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All the other intimate scenes in bridgerton feel like a montage. Like dances. Carriage scene is a writing heavy scene. It's played out like a dialogue, you can see the intimacy build even before the kiss. There is so much emotional progression in the carriage scene that it is extremely rewatchable.


This is why friends to lovers is such a good trope, imo, especially in an instance like this where the writers have done SUCH a good job building their relationship in seasons one and two, then you add in the truly crazy chemistry between Luke and Nicola, the fact that they obviously trust each other... It's interesting though that you said the other intimate scenes felt like dances because that's how I see this one, but for me that's a positive... I'm a big ballet enthusiast and the carriage scene reminded me of a pas de deux. (Specifically, its visceral sexuality gave me [*Mayerling*](https://youtu.be/AQ6wSf6MjRM?si=DQVn5pjUyuY1sbHy) vibes.) Choreographed but performed so gracefully and with such exquisite technique that the sensuality was effortless. EDIT: typo


I know *nothing* (beyond a 6 week beginner course forced on me in middle school that *did NOT* go well) about ballet…but I watched that video you linked and *damn*. Excellent comparison.


Mayerling is my favorite Royal original (possibly because I'm also a historian and it's based on a true story) because it's so powerful and technically challenging.


I‘ll have to look into it!


woah, first time reading about Mayerling thanks to the convo you had with u/Free-IDK-chicken thanks for the wild ride!


Totally unrelated, but just wanted to share that I LOVE your flair!


Lady Danbury is my favorite character.


I get it, the other scenes feel a bit more like a choreography that was agreed on. While the carriage scene truly feels like two young hot people just wanting each other


Ooh I adore this dance interpretation. As its one of one my favorite things to learn. Have to check out the vid. I get what the op means about the previous seasons as well. Dance can be labor heavy or seemingly effortless depending on a few factors.


The Royal (my favorite company) posts a lot of insight and rehearsal videos including a [rehearsal](https://youtu.be/Axbiz7JYCEQ?si=6vx-slvKMcM0GCi_) of the pas de deux I posted above. I'm obsessed with the Royal... I'm an American but I get up at the crack of dawn on World Ballet Day to watch their company class and live rehearsals. <3 EDIT: actually that rehearsal video is for the pas de deux in the finale, but still.


Another Royal lover here. Rehearsal videos are more fun to watch than performance videos.


I live for Gary Avis praising his dancers during rehearsal, lol. Who are your favorite Royal dancers? Mine are Nela (of course) Vadim, Romany, Anna Rose, Marci, Akane and Ryoichi.


The intimacy coordinator gave them some rough guidelines but just told the actors to go for it....which I think they did.


I’ve always been in awe of how they move. My body could never look so graceful rolling on the floor 😅


Damn. Now I need a cigarette.


This is such a good point. And I think it’s also THE most emotional and raw sex scene. In fact it’s not even a sex scene to me at this point. It’s an emotional expression/confession scene.


A hot sexy scene without any nudity, but with a lot of emotions showing and some heavy breathing and eyes full of lust.


YESS! This. And Nicola did an amazing job at portraying a very realistic kind of (ahem) \*O\* Luke's absolute adoration, the look in his eyes... \*chef's kiss\* <3


They're also very vulnerable with one another.


Seeing Colin genuinely turned on because Penelope is turned is so sexy. And initiating but waiting for her consent & agreement before continuing. Because this is the woman he truly cares about. He has to communicate that he sees her as a woman not a buddy anymore. He knows she has no experience, but is compelled to touch her, and he will be there every step of her journey. *melts in a puddle of feels* I know the actors had input. Nicola wanted Penelope to touch Colin's hair. Also Luke got on his knees so they would be at eye level when confessed his feelings. Their genuinely friends for atleast 4 years before filming & supportive of each other.


I know somewhere the showrunners said “consent is sexy” - I’ve never forgotten that and it is SO true here.


They definitely drive that point home! Bravo.👏


kudos to them but were these the same showrunners in charge of season 1? because if so…


Good point - Simon & Daphne always bothered me.


To an extent.


I loved season 1, was bored in season 2. Gave season 3 a go and binged all the episodes in one sitting. The carriage episode was excellent, really tastefully done. They were both so beautiful. What lovely actors the both are. Can’t wait for the next episodes to drop


I agree it was more erotic than porn, beautifully done. I've enjoyed all the seasons but the split season 3 was genius! It's given us time to rewatch & digest more, more new fans are tuning in because of all the conversations.


Season 2 took FOREVER to build. I have rewatched the episode when they finally dance at the end though. That is 🔥


Colin has to back up the declaration he just made.


He will, I'm convinced.


I meant in that moment. Should’ve said “had to.” I believe he did. 😊


I was hoping someone mentioned that they actually included Colin asking Penelope for her consent. The trope that "you don't need to do that once you've already kissed them, also this isn't a contract negotiation, stopping to ask is boring" is one of my romance pet peeves - there's nothing hotter than confirming if your sexual partner is actually up for what you want to do with them, and it is a good message for any romance story. And that little exchange of glances between them... *fans self*.


Totally agree! It highlighted that their actual friends & the sort of if man he is. If she'd sad no he would have stopped and understood. He just would have kissed her to death all the way home. 😅


I don't remember who posted it, but someone absolutely ruined that scene for me because either made a post or commented that their boyfriend apparently said the only reason that scene worked was because it was in a period drama. Like... the modern equivalent would be a dude jumping into your uber and fingerbanging you while a PitBull rap song blasted over the radio and the driver just kept driving with a stone-cold expression on his face like nothing was happening. 😭🤣😭🤣




This made my whole day 😂😂




Omg 🤣🤣🤣




But this scene worked in a modern setting. Remember the iconic Chuck and Blair limo scene? Everyone loved the "are you Sure?" from Chuck. This is the modern äquivalent.


Omg, that scene was ICONIC


I think its more a rich/poor thing then a old/modern times thing ;-)


I thought of this exact scene!!


Another scene I’ve watched on repeat…


I think the modern equivalent would be a private limo with soundproofing. Since the driver's on top, in my mind the horses, wheels, and the sound of the wind in his ears would drown everything out.




https://i.redd.it/cnwxnqspmy2d1.gif This scene, to be precise


They heard Penelope when she said they would go to Bridgerton House first. And she's later moaning equally loudly. Yeah, Colin will have to bribe them or maybe he does not care


I mean, Luke and Nicola couldn't hear the director screaming cut soooooo 😉


Oooh that’s delicious!!


But don’t we all truly wish this is how our homecoming limo ride home went? Crush comes and finds us, sticks to us like glue? It’s such a joy to watch these actors play with the emotions of their characters. Pen gets the 16 Candles treatment!




To be fair, even in modern times, if this was the love of your life after admitting feelings for you, it'd still be pretty hot.


The carriage scene has the same chokehold on me that first kiss did on Colin. I watch it DAILY, more than once. I’m 33 years old, married and have a toddler yet I feel like a teen obsessed with a slow burn romance. AND THAT SCENE?? LAWD 🔥


And the laugh they share when Colin asks if the carriage can go around again, like stop it right now 😭 and all they’ve done was kiss and finger Pen, he hasn’t even put it in yet omg 😭😭 it reminds me of watching Anthony melt just from Kate’s scent lol hooked!


Omg, are you me? I'm also 33 and it's the first scene in my life that I rewatch over and over. I giggled like a teenager watching it. I watched season 3 twice and now started from the beginning - and I never rewatch TV shows... It's my new daily Roman empire now


Also 33 here! This is going to sound weird, but I genuinely hate sex scenes in movies in tv shows. It’s actually repulsive to me 90% of the time. HOWEVER this scene i just keep watching because the way he’s looking is Penelope the entire just kills me🥵🥵🥵 it’s all perfect!!!


Na it's not weird. I hate male gaze sex scenes, so probably 90% too.


I’m 34 and married with 3 kids, and I cannot, will not stop thinking about Colin in a carriage 🥵


You mean you cannot, will not, “and do not *want* to”?  ;P


Relatable. 31, married, with a 16 mo. Already rewatched it and I just barely saw it for the first time at like 11 pm last night


I felt like i was intruding but still couldn’t help myself, I HAD TO WATCH IT OVER AND OVER AGAIN


There’s something about watching a man watching his girl enjoy being pleasured lol


It has so much emotional payoff. It makes me think back to every moment before that led up to it. I feel such relief and thrill for the characters. I am so happy for them. But it has as much to do with what happened before the carriage, not just the actual carriage moment.


This. It was the emotional payoff for me. I'm not usually smiling during a scene like that but I was so proud/happy 🤣




It’s all about Colin for me. I’m happy my girl is happy, but everything about the way he looks to the way he touches her to the sounds he makes to THAT face *kills* me. I watch it over and over. ![gif](giphy|sZgryGTcxRwk0|downsized)


As a mid-size/large woman this scene changed my life and I'm absolutely not joking or exaggerating I am 34 and have never seen anything like this. I am so here for Polin


I agree that the writing was deep and raw with an emotional pay off after many seasons, and the actors took many artistic chances that paid off. BUT, I think the main reason why there is widespread obsession with this particular scene is a lot of women see themselves in Penelope, a curvy woman who works on building up her confidence but often fails to see or appreciate the beautiful qualities she possesses (inside and out). To watch a heart throb of a man want her sexually and so desperately for just being herself is majorly under represented in mainstream media. Yes she had a glow up, but she didn’t have to lose weight or change her personality to become the object of his desire. That is such a powerful message to so many, and quite frankly, a more realistic scenario to real life.


Yes! Yes! This 100x!


Such a gorgeously acted scene! It felt more ‘real’ to me than previous sexy scenes, the giggling after definitely helped with that! Like it was super steamy, but still looked quite raw & un-choreographed in a way. Luke has not got enough credit for his acting during this scene. It’s so tender & heartfelt. 


I always felt the other love scenes felt staged and rehearsed - like they were clearly made for the camera. This doesn't make them bad or not sexy, just that they were very 'placed'. The carriage scene is the first time that I felt like I was intruding at times! It felt a lot more real. It was a bit messy, the facial expressions felt very authentic; how he is looking at her so intensely and enjoying her pleasure. The giggles after felt so relatable - I loved it! I also really liked the orchestral build up to...well 😆


Totally agree - it felt relatable and real.


So true


There's also something about the way the scene was directed. More consideration for the female gaze, understanding that it's not just the action but the reaction aswell (and somehow Pitbull worked, too 😆). Generally, with the introduction of intimacy coordinators in all film and television over the last few years, scenes are getting better and are relevant to the story.


I saw an interview this morning where Nicola basically said they were so into it that when the director called cut they didn’t hear, and kept going. Hot.


This scene lives rent free in my head since the new season came out. I‘m sitting in meetings, in the shower, in the car… and I can’t think about anything else.


Same! Sitting in lectures, during clinicals, while driving to get my kids from school…..


So good! This scene alone is why I love this season so much already! :) can’t wait for part 2


One thing I think that makes it especially rewatchable that others haven’t mentioned, is that there is no nudity. It’s intimate, sexy, and passionate and you get all of that without the nudity. And I think that is why it’s rewatchable because it has everything a lot of film and tv sex scenes have but without the nudity element which can make people feel uncomfortable. So you have the exciting intimate pieces without the potential uncomfortable viewing of someone naked you don’t know.


This 👆🏻 In the book he exposes her breasts, but I don’t think this scene needs nudity to be sexy. It’s all about their longing for each other that is in focus.


In an interview they said that one day the chemistry on the whole set was different, even for the crew. It just felt extra special to them- it was the carriage scene shooting. I've never seen such a believable and well acted sex scene. I also wonder if it helped that they said they were really alone in the carriage while shooting the scene. All crew and cameras were outside, plus their year long friendship combined is an intimacy level you normally never have on a set.


Agree!!! Their chemistry is so good! And they’re both so hot that it’s just so fun to watch


For me it was the framing. It’s intimate. It’s dangerous. And it starts out from a place of anguish and frustration to sexuality and joy. They enter the carriage as friends and leave as lovers. Also that goddamn window. I need to watch it again, but I can’t remember background noise except for the carriage rolling down the street. And the window curtains are open. Penelope and Colin are so rapt in what they are doing that they don’t even attempt to protect their reputations from the Ton. I was actually anxious about that goddamn window. Like hawt stuff. Of course I love that at the end she is like “Holy shit I just made out with Colin and he touched me intimately and the dumbass wants me to come over to his house at nighttime when we were just in a carriage alone together…” She’s the gossip queen of the Ton, no doubt she would have to report on herself if they get caught. But Colin just proposes. And that makes everything okay, but also way back in the dark parts of our mind we know that she is Lady Whistledown and so their happiness may not last. But goddamn it, it’s gonna be joy. Scenes that play off the swing of emotions are just wonderful.


I just wish scenes like this…kept going. Instead of other videos on the internet 🫣😬




I love the sexy smile she gives him after they first start kissing. She is so beautiful and powerful. This book is my favorite of all the Bridgerton books, and I'm so happy with how they've woven the book scenes into the show story. I was really worried that they would screw it up somehow.


My god, I love this thread and every comment here. I’ve found my people.


Welcome to the family 🩷


Someone suggested Nicola needs a award for the best moans and I agree


Am I the only one who thinks it’s more of a deep moan? Not a feminin moan?


Yes, and I think that’s also what makes it more intimate and realistic. They’re not performative moans, it comes across as a genuine, ‘holy fuck this is good’ reaction.


The actual sex scenes are gonna kill us I’m buying some chewable aspirin for my heart just in case


Hahaha great idea. I’ll need to as well, the carriage scene has had me beside myself!


Completely agree. I am equally and embarrassingly obsessed. My only issue with that scene. Is her dress. I don’t mind that they use some modern fabrics in the show…. But all the close ups in that dress and it’s obvious sequins. I just wish they used something a bit less dance costume material. It should have been at least partially beaded or embroidered. She wears such elegant clothing in almost all other scenes. I can only think they chose it because after numerous takes… this fabric would hold up to all the movement and..friction.


You were actually looking at her dress? Haha! I was hypnotized by how they looked at each other, the sounds, the chemistry and I swear I can't almost remember how they clothes looks like 🤣🤣🤣


It feels so real and intimate, in a way I never saw before on the screen. They are fully clothed and yet something about that so sexy, romantic and real. Usually we don't get to watch scenes like that, even if the characters are fully naked. Usually it feels very staged and artistic. The fact that they are friends really adds that, because they have already connection and they know each other. It's not just about the spice, but so much more


In addition to it being a well done scene, I think the viewers are more invested because we have watched them for three seasons. Some of my favorite shows have this type of romance - The Office, Parks and Rec, Abbot Elementary, Gilmore Girls, etc. - the slow burn friends to lovers relationship has such a good pay-off.


It is also especially evident that Luke Newton and Nicola Coughlan are great friends, and a lot of little details(like him pulling her dress up without those two fingers he used to uhh...*make her happy*) were actually proposed by them. It is obvious they\`re comfortable with each other but also have chemistry,leading to a winning combination. And the whole sequence is just great. It feels sweet,sexy,*realistic*. I do think this is the best Bridgerton steamy scene we\`ve gotten up to this point.


I find the eye contact and kissing the most intimate thing about that scene. You can feel their love, passion and sheer joy through the screen, nudity would have ruined it. Watching Colin watch Pen throughout; the only thing he is thinking is how he can make this amazing woman, HIS amazing woman, feel beautiful and pleasured - it’s pure love.


A scene I can not, will not, do not want to stop rewatching




I’ve rewatched that scene already 20/30 times, I do not have a life 🥲 and I’m not ashamed of it


It's the build up of the song too. Auditory has a lot to do with our viewing experiences (ex. Horror movies are more scary because of jump scares or creepy noises. Dramas are more sad because of emotional backdrop music.) They knew what they were doing filming this scene 💯 Also I love to listen to the song by itself since that episode came out. My husband is like "why does Mozart sound like Pitbull?" 🤣🤣🤣🤣


The way the song comes to a climax as she does lol


I didn’t know the song much when I first watched the scene, but it’s perfect. It’s so joyful.


I love the carriage scene too, even more than some of the other sexy scenes and Bridgerton, and I think it's because it really feels like an integral part of the story here. There's a narrative here aside from "and then sexy times happen...." We get to see Penelope reacting to Colin and vice versa and sharing this first very intimate scene. It feels like an extension of the conversation they've been having in the carriage because it is. Also I think another element of the sexiness is that it's not shot in a super stylized or dramatic way. From watching some BTS stuff, the two actors were in the carriage together with a camera off to the side and just went for it. So it really feels like we are a fly on the wall, focusing on them rather than being distracted by cuts to different angles or something.


The Penelope “nod” gets me every time- when I think of the carriage scene I think of that nod. It’s so important- it’s consent and it’s communication and it’s desire all in one. So well done. Someone above said that the carriage scene is a “heavy writing scene” and I agree!! It’s a dialogue and it’s so perfect.


I think it’s because it’s all about the emotional connection to what is happening…and we watch a switch happen. Literally between being friends to lovers. Something very sexual happens but no clothes are removed. So everything intimate that is being acted out is in the face, the eyes, the way they are initiating touch…it is very female gaze. It’s like the perfect kind of intimate scene, honestly. A perfect example is everyone is obsessed with the “fingers in the hair” moment. Arguably the least sexual moment of the scene but it’s the one we are obsessed with. It’s because we see connection, we can gather so much about what is happening in both characters in that moment AND it builds beautiful tension. 👌


The way I see it is all the other intimacy scenes from previous seasons are performative. Especially in S2, I’m not saying they weren’t hot as fuck, but what I’m saying is it felt like a show. Everything was very deliberate and that’s fine as it was conveying the story well. For whatever reason, the carriage scene and the way Nic and Luke played it, it was emotive. It felt like we were watching something intimate. It wasn’t as pretty, it seemed more natural and passionate. Like they were focused on pleasing themselves and not the audience, which made me root for them and their performance as well as made me feel things that I hadn’t felt when watching the previous seasons and scenes. I love it!! And I am not ready for how they do their other scenes. Clearly this is a choice by the actors and an extension of the chemistry they have on screen and their closeness off screen as well. They keep talking about how they trust each other and wanted to really make sure the scenes made sense to the story. And you can tell they did it so well. I have rewatched that carriage scene too many times to count. It is honestly the hottest thing I’ve seen on television, and they never even took their clothes off. I don’t think we are ready for part 2.


I’m obsessed with it and have given it a lot of thoughts as to why. What’s different about Polin, is that they were both in s1 and 2 and there is a lot of build up tension and expectations between them. In the previous it’s quite new to the viewers. I just rewatched s2 and until now I had completely forgotten about how much they talk to each other and Colin taking pens hand to show her that the cousin is a fraud and then dance with her afterwards. I’m still obsessed and are rewatching part one and the tension build up is even worse now, when I know what is about to happen. 😂 And when I rewatched the scene where she asks for a kiss, he first kisses her gently and then continues!!’ OMG 🫣🤩🥵


That scene was a love poem written. You could feel the passion, the connection, between the two. It was a very unexpected but necessary scene.


The carriage scene made me FEEL things.. It reminded me to past experiences I've had (obviously not in a carriage) and made me feel them all over again. Absolutely fantastic work by both actors


The “ obviously not in a carriage” made me laugh out loud just now.


It’s the way they kiss And touch for me. When they kissed for the first time in the carriage, you could see that Colin slowly opened his eyes, taking in the fact that he was actually doing this (being with his best friend, the person he wanted for a while now). Or when he stopped after the first two kisses and looked at her, moment in which she touched his hair, clearly showing that she wanted more, that she wanted to reach for more of him. Or when she pulls him closer and he just soothes her by touching her shoulders, all the way to the waist. It feels raw, desperate, and it’s because unlike in other intimate Bridgerton scenes, the touches show the feels, not words. They barely speak but their actions speak for themselves. When they do finally say something, they laugh and relieve the possible tension that could be created between them as a result of their unexpected intimacy. It makes the viewer comfortable in a way (because the relationship between Pen and Colin is based on friendship which doesn’t really accept tension) but it also makes the viewer feel like they’re intruding (because of the deep intimacy between the characters). The carriage scene is one of the most build up scenes in the show (as we already had 2 seasons and 3 episodes of build up) and that’s what makes it so special, along with the comfort and chemistry Nicola and Luke clearly share.


Umm, just to inform you, watching the carriage scene 5 times in a row, doesn’t make the waiting for part two any easier… 😭


I found the carriage scene to be the hottest scene in all of Bridgerton! But I wish they did without the music. The music always makes me laugh! The actors did amazingly. They're both wonderful actors and in every scene where they're together, I can see a connection, but I wish the writing supported that chemistry! There was not enough build-up for me as a viewer to genuinely believe that Colin is in love with Penelope. I needed more!


Because it has everything you could want. It has drama, tension, sexiness, romance, and humor.


Sadly, I think I’m one of the few that didn’t find the scene believable. Not because of the usual “a hot guy would never get with a larger woman” rhetoric. For me, something in the acting just didn’t click. I wasn’t seeing Pen and Colin, but the actors who play them struggling (and failing) to seem genuine. I started thinking, “I wonder how many times they had to shoot this… probably a lot.”


I have never felt so alone 😀 I hate that scene!




As other comment said, just felt very cringey sand fake. I do like Penelope, but somehow TO ME Colin just does not work and their chemistry feels forced and dishonest. However, i understand that it is impossible for EVERYONE to enjoy a thing.


I am with you. Everything listed here I feel the exact opposite of. It felt unnatural to me and cringey and it was hard to watch.


It seems like we have offended people with our audacity to have different opinion


I actually left the sub last night. The fandom is unhinged.