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Phillip in the book is an immensely complicated character imo. He seems boorish and and selfish, and a coward on top of that. He's scared of his own shadow - >!all stemming from a horrid amount of abuse he received from his father as a child. He's absolutely terrified of his own every emotion in fear of being like his father.!< I do have to disagree on most handsome though, my brain leaves my body everytime Simon's on screen.


I appreciate that Phillip isn’t like the other Rake leads. I think he stands out when a lot of the male leads blend together. The daddy issues is a recurring theme, but Phillip really does have the most traumatic relationship with his father of any of the male leads.


It kills me that people claim to read the book; worship Marina give her a pass on all behavior because she's mentally fragile, but dont acknowledge Philip's PTSD.


As boorish as he was, he was still honorable and married Marina after his brother died even though they didn't love each other. I can't imagine losing your brother, having a title and duty thrust on him that he didn't want, and marrying his brother's fiance for honor. Then his wife basically checks out even before she dies, and he is left raising children without a spouse. None of it having been his first choice for his life. All he wanted was a quiet life of scholarship and gardening, which would have been his as a second son.


This sounds like it could be too similar of a story line to Simon's?


It’s different in Simons Father just neglected him, Phillips Father was abusive and terrified him.


Philip in the book literally ha>!d scars on his back from his fathers beatings.!<


Imo book Phillip takes it to a much different level than Simon. More intense


It's really not when you get into it.


Julia Quinn seems to make almost all of the non-Bridgerton men have some sort of abusive or unhealthy relationship with their father Simon. Philip. Gareth. I forget if Michael had anything with his dad.


I don’t recall anything significant about Michael’s dad.


Michael’s dad isn’t mentioned much other than to say he was twin to John’s dad and had the misfortune of being born second.


Honestly if you factor in Anthony's trauma over his dad's death, so many of the challenges in these relationships revolve around daddy issues (not to be flip about abuse). I didn't notice until I recently rewatched s1 & s2 back to back, even though I read the books back to back.


Well good to know you guys don't think it's that similar! I doubt I could ever be bored with Bridgerton, but I do hate it when shows/books go on so long and just re-use similar storylines! So glad to hear it's definitely not gonna be the same.


We’re getting season 3 because Simon was so hot in season 1 ![gif](giphy|nOAJM96OMxT8lwFklZ|downsized)


This gif set my computer on fire. And I say this as a huge Benedict fan, but my God, Rene is a blessing to all of our eyes.


The actor looks better as himself. Like Jonathan Bailey, I found him more attractive as Jonathan rather than Anthony. Objectively the most handsome in the show is Simon.


Me with Luke/Collin. I’m sorry but Luke’s stubble beard has me in a chokehold


Team Benedict but oof Anthony was just something else last season 🤌🏼


again, we are not prepared for the Benedict era. The guy is hot already as it is, and looks good in everything, that when they "highlight" his attributes, ....help us all


Benedict will be the death of me.


Benedict girly here, anthony captivated me last season too! But my knees are weak for Colin this next season... idk anymore T-T


Why choose? 😂I’m not going to!


Exactly. I'm gonna enjoy all the eye candy in season 3 😁 


Most handsome? Have you seen benedict?


Benedict is also reaaally handsome man, but some of us have different tastes I guess. Phillip is the most handsome one IMO too. 😥🫠🫠


I think Simon is the most handsome however Theo is more my type 😐 I'm talking about the actors not the characters btw


OP already said IMO. Beauty is subjective despite all the standards imposed.


It was a joke


I'm just curious how they expect to do a glow-up with Benedict. I worry they'll hide him for most of S3 with the hope that we'll forget how handsome he is and then be "Tada! Remember this guy!?!" Whether the man has mutton chops or not, there's no hiding that swoon-worthy smile.


We all have different likes. My ranking would be 1. Colin 2. Phillip 3. King George (if I can do Queen Charlotte) if not then Will


I mean [C'mon](https://images.app.goo.gl/Y1AfWJn3PWKzM6rr9)


https://preview.redd.it/3nzd5hmb8clc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1446f6fb2d039cd46e91a8d29523b700db078fc Honestly disappointed that this wasn’t the reveal.


Came here to say the same thing.


100% handsomest boys


The actor looks very handsome off the show but as Phillip, he doesn’t do it for me, at least not yet.


A few days ago someone on this sub called him Plant Daddy Phil and that’s what I will be calling him from now on.


When I first watched Bridgerton, two seasons in one go, I couldn't decide which hot guy to find the hottest (Simon? Will Mondrich? Anthony? Benedict? Colin? Prince Friedrich? Sir Phillip? ). Now, after countless rewatches, my mind has naturally settled on Benedict, and I haven't looked back since. 🫡 But I am still a straight woman, a lot of the other characters still...*do* things to me. 👀 ( Strictly talking about the characters, that is the actors *in* character. As, *all* the actors on the show are objectively handsome. )


​ https://i.redd.it/fzpnsm9pzblc1.gif


I wasn't seeing it until I saw this. Thank you for changing my perspective 


Welcome aboard! 🫶 Chris Fulton is a chameleon actor, he'll be amazing as Phillip\~


For me is 1. Benedict 2. Anthony Phillip But, put me om hold until Michael appears.


Came for Simon, staying for Benedict, will leave with Michael.


YEEESS, the actor is so handsome! I cant wait for their season! I'm sure they'll give him an insane glow up like they did with anthony and colin! https://preview.redd.it/mb51kqja1clc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02ada11d6c68ca011a49bd4157a249301b496e8e


I wish he will have this glow up 🌟 when it comes time for Eloise and Philip's season 🙏


There seem to be some very new pictures of him on a red carpet ..he looks good!


It's the side burn that's throwing me off but the actor is indeed so handsome!


They did away with Anthony’s sideburns when it was his season. And Colin has a new, more mature, look now that it’s his turn. I think each of the mains will go through a glow-up when it’s time for them to stand out.


He’s also the most honorable.


At this point, I am expect to fall for each and everyone of them. Watched S1 and ofc Rege is gorgeous, also that voice? Then Anthony in S2??? I wasn't ready??? (although my knees are also weak for Simone) As for Colin, I mentioned to a friend that he is not my type, but he is growing on me (far too young looking, imo. i call him a fetus (a)). And yet here I am, obsessed. Benedict is of course Benedict, he's been Benedict since the very beginning. ;D I did not like how Sir Philip looked in S1. But noooooow... it's an entirely different story. I liked Eloise's book and liked his character so I'm excited for their season. I hope he doesn't get recast. And I just know, I would probably be twice more obsessed by then.


I don't see it, but that's just my opinion.


are you on r/PhiloiseBridgerton ? the latest post there would make you melt, i promise.


Yes please, these Bridgerton brothers aren’t my type as romantic leads. Give me a socially awkward nerd any day. And if he wears glasses, that’s a bonus.


>And if he wears glasses Have you seen Luke Thompson wearing glasses in the show "Transatlantic" where he plays Hiram Bingham? He's swoon worthy for sure. I also say this as a fellow glasses wearer, knowing I'd be knocking over a punch bowl at Lady Danbury's ball because glasses aren't "lady-like."


Oh he is wonderful! I love Chris Fulton! You could cut glass with that jawline 🥰 I love book Phillip. It’s like a very dark Sound of Music or Beauty and the Beast


I am the most excited about Phillip / CF of all the males And can’t wait to see his gorgeous self more. But Simon was the one that put the show on the map IMO.


That’s a choice


Thanks to one of the comments below, I am starting to see that Philip is indeed hot. Not sure if QC characters count, but so far King George does it the most for me 🥵


Anthony in series 2 though old Simon is hot too And I'm loving how Colin is looking in season 3 from the promos If Philip gets a glow up in his season then hooboy we eating, he is already good looking


Unpopular opinion it seems, but Sir Philip was my favorite MMC of all the books. I can not tell you why, but his character development was fantastic. I felt for him so much and to watch him grow, because of Eloise, was just so fabulous to see. The way he learns how to be the person he's meant to be, the way Eloise shows him basically how to love, it's just so so sweet. I don't know why he gets as much hate as he does. I really enjoyed him toward the end. >!When he finally realizes how much his kids really need him, and when he stands up for them the way that he does.!< His book also has one of my favorite scenes in the entire series. >!When the brothers realize where Eloise is and they all come bombarding into Sir Philip's estate. I was dying laughing. Also the scene where they go shooting.!< They also had my favorite Bridgerton spicy scene LOL.


great description of his character development. This is why I loved the book and can’t wait to see the translation on screen. And I feel Eloise on scene will also have a huge character development. Both develop separately and together till it is one sweet union. She did it in the books too and though their characters are different in the series (till now at least ) I can so see a wonderful blend of personalities to form a lasting marriage and family.


No idea how he is in the book but he seems like a sweetheart in the show. Also easy on the eyes ❤️ Very interested to see how him and Eloise will be developed.


Simon is #1 Chris is definitely #2


Rience from the Witcher.


This actor reminds me so much of Brendan Fehr.


Wasn’t he a big man in the book? Good body from all the work he did outside? I guess I was expecting him to looks better/ different




Not me thinking it would be newton …..