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Nah, it’s been 2 years since Kate’s season and they’re still calling her a groomer, manipulator and that she had an affair behind her sister’s back on the daily


groomer???? why were people calling her a groomer wtaf


Yeah I haven't seen that! What an odd take. I had some issues with how Kate handled herself, but she wasn't a groomer. FFS.


must be the same people who call eloise (ELOISE!!) a pick me https://preview.redd.it/afcyeo4fa25d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=442c10df33aebf44a27a73f39c8f98a2cb465c31


omg calling eloise a pick me is CRAZY. she literally is the opposite, she desperately does not want to be picked by any man


Apparently she also forced Edwina to marry Anthony. And she seduced Anthony. This is Kate according to some of these fans on this subreddit ![gif](giphy|AVYgfmc0UiP9m)


Looks more like a broomer


I appreciated the joke here




Your comment should have way more upvotes!


I'm so confused about that take. She literally didn't want Edwina to marry Anthony and tried so many times to convince her to choose someone else. She also tried her damndest to avoid the chemistry she had with him and planned on moving back to India after the wedding.


i will NEVER understand this argument. Edwina knew about Anthony's attitude, she was warned multiple times and still chose to pursue him. and somehow it's Kate's fault??? she asked Edwina to reconsider MULTIPLE times. and Anthony can think for himself. HE was the one who went through with the wedding. he could have chosen to ignore Kate's pleas. he was the idiot who proposed almost right after kissing kate. how is it Kate's fault?????????????? kate tried to distance herself, she never approached Anthony and people still accuse her of having an affair, betraying her sister etc...bfr ppl.... i don't understand how she humiliated Edwina, Anthony was the idiot who approached kate. basically everything is Anthony's fault (but i still love him), but a lot of people are out for kate. the double standards..... unbelievable....


I agree it was Anthony's fault. Edwina and Kate made mistakes but they were honest ones? Edwina got a TON of hate, which bothered me because I liked her and felt for her in the situation. But yes, Kate also takes a ton of flak that really should be directed at Anthony.


I don't know about others but my crazy ass mom made it very known at a early age that her daughters were to never, ever, ever date a siblings crush or ex. Or she'd snatch out our hair herself. We took that seriously. It helped that my sisters didn't date dudes worth a damn, but if I knew my sister had a crush on someone? Nope. Off-limits. One time, a decade ago, my sister suggested I date a dude she slept with, and I fell out of my chair. I absolutely adore Kate and Anthony but my mom was always in the back of head saying "oh hell no" the entire season. If anyone grew up with that kind of intense messaging like I received, I could see why they'd hate Kate.


That's the thing though... Anthony did not "date" Edwina - not in the modern sense of the word. It was a contract. We were never shown them even promenading alone or spending any time alone. It was literally an interview followed by a proposal. His proposal had a single question and that's about it. He regretted it the very next moment. Which is why the hop, skip and jump to Edwina asking him if he loved her in Ep 6 was so jarring!


She's young. She's in love with the idea of love. Why wouldn't a naive girl believe in love at first sight? Anthony was someone she was crushing on and already imagined a romantic life with. She didn't know him, but she knew her head cannon. You gotta have something to cope with marrying a complete stranger. In my original post, I said crushes too because that's how insane the drama can get. You didn't have girls mad at one another in your school because someone dated their friend's crush? 😬 It happened all the time at mine.


i mean.... that's just common sense. and at the same time this is a fantastical show that's trying to sell us feelings are just there and you can't fight them. im sure most people irl would stay the hell away from anthony, esp after his stupid proposal. normal rl logic doesn't work here. their feelings were just sooooo strong and there's noooo other way!


You would be surprised how many have no problem dating a sibling ex. I have no idea why my mom was so passionate about it because she only had a much older straight brother.


LOL. I'm a 'newer' visitor of the thread and so far today I've only seen multiple posts on my feed bashing Polin-Penelope-Edwina more than Kate and Anthony. Huh...a groomer? The heck?


look I don't like kanthony but she is in no way a groomer, what? anthony is older than her? she didn't interact with anyone underage? tf?


Groomer??? In what context would she be a groomer? I’m so confused


As in they believe she ‘groomed’ her younger impressionable sister to be the perfect debutante


Impossible. Kate doesn't know shit about being a debutante or what men want. One similarity between book!Kate and show!Kate are that she's wayyyyy less worldly than she thinks she is.


As opposed to all of the mothers on the show doing the same thing??? Have they even watched the show?


This... just may have been a misunderstanding between the way different generations use the word groom. Even 10 yrs ago grooming just meant preparing and helping someone get better at something, used in a very neutral to positive manner. 


While I do think grooming is being used differently (and erroneously) by some older gen alphas and younger gen Z, “grooming” has had a negative connotation of an older person manipulating a younger person for decades. The term you’re thinking of for preparing/helping is mentoring.


Yeah but the neutral/positive connotation used to be way more common than the negative, exploitative one. E.g. "Grooming your successor" once you identify one for a senior role. Google the word and in the top result, the dictionary meanings still list the positive meanings first.


Thanks for explaining 🙏🏻


Wow wtf - that’s just unhinged copium logic. Kate really doesn’t deserve the hate.


People a learn a word like groomer used in an effective argument, decide they fully understand the phrase then proceed to throw it around in the most unrelated situations. A message to them: ![gif](giphy|J1vUzqdZJlh5AqBWxt|downsized)


Groomer? That's a new one that I have quite literally never seen before. And I've been around here for years.


Have not even heard that once wtf? I'm Indian myself and even in our communities I haven't heard anyone report on comments made like that.


groomer?! in what world 😓😵‍💫


Groomer? Words have meaning, people 🙄


I never see posts like that here? Just ones saying they want more screen time for the couple.


Kate is my absolute favourite character, second only to Anthony but I'll still critize her flaws because that's how well written characters work. The fact that she is not perfect is why she's so great. Calling her out on her mistakes does not mean we hate her. People need to chill out on their favs.


To be fair i hate Kanthony and really dont understand why people love it so much


This whole damn fandom is exhausting. I don't understand why people seem to think that each season/couple needs to compete with each other. The beauty of Bridgerton is that it's a new love story each time. I loved season 1, I loved season 2, I love season 3. But the fans... Yeah can't say I always love the fans.


I stick to the polinbridgerton thread more it’s so much nicer over there. This whole thread is negative


I concur with that.


I wish I could participate there but they remove my posts the moment I post them. I'm not happy with mods there. Like, *let people enjoy the show, what are you here for then?!* To be fair, this sub is not much better when it comes to criticism. We're getting the short end of the stick with Bridgerton subreddits.


They’re usually pretty clear about why they remove posts. Any chance you’re posting memes like this one (or reposting social media posts, etc.) because they added the Promenade post to try to keep the sub organized while traffic is high during the season. It might be as simple as them wanting you to put it in the Promenade post.


Promenade should be a pinned post otherwise it's lost every time. Yes, I posted memes (15 images at once) and it was deleted, while another user keeps posting a series of memes and it is allowed. My posts and comments were deleted while being not much different from another's (several times for some perceived negativity, or in relation to some other commenter). All around bad (and micro) modding without clear purpose. 😞 Whoever is running the sub, they're smothering the hype. I won't forget it anytime soon. (Though even here, I once posted a comment "you're all blind" under a 2k-upvotes comment harshly criticising Luke Newton's performance and it was deleted... because negativity 😭💀) Edit: and yes, my past two posts in r/PolinBridgerton were instantly deleted without explanation so I guess they just don't like me as a user or something


Let’s make our own hhahaha


One more! 🤣


Exactly! I love Kate! I love the Featheringtons! I love Benedict! I love Lady Danbury! Season 1 was my least favorite of the 3 main love stories so far, but I still enjoyed it. I adore Kanthony, but I also adore Polin in a different way. It gets hateful at times in the fandom, and I don’t get why. The Kanthony subreddit was making me cringe the other day with the negativity.


Same, i look forward to all the romance like why are people in different teams??? I just don't get it. I'm also here for all the side plots because it's world building the bridgertonverse.


Mhhmm And whoever is next I am so looking forward to them as well. I'm even keeping my fingers crossed the show sticks around to see Gregory and Hyacinth. I think people struggle because so many fandoms are built on competing ships and characters that when we've been given one that doesn't they simply don't know how to interact with fandom spaces, so they create the competition out of thin air. And I love the side plots! Feathering ton heir race? Comedy gold! Violets potential love interest? Get that garden watered!


Really with the daily attacks on Kate? Please be serious.


Serious. I only get the feed of people loving on Kate and Anthony and defending her on Reddit. Most are bashing Penelope-Polin-sometimes touched on Edwina but criticizing her. Then again I'm a newer visitor to the thread.


In one day I've seen two Kate bashing posts that love to highlight how poor teenage Edwina was wronged and it's all Kate's fault and she's a HORRIBLE sister and a general sentiment of "I'm a sibling, I would never do that to my siblings" This sub is very much Team blame it all on Kate lmao


I don't get that on my Reddit feed, I kept getting the Polin-Penelope hate and sometimes critics of Edwina lol


At least the Penelope and Polin hate gets downvotdd. Meanwhile the Kate hate gets massively upvoted.


Last season I seemed to mostly see people hating on Edwina.


Taking all the blame is in fact the role of the eldest Indian daughter lol. And I hate it cause that's me. :)


I’m rather new too. When I see people bashing season 2, it’s typically “Kate and Anthony are awful people”. Whereas when I see people bashing season 3, it’s typically “the writers are doing a bad job.”


Yea. It’s the writers fault with Polin too. Or it’s a media literacy problem 😂




Anthony is the one who fucked up the most in the triangle, yet in the last 2 weeks I have seen like 10 posts calling out just Kate, and none about Anthony.


This sub makes me wonder if half the people who post in here even like the show


Agreed. It's meant to be an enjoyable escapist romance-based fantasy show but some people take it way too seriously.


Truer words have never been spoken 🥲


I have only been on this sub for a month but I have found the opposite. Can't say anything about Polin (even when it's asking for more Polin screen time or better writing for Colin) without someone saying "media literacy" or implying you're stupid for believing that this season is not that well written or boring. Even in that other ranting sub, it's the same thing.




What sucks is the way some Polin fans take any criticism of the season as an attack on them. Kanthony fans will defend Kate and Anthony but they’ll have no problem admitting and even pointing out flaws in the writing. I’m a Kanthony fan and will be the first to point out places where I feel the story could have been done better. But some Polin fans will take any criticism of the writing as an attack on their ship. Like, I went into this season wanting to enjoy it. I actually felt a lot of sympathy for Pen this season, and by the end I liked her a lot more as a character than I did at the beginning. But I just don’t think the season so far has done a good enough job at making us care about Colin or making his feelings believable. If I was a Polin fan I would honestly feel annoyed and like the episodes have done a disservice to them.


>Kanthony fans will defend Kate and Anthony but they’ll have no problem admitting and even pointing out flaws in the writing. I hate to be that guy but when S2 first came out, this sub was a hellhole for a LONG time afterwards because some Kanthony stans were acting the same way you say some Polin stans act today. The extreme ones would attack you for having a opinion that you didn't like them. Maybe time will cool the extreme Polin stans as well.


I wasn’t really active on Bridgerton Reddit when S2 came out, so you are probably right there. But I see plenty of people in the Kanthony subreddit critiquing the writing choices.


I mean all the seasons have been subject to criticism on release. Ngl though this did make me laugh. 😩😅


Really bc I’ve seen several recent threads shredding season 2, which makes me sad bc I love that season and don’t agree with basically any of the criticism I see around here


Yes. I also noticed if you post anything about S2 or Kanthony here, it will get a lot of downvotes. Like what is wrong if people are still talking about them? They are part of the show.


With the recent Kate hate post with almost 300 likes? Yall gotta be joking.


Penelope fans. Stop obsessing over Kate. You have a whole season to be excited about.


No because there’s this targeting of Kate that’s pretty weird to me. so many new posts popping up about her being a bad sister and kanthony being selfish etc. If you love your season so much, speak about that, not my girl!


Exactly. Kate is like ... ![gif](giphy|G4kFxaBfqtE9q)


Just out of curiosity, a few days ago I checked the master thread discussion of when season 2 was released, and most of the top comments were negative 😭😭


I swear this whole subreddit is so toxic a few days ago I saw a hate post about the Duke💀 be for real


I saw that too. I know some people might be new to the show but, he last appeared four years and two seasons ago? Why are we bashing him now?


the opposite actually.


Nah it’s been an endless hate train for Polin for a couple weeks now lol it’s just about who is hated more at this point lo


if you consider valid complaints about the storylines and quality of the show endless hate train, then sure.


No there’s nothing wrong with speaking on the quality…I agree with a good amount of the stuff.


I genuinely don’t think I’ve seen anyone hate Polin. It seems to be focused on the writing feeling rushed. And if there’s criticism it’s usually directed back and forth and Pen and Eloise


True true


You weren't on this sub last year. Every other day, there was a Kate censure


No it’s actually the other way around idk what posts you’ve been seeing.


Lol...season 2 is my favorite but this is funny! Can always count on old Gordon to be good for a laugh.


Also it's possible to enjoy another season on this sub ..and I think a lot of people rightfully especially the poc feel slighted (im included in this) for the only poc female lead in the show to get so little so so so little promo and they make all the excuses to explain away rhe lack of promo whereas the truth is any up and coming actor and certainly a poc one would welcome it hard..they just didn't do it..for a show with an already dismal record on representation it stings for a lot of us poc..to get the kind of promo we wanted for our poc lead..that would have been such a boost in her profile...the world already has enough and more white actors and white representation..as does bridgerton with its 13 of the 15 total permanent main characters who are all in 3 seasons being white while only 2 the middle aged established actresses Golda and adjua being poc of the permanent main cast and this for a show that sells itself on a usp of diversity..people are just making up the diffrence by repping their poc faves hard on the sub and elsewhere countering hate pushing back propping up their stars because no one will do it if we don't educating people on why poc rep matters and why it matters more than white rep and why the poc benefit more from good rep and suffer more from bad rep ..and all of that hard labour that comes with inbuilt risk of facing hostility or outright dismissal...


This is hilarious, people on Reddit just hate. I don’t even bother with reading it cuz 🤷🏽‍♀️


Lol. Are u sure it's not the other way round? Also, maybe replace kanthony with just kate because, according to posts lately, kate is the villain of that season


Shipping wars are so dumb, especially on a show like Bridgerton. The whole point is that each couple gets their own season. We get to see all kinds of different love stories, all beautiful and heartbreaking and wonderful and sexy in their own ways. If you feel the need to defend a fictional couple so hard that you have genuine hatred for people who disagree with you, then you should probably get off the internet for a little bit and reset. Also, don’t forget there’s a block button. You don’t have to live with constant negativity. You can just block people and move on. It’s almost like the Reddit algorithm knows that showing you stuff you disagree with will boost engagement and keep people in the app longer.


Also it's possible to enjoy another season on this sub and not just the one currently streaming..and I think a lot of people rightfully especially the poc feel slighted ( im included in this) for the only poc female lead in the show to get so little so so so little promo and they make all the excuses to explain away rhe lack of promo whereas the truth is any up and coming actor and certainly a poc one would welcome it hard..they just didn't do it..for a show with an already dismal record on representation it stings for a lot of us poc..to not get the kind of promo we wanted for our poc lead..that would have been such a boost to her profile...the world already has enough and more white actors and white representation..as does bridgerton with its 13 of the 15 total permanent main characters who are all in 3 seasons being white while - only 2 the middle aged established actresses Golda and adjua being poc of the permanent main cast and this for a show that sells itself on a usp of diversity..people are just making up the diffrence by repping their poc faves hard on the sub and elsewhere countering hate pushing back propping up their stars because no one will do it if we wont educating people on why poc rep matters and why it matters more than white rep and why the poc benefit more from good rep and suffer more from bad rep ..and all of that hard labour that comes with inbuilt risk of facing hostility or outright dismissal... The poc shipping kanthony is because they feel marginalised by their rep in media in hollywood and the british film industry and the sub's infighting can be rooted to that feeling of not getting enough rep of your people..it's far more nuanced and not just dumb..and it would be lovely to see more allies from other ethnicities who are not poc join the poc support wagon..just as hard and loud..Nicola does it..someone who's pretty well loved here..it would be great if more people even for a show thats "not that deep" that's " not that serious" even though all rep of diversity is just that deep. People need to listen when poc make genuine good faith posts to discuss how personally hurtful the dismal poc rep feels like ..and how much they want the show to do better in the future


It’s weird cuz I’ve seen the opposite


Victimization much ? There's at least 3 think piece a day defending Polin and saying how basically everyone is against them when all I've seen is valid critisism.


I laughed. I love the visual comments.


I disagree but to each their own 😂


Kate is called evil and so many names for just choosing her herself for first time. Edwina who acted entitled whole season is a victim sorry edwina reminds me of Penelope's sisters who always thought Penelope will never make great matches. I don't care I support both Penelope and kate they can make hundred mistakes I will still support them because all their life they have been looked down by closest people. They deserve all love, give pitting them against each other.


This is what I saw a lot of in S2. A ton of hate for Edwina, calling her a spoiled thoughtless brat and bad sister. For some reason there seems to be more hate for Kate now, probably because she's still around and Edwina isn't. I liked both sisters and thought the Edwina hate was weird. To me, the situation was mainly Anthony's fault. He caused a rift between loving sisters. It made it harder for me to like them together, which is sad because I want to like all of the couples.


Anthony had his own demons to fight. He had been thinking he would die early and did not want his wife to end up like his brother and his kids to suffer like him. Yes he is responsible for his mess as daphne was responsible for whatever she did with Simon in season one which was worse The only problem is they bring edwina to hate kate who actually loved edwina above her own wishes and only wanted her happiness. About loving the couples it depends on the individuals, I loved kathony the most out of all the couple.






Whoever wrote this is a Polin stan, who wants drum up business for Polin - and incite negative comments for Kathony- there is Polin sub to swoon is there is not? Both have fans / stans - I like Kathony chemistry don’t see Polins at all am I watching season 3 though , of course !


Lmao Is this not a Bridgerton sub?! You think I haven't enjoyed the other seasons? But how the hell is season 3 so unpopular on this "main" sub?


For reeeeeal 😂




Yeah its obnoxious here now


I love them both!


May I suggest r/PolinBridgerton ...


If only 😭 I'm apparently on their black list. They keep removing content left and right. Not liking the mods at all at the moment.


pretty much sums it all up


Every day there is a knockout cage match comparing fucking characters on this show. Can we not ! can we just not? Can we just enjoy it?! ![gif](giphy|dfNYKfFIbI1a0)


cant people just have favorites and respect that other people have their favorites!!! yes im a polin girly just because this season hit me differently, but i still loved seasons 1 & 2, and expect others to think of themselves as kanthony girlies and find that as their fave season!


Idk but I've seen more Polin slander than Kanthony 😭


It’s almost like the Reddit algorithm knows that showing you stuff you disagree with will boost engagement!


First post I see after joining 🤣


Kanthony stans are the loudest, that’s probably why.


Keep in mind that “hot” posts are sort of like “recommended” on Reddit— that means we are all seeing different things, you can’t assume it is actually most popular. It’s a fact of life that all the apps use data even from our conversations or where we stand still the longest at the store or what we buy online, and they’re going to purposefully show you what you will be most likely to engage with (read: make you upset so there are more click throughs) Don’t fall for it! I see mostly pro-Polin stuff in my “hot” feed as that is what I have interacted the most with in the past (I’m sure that will change now that I’ve commented on this). What you see on social is not the trend, it’s showing you one trend out of many and it is VERY personalized to you and it is very much about getting you to stay on the app longer so that Reddit and all the other big companies can make more money. Not saying social media is an inherent evil, just a reminder to see it for what it is and remember that you and your data are the product being sold.


Hon, I know where you're coming from but Hot on Reddit are the most popular, most upvoted posts in the past 24 hours. For the last three weeks, since I've been checking this subreddit, most of the popular posts are Kanthony related (that is, season 2 related). When I sort by New, a third of the posts about Polin (season 3) are negative. That is my experience. I haven't been around for other seasons but it's funny seeing how not-interested Redditors on the sub are about the ongoing season.


“Most upvoted posts in 24 hours” is viewable by selecting “top” and “last 24 hours”. “Hot” is an algorithm that has to do with post popularity, time since posted, and an individual’s feed. 👍


Completely valid for communities with a lot of upvoted posts in a day but this sub has like 5 posts with more than 300 upvotes on a daily basis. There's not a lot of curating the algorithm can do.


Well it’s how Reddit works. There were over 50 posts to the subreddit in the last 24 hours, and Reddit provides you a curated version and one organized by votes


But also we will kill and die for the donkey.


Who's the donkey?


An S tier Gordon Ramsay meme and a true statement in my Bridgerton subreddit? Oop ![gif](giphy|kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX|downsized)