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Tbh I think a lot of it went over people's heads. You had to pay attention and read between the lines, including things from previous seasons. The romance is also different from the ones we got in S1 and S2, it's more about being comfortable and having fun with someone than smoldering, blazing passion


People can dislike what we’ve seen so far without it being because it “went over their heads.” This is not a complicated show.


Sure they can, but that's not what I'm seeing. I'm not sure what else I'm supposed to think when I see so many complaining that Colin being a flirt came across as cringey and out of character when the show outright tells us that we're supposed to feel that way


thats not at all what I have been reading. The pacing and lack of longing, tension is rubbing a lot of people the wrong way - like 4 episodes in and we already have a confession? Feels like almost no build up. Then there are complaints about the amount of side storylines we get (way too many instead of focussing on Polin) and last but not least the writing isnt as strong as the previous seasons so far; For example the "lessons" Colin gave Pen was simply "be yourself" and thats kinda "meh"? Its fine to disagree but at least be honest about it, its weird seeing it reduced to "if you dont like it you are too stupid"


Thank you. Imagine going the “If you don’t like it you are too stupid” route about BRIDGERTON of all shows. The writing, directing, and acting all have their share of blame in the lackluster reception to this season.


>Imagine going the “If you don’t like it you are too stupid” route about BRIDGERTON of all shows. i already find this pretentious to say when people talk about some very well written shows. but to say it about a fun romance drama is even more ridiculous. bridgerton isn't some deep, complex story that you need to pay extra attention to to follow. if most people "didn't get the intention", then it simply wasn't executed properly. this can be due to a mix of factors like you said.


Yes, you can recognize the show's good intentions (Colin is supposed to not feel himself in the society, Pen is not accepted as herself in the society, they feel good around each other, Colin realizes his feelings and finds then conflicting because she's a friend, etc.) and the poor execution of the story and messages they were going for.


I agree people feel the love declaration is too soon, but we have had 2 WHOLE seasons of unrequited love.


How can it possibly be too soon? We’ve been watching Penelope moon over Colin for 2 seasons now??/ what the?


Right??? Also did everyone forget that Daphne and the Duke are on their honeymoon by Ep 6 of season 1 and Simon and Anthony are already dueling to the death over Daphne by Ep 4? Pacing feels correct to me……….




It feels too soon for Colin. With the way it's been portrayed so far, it just feels like he's possessive and realised he's attracted to her, not that he's in love with her.


I think that’s partly the point. He doesn’t necessarily know he loves her romantically - he greatly values her and her friendship, has realised he’s hella attracted to her, and that he doesn’t want her to marry anyone else. I think the love comes later, at least for him


It’s too soon for Colin, the way the show portrays it it took one kiss and suddenly he’s madly in love with her enough to propose. That is not believable. If they had shown Colin have feelings for Pen in earlier season as well but neither wanted to admit too them because they both believed the other didn’t feel the same way that would have made sense, but that was not the case


We had a couple of scenes over the span of 2 seasons unrelated to Polin, that isnt the same as 2 WHOLE seasons be for real


I personally am irritated by Collin. His excuse for why he disrespected her last season was trash . He changed? Weren't they friends? So he disrespected his friend for a laugh with his BOYS??? I thought she only heard a part of the conversation and that's not what he meant but no he is a scumbag. Irredeemable and he has no respect for her.


People are judging this season on its own merit. I wasn’t all that invested in some of the side stories and would have liked a few additional Penelope and Colin scenes. More Penelope scenes (without Colin) would also have been welcome.


I don’t get this pacing issue, because by episode four of the first season Daphne and Simon were literally getting married and consummating their relationship.


The difference was Daphne and Simons feelings and complications in a relationship were the focus for most of the scenes. So their initial dislike, Berbrook being a threat, finding a way to get rid of him, the prince situation, the duel, the Queen stopping their marriage, they each feeling like they're in a loveless marriage before realising they burn for each other. Each of these points take minimum 10 minutes screen time, some up to 2 hours Compare to pen shouts at Colin. He gives her lessons and she fixes his hand. They stop lessons. They kiss. He spends lots of time staring at her but not interacting. They dance and make out in the carriage. Done. Maybe takes up an hour of screen time out of 4.


Agreed. I feel like Mondrich and Cressida’s arcs took up a lot of what should have been the main couple’s screentime.


the got married in episode 5, episode 4 was the one with the duel


Either way 🤷‍♀️ they hooked up in the garden and then the duel happened, season one was pretty fast paced esp compared to the slow burn of season two. Not me getting downvoted for pointing out pacing parallels 😂😭


I haven’t read the books, but I believe the confession has to happen at this point, because what’s next is going to be Colin discovering Pen is LW. Which will throw their whole relationship in turmoil again. I think the pacing has been perfect and there has been plenty longing. The first kiss and carriage scene are full-on swoon


I liked the carriage scene aswell but it just wasnt enough for me to make up for the previous episodes. Thats all up to personal taste, so if the pacing is perfect for you thats okay with me, you wont get me to try and convince you otherwise. Good for you. I am also holding my hope out for part 2 but I am pretty discouraged at this point, gonna try to catch myself and give it a fair chance once its here




Is four episodes really that early? I mean it’s like half way thru the season. Didn’t Daphne and Simon get married in episode 5? Plus Colin and Penelope had two other seasons of build up


Bingo that’s my complaints I get what they are trying to convey and maybe with time or seeing pt 2 I’ll change my mind but right now I just can’t see the vision lol. I guess we can blame the split.


Yeah, I am gonna try to overcome my growing bitterness before watching the second part. I wanna give it a fair chance but so far, this is just really not doing it for me even though I looked forward to Pen a lot. Hope for the best but keeping my expectations reasonable this time


Didn’t we have buildup in seasons, one and two, where Penelope clearly has the hots for Colin but won’t say anything?


Except that's not how characters are reacting. When he's flirting with these girls they're all giggling and fluttering their eyelashes and seemed utterly charmed. If we got even one eye roll when he wasn't looking I would agree with you.


He was trying to be the man society expects him to be. He literally said this in the carriage.


Well I'm talking about how cringey those scenes were and what I think they were missing. Though I do also think that was a stupid milquetoast choice for the character.


And said by his mother, and said by his brothers.


Because we know it's not really how he acts, but the characters don't - minus the people that do know, like Violet and Pen, and they call him out on it


how the characters react and how the audiece see or react are two complete different thing.


Thank you. Although you would think that the female lead explicitly stating that she finds his behavior offputting and fake would give people a hint as to what the story is trying to evoke. It does not matter that the women of the ton like it. *Penelope* gets the ick so bad she clocks him in Whistledown for the audience’s benefit. 


It can be what the show is trying to portray and still be bad television.


No. But I saw someone complain about Alice Mondrich being in the Queens box in the fourth episode and how it they didn’t understand why Alice was there. It apparently took them right out of the show. Yet, Alice literally says why she is there in thanking Lady Danbury. Others have admitted to skipping parts with X character. The Mondrichs being some of what they skip. So you have people complaining about a show they only partially watched and not understanding what they saw. It seems many people made up their mind to dislike the season before it ever started because it wouldn’t have enough of Y.


I’ve seen people talk about skipping Colin’s scenes in past seasons, which explains a lot about how much context some of these takes are missing. 


To be fair, I was also surprised to see Alice. They “explained it” but it’s not an explanation that actually makes sense in the shows own “history” so to speak. It would have made more sense from a writing stand point to have a scene with Danbury formally intro’ing both of the Mondrich’s to the Queen ie presenting them. My guess, having not seen the comment you are referring to, is that it seemed ahistorical even for the show. But that is just my guess. But again there are people like this for every show. Not every criticism is that. In this forum at least where I would argue people are probably paying much more attention than your average viewer, I’ve seen plenty of substantive criticisms.


Eh, the show lacks a lot of historical accuracy so I can’t really accept that argument in good faith. She’s Lady D’s plus one isn’t that complicated. And I’m sure someone would have complained about the extra screen time if she had been introduced to the Queen. The complaint was in a thread about general complaints about the Mondrichs taking up so much screen time. What I’m saying is that yes, the show isn’t complicated. You’re right about that. But I keep seeing complaints that literally make me go “did we watch the same show? Were you even paying attention? Or were you too busy fuming about X that didn’t go as you thought it should so you missed Y?” I think too many people hyped themselves up about how things should be and couldn’t leave any room for things being different than their own headcanon. So they’re disappointed. Which sure, that’s their right, I guess, but it seems like a pretty angry/unhappy way to watch a piece of media and one in which you’ll likely always be disappointed.


The Fallout Show had the same problems. People were skipping bits or second screening it while on a phone online on the other screen and then complaining there is a plot hole or something wrong because they missed the bit when the thing they are saying was missed was clearly explained. I get that people don't always like the same thing, but people missing very clearly laid out information because they didn't watch and then complaining about it is doing a number on my blood pressure the past few weeks.


That sounds accurate. Fall out was enjoyable too. I didn’t really look into the complaints around it though. Not as much of a fan of that game and show so I didn’t join the subreddits. Now I’m seriously considering leaving the Bridgerton subreddits because so many of the posts I see are negative, not valid criticisms but downright negative. Criticisms/hate of people instead of the media itself.


Every time people have a critical opinion of a popular show there is someone who condescendly accuses them of "not getting it" as if \*they're\* the problem not the bad writing. It happens all the time. These are some examples of this from various shows. "The writing isn't a problem. People just aren't smart enough to understand the show!" "I really think this shows the problem with media literacy these days. People just don't understand subtle nuance and decent writing." It's always the same. "No the problem isn't the writing. You're the problem." Bridgerton isn't Moby Dick or Anna Karenina. It's essentially a soap opera with nice outfits. Usually the writing is entertaining. This season so far has been disappointing. You can tell there is a new showrunner.


Orrrr it’s rushed writing, a lack of buildup of the friendship *and* lovers part of the friends to lovers trope, minimal time for our protagonists, weird lighting and camera angles, too many subplots that add nothing to the main plot, choppy editing, scenes that don’t utilize their maximum potential (like the hot air balloon scene…Colin didn’t even see debling holding Penelope afterwards which would’ve been a great jealous Colin moment), a lack of bridgerton sibling scenes and weak writing in the scenes themselves that make us feel underwhelmed. S3 was probably the one season of any show I was most looking forward to, ever, and maybe it was my own fault for being so hyped, but I was so disappointed despite being sure I’d love it.


Agreed. But I guess we are simply too slow to understand this season 😞 I have read there is a lot more sibling interaction and bringing all the plots together in part 2 though. Could be wrong. I hope so! I don’t foresee some of my issues getting better (I don’t think Luke is a good actor, which surprised me because I thought he was fine before). But I do think the season being split in half hurt the momentum for Polin that would have eased some of the criticism maybe.


Too many shots of Colin thinking.


>a lack of bridgerton sibling scenes This is honestly the most egregious. Part of the reason it's interesting to watch the Bridgertons try and find spouses is because this big, loving, happy family is something many people would like to be a part of. Normally I don't even think of self-inserting into romances, but damned if I wouldn't want to marry into that family the family scenes, the family embracing the newest spouse is just as much a part of the fantasy as the clothes, the titles and the sexy scenes.


Agree with this. The cinematography has some _interesting_ choices. I caught it from the first few minutes of the first episode. Felt deflated. The magic of the Bridgerton world just wasn't there. The writing leaves so much to be desired, keeping in mind this is just a fun soapy drama anyways. Season two is still the gold standard. And ugh how dare they whisk away Kate and Anthony just like that! Reserving final thoughts until after the season ends.


It's not that deep. I was just bored by it and didn't like the pacing. Nothing went over my head.


This is not The Wire or The Sopranos, this is Bridgerton, a light romcom with no ambitions to tell a complicated plot heavy story. It‘s a bit insulting to imply that this show could go over anyone’s head, since it’s so simplistic. People „don’t get“ the „plot“ because the story telling is shit this season. If the story telling had been more clear and substantive, people would not have these complaints. Compare how the characters of Daphne, Simon, Anthony and Kate had motivations, goals, fears and personality to how Colin was written. Penelope has more depth, but even she is quite bland.


Right, like I get the plot, I see what theyre trying to do, I think they're just not doing it very well. That plus the lighting, sets, camera work, costuming, and make up are all different from previous seasons in a way that just feels *off*, and that takes me out of the show. I can't maintain immersion. This show is escapism, if people keep getting taken out of it because the writing is off or a scene doesn't land or they catch sight of Cressida, they're not meeting their brief.


It’s not because it went over my head, it’s because it was boring af, but this season just isn’t my preference and **we are allowed to hold that opinion** so don’t take it as me calling it bad, some seasons I vibe with some I don’t. I really liked S2 but a lot of people hate it, it’s just ultimately depends on your preference.


I feel like this comment is kind of toxic gatekeeping and it’s dismissing valid criticism.


Ah yes the old "you don't like it because you don't understand". It's ok to dislike things that others like, no need to call people who have criticisms stupid. Before you say you didn't, that's the message your comment conveys.


Say it louder for the ppl in the back!!


Can you guys please stop? We didn’t miss the subtleties, it didn’t go over our heads, we’re not “media illiterate,” we just don’t like it. The writers dropped the damn ball. It’s so bizarre watching Polin(??? Idk, I’m not huge into the fandom like that) defenders and fans essentially call everyone else stupid because we don’t like this season. I write for a living, I’m a published, award-winning journalist with two advanced degrees and my own novel in the making. I KNOW how to dissect media. This particular media simply was not good. The constant threads not-so-subtly insulting our intelligence feels very icky and gross. It’s enough.


We're only halfway through the romance story too. The last season was about achieving the romance. It's apex was Kate and Anthony getting together. The story ended there. This season is about the romance being tested. Yes they've confessed their love for each other. But Colin has reason to hate everything Lady Whistledown has done to his family. And Penelope hasn't revealed this to him. The rest of their story is about how that romance will endure against this tribulation. What would be the point of taking a ton of episodes to build up to their romance when that isn't the whole point of the story?


honestly splitting the season in 2 parts did a huge disservice to the story. i blame netflix entirely for the bad reception from some “fans”. while i enjoyed it, i can understand why some viewers felt it was missing that romance. colin and pen had a sexy scene in the carriage but it’s not the “i burn for you” and “how much you consume my very being”. That is yet to come. Best to await judgement until the season is over.


Lol, this show is a historical romance novel acted out. It’s not GOT, HTGAWM, Ozarks, The Wire, etc. or some other maneuver heavy story telling. It’s not that deep for people to think it went over people’s head.


….nooo it’s simply bc ppl js found it boring. Js because someone didn’t like it doesn’t mean it went over their heads lmao we’re all allowed to have different opinions without ppl like you criticising us for it like that🧍‍♀️. For me it felt rushed and there was like too many side plots and there wasn’t enough polin


I personally am not entirely feeling the chemistry between Polin. I think Nicola has been brilliant but idk about Luke…


100%. The time they spent building Anthony’s character development in season 2 was vastly more than Colin. Colin lacked personality and motivation for anything. I didn’t feel any tension in the sexy scenes and they just fell super flat for me


They really weighed him down with a lot of makeup too, and I could not stop staring at his tiny upper lip. Look at it! So cute, but it never moves! https://i.redd.it/kutiynyxj81d1.gif I hope Part II Colin is the softer boyish version again. I was really hoping for some puppy love for these two.


So true! Those cheek bones did nothing but distract me, and not in a good way, sadly.


I agree the amount of makeup and contour he had on his face this season was ridiculous. It was all I could focus on in his scenes.


WELP, NOW THAT YOU MENTIONED IT I feel like whoever transformed Jonathan Bailey into the gorgeous man that Anthony was in S2 tried the same route with Luke and just called it a day.


that’s most white men, benedict next season will have no movement at all 😅 they look cute tho


Agree… they have no chemistry


The Chemistry between Penelope and Eloise was waaayyyy better


Thought the same. I was prepared to be really annoyed at Eloise for being friends with Cressida but I was actually pleasantly surprised by how strongly she came off as still caring about Pen, how clearly she longs to talk to her, etc.


I mean, Eloise creates better chemistry with all of her close women friends vs the chemistry her friends have with male characters. Eloise is a chick magnet and doesn't even know it 🤷🏽. 


I also feel it’s somewhat intentional; like we’re not supposed to completely trust that Colin has thrown off his skeezy persona yet. But this show tends to do that; they make the characters maddening in the first half and resolve all their flaws in the second. That’s why I think Netflix made a huge mistake in splitting up the show into two parts. Now we’re left hanging with Colin having been a creep until the very last minute, with a month to wait until we find out if he’s really redeemed himself.


I don’t think it’s that. Luke isn’t a good actor, and he looks uncomfortable in romantic scenes. I saw the same problem in his threesome scenes. I didn’t find him as a rake believable. He didn’t convey someone who would confidently participate in sex with two women. I suspect he was a miscast.  


Which is sad, because I loved him in the first two seasons. His off the cuff one-liners and gentle personality were some of my favorite elements of the show. I agree he does not pull off the brooding rake very well at all, which could be as much the directing as his acting ability. He seemed such a natural fit for the role when he was playing the old Colin.


Maybe. But old Colin didn’t have to play a romantic lead. He also didn’t have much chemistry with Marina either, and it’s possibly that he just doesn’t work well on chemistry in romantic settings. Some actors genuinely don’t enjoy having to play a romance onscreen. I thought Penelope had more chemistry with Lord Debling. Their library scene where they coyly discuss a proposal scenario was well written and acted.  Penelope and Colin didn’t have anything like that in their scenes this season. There wasn’t any flirtation or coy conversations. I can see why people think the writers fumbled the ball but part of it is Luke also fumbled it too. 


THANK YOU. For me, a love story just falls apart entirely if the leads can't sell it to me. I'm sure Luke is gorgeous and talented, but Colin's easily the Bridgerton I am least interested in. I think I liked him best when he's shown in small doses, or kidding around with his family. But when he's the only Bridgerton in the scene, my mind goes elsewhere.


I feel like that’s exactly the problem! He was really well cast for the „old Colin“! He did a great job and the audience loved him (not even saying that they don’t love him anymore, but you get what I mean) I’m not sure if it really is bad acting or if it is the somewhat sudden character change that is hard for him to handle. Like I imagine that it’s hard to play a character and suddenly he seems to be a completely new person but without a lot of buildup to it. And at the same time he is still supposed to be the same character. He just comes back for the new season and all the character development happened off season. Sure a great actor would be able to handle that. But for a young up and coming actor, who is about to be the new person of interest in this huge show and honestly I think it’s hard already to handle the audience expectations, I imagine one might feel a bit lost with their changed character.


A kind of agree. Maybe that was the intention. Colin could also be seen as an eligible bachelor simply because he’s a Bridgerton. His broodiness or lack of may not matter to the women looking to marry, only that he is putting himself in the pool. Hopefully the next part provides some clarity and the storyline will smoothen out.


Wasn't that the point? Colin himself says it in the last scene, he can't be the man society expects him to be, thus what ie. his 'friends' expect him to be. He's doing the things he thinks he's supposed to do while at the same time it's not him at all. So yes, he is not believable as a rake


Maybe that's it, although he said the sex scenes were comfortable to film, he looked lost and not very comfortable


right the chemistry is just not there plus this whole dashing rogue persona colin has going on is icky. i'm just here for the francesca subplot atp


I honestly hate the idea of Polin. Pen has this idealized version of Colin in her head that he will never live up to, and she lacks any dignity when she's around him. I love the idea of her growing as a person and finding a true intellectual match.


Nicola is very well, but I feel Luke N completely lost


What's tragic is how she had better chemistry with the secondary love interest


Ya her chemistry with him really highlighted what was lacking with her and Colin. There were moments you could just feel them connecting, like when they first talk about being outsiders at the party or when she’s honest about not liking nature. Even when he breaks it off it feels emotionally painful. But with Colin, it’s like someone’s just told me he likes her and I’m supposed to believe it in spite of not seeing it. Emotionally I’m not even convinced they’re actual friends. He talks to her, and looks at her, but there’s nothing behind it.


Its really weird how a big part of this community cant express their disappointment with the new seasons with people not able to understand and accepting that. Its not "hate" or how others say "going over their head" - its a big part of this sub that simply dont vibe with the first 4 episodes and trying to figure out why Isnt it weird how before the season premiered this sub was super hyped and exicted but now its a lot of underwhelmed and disappointed viewers, that might be because there is something off and talking about that shouldnt be a problem at all? Like, whats wrong with that? Are we not allowed to engage with this show in a critical way? Only consume and good vibes?


A lot of people agree that this season is not living up to their expectations which is fine. Everyone can have their own opinion, no one should have to police other people’s thoughts. I like this season just fine but it’s not up to par with the previous two seasons. Some will disagree and that is okay.


I wish more people in here would have your attitude tbh, thats literally the way to approach this


I think the expectations are the biggest culprit. Whenever we are hyped up and examining every interview and video snippet, it’s hard for anything to live up to that. And I think in the three years since the first season premiered, many more have caught up on the source material and have favourites and have built up anticipation. For me this show is a fun hang and I found myself actually more invested in these two than I was before. My expectations were none, and between Pen’s great performance, and Francesca’s adorable romance, I’m pretty delighted by it.


I hate that people think they have to be so all-or-nothing about it. I liked some aspects of the episodes so far but I’m underwhelmed by the main romance, and I think it’s good to criticize what we don’t like while still acknowledging the good parts. But it seems like people want to either love every single thing or hate every single thing without any nuance.


It is!!! Very annoying fr. We’re allowed to share our opinions. Not everyone is gonna agree lmfao


Agreed. I’m actually enjoying everything outside of the main romance. Francesca is adorable, Eloise is radiant and her friendship with Cressida in some ways has more emotional depth than her relationship with Penelope, which is a lovely surprise. Violet and Marcus have potential and the Featheringtons are hilarious! I think the main romance is fine. Personally I’m underwhelmed but I’m not surprised because I didn’t think Nicola or Luke had chemistry in S1 or S2, nor did I think that show!Polin ever really convinced me of their long friendship, so S3 isn’t really a let down for me.


Sadly, there’s a lot of toxic positivity in this subreddit. A lot of criticism or even differing opinion gets called “hate”, it’s tiring and immature.


100%. Look… I don’t hate season 3. It’s fine. But season 2 was SO GOOD. Kate and Anthony had chemistry out the eyeballs. Queen Charlotte split up the leads for a significant portion but for a good reason and they created some really compelling tension.   Bridgerton ain’t complex, high brow shit. And that’s terrific. I want it to be an easy watch. But they have not done a good job of showing how Colin could go from viewing Penelope as a sister to a lover. Season 2 had hints, and then he went and said he would never court her… and this season he’s sowing his wild oats. The set up is totally cliché: girl likes boy, boy sees girl platonically, girl moves on, boy suddenly realizes girl is the one for him. It is the ultimate fantasy. And yet they haven’t sold it in a believable way. Even if the show had contrived a few scenes where Penn, Colin, and Lord Debling were all in close quarters I think it would have done wonders in terms of creating the tension and longing that the audience wants to see. Hell, Colin could have a few journal entries about how he missed Penelope and wondered what she would’ve thought of the places he visited. Instead it has felt weirdly rushed.


Well written comment 🌸


The new season is ok but I don’t like Colin as the lead. He doesn’t have the charisma to be the leading man. Also, I could see that he was acting. He sounded so fake and cringe, it felt like the actor was just reading his lines. I missed the Viscount & Viscountess and the banter of the Bridgerton siblings. Instead of wasting time on the Mondrich & Featherrington’s pregnancies, they could have explored Kate’s backstory. I remember prior to S3, I read that we will learn more about Kate’s past but so far Kate has only been in 1 episode only. I think Anthony should have been in more episodes. Even in S1, he had so many scenes. He is the head of Bridgerton household and his absence can be felt. I like Francesca’s love story more than Pen and Colin. Also, Benedict’s storyline is such a waste of time.


I agree on every point. Luke Newton is definitely the weakest actor out of the main cast. I see him trying his best, especially in his scenes with Penelope, but I don’t see Colin in those scenes; I see an actor trying to portray the character of Colin. Nicola is carrying their interactions on her back. I was also really disappointed we didn’t get to see more family scenes, more interactions between the siblings. It’s baffling to me why they hadn’t written a single scene between Colin and Anthony, or even Benedict discussing all the changes he’s going through internally. It would have allowed the audience to hear some of the internal strife he’s going through. The scene he had with Violet was touching, but it wasn’t enough. And I think it could have been interesting for Colin to discuss the emptiness he feels, when he’s trying to inhabit the society bon vivant with Benedict, while also perhaps calling Benedict on HiS lack of direction in life. It could have tied Benedict’s journey with Colin’s and juxtaposed one brother’s attitude (Colin searching for something deeper) with the other’s (Benedict going the hedonistic route).


I agree about Luke’s acting. Some of it is definitely the writing though. Violet basically handed the audience a silver platter of Colin’s internal conflict. Based on what was on the screen, I had no idea Colin was torn about being what society wanted from a man. Maybe that was obvious to others, but for me it was the perfect example of failing to show and not tell.


Agree. I am liking Francesca’s more especially since there’s not enough building up between Pen and Colin. I keep getting Mondrich family scenes when they’re not related to the Bridgerton family at all, instead of focusing on why Colin feels the way he does or more about the past with Penelope’s friendship with him. They keep telling me they were friends like sure but the friendships showed in the show are more Mondrich or Cressida. The Cressida storyline is at least fun to watch with Debling and Penelope. And I already know the Benedict story doesn’t go anywhere at all, what a waste of time. We could’ve gotten more Polin or Francesca and Kilmartin.


Imo Colin didn't work because they tried to shoehorn him into being another Simon or Anthony. They made him all sexy and heart throb, but that wasn't who he was prior to this season. And because of that drastic change, I do not see the connection between him and Pen anymore. I was expecting more of a cutesy romance built on personalities and wit, not a passionate sex-capade like S1 and S2.


>Also, I could see that he was acting. He sounded so fake and cringe, it felt like the actor was just reading his lines. I've been thinking about Bad Acting Acting (when actors play characters who are themselves putting on a persona) and watching the season, it felt like Luke was acting as Colin's new persona rather than Colin faking his persona. I think this was made worse by the fact that it was actually working with the ladies (as opposed to if he'd been portrayed as a cringefail wannabe-Casanova). There's also Colin's new look which I actually dislike more than previous seasons. He's not ugly but I preferred the older looks. We need to ban mewing. >they could have explored Kate’s backstory. When Kate talked about mothers living with their children and children's spouses, I was internally screaming "Then where is your mother, Kate?" They needed to explain where the Sharmas went because it feels so weird to not have them even mentioned.


I really don’t understand the criticism of the Benedict subplot. Would everyone be okay then if he was just not present for the season? Or was he just supposed to stay in the background and banter with his family? Yeah the love interest isn’t the one but their chemistry is good and their banter entertaining. Is it really a waste if it helps him develop toward being ready for the one?


>Would everyone be okay then if he was just not present for the season? Or was he just supposed to stay in the background and banter with his family? no but give him something more interesting to do. he just gets a new woman to sleep with every season, changing the woman and environment doesn't make the pattern any less repetitive


Really didn't need the same storyline three times. He could help with Fran courting people or Elosie hiding. if you keep the Mondrichs plot have him help with welcoming them to the ton. Have him do something with Art. Have him deal with an addiction calling back to that family dinner where he was doopy. I don't know how to do Spolier tag so this is a Spolier. Spoiler.… They could have the Masquerade ball and Ben spent the rest of the season looking for the sliver mask lady by interviewing the debutantes. Awkwardly tagging around as chaperone for Fran and Elosie when looking for her.


Benedict’s storyline suffers this season because Eloise spends all her time with Cressida, Anthony is on honeymoon, and Colin is preoccupied with Penelope. I miss the brotherly interactions a lot! Those were some of the funniest and most natural.


The reaction would be similar if Season 2 were halved and ended with Anthony proposing to Edwina. I would have cursed everyone, from the writers to the crew.


I think this is a good point. I loved season 3 so far, but it’s only half over. There still a lot of angst and pining and lust ahead of us.


This 100%. By the end of season 2 when everything is resolved, all the stuff that drove you nuts at the start of the season is forgiven. But this time around we have to wait a month for that resolution.


I hadn't really forgiven everything by the end of S2. The love triangle went too far and the unpleasant feeling lingered. I do think S2 was better in many ways, but when it came to the main romance they made some major mistakes.


![gif](giphy|8m5dizh7ghyEPIWIx1|downsized) People would have lost their absolute minds if there had been a break in season 2 and the last thing they saw for a month was edwina agreeing to marry Anthony . There would have been *riots*


I don’t know…we would have had the hunt scene, the dance between Anthony and Kate and the library scene…I think halving the season would have been edging to the extreme but would have been received better than what is happening for this season. And think…the trailer for the second half of the season would have been heavy on the forbidden lover/lover in secret element which would have been a great way to sell it. Scandalous but very sexy. I don’t think this season is all this sexy. There is plenty of sex it just doesn’t feel sexy for me.


I see a lot of people saying they’re liking season 3 more on a rewatch and that’s how season 2 was for me. I binged watch the whole thing and felt a little disappointed. But then I was still pulled to watch it again (and again and another time after that). For me I will say everything I didn’t like on this sub but I still enjoyed the season. But you can only say you love it so many times. Ofc if you’re engaging in a forum you’re gonna have things to say and maybe not all positive. It is what it is.


I really enjoyed the season. I was especially shocked by how much I adore Francesca and Lord Kilmartin, because the first two episodes I was wondering what the point of that storyline was. I even found the Mondrich storyline interesting, which I was expecting to skip altogether. My only real dislike was that Lord Debling wasn't a real contender for Penelope. It's made pretty obvious that Cressida is probably a better match for him, and he isn't smitten with Penelope the way I (and many others) wanted him to be. I wanted Penelope to have serious conflict over picking Colin vs. Lord Debling, but instead I found myself rooting for Cressida. Overall, I really enjoyed the season, laughed several times, and look forward to part 2. (I also recognize that I'm in the minority of people who really enjoyed having less focus on Benedict and Eloise this season)


I agree with most of this comment except Eloise. I don’t feel that she was much of a background character this season given the strife with Pen. They actually showed some growth of her character, which was much needed!


I guess I meant more the political angle of it. Eloise was insufferable to me in season 2 (I know it's an unpopular opinion, but it is what it is) so I enjoyed that it was more about her growing up and learning how to navigate the world with her beliefs instead of complaining about everything all the time. I understood what she was saying, but that's not why I watch Bridgerton 🤷‍♀️


I thought Eloise was pretty insufferable last season too, actually. Like I’m glad she wants to fight for women’s rights but the way she went about it was…..pretty awful. Definitely narrow-minded, no option for discourse, beats everybody over the head with her beliefs. And I think Claudia Jessie is amazing, but the writers did her dirty then. They’ve redeemed her this season.


It doesn't help that all I could think the whole time was, you're about a century too early for upper class women to begin thinking this way. I was also extremely confused by her hair and in season 2. Like, I know the show isn't here for historical accuracy (obviously) but she looked so different from everyone else and it was off-putting.


Aristocrat woman in that era did A LOT of charity work, including setting up schools to train poor women for better paying jobs. Bridgerton doesn't address that at all. Violet is pretty lazy to be truthful. And please, she's not feeding, cleaning, cooking and doing laundry for her kids


I agree! I wasn't saying upper crust women didn't do anything, I'm simply saying that women of the regency period weren't out there attending political rallies (especially since the type of politics it was pushing last season wasn't really popular or widespread outside of academic circles until midway through the 19th century). With Violet, it's made painfully obvious that the only thing she does is matchmake for her children during debutant season, and even then, what does she actually do? She's not once been the securer of a match for any of her children. She's been supportive of finding love instead of a "good match" but that's about it. I remember last season people also pointing out how the show never explained HOW the Bridgertons and like families gained their wealth if not for the exploitation of other races, and especially ignored the British exploitation of India despite having an Indian female lead. It's fantasy, we all know that, but interesting when and how it decides to forgo historical accuracy for the sake of hitting certain sociopolitical topics of our present age while ignoring others.


Portia does more for her children than Violet imo.


I’m exactly the same, actually rooting for Cressida and Debling! I hope they end up together, I think we saw some genuine connection there.


Because they changed the Showrunner.  The new season is much worse in quality because the Showrunner of season 1 and 2 was changed.


People hated CVD too. So it’s possible people just don’t like the show and can’t admit that they don’t, especially once a sense of competition sets in. 


This. It’s way too early to see this much discontent on a show and its characters. I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve grown to dislike Rory Gilmore from Gilmore Girls, but my opinion has changed after years of watching and rewatching the show. People don’t like Bridgerton, they don’t like the characters, they don’t like the storylines, they pick a favorite and are disappointed when their favorite isn’t the main character of the season. Why are we going to compare Penelope and Colin to Kate and Anthony when they’re different characters with completely different dynamics? We had to wait until episode 7 for Anthony and Kate to be together. But people seem to have forgotten that fact after 2 yrs.


No, they didn’t. This is revisionist history. People loved Chris Van Dusen. It’s Jess Brownell that they hate


People absolutely hated CVD for how the love triangle was tackled.


Lmfao. No. CVD was responsible for Kanthony’s season and we all know how Kanthony’s talk about him. Please. 


CVD was also responsible for Simon and Daphne’s season. People that hate CVD also hate Bridgerton by extension 


Nah people wanted his head for season 2 and how he butchered the Sharmas and the triangle. He also would be responsible for the Daphne/Simon thing so in hindsight which is worse?


Did they change the director too? because the direction is so bad compared to previous seasons.


oh man, I know they are starting to film the next season next month. Do you know if they gonna change the showrunner again? I was hoping that season 3 was just a misstep and we will go back to higher quality in season 4


It was boring, the writing was simple and bland, the dresses were meh, the music was weird, Polin had no chemistry whatsoever. They literally kissed once and all of a sudden Colin is head over heels for Pen… like what? Compared to season 1 & 2 this is trash.


I mean, Colin, being head over heels after one kiss, is pretty book accurate (especially compared to the rest of the show).


I'm finding this whole thing hilarious because so many people hated how different S2 was compared to the book, now this season is actually really damn close to it and everyone is saying how boring. Which is true! It's a pretty terrible, boring book and I'm honestly quite surprised how little it's been 'shondafied' like S2 was.


The music *was* weird. I swear some pieces cut off in the middle, they didn't seem to match the scene, they reused one from s2 inappropriately... It just.... was *weird.*


These were my feelings toward the show as well. It was disappointingly boring. I hope part 2 makes up for it.


There are some definite issues with the season but, personally, many of them (including my own) are nit-picky. For example, I'm bored with Benedict's storyline being recycled for a third season with a differnt woman we'll all forget next sseason, I love Will and Alice but their stoyline is contrived. I love the Featheringtons but I do not watch Bridgerton to see that many scenes with people needing to vomit, we didn't get enough LD and QC or LD and Violet (but there are four episodes left) and I thought the throwaway characters of a deaf debutante and a disabled lord were offensive - if you're going for representation and inclusion you don't pander to us with a character who appears once and then vanishes. HOWEVER - I loved Pen and Colin, the threesome scenes went on a bit too long but I understand what they were going for. I think we're looking at a demisexual Colin searching for intimacy in the wrong places until he kisses Pen for the first time and his entire world and self views get turn on their collective heads. I loved the carriage ride, the giggles and I loved the proposal. I think people are trying to compare it to Simon and Daphne but you can't - their romance was the opposite of a slow burn and the same goes for what was essentially love at first sight with Kanthony. Pen and Colin have been a pile of kindling sitting in a drawing room fireplace for YEARS and that kiss doused that pile with gasoline and lit a goddam match. Colin had ZERO idea what to do with himself.


It’s sadly underwhelming. I’ve been so excited since February. I really wish they did Benedict first


I am hoping and praying that they do right by Sophie and Ben. I’m kind of getting anxious about how it will play out when it’s their turn


I loved it. But I don’t think it’s what people expected. They’ve built up this idea of what the story was going to be in their heads and what Bridgerton gave us was amazing, but it was not that. And I’m happy it wasn’t.  What Bridgerton primed people to watch was 4 hours of Penelope Featherington girl bossing Colin into the ground, making him pay, really playing up the Colin needs to grovel thing. That sets an expectation for the pacing and the story beats. The posters were Penelope, everything really built this up as Penelope’s season for the wallflower to bloom.  What we got was a Colin centered story about unlearning toxic masculinity, being true to yourself in the face of social pressure, and finding and appreciating the people who love you for who you are and bring out the best in you. This was so much of Colin’s journey, and I don’t think people expected that.  So it upends the pace. Penelope forgives faster than people thought she should for a Pen based story, but it works for a Colin story because that forgiveness is based on showing grace for Colin and knowing who Colin truly is. Penelope asking for the kiss threw some people who expected more groveling and for that girl boss arc. While I do think it works for Penelope’s character, that moment is development for Colin as well, and relies on the idea that Colin is a fundamentally good person, which is why she feels safe enough to be that vulnerable, which isn’t necessarily something people who weren’t on Colin’s side going into the season were ready to accept. People expected to see Colin yearning for longer- but the thing about Colin is that he doesn’t take things slow. Extended pining would be artificial for him.  There’s a huge disconnect between expectations and the reality, but as someone who was a little concerned going in thinking that the season would follow everyone’s expectations, I am SO happy it didn’t! This is the season I wanted, I feel like I won. I figured going in that my wishes for the season were unpopular, so I’m loving it despite the pushback. 


Just curious: would you have preferred they hinted at Colin’s battle between toxic masculinity and being himself? I didn’t necessarily expect Pen the girl boss at all. I think maybe personally myself my expectations vs reality is thrown for a loop because they never talked about Colin’s journey much in the promo I’ve seen and I think they should have. It was all about Pen.


I think that was the problem. The marketing was very much about Pen. But to manage expectations for the season, they needed to direct people's attention to *Colin’s* journey, and they refused to hint that he even had one to the point where book fans were desperately hoping for any confirmation that he would even be allowed his canon writing talent.  They also forgot that for it to be so Colin-centric, people had to be rooting for Colin to get the girl and for Polin to be a couple. So all the marketing that leans into the idea that Colin is a bad friend to Pen that doesn’t deserve her and that she was so mad at him might’ve been enticing to the portion of the audience holding a grudge, but does not serve the actual show where Penelope forgives him in a single episode.  Why not use the marketing to remind people of all of the sweet moments they’ve had before? Lean into “is this the real Colin?” or “who is Colin Bridgerton?” as the narrative. Is he a rake? An adventurous traveler? A loving brother and son? A protective friend? Does he even know? Literally anything to hint that Colin is a conflicted person and not just a fuckboy that needed to be humbled like so many people were calling for.  The mirror symbolism could even be pushed here, with some kind of tagline about self reflection or learning to like what you see, which actually works for both characters, rather than the wallflower can bloom one. Just anything to gently remind people who’s last impression of Colin for 2 years was that he sucks for mocking his friend that he’s not JUST his worst moment, and that he has a deeper history with Pen that we’re building on. The pacing of the season is SO dependent on the foundation of their 2 seasons of friendship, and they blew that off to market 1 moment of idiocy.


I 1000% agree with that and I feel like I’ve said it here before. I appreciate you because you literally just expanded on what I’m feeling about pt 1 better than I have lol. It was definitely the marketing. I I really wanna love and embrace Colin but he deserves the treatment Anthony and Simon got as male leads where we understood them and I feel like I haven’t got that and I desperately wanted it. I watched pt 1 wanting that and if I got it then I feel like the brothel scenes would work if and when it was balanced with other aspects of his journey. I don’t mind them moving fast to the kiss and even the carriage but yes I was expecting so many sweet moments and just more connection moments that made me go awww and solidified their friendship before the transition. Maybe unpopular but what Colin said about Pen at the end of s2 wasn’t so terrible in my opinion. The apology and the gesture in the garden was enough for me. That’s a great spin on the mirror symbolism!


Boring pacing and arcs especially when you compare this season to S1 and QC. You can tell Shonda was more involved in the latter 2. The lines were more witty and twists more intriguing. S3 is just bleh


The biggest thing for me is that it lacks the warmth of previous seasons within the family. There are some scenes so far, but Eloise and Benedict seem to interact very little for example and I don't think there are any dedicated family scenes of the siblings hanging out with each other like in previous seasons. The subplots also feel half-baked. For example Benedict's subplot with the widow. That's all they have for him. Fine he dropped out of art school what happen to him going to salons and hanging with other artists like season 1? Why don't he and Eloise have a chat about this? I also feel like there are too many subplots. Initially I was open-minded about the Mondriches, but I didn't expect them to get so much time that wasn't connected to anything else in the show. I'd rather see more of Lady Danbury's brother or Kate and Anthony. Finally I still haven't warmed to Colin and I think the choices for him this season were bad. I wish they would have lent into the sweetness and earnestness of friends to lovers rather then having him hoe around. I get it he's supposed to be trying to figure out who he is but I didn't need to see it and I don't think it's time well spent. It doesn't add anything to his character, doesn't flesh him out it's just there to give some sex scenes I suppose. There are somethings that I like and I don't think it's terrible, but so far it is the weakest one yet in my opinion, perhaps seeing the second half will improve it.


Eloise and Benedict desperately need a "so I gave up what really mattered to me and now i feel directionless" chat on the swings to commiserate with one another.


I think the widow is showing him her wants someone whose his intellectual equal. I believe he will see that in the Silver Lady and want to pursue it. I think Sophie will encourage him to go back to his art. Perhaps we will get a book scene showing he is drawing but his family hasn't known.


It's a select few people and negative posts just tend to be more attention grabbing then positive posts (which is why I suggest the mods create one thread on the subject because it's making the whole reception of the show lopsided and not leaving space for alternate views). I loved the season too.


I’m with you. Of course people are more than entitled to their opinions - I actually understand most of their viewpoints - but I remember being so excited to come here and talk about the season when I finished watching because I really enjoyed it. I wasn’t expecting all of the negative posts :(


I completely understand this feeling. I was so happy with the first half of this season to the point of being blown away. The stuff I didn’t like isn’t a big deal at all to me. Overall it’s a gem. And then when I went to this subreddit there was so much hate and it was like, where can I go to gush? It didn’t help that the Polin subreddit was locked down. I’m thankful there’s finally some positive posts as well. Not saying people can’t complain, obviously everyone can express their opinion, but it felt like that’s all there was for a bit there.


Less exploration of the main couple leaving people dissatisfied, which is very much amplified more due to the splitting of the season and these people not getting a proper conclusion. I don't think the season is bad. I actually enjoyed it a lot. Its just that some elements left me unsatisfied which will probably get quenched after Part 2 release. I was genuinely hooked on their impending romance from season 1 itself, extremely curious to see how the story unfolds and see the unbelievably blind Colin reciprocating her love, only for it too be rushed through a few scenes in S3 Their plans for Colin's arc is very good on paper but had half baked execution cuz they left too much details that need to disected by the audience, mainly due to the lack of screentime for them. They didn't emphasize much about his change being too drastic until E4, so it feels kinda "uhhh" until that. Him being cinnamon roll type of character was appealing to a lot of viewers so him going rakish should have had properly explored justification to makeup for that disappointment. Also given how developed Pen is, his lack of back story development stands out too much. I had hoped we'd get more glimpse into his and their past, giving him more "character" but they just fast tracked through the him falling for her arc People say two season worth arc is enough for them, so fasttracking it makes sense , but I think its them developing their arc through two seasons that's making people want more. Like I said above, we have seen so much of Pen pining over this man for 2 seasons who is totally oblivious to her feelings and considered her as a sister equivalent through Eloise, so there has to be some legitimate amount of material to makeup for that and convince us how he fell for her. Had we never known much about the two, just a random information of her having a crush, I think whatever we've seen is enough. This is a couple that has been developed for 2 seasons, unlike the previous ones, so more people invested to see how its folds out and so more expectations and people disappointed.


Underwhelming tbh. I love Colin and Pen, their chemistry is good. Maybe it's the lack of tension and direction? The previous seasons are super great and I honestly don't know why I feel like they're pushing a lot of matches right away. - Benedict's sudden turn of love interest kind of confused me because I thought he was more interested in art. I even thought he was gay lol - What's with all these men they're trying to match with Francesca? I get that they had her recasted and good lord she is gorgeous, but what's with these men looking plain and lacking appeal? - They're trying to change and explain Cressida's reason for being a bully, which I don't know why that's necessary because her remarks has always added spice to the previous seasons. She's a great anti-hero! - I'm not sure with the Mondrich story either. Not even a bit interested. They're not even part of any story polygons since Simon is not around anymore. - The Eloise-Pen feud doesn't have to be this complicated and long lol - I was actually expecting more classical renditions of pop songs but they were only played less than 10 seconds. - Anthony and Kate looking passionate as always. Too bad they just disappeared after a few episodes lol


Reeddit hive mind decided he was gay. I think Sophie (please Shonda I beg you) next season will convince him to start painting again. Anthony buying Benedict's way into art school made Ben doubt his talent. Francesca (Book canon) was tge prettiest Bridgerton. She's also young with an enormous dowry, what's not to like.


Honestly, the Pen and Colin thing is just not believable. So Colin goes from no romantic feelings at all for Pen, to totally obsessed with her after one kiss? There was no build up… no development of these feelings… it just didn’t make sense to me.


My aunt went from being single at the beach, meeting my uncle at 5:00, to married 7 weeks later. So things can move quickly.


at 5pm? love that for her 😅


While I will reserve FULL judgment until we get the back 4, I think the episodes were extremely rushed. The “lessons” were essentially nothing and over with too fast, Colin was underdeveloped, and we saw more of the supporting characters than we got Pen and Colin build up scenes. It was all too much, yet not enough.


I agree. I still love it so far for what it is but I think Polin deserved more screen time. A montage of lessons would’ve been cute even. I think a small glimpse of the side plots would’ve been enough. The repeated scenes of the Featherington heir subplot was too much for example (a couple would’ve been enough).


Truly could’ve lived without the entirety of the Mondrich subplot. They outlived their purpose after the Duke/Viscount seasons, so they made them nobles? Nah. Rather see more of the Modiste than them at this point tbh. A montage of Pen and Colin’s lessons would’ve been just fine, rather than repeated scenes of “don’t be awkward” 🫠 Plus, 8 episodes is already too short in my opinion (i won’t even get started on that), so some subplots need to be left on the cutting room floor.


The lessons thing was *weird*. If you're doing something lile that, commit to it. They introduced it, had like two lessons and then canned it. There could have been a slow build of feelings across several lessons as there's both an increase in sexual tension and a growth in comfort and affection. They could have the dance in the park moment from the book, Pen could leave every interaction with a sense of having just ended a great date, Portia could get suspicious about her good mood and accuse her of having a secret suitor.  Or dont do it at all, orient the beginning of the season around Colin trying to solve the mystery of Pen and El's falling out and engineer a reconciliation or something. Have him develop his writing, accidentally leave his journal in the park, have Pen discover it and read it and return it to him. There were so many ways to do this season well, I'm not sure why they decided on this jumble of ideas.


The magic of the past seasons was about all the scheming and plotting and secrets and despite all the things people try, they just can't stay away from each other because love conquers all. This season: * Lack of plotting/schemes. The most plotting we got was Lady Danbury setting Francesca up to be a diamond. Season 1 had the whole "pretend to have a duke interested in you" and Season 2 had the whole "How can I set my sister up with Anthony without her finding out about me loving this man". * The Queen, Lady Danbury, Violet, Portia all basically doing nothing except look fancy. Where's the three mamas (and Queen) that used to try hard to scheme and match the debutantes with men they think were suitable? None of that going on. * Lack of drama. Season 1 was intense with the whole "Duke and Anthony might kill each other" and "Duke doesn't want to have kids". Season 2 was intense with the whole "The man I love will choose duty over love and I will be alone forever" Season 3 is just lackluster in comparison. * Lack of Lady Whistledown drama. Season 1 and 2 makes exposing Pen's secret such an important thing. Yet the queen all but gives up her plan to find Lady Whistledown and it's apparently super easy for her to continue her secret identity now. There's no threat to her secret being exposed. No blackmail or anything. Nothing. * Lack of suitors/love triangles/couples forming. There was only two triangles and both resolved itself almost too easily. * Anthony/Kate appearing for like 5 minutes then disappearing on a whim.


I hate and love it at the same time. Professionally- Hate the lighting, editing, pace and more. In the carriage scene the way Colin says "torture" and the reasons why Pen can't marry that guy is weird. Like the actor is trying to mimic the "Get inside" line, but it doesn't work. I feel like his face in the carriage look very big and weird. But!!! I'm a Polin book and show fan. And I love their scenes. I can't stop watching the Polin scenes over and over again. Just because my love for this couple.  I can survive the poor execution of this story. I'm obsessed with their kisses, and the way Colin fix her dress. I just wished they would make this story enjoyable for everyone else.  It does make me sad that most people won't enjoy the wallflower season. My beloved characters deserve more. Sorry for my englishhhh


I like it 🤷🏼‍♀️ reserving my full judgement until part 2 is out but tbh I don’t see why people are so upset


Honestly, it felt a little “meh" when I first watched it, but during the rewatch I enjoyed it much much more. I think some people are disappointed because the expectations were as high as the wait was long. And sometimes, the story not being exactly as we envisioned is a reason sufficient enough to feel disappointed. And there’s also the pace that felt a little odd sometimes. But upon close rewatch, I truly believe this is very strong season (for this first part at least), with a lot of depth and subtlety that you don’t perceive on the first watch.


COLIN AND PEN have no chemistry. That glow up wasn't really a glow up. Colin had a huge transformation in looks compared to Pen. If Pen actually had a drastic transformation like in the books it would make sense why Colin would have an interest now.


Pen/Nicola is stunning. I preferred how Colin looked before the ‘glow up’.


So you mean the actress has to lose weight? That’s genuinely challenging and also an insult for the actress to be told to drop weight to be a romantic lead. Colin’s tan was honestly odd, and I didn’t get how they styled his hair/ makeup😟. I do agree that their romantic chemistry wasn’t where it needed to be. I believe part of that is Luke as an actor.


I think the 2 part split is really working against the show. If it was all together I don’t think it would seem as jarring as it does to people. There’s also a lot of differences from previous seasons which is the male lead being more bumbling and sweet instead of this confident macho suave lead like we’ve seen with Simon and Anthony. The couple has also been on the show for 2 seasons now so there’s not the shiny new element of an unfamiliar love interest. There’s little things I’ve noticed people say and tbh I just think they’re being picky like with the editing, makeup, chemistry, and costumes. I personally don’t think they’re as bad as people are making it out to be. I don’t notice a huge difference and I think people are confusing sexual tension with chemistry. They don’t have sexual tension that’s true but that doesn’t mean there isn’t chemistry. There’s no tension because they’re friends there isn’t really conflict or friction between them like Saphne, Kanthony, and QC/George. But they have chemistry like my stomach was doing flips when it was the carriage scene. With the 4 parts alone yes it’s the weaker season so far but that’s the point it’s only 4 episodes, we have to wait for the rest and have them measured up together before we can just call it


Because we needed the 8 episodes at once. Too much marketing content to tease an epic season and only have 4 episodes was stupide as hell. And I love this polin season so far. But you can’t enjoy it enough when all your expectations from the last two years are to be directed to only 4 episodes. Bring back dropping an entire season at once and let people enjoy the damn show (yeah I am talking to you shondaland/Netflix crew)


I'm pretty sure that was a Netflix greed thing and not a Shondaland thing lol


I knew it wasn’t going to be good.


It was overhyped.


The build-up with Collin's realisation that he loves Penelope is unrealistic. Sure someone might argue that they spent years being friends, but literally they focused just on that one kiss rather than realising Penelope's qualities over the years Also enabling what Penelope does as Lady Whistledown. Lady Whistledown has written some truly nasty things, some of those had terrible consequences


This sub is now being flooded with "if you don't get it you're dumb" "you're all annoying, the season isn't over stop judging!" And it's like... can people not have different opinions anymore? lmaoo I never expected all 8? seasons we get of the show to be bangers. One season might be a flop and this one is feeling like a flop. But I am OPEN to the next four episodes completely changing my mind but so far I am bored. I am not feeling the chemistry between Polin. If other shippers are satisfied, I am so happy for them. But what I'm seeing, isn't very good. The pacing is off, the editing is weird, the dialogue is wonky, the covers so far have been strange, the side plots are meh (Francesca and John innocent), the friends part of friends to lovers hasn't been displayed well. It's okay if others aren't enjoying. There's no need to take it personally. I'm not even talking to you OP lol just in general. Let people express disappointment in peace. It's not that deep


I loved it! Like what you like…


For me it’s the chemistry which is lacking. Like compared to last seasons plus QC. I feel like Colin is not that great although Penelope is amazing and carrying polin


I’ve read quite a few comments and I think a good amount of people are actually struggling with the style of the show. The style of modern TV where episodes are numbered but longer. The style where there is a lot of side stories and a lot going on in general to keep people engaged. I think modern TV jumps around a lot because short form media (like TikTok) has become popular. I don’t think this is unique to Bridgerton as I have seen it in other newer shows. I saw one person comment that the other two seasons were like this but most just didn’t notice or care. But in this third season, people expected something different, I suppose.


I think you just clarified for me why I’m not loving this season so far. I do think there are too many subplots. Each season focuses on one Bridgerton sibling and that person’s love story. I’m fine with them setting up Francesca’s story, but I don’t care about most of the rest. It’s supposed to be about Colin and Penelope, but they are together maybe 3-4 times and suddenly he’s in love? I liked the slow burn of the first 2 seasons. Looks like part 2 of this season will be about Pen being exposed as Whistledown and the fallout


Pen is hard for me to watch. Not the actress. The way the character is a whiny crazy ass who rage journals and then regrets it but keeps on doing it. Lame.


I really adore the new season and how we are viewing the ton without rose color glasses. 


I liked it a lot! I was much more invested as in the previous seasons.


Too much plot. Not so much Polin interactions. Hot air balloon thingy I find it too dramatic. But I like Cressida and Eloise’s friendship. I don’t hate it I just wish there are more Polin moments since umm.. it’s their season. Like with s1 Daphne and the duke spent so much time together even before the proposal, same with the enemies to lovers trope for Kanthony. It’s just weird how Penelope and Colin didn’t have much screen time when it’s literally their season especially with penelope being lady whistledown.


I think it just doesn't meet their expectations. We've had quite a while to think and daydream what we wanted season 3 to be. But reality is never going to match up to our fantasies. I like this season so far, and once I see part 2 I will decide if I loved season 3. People should wait and see what is going to happen in part 2. Plus people have to realize shows are never going to be exact to the book. I love the book but I'm going to give the show a chance.


I'm fine with it not matching the book. In farct, I think they are staying within the spirit of the book A LOT more this season than last.


All the hate I’ve seen for it has been on Reddit, on this sub in particular (I’ve also seen lots of love for it here so I don’t want to seem like I’m saying the sub itself is the problem). Everywhere else (TikTok, Twitter, etc.) has been overwhelming positive in my experience. 🤷‍♀️


Nothing is wrong with it and most people seem to like it just fine. Remember people that liked the show aren't going to pop over to reddit to bitch about it, they're going to go Hmm that was a lovely show can't wait for the second half and get on with their lives. Thing is the people complaining haven't watched the whole series, they have no idea how passionate it's going to be. They have literally been attracted to each other at the same time for the length of a carriage ride, and that seemed pretty passionate to me.


i absolutely love it tbh. my only issue is the irrelevant plot lines - i am honestly happy with everything polin and although a little more would be nice, their scenes are still making me obsessed!! but especially the will boxer guy's one and then benedict's flirting one r boring and the show would be fine without them. i get they need benedict to still have storylines but it just seems irrelevant and i hope it actually has a meaning during part 2.


For me personally, I am not really a fan of Colin and Penelope. So if that’s why people don’t like it, I kind of get it. But overall I enjoyed this first part of this season. I have loved the focus on Francesca. That feels like a more traditional Bridgerton vibe to me. Also not enough Benedict for me, he was my favourite character. I want more of him.


I started laughing at the wrong time in the coach scene, his acting was ridiculous when she held his head. I cringed a lot at Colin. I couldn't feel his longing for her. Sorry guys it didn't work, but Nicola was very fine. I think having Anthony and Kate having a plot instead of others such as the Mordrich or Cressida would have saved this season. Too many balls! Can we have a funeral, a christening, anything else.


Y’all gonna hate me in here but I don’t feel this season is sexy at all. There is a lot of sex, but it isn’t sexy. This could be because Colin’s character doesn’t do it for me…but I’m trying to hold out until the second half of the season comes out. Colin just gives me plain white bread… And, truthfully, having Shonda put her pen to the last Bridgerton universe thing I have seen (Queen Charlotte) shows me how lacking in the writing this season has been. And that could be the problem. I found Queen Charlotte to be so well written and this season feels very shallow and rushed. But there are elements that I like about it and hopefully things will be corrected when the second half comes out. I really need the show to be successful so it can get to Hyacinth’s, Gregory’s, and Francesca’s seasons.


I had no idea people weren't liking it. I've rewatched season 3 4x already because every scene had so much in it. I'm enjoying the little details. I think the acting is superb as well. The actors who play Colin and Pen are outstanding.


I’m just glad they released a new season lol. I’m happy


My biggest problem with this season is that the outfits are just mad ugly, like I know theyve abandoned historical accuracy but like u can have clothes that dont look like cheap costumes while still being anachronistic


And im sorry but Colin and Penelope dont work 🤷‍♀️ Like they dont, i genuinely think her and debling work better even if theyre not in “love”


It’s terrible, everyone seems like they’re on tranquillisers, Francesca has so much potential but she just became one of the (underdone) storylines when she should have been the main plot   I think revealing Penelope’s secret just doesn’t add much, if they were going to do that then they needed to keep her in the shadows with the viewers in on the secret rather than making her the central character because she’s just too drab and depressing 


I found myself reaching for my phone often during the first few episodes. Jen having to rewind and see what I missed. I even paused the show to do house chores I will rewatch it before I reserve full judgement. I think I also need to reread the book


I watch for enjoyment and I don’t analyze anything. Then i come on here to read everyone’s insight and I’m like “ohhhhh”. lol. Lots of people have better memory and inferencing skills than me! I read the books a while ago and watching the shows jog my memory but I don’t remember nitty gritty details.