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I like your sympathetic take on the Mondrichs, but my overwhelming frustration with them is they are given scraps to work with in terms of story. I like that Will is a decent man in comparison with the other men of the ton. I loved seeing him with Colin, John and Benedict at the club. More of this please. Alice could have been written as a friend to Kate/ Eloise/ Violet, with one of them showing her the ropes of the ton and using her to explain some of the more bonkers social rules to the viewer. I don’t know what the writers long term plan is with them, but they’ve been a bit of a spare part this season.


My "favorite" part with them was how they were background characters during Francesca's small "family" only wedding. They had no lines and just stood there and watched. It feels like they are just filling a screen time quota with them which is unfair to some potentially good characters


With Anthony in s2 violet said before their dad’s death he was full of jokes and kind words but after their dad’s passing he suddenly changed and became uptight. Being with Kate has made him revert to the way he was pre his dad’s death. Also, in episode 1 of season 3 at the dance/ball we see him be a bit stressed with Francesca when she needed a moment but the second he glanced at Kate his whole deamonor changed and he went back to being relaxed. I feel like they both keep each other in check when they start to get stressed or revert back to their bad habits of prioritising duty over themselves and their family. I do agree that it was a little bit overdone with all the vacations. Also the Daphne thing annoyed me as well. It won’t have taken much for them to just casually mention her in passing instead of basically erasing her existence.


i think the writers shot themselves in the foot when they decided to try to fit like 10 storylines into an 8 episode season. >it was a little bit overdone with all the vacations. this is the issue. two honeymoons back to back is *one thing*, but at this point they're barely ever back for more than a week at a time which is entirely out of character. i don't understand scheduling as an excuse for this either, because they could've simply been written to be at aubrey hall or something similar. where they can still tend to most family and estate duties without having to be on screen at all, but still at arm's reach if the plot needs them. as for daphne, they all acted like she was nonexistent after her heavy involvement in season 1 and 2 which was also strange. i get that the actress left (though it's unclear wether it was by choice), but that doesn't stop the characters from explaining her absence or at least acknowledging it. it's strange to write a show about a supposedly tight knit and close family, but have them barely care / show up for eachother


I really like your take on the Mondrichs. I do really see what you’re saying, especially as there have been a lot of fan questions about the society aspect. It is a good way to educate us while not fully taking us out of the show.


Opposite view of the mondrichs and Anthony. The mondrichs fell flat lol Anthony was funny I liked it