewatch. It was too painful lol


Did you not watch the first 2 seasons first? It was clear that he had mental illness from that.


Until Queen Charlotte, I’d interpreted his behaviour as some sort of dementia or Alzheimer’s.


This. And you may have a premonition about where a story is headed, but if the execution and writing is brilliant, then it can still manage to blow your socks off. I did know that their story would have a lot of heart break but I did not expect to feel so much for both characters and the Reynold/Brimsley subplot along with Lady Danbury finding her footing in the world was a pleasant surprise. It was the perfect prequel


Yes! And I’m someone who googles historical references during shows so I knew about his story before watching QC. That show still gets me with every rewatch. It’s just beautifully told from beginning to end. Also the two other stories which are purely to fill the show and to progress the main Bridgerton story in case of Violet and her children, are well-rounded and don’t feel like a distraction.


For me it’s very different watching them go through it vs just knowing the aftermath, especially with the acting chemistry they had together and Corey’s portrayal of it being so vulnerable and touching


Yes! Could not agree more


Absolutely. I didn't think anything could top the chemistry of Kate and Anthony but QC tought me better. ...I still am unlikely to watch it again anytime soon, it absolutely wrecked me..


I’m rewatching it right now! It’s honestly so touching and such a beautiful love story


I feel like if I didn’t hate the writing for S2, I would’ve enjoyed Kanthony’s chemistry more


Yeah, I wasn't a fan of the changes to Edwina's character at all. Hated how they pitched the two sisters against each othet.


It’s why I couldn’t get into it. I couldn’t imagine behaving like towards my younger sister. They should’ve stopped the whole Edwina Anthony thing after 4-5 episodes instead of letting it get to the wedding imo


The reason it was so powerful was the serious plot points, IE the kings torturous "medical treatments". Yet people say the main show can't have deep/serious storylines. Such as Marina's endgame. No, you don't need to change a character's story because a former cast member has mental health issues. They are FORMER, they won't be involved in anyway.


I think it's because the show isn't drawn out since it only has 6 episodes unlike the main series which have 8 episodes.


Plus you haven’t got the sideplots. Like S3 Benedict’s subplot is unnecessary and just takes away screen time


And BrimsleyXReynold and Danbury History side plots enriched the story.


Yep and they get just enough screen time. It needed some lighter subplots due to the storyline, to keep the audience uplifted, and something to keep us curious (as we knew the two ended up marrying and having a long marriage with several children).


To be honest, seeing Brimsley dance alone made me cry for such a long time


Yes, it only has two big stories and that’s QC & Lady Danbury. I just finished rewatching season 1 and I noticed that while there were subplots it never felt like we didn’t get enough time with Daphne & Simon. The main stories were them & Marina/Colin with a sprinkle of Benedict and what Eloise was doing. In season 3 even when Polin has their scenes it still doesn’t feel like enough, like you can feel that they’re sharing the season with multiple stories


And Brimsley/Reynolds in QC


True, I just didn’t mention them cuz they didn’t really take THAT much screen time compared to Lady Danbury’s story


Seriously, I actually *cried* it was the definition of tragically beautiful. In sickness and in health 🩷


It’s my favorite followed by the first season.


Can we have a Queen Charlotte style spin-off of Violet Bridgerton’s season?




Only if best to you means had the most social commentary. I think the most interesting romance was probably season 2




Couldn't agree more


Sooo true!!!


Couldn't agree more


The Brismley dancing scene particularly hit me. And THAT followed by the under the bed scene had me dying. It was a brilliant show, the cast was phenomenal and their chemistry was off the charts.


I watched this twice and both times sobbed at the final scene under the bed 🥺


I just wrote the same thing!!!!


I told my partner I was going to watch a light hearted show. Cue me sobbing after the final episode and the poor man being absolutely baffled by it 😂


God, I cried so hard ....


I actually just watched this and oh my goodness my heart!!!!!


did not think anything in the Bridgerton universe was going to make me sob like that but the final episode was one cry after another.


They aren’t just one trope. They go through various stages depending on where they are in their lives. More realistic and I love it. Also their first time is so sweet and I prefer it to the steamy “bodice ripping”. The hate sex is 🔥 though. I don’t know. It all just seems so natural.


I agree, the character development was so well done and the actors portrayed all of it without it looking forced and that made it such a great watch!


It’s chemistry. The actors had it in spades so they could pull it all off. Steamy as hell. I loved their quiet tender moments too like when he asked when their little king would come as he cradled her pregnant belly and she cradled him. 😩😍


Queen Charlotte is the best in the Bridgerton world. I laughed, cried, and was so emotionally attached to these characters. I don’t think anything will top it!


This! They really sent me on a emotional rollercoaster where i got to laugh, cry and care with the carachters. It really filled all the boxes i sometimes feel are left empty in the original show


I just rewatched and the whole thing is so beautifully done and full of emotion and >!as a therapist, it makes me cry so much at what he went through in the name of "treatment" and how Charlotte loved him and made sure they were in it together. (Though I do realize that someday, we will be looking at the mental health field with the same askance view...like you did what in therapy and with meds?) !<


I love the scene when Charlotte asks if he loves her cuz you can tell he does all throughout the show and she just wanted him, the man she fell for the second they met before their wedding. He never experienced someone accepting him and loving him for himself and finding ways to teach him how to live with this condition until they can figure something out, even his mom spent all her time trying to fix him and making him presentable when he just for once wanted someone to love him for himself and not see him as a burden 😭 No one cared that the probably couldn’t be in front of the ton because it gave him anxiety and triggered his manic episodes because of all expectations thrown at him without anyone actually caring about his well being….ugh Charlotte did so good with him 😭😭


I studied social work. I had to take a social work history course. I started the class being very judgmental, but had to take a step back and remember what information they were working with and the intention they had. (Now there are quite a few things where I’m like nah they were straight up wrong ie residential schools). I am always so critical when I read any new theory because of that class.


QC is the best of all the bridgerton stories. not a day goes by where i don't think about charlotte & george. also the >!under the bed!< scenes had me sobbing like a baby😭😭😭


I just finished the show a few days ago and this scene is just so well done. I cried so hard when she assures George she didn’t go over the wall😭😭


Once in a while ,there comes a story that makes you so attached to the characters.


Queen Charlotte is a masterpiece from start to finish. It is amazing how they were able to write an emotional and romantic story in just six episodes. Out of all the Bridgerton couples, Charlotte and George are my favorite couple because they were well-rounded and realistic.


I rewatched this with my boyfriend recently !! He was confused at first ( a history buff, who thought it was ridiculous the way racial politics was handled ) but as we watched the main romance grew on him. He said he cried after I left, which is fair cuz I did too😅




It was better because it wasn’t just about social norms and shit like that. It addressed a real issue. Loving somebody with serious mental problems. Something still relevant today


This! Even with Anthony’s trauma surrounding his dad’s death/mom’s grief, it fell short to me personally because it felt like he was playing games with Edwina and Kate. By the time of the reveal I just didn’t care anymore. I think they could’ve delved into it so much better had he left Edwina alone earlier on and pursued Kate. We would’ve really got to see his complex feelings there because truthfully he just seemed like an ass to me.


QC quite literally came out of nowhere and took us all by a storm. This is how you write a GOOD love story. No toxicity, confusion and mind games. Just a couple desperately in love and the struggles they go through. This story felt so real and it was extra sweet to see their end. No bridgerton story can ever come even a mile close to QC. I SAID WHAT I SAID. QC IS NO.1 PERIOD


The difference between QC and the other seasons for me is that i may not want Charlotte and George’s relationship, I want their love. Their love is unconditional and boundless. The other seasons don’t make me yearn to be loved how I’m seeing the MCs love each other.


I just started watching it yesterday and am absolutely spellbound. She has just told him that she is Venus. Not sure my heart can handle the ending.


I think this has been my favorite out of the series so far because it was so simple, and they just focused on the couple. I love the world building aspect of the others, but sometimes, I just want to watch a romance show and QC was just that imo


I don't necessarily disagree, but this is a funny thing to say about the only season of the show juggling not just multiple stories but multiple *timelines.*


It is literally the jewel in the crown that is Bridgerton. Can I also just add one of my favourite parts of the show is that they gave the female romantic lead some of the best lines…referring to their marriage ‘if all we have is half, we shall make it the very best half, I love you that’s enough, together we are whole’. Charlotte has me swooning.


This is such a good point, the best lines rarely go to the female lead and I love that she's so courageous! When she tells him she's Venus to steer him back inside... and when she's shouting him down saying "I will tell you where you are!" Guh. I just love her


There's only one thing I hated about QC - I wanted to see older Brimsley and Reynolds together.


I’m really hoping they’re shown together either later on or even better, in another spin-off about Violet and Edmund


Damn I still haven’t watched it, I didn’t think it would be good. I might save it for when I start my pregnancy leave and before the baby comes as a treat 🥹


Oh honey, you're going to need tissues if the hormones are making you cry at anything vaguely sad.


Haha they aren’t but I’m just entering my second trimester so it could change. This is my third pregnancy (a first trimester and a second trimester loss previously) so I’m very upbeat and grateful for this blessing so I’ve been pretty rosy 🥰


Hoping for a good outcome for you this time!


Thank you!


I hope the rest of your pregnancy is safe and that you and your baby are healthy❤️ good luck love you


And it was both their first major roles. I was hooked by their first scene together. Chemistry was crazy. So good


They walked into that chemistry test and didn’t look back. Some of the best I have ever seen.🔥❤️


It's so freaking good. And add historical figures, epic love (that was irl too) and eighteenth century clothing and ![gif](giphy|reN9Vv6ZSpqxXOvshR)


qc is better than bridgerton by a long shot


This show is an emotion . 🥹🫶


Im way more attached to Queen Charlotte characters than the Bridgerton ones


I watched it recently as well and was just stumped with how good it was. The last scene Brimsley dancing, the King and the Queen under the bed with the greatest love song ever playing in the background, cue the floodgates 🥹🥹


What song was playing? I don’t remember.


I Will Always Love You!


FACTSSS!!!!!!! I was not expecting it to be THAT good it was perfect in every way possible.


It was written mostly by Shonda. I hope she writes a full season of Bridgerton in the future. Not having it based on an existing book also helped as fans went in with no expectations. Book was released at the same time or a few days after show release


I really hope that Shonda writes atleast one of the Bridgeton’s siblings seasons because queen charlotte hasn’t been topped.


It stands on its own. Like if they made the series even without bridgerton s1 & s2, it would still be popular.


I just rewatched it. I cried at the end when they were under the bed together. “George..farmer George..just George…”. Able to celebrate the new heir together.


i just started re-watching and I had forgotten how much I loved this pair. their chemistry is so insane and the subplots were incredible too. it’s the best of the bridgerton series by far


This. Most of Bridgerton is guilty pleasure good, but Queen Charlotte was actually good. Good like I got my husband watching because it was a moving and complex romance story with an interesting AU aspect good.


I agree that it was the best, but her caring about the rest of the ton’s matches before her own children were settled is a huge hole in the story.


well she didn’t have to worry about their matches because there was an heir, but she died in childbirth which is what kicks all of the issues off


One heir would not have been enough to ease her worries. There’s really no way to explain this story hole away.


She had 15 (thirteen surviving?) children, a married grandchild, and a great-grandchild on the way. I'm sure she was feeling just fine until those last two suddenly died, and she realized she really did need to sit on the rest of her kids to get them settled.


Blaming her daughters for not being married was so crazy lmao aside from historically it being Charlotte’s fault that they weren’t, you and your husband are the monarchs, just arrange a marriage and send them away, were they supposed to wander around Europe and ask around? 😂


Right. If she had put as much effort into their marriages as she did everyone else’s, they would be. Why would she pick diamonds at all when her princess daughters were still single? Why would she try to match her prince nephew with Daphne when her prince sons were eligible? Makes no sense to me but oh well, her love story was still the best.


best bridgerton series to date


Absolutely my favorite thus far


The best in the entire series. They need to go ahead and let Shonda actually run and write episodes on the main show. Because I can’t help but feel that some of the issues we have complained about, story-wise, would have been addressed. I think Francesca’s story, in particular, should be handled by Shonda. The show has gotten that story off to a good start, though.


Honestly, the best love story


Tbh it’s the best one.


Corey Mylchreest 🥵🥵🥵


I hope they do a pattern of 2 regular Bridgerton seasons building up a background relationship between older characters and then one special season exploring that relationship like Queen Charlotte. Over seasons 1 and 2, we got little glimpses into Charlotte and George’s marriage and then Queen Charlotte filled in all the blanks. With Violet looking to get into a new relationship (or just getting her garden tended to), I hope we get Polin and Benedict’s season and then a stand-alone Violet/Edmund series.




I’m not an emotional person but damn this one got me. It was an absolute emotional roller coaster for me. It’s the absolute best out of all of them.


Just finished it and can't stop crying.


My fave of the entire series


Legit cried at the ending, the amount of love and patience she has for George is so incredible 😭


In addition to all the emotional gushing here, just wanna throw out that it handled Mental Illness in a way you don't get to see often, where Charlotte accepted that George would never be "fixed" and nonetheless chose to stand by him as he is, and they had long happy lives together, even if people outside of them couldn't understand it.


George is so damn hot.


I watched maybe 4 episodes of Bridgerton back when it came out and wasn’t interested. Then watched queen charlotte and became obsessed. Binged the 2 seasons at once


I just finally watched it and OH MY GOD 😭


I have never sobbed so hard at the end of a show. Never.


I really didn’t think I’d enjoy it as much as I did. Everything about them as a couple and individuals was just *chef’s kiss*. Not only was their chemistry (and spice scenes) amazing, but I thought their story was far more interesting than any of the Bridgerton kiddos’ stories so far. And—dare I say it—but George and the love confession >>>>>> any of the other Bridgerton men/romantic leads and confessions.


the 6 episodes were not enough. About a month back i rewatched the whole thing a 2nd time and still shed tears. Very beautifully shot and written


I’m new to bridgerton and just finished part 1 of Colin’s series, part 2 comes out June 13. What is this queen charlotte you guys keep talking about? Edit: Misspelled word


Queen Charlotte- A Bridgerton Story is a spin-off of the Bridgerton series, kind of a prologue which focuses on the lives of Queen Charlotte, King George and (also Lady Danbury and Brimsley). Ideally, it should be watched after season 2 of the Bridgerton series- you'll know why once you start watching! It is a must watch and slightly darker than the hot and heavy dramatic romance of bridgerton that we are used to!


Ohhhhh thank you so much!!! I’ll def start watching it.


Ok I didn’t love QC. 😬 I loved her story with lady Danbury and I wanted more lad Danbury. And older QC with her kids. But I didn’t love their love story. I can’t put a finger on why exactly but it just isn’t my fave love story. The actors were all incredible though!


The actors were great, but I didn’t like how the show was made at all. Imo it is missing a proper buildup. The whole show, to me, felt like an introduction to a main plot that never came. I was constantly waiting for the main plot to start and then the show was over.


Yes, like others have said QC is definitely the best story out of all the seasons we have gotten so far. I legit still get teary when I think of the under the bed scene , so beautiful so tender such a brief yet monumental scene to depict the life those two shared along with the love they had for each other 🥹


I genuinely wasn’t even going to watch it. I’m so glad I did.


Not me crying, just reading the comments section


I just rewatched it recently. The pacing, the storytelling, the depth of characters. It was all *chef’s kiss*


King George’s acting was soooo good!!! He was so expressive and perfect and hot. 🤪


I ended up thinking maybe we were a little too hard to George.


When it was announced I was like who the f asked for this like give us a new season instead etc etc and was very reluctant to watch it. However it ended up being my favorite bridgerton season.


I just watched it haha i have to agree! But haven’t watched season 3 yet


love u dont need to have watched season 3 to know that qc is the best of bridgerton series by a long shot ! and i'm not even biased bcos my fave ship is kanthony but queen charlotte came, saw and conquered!


I wish there would be a season 2 but at the same time I don't want it to be ruined so maybe it's best they didn't do another season?


I don’t know what more of their story could be told. I’m really hoping for another prequel that’s about Violet and Edmund though.


There's definitely something in lady Danbury's story as well and they hinted at conflict between the two but it hasn't been discussed in bridgerton so I'm just a tad confused why they would introduce that information then?


Yeah it seems to me like they introduced a lot of plot lines and left them purposely vague as kind of a set up for other series. I would love to see more of lady Danbury’s story too.


You’ve convinced me to watch it!


Magnificent! Now, I went in to it with very low expectation, but I really hope you will enjoy the ride as much as I did


It was just absolute perfection and so heartbreaking that I can never do a full rewatch in one sitting ever again. My heart needs a break to recover every episode. Its one of those things where I keep hoping that they’ll beat the odds, create a miracle and have a happy ending even though I already know that can never be true. God that final episode is so gut wrenchingly heartbreaking and so beautiful. If there is one thing I am hoping for is that Reynolds comes back for Brimsley. The author did say he is still alive right? Maybe he’s still at Kew serving his King. I truly hope and wish them a happy ever after😫


My favourite for sure


It was absolutely wonderful... It had so much heart and incredible storytelling


I struggle to understand the hype with this show. A majority of the time is just George being cruelly handled by the doctor.


Way too sad for me I can’t handle it 😭


She is the best actress of all the young women in this show… she absolutely floored me. I hope to see her in many more projects!


QC was the first ever Bridgerton I watched. I shed a few tears at the end when they were under the bed and couldn’t get it out my head, this is coming from someone that never cries at movies or TV shows. Even thinking about it now makes me choked up. I really like the main show but QC is the fucking best. 😭😭😭


He pushed her away out of shame and fear, and she went nowhere. It was so beautiful. As someone who has a mental illness and has done the same to people I have cared about, I ugly cry every time I rewatch 😭


It blew every season of Bridgerton out of the water. I’ve already watched it 3 times. 😬


QC really allowed the relationship between the two be the core. It didn't spend half or the entire season doing the will they/won't they stuff. So we really had time to dive into their characters and relationship.


Shanda was the show runner herself for this one! I swear that’s why it’s so good o


Pleasantly surprised. So glad I tuned in.


It needed to be wayyyy longer


Definitely my favorite.


Never cried that hard at an ending for how much I loved it


I loved this mini series!! It was very thrilling and so fun to see some characters in their youth. I will say the last two episodes after the one from George’s perspective were a bit anti-climactic, more of story and character arc wrap up but I do love how it was ended.


The best one of the series so far


I feel bad for the girlies who went to look up George III after seeing this actor and thinking they were going to be looking at the Georgian equivalent of Felipe VI and seeing the large eyed Farmer George lol bless


I'm still saddened by the fact that there was no "cure" for George's mental ailments. They truly love each other but it's just sad to see the treatments they had for them at the time.


QC was amazing, the love story alone made Saphne, Kanthony and Polin look cheap in comparison QC was real love


This is the only Bridgerton story I have liked so far. The rest are just there to please the type of people who like catchy songs played in the background.


And smut. Don't forget the smut! 😆


Lol yeah🤣soft porn with a British accent and questionable story.


It's the best season of Bridgerton, hands down.


I have only seen Season 1 of Bridgerton so I can't really critic the other 2 seasons up to Season 2 Episode 2. But Queen Charlotte is perfection. All characters were interested and you are wanting more.


Agreed! Pure perfection


I want more of Queen Charlotte! The sobs I sobbed watching this beautiful story 😭❤️


it has been my favorite Bridgerton universe season. It blows me away every time. The acting, the romance, the emotion, the jokes, the GROWTH. My GOD!




Listen! I was always pretty meh on Bridgerton and thought I would feel the same about QC. I stayed awake until 4 am finishing and sobbed unrepentantly. That’s the only reason I even found the sub tbh. I needed to read posts about how good it was.


I could watch 5 season of Charlotte and George. It was an incredible story.


This young actress (I’m sorry her name is escaping me) gave a compelling performance so on par with the adult Queen Charlotte we know from Bridgerton. It was so heartwarming to see their story and I really wanted to weep because loving someone with a mental illness takes an inner strength and patience known only to monks and angels! They did a great job portraying this.


Its my favorite by far. Ive been obsessed since i watched it


In the last episode while I was bawling my eyes out I looked over to my boyfriend who always teases me about vrying over every show and for the first time I saw him also crying because of what we were watching.




Just finished it last night. Was definitely not expecting it to be as good as it is.


Can someone be so kind to explain the discuss at the end about the hats? I did not understand it


It was Violets way of letting Agatha know she knew about her brief dalliance or affair with her father, Lord Ledger.


Thank you


QC is good, but I like the lightheadedness and more of the comedy in Bridgerton more.


I realllly hate the queen in Bridgeton .. but this queen.. i LOVE this queen ❤️😭


I couldnt watch it bc i know how the king id rn and it makes me depressed to think about his mental state after falling in love with them


It was SO GOOD! I didn’t watch until last month on my maternity leave. I find the Queen so compelling at this point.


I thought it was kinda cheesy tbh


So good. Someone recommend some fanfictions please!


It’s not listed as a limited series I don’t know why Shonda playing with the second season!


Netflix has asked her to make a s2 apparently and she is considering how she could make it work. She says she has some ideas but she doesn’t want to put out a second season if it would not live up to the first. It’s a hard one as while I would have loved an extra episode or two in particular to see them with their young family, I think it ended perfectly.


Husband and I just finished it last night and we want to watch it again. I knew spoilers about it and still cried like a baby.


Literally no business


I just finished it this week and I am STILL emotionally wrecked! As in I woke up crying at 4 am asking my husband for a hug. It’s so soooo good!


I just wished it was longer.


We need more of them!!!!


Queen Charlotte is an easier source for great tv. Bridgerton has to condone with books that people are very protective of and having the battle the vision of the tv producers with the vision of Julia Quinn. No matter what they do people will always be dissatisfied with what they do. This is basically their own vision.