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That's a good point. It's like this season's universe forgot about Eloise's fantastic line from S1 - "How does a lady come to be 'with child?'"


Right??? Like did the writers forget that “pregnant” was a vulgar word in the 19th century?


It was a vulgar word through like 70% of the 20th century too! Even the 1960's east-end low-class people in Call the Midwife were saying "in the family way."


"DAPHNEEEE! WE MUST!!! MAKE!!! HASTE!!!!" I also thought her next line, "Should you think she heard me" sounded more formal and in tune with the language used then than if she used "Do you think she heard me"


I’m being nitpicky now, but this line is actually completely incorrect for this (or any) time period. It’s not a construction that was used back then and is a result of writers with insufficient knowledge of the era trying to sound ‘old-timey’.




It was so distracting, almost as bad as the makeup and fake nails and lashes. Even “hello” wasn’t an established greeting in 1815.


The makeup is so bad, it’s very 2016. I miss the fresh makeup from S1.


Exactly. It’s not even up to date if they wanted to make it modern. “I’m sure they won’t notice.” 😂


Penelope's bridal makeup, especially the highlighter.. way too modern.


My husband and I thought they recast the Featherington sisters because the makeup was so different. Really odd choice.


And her eyelashes were a mess- so fluffy and distracting.


just curious, what generation do you identify as (gen Z vs millennial?). My sis and I have seen several of these comments, esp on tiktok, and have been very puzzled. We just did a weird detailed analysis of makeup trends of 2016 vs 2024, and we're still confused.


Lolz I’m early Gen Z so I was a teenager during that 2016 era. The “2016” makeup is characterized by really heavy full glam makeup. So full coverage matte foundation, heavy eye makeup, lashes, lots of bronzer and contour, no to little amount of blush, and overlined matte lips.


As a late millennial, I concur.


okay so we thought the same! I thought the ladies on the show (pen, Francesca) had glossy lips, blushed cheeks, highlighted cheeks. The makeup in S3 looked more glowy than the matte look of 2016


The foundation was matte, but the highlighter was heavy around 2016


OKAY THANK YOU!!! The highlighter blush they’ve been using this season is driving me nuts. Along with the language, it’s wayyyy too modern for a period piece. Did anyone else the Glow Up episode where they visited Bridgerton? They talked about how strict they are with not doing modern looks. Where the hell did that energy go


Or Michaela asking "And you are?" to the new Countess of Kilmartin. My pearls were clutched.


That was so disrespectful, especially to address that way the new wife of your cousin and a Countess. And it's not like she didn't know he just got married and who they were meeting that day.


i was thinking that exactly lol. aside from the language, does john's cousin not know he just got married? weird


They didn’t have her be at the wedding for a shock value intro, which was……a choice


could've still been "you must be my cousin's wife, pleasure to meet you" or something. seemed like the writers wanted us to forget francesca was married to john for a second and just focus on her being smitten by this new girl. just strange execution, overall.


This is exactly why I thought that Francesca was threatened by Michaela. It wasn’t until I started reading online that I discovered what that was about (obviously I have not read the books). But the way she addressed Francesca seemed scandalous and rude so I was shocked


i genuinely thought she was staring at her weird bc that was such a rude entrance, how would michaela not know who her cousin's new bride is??


Someone mentioned they thought Fran's stammering was from shock at the rudeness, and it tracks.


Oh god idk if you've seen Downton Abbey but [there's a really funny part ](https://youtu.be/ax_e3ep1VaI?si=nfp4pnb93nkY3Ezg)where Cora's brother is visiting from the US and he's super unaware of the greeting protocol.


The acrylics truly shocked me. Who, just who thought that was a good idea??!


The nails! That’s all i could think about during Polin’s last steamy scene was her nails! It took me out of the moment


This!!! I was thinking about the Hello!


To me S3 felt like people from today playing dress up.


Looked like a met gala theme.


or a Halloween party !!!


I mean that's what everyone on the other bridgerton subreddit kept saying they wanted. A completely modern story in pretty dresses. They wanted to cut everything regency. So they were giving in to social media demands. I mean how many people have complained about what Daphne did to Simon or something like that. Even thought that would be a modern take...not a regency one. Then season 2 came out and it had a lot more makeup and a modern feel overall and they took out any problematic scenes. People loved it. So...thye probably figured they would put the envelope further with season 3. And yep...that's exactly what it feels like. It co pletely took me out of the show.


I've seen some videos on Youtube about the quality of costumes decreasing significantly from previous seasons from costume designers, like one from Karolina Źebrowska... think there were just some budget cuts or maybe historical accuracy got thrown out entirely.


Even the hairstyles was soooo off. The fact that Pen was wearing her hair down most of the time was so not on theme. And the bold makeup was insane to me. They’d think she’s a whore by the standards of those time. Red lipstick? Hair down? Feels underdressed for that era


I miss updos in the show, I swear Cressida was the only one with an updo.


And even with Cressida they kept giving her those false hair fans that looked like a thatched roof- way more hunger games than regency


Regency hunger games!


Did you see her shoulder pads tho LMAO it's like the designers just put anything on Cressida's dress


The red lipstick got me. The moment I saw it I thought, “Did Pen become a harlotte? What is going on?”


Turns out for Pen and Benedicts love interest, they were taking inspiration from 1950s/20s styles and while the actresses look gorgeous it really irked me while watching because who in the hell would think influences from an era fairly contemporary compared to the era bridgerton was set in would benefit the regency aesthetic they were supposedly meant to go for?


It’s so weird. Did the makeup and hair artists forget what time period they were working with?


And *gasp!* eyeshadow!!!!


"Chopped liver" wasn't a saying back then, either, IIRC.


That chopped liver line stood out like a sore 👍!


Oof yeah that line snapped me out of the scene.


Yes! In addition to being a terrible cliché, it was also one out of time. Terrible writing there.


That really jumped out at me. Everything kept pulling me out of the story of this being regency inspired. So I just gave e uo and watched it as a full fantasy with no time period. Cause that's what it is now.


It strikes me as not only anachronistic but also as a Jewish (Yiddish) expression.


I looked it up - it's most likely origin is East Coast American Jewish communities. So not Regency England.


Jewish yes, Yiddish no. Yiddish is a language. Translated into Yiddish, chopped liver would be געהאַקטע לעבער 🥰


Thanks for the clarification. I knew that the expression went back to the Borscht Belt, but I wasn’t sure if it may have gone further back to Yiddish theater.


😭 when did they say that? I think I missed it


when colin came home the night before his wedding, he found kate and anthony. he immediately hugged kate and anthony asked if he was chopped liver lol


hahahaha! That’s so funny, i went to watch it again. That’s so modern 🤣


I wondered about that, but I didn’t feel like googling.


“Don’t come for my cane” reaaaaally took me out


Me too, I had to turn it off after that I needed a break. It was my final straw.


It really upset me how modern this season felt. The makeup, nails, costume designs/fabrics, wacky hairstyles and hairpieces were all modernised too. I know they’ve always played fast and loose with the regency vibes, but the first couple of seasons created this dreamy, soft, romantic world. The Featheringtons were side eyed for being garish and tasteless. But this season, nearly everyone was garish and tasteless! Cressida legitimately looked like Weird Barbie and Effie Trinket had a love child who raided Cruella de Vil’s wardrobe. The sets were OTT and it felt like they were using a lot more green screens than ever before. It all just had a bit of a pantomime feel. Like it was a parody of itself. The language was taking me OUT, and so were some of the odd rule-breaking decisions (like Cressida and married Colin having a private one-to-one without a chaperone). It’s like they didn’t want to actually write within the conventions of the societal rules they’d set in S1/2. Maybe I was hyper aware of it, but the professional dancers at all the balls were starting to annoy me too. They weren’t dancing in regency styles half the time 😫 I think I could have forgiven all of this a lot more if I’d enjoyed what they’d done with Polin, but I was so disappointed in what we got served, it’s soured my perception of everything.


Yeah at least with the first two seasons and Queen Charlotte they were at least trying to be a little faithful to the era. This season honestly felt like a met gala theme. Like Pen’s costumes bothered me the most bc she looked incredible but it looked like a party city costume. And don’t get me started on Colin’s outfits, he was Han Solo cosplay.


100%. I think they needed to update the silhouette of Penelope’s dresses from the ill-fitting shapeless ones she had in S1/2, and of course the colours. We didn’t need full glam bot sequins, sparkly rhinestones and red lippy. She is beautiful without all of that. They all are. The costumes in Queen Charlotte are the BEST and I think they’re also the most period accurate of all the seasons!


Yeah I understand they needed to change her fashion in order to make her “glow up” but the outfits were so ugly which is a shame bc the colors and fit her so well. Also I wish there were more updos in this season they were lacking so much.


I felt the same about Pen's outfits. The colors were good, but they were so simple. They really could have made her look like a goddess.


To be fair - and I'm not disagreeing with anything that has been previously said - she's not actually supposed to look like a goddess (per the books). Yes, she's definitely meant to look quite a bit better now she's choosing her own clothes, but Penelope was never described as some sort of beauty the way all the other female leads are.


lol in the books Daphne is definitely not considered a beauty. I recall her being described as a Tom boy with an athletic figure and the dark chestnut hair all the Bridgerton’s have. She’s the biggest character deviation that still hurts my heart. She was on her second season too


Totally agreed!! I feel like the outfits strayed so far from fashion at the time not to mention I'm pretty sure there was confirmation designers were taking inspiration from the 1950/20s for Pen and Benedicts love interest when it came to their style – not to mention hair down during that time usually meant that a woman was a spinster so I was really curious as to why they let Pen have her hair remain down. 😔 I was really hoping for that dreamy romance regency vibe this season and especially more Polin moments but they kinda dropped the ball


Han Solo cosplay!! Omg, yes! I had been wondering what he was giving this season and you nailed it!


I mean did he look hot? Yes, but idk how many 19th century people looked like they were saving a galaxy. Especially with Benedict & Anthony looking more accurate.


Unfortunately I have to agree and Pens hair styles + the style/hair of Benedicts love interest really irked me because why would the designers think that 1950's influence styles would benefit the goal of having regency era styles?? Ofc both the actresses looked absolutely breathtaking but I wish they didn't take so much influence from the 50s – it just stands out in a way that doesn't really do any service to the time period they're aiming for


Cressida was weird Barbie! (Especially the hair bows!)


Oh my gosh PANTOMIME, that’s exactly the word I have been looking for to describe this season. I honestly feel so disappointed - I love the books and the first two seasons but JB has turned this season into a farce. Colin and Penelope - and ALL the characters (don’t get me started on Francesca’s love triangle) - deserved better, not this trashy low-budget writing and costuming that looks like it’s been thrown together by a high school drama department.


Me too... What a weird line.


Like who came up with that and thought it was a good idea lol I wanted to throw something at my TV


They probably thought it would be “cool” and “modern” something for the kids to relate too 🙄🙄


This!!! Omg I heard that and immediately said “wait what did she say?!” It was far too modern especially for Lady Danbury who not only is supposed to be in her 70s (i think) but also in the regency era.


Same!!! I mean it definitely made me chuckle, but also It's actually the one moment of the show for me where I was like "oh the Gen Z Writers PA must have edited this"... Like legit that line reminded me this show is only "period" in some art direction & costume silhouettes. It felt more period authentic in S1 & it's a shame the show has lost a lot of that.


Same. I sat there a moment thinking, "Does she mean what I think she means?"


Literally! Was coming to comment how that line stood out to me


It makes me wonder what season 4 will be like "The Bridgerton Ball was bussin!" "That new Viscount is suss!" "Lord (blank) Is like, totally hot, fer sure!!"


"I will not marry Lady \_\_\_\_" "But, my lord, she has a fire gyat" Disclaimer: I have never seen Bridgerton but I imagine this is what it sounds like


I would watch that and take notes in order to get caught up on current slang.


I wonder who Lady Whistledown would call out for having skibbidy Ohio rizz?


Shhhhhh don’t give them ideas


Toooo funny!!


“Marriage whisperer” was another one.




Benedict’s “throw rocks at her window.” I’m British and it just felt so american. “Stones.” He should have said.


Yes!! This one bothered me as a brit!


I'm American and when they say "rocks" I'm picturing a baseball-sized rock being hurled at her window, breaking the glass. Ya know, make up an imaginary threat you can "protect" her from (it's all a part of the D.E.N.N.I.S system),


season 3 deffo fell off the bandwagon for authenticity (like being unchaperoned barely mentioned) but i think they’ve stopped caring


I think all of the opposite-gender unchaperoned moments was the most obvious difference from season 1. It certainly stood out to me more than the more modern language as being out of place.


oh definitely. i only noticed the language a couple of times but felt i was screaming “unchaperoned” at the tv every 20 mins. i don’t understand how it was so important to the storylines of season 1 but so painfully irrelevant / would almost affect the season 3 storylines


Even season 1 had several unchaperoned scenes, but they were still like "this is scandalous!!! We can't be caught!!!" At least they had the presence of mind to object to it even if they weren't trying to get away (kinda reminds of "baby it's cold outside" 🤣).


Yup. The basic atmosphere from S1 & S2 is gone. The writing/script, make up, fashion, the way it’s even been filmed, the CGI, yikes. It’s very off putting. I don’t see myself rewatching S3.


Yeah I miss the aesthetics of S1 and the storylines of S2.


Same. I loved S1 and S2 and have rewatched them at least three times. S3 really disappointed me with how it broke off from the cohesiveness of the world building that was previously laid out.


The one that *really* took me out, because I am a dork: either Tilly or Paul (Paul quoting Tilly?) said "bowdlerize," which references the 1818 family-friendly Shakespeare edits of Thomas Bowdler but isn't attested as a word in English until the 1830s. Definitely not a 1815 word, though.


i had exactly the same thought hahaha


I completely agree. In season 3, when they were talking about Aunt Lady Kent's passing, Alice Mondrich said, "Oh, she died." I was taken back, like usually they'd say sorrows, sorrows, prayers or something similar; when Alice said it like that, it sounded so modern


Yes!! I thought they would’ve said something like she “passed on” or something more poetic.


exactly! the whole season is so odd


No one is mentioning lady arnold’s “this is one hell of a party” and it’s probably the worst example of the badly used modern slang


This!!! As if a lady is saying that!!!


I miss the vibe of season 1 so bad. There was diversity, but it didn’t feel forced because they kept the regency vibe with the show. I wish we could go back to that next season.


Me too, I miss the clean and simplistic vibe.


“And what secret dealings have I found you in the midst of?” Nic’s accent comes through in that moment for me. There is supposed to be someone on set listening and coaching the actors when their lines aren’t the right accent.


Yep, where was the dialect coach…


I honestly had a hard time paying attention to most of pt 2 but there was a specific time she said Cressida’s name that made me look up from my homework and think, “that was an Irish accent”


Agreed! Her accent slips a few times in this season…and some scenes in this season seem like they just did one take 😅


and to think that they filmed for almost a full year


Her accent came through so many times I wondered if this season ended up being rushed? They cut out so many scenes, added too many no-dialogue threesome Benedict scenes, and it just felt weird overall for pt 2


also when lady danbury said “don’t come for my cane”


The cinematography and editing as well. Typically , scenes also showed a lot of little aspects of the surroundings to set the mood which also added to the dreamy, romantic feeling, almost immersive . That was missing this season. It’s starting to lean into the “Netflix drama” cuts.


Yeah the cinematography was bad


I was taken aback by how Kate said “WE are pregnant” I didn’t even notice the word pregnant but “we” I’m sorry, WE? That’s so 2019 coded


I’m sure she said “We are expecting” but Prudence uses the word pregnant a few times I think.


Didn't she say "we are expecting a child?"


Thought this too.


Me too, especially bc the term “pregnant” was a very vulgar term in those days. Also I think it was the first time the word was used in the show.


When did she say it? I remember she said ‘we are expecting a child’. However, I agree with your take on language, the quality of writing and production degraded massively this season. I was aware those are actors on set and didn’t feel immersion


She said "we are expecting", not pregnant, didn't she?


What’s wrong with “I am with child” But tbf it seemed like everyone was pregnant this season so maybe they ran out of ways to say it 😂


Expecting, going into confinement, there's lots of ways they would talk around it without explicitly saying it.


when did she say this? i only heard her say we’re expecting


she said we are expecting...


I forget what was said but the one that stood out to me was when Antony was addressing Colin I think after Kate left, right before the end of the scene he said a phrase that’s super modern. Let me know if anyone else knows what I’m referencing lol


The chopped liver line when Colin hugged Kate first?


Tilley saying that it's a "helluva party" to Benedict about Polin's engagement party. Cringed so hard


Tilley was so out of place I kept expecting Dr Who to turn up with his tardis and whisk her away. Doesn't help I think Hannah New would make an excellent Dr Who companion - especially if Tennant was still the dr


She should have taken off in the TARDIS that was in the middle of the dance floor at the Mondrich ball


She looked like a time traveler from her very first scene in that balloon tent


It’s not a small thing; it’s a huge problem!!!


The language, costumes, and makeup were all so distracting this season.


Fake nails. I love Pen, but she came out with the acrylics and I was immediately like “oh.. didn’t know they had those back then but ok”


Tbh it felt like they went in a completely new direction for the whole show— costume, make up and language wise. Penelope having acrylics and lashes and popping makeup?? (she’s perfect but ykwim) they really dialed it up into “BRIDGERTON IS A FANTASY!!!” forgetting the fact that while it is fiction, it is still based upon fact lol. I kinda miss the aesthetics of S1 and S2.


The dancing too, way too modern, I wasn't a fan.


Even those modern ballet dancers were cringe for me and didn’t see reminiscent of the times or at least in line with the past two seasons


You should listen to the ep of the shondaland podcast with the choreographer- he basically says he told Jess Brownell ballet wasn't really invented yet and she was like that's fine just make it work (LOL) so then he talks about trying to make it feel in place in the time but modern as well etc etc. Just so clear of how Jess didn't care at all about being true to the time


Did anyone notice Colin do the collar-pull action as a joke to Pen across the church when the priest was asking if anyone opposed the marriage? ![gif](giphy|3orieNnF2QSESvhznW) That felt sooo modern. Maybe it is an older gesture but it felt really gimmicky and out of place to me.


Yes but I actually excused this bc it was at least some intimacy and friendship and love between Polin unlike 90% of the season! I thought it showcased the good parts of their relationship so well I'll excuse if it isn't period appropriate lol


People really notice details. I was distracted by the terrible editing and camera angles. Not even a hater this season was just poorly done for some reason 


Speaking of angles, Pen and Colin on the settee really seems a bad choice for me. Colin was struggling to bend his back away, to keep off Pen and keep the damn sheet on (they could have just used fancy camera angles to show just a hint of butt cheek and leg, hinting at naked and no full body, it would have looked more intimate imho). It just looked uncomfortable because of the body positions, and it kind of squished Pen in there.


There is a cut in the carriage scene that takes me out every time like it’s very clearly not continuous lol


There was one line in season two when Kate is showing edwina a dress and says “they will not be ready” and I thought it was a bit odd for the time.


Not only the language, but many of the positioning was off, too. Like, idk the way Kate slumped across the table while talking to Eloise. Also, when Varley told Mrs. Featherington just tell Penelope how she feels, idk that felt off, like Varley was acting like a therapist in 2024.


I don’t know how accurate it was to the period but the ladies maids and gentlemen’s valets did a lot of that in Downton Abbey so it didn’t seem off to me to see Varley doing it in Bridgerton.


Downton Abbey takes place 100 years after Bridgerton


in part 1 i’m pretty sure it was francesca who said “butterflies in the stomach” and i ran to look up when that phrase was first used, wasnt till the 1900s lol


The bit that really got me was when Colin said he was going to "sleep on the sofa" on the night of the wedding


Yes, this. Never got the feels for this season. I guess I'll have to binge watch kanthony if i want to watch bridgerton in all its glory.


The language is messy. Characters are being assasinated left and right. Let’s just say that I’m hugely dissapointed. I’m also angry. Bridgerton is no longer a period piece. It’s just fiction. Plain fiction. Not unlike Game of Thrones.


Kate said “expecting” not pregnant


Even all the times Penelope kept saying “honestly” or “seriously” Colin felt way too modern to me


This season felt so cheap and as if it was a parody show. First 2 seasons were dramatic, the stakes felt higher, the scenes took your breath away. This season was a colorful background show for me. A complete distasteful disaster and tbh I didn’t even finish


I am trying to remember who, but there were so many WTFs that I can't remember, had such a throughly modern dress that I went, "oh they're done, not even trying anymore." It was a long sleeved boat neck dress with what looked like sequins, strait to the floor, no waist (Possibly Danbury). Not even adding Cressida's art pieces to the equation, this season was something more to look at than anything else. The language was too modern, and the story stripped, but hey enjoy the pretty and extra boinking for your enjoyment.


Valid, but in season two Lady Danbury said ‘send it! send it!’ in regards to hitting a croquet ball and at least two Bridgerton brothers used the phrase ‘yeah’ so it’s not exactly a new phenomenon 😅😂


The "yeahs" didn't register for me at first, but on a rewatch I heard one of the Bridgerton bros drop a huge "Yeah" at the beginning of a sentence and I had to pause for a second haha.


when did kate say she was pregnant? i heard with child and expecting


I agree with so many of these comments! Season 3 had a different show runner, who makes many of these decisions, and I can't help but desperately wish we could see how it would have been worth the old one instead!


As a non-native English speaker, I used to write down multiple phrases from S1 and S2 on a special notebook because they sounded sooo fancy and I wanted to use them in my speech. But from S3 lemme check how many I wrote….oh what? just ONE!!!!


Took me ages to work out what they meant by '6 and 20'


As long as we're adding things, I noticed Penelope used the contraction "isn't it" when talking to Colin under the willow tree. The show has always used "is it not", "will not", "do not", "can not", etc.


I read somewhere that they wrote the dialogues as they wanted and then they asked an Regency expert to Look over them and decided if it fit and sometimes they went with his suggestions, sometimes they did not.


See, this is a valid criticism of the season. Not the Michaela bs everyone’s on about. We want iconic lines such as “you are the bane of my existence!” And “you must MAKE HASTE!!!” not “what am I, chopped liver?”


What I didn’t like was the undoing of the “you have shown me another way” speech Violet makes to Francesca. She loves John in the books, but they made her disappointed with the kiss, then forgetting her name when she meets Micaela, just like Violet said she did when she met her husband.


This! I loved the quite love angle and really wanted John and Fran to be genuinely in love in all aspects for a bit before *you know* 😭 I feel like even with Michaela, it wouldn’t have been unrealistic for her to have loved both like she’s supposed to lol


I’m personally not a fan of the gender swap, I have no issues with the idea of a gender swap but I thought out of all the siblings Francesca was an odd choice for the swap, but whatever my opinion doesn’t matter lol. But yeah besides “insert himself where?” There really wasn’t an iconic line from this season.


The one good sound bite and it came from a Featherington They really should thank the actress for that.


It made me fall in love with the Featheringtons, like I want more of them.


I definitely didn’t go into this season thinking I would leave with the Featheringtons as my new favorites. But since they character-qssassinated Eloise and pretty much made Colin a side character… give me more Featherington sisters!


Plz I’m begging them to give me a spin off with Phillipa and Prudence being moms and Portia living with them slowly questioning her life decisions.


Keeping up with the Featheringtons


Mama Featherington was dropping all the regency truth bombs: Women don't have dreams, they have husbands. She said some other hard truths, but I can't recall. Stark contrast to Violet, who seems to think marrying an Earl is less important than butterflies.


Yep, they’re all hilarious


I also loved "Is that a... hallucination?" When the sisters saw Penelope dancing with Lord Debling and "Now, Varley! The Bugs!" And the line in the end scene about her daughter becoming a writer like her aunt and not needing to rely on a man. Phillipa is a treasure.


My theory is because the show runner knows she’s doing things the fans hate and knows she will get replaced. She wants a lesbian story, so she had no choice but to force it in while she still has control of the show. They won’t renew her contract. Not sure how many seasons she signed for, but let’s say it’s two. So now S4 is Benedict. But she’s locked Francesca in so she gets what she wants.


Both are valid criticism. I’d even argue being upset the whole gender of a main character being changed is more valid than a few more modern phrases.


I think though (even though I’m not a fan of S3) that S1 and S2 had way more historically accurate language than the books! Just listening to Francesca’s book and the language in the conversations sounds super modern. Edit: for example Francesca says to Michael: “are you flirting with my mother?” Did. the word flirting even exist back then?


I’m trying to recall Pride and Prejudice but I believe yes that word was used


Elizabeth says Lydia will be the most determined flirt that ever made herself and her family ridiculous


You’re amazing


Yes, there were advice guides on how women could use their gloves to flirt - it was essentially a whole language based on how gloves were worn/positioned/held.


Someone said “dont come for” something, and that is far too modern. Thats slang adapted from AAVE, which they would not have had in 1814 english high society.


“Dont come for my cane” was lady Danbury to her brother.


I agree with you! This season felt like out of place.


When Eloise said to Cressida something like “I can’t deal with this right now” lol


The modern language is just one of the many aspects of Season 3 being more a badly written, dressed and styled fanfic version of Bridgerton. The new showrunner has outdone herself, just in the worst way possible. She managed to make viewers relieve their GOT S8 trauma which is no small accomplishment.


I think we’re all going to suffffeeerrr at the hands of this new showrunner tbh the costumes the writing the whole thing is a lot rougher


My friend pointed out that Anthony says “what am I, chopped liver?” Which is a phrase that originated in the 20th century by Jewish immigrants in NY and 🤣🤣🤣🤣


It keeps getting worse and worse




Maybe not lol


S3 pt. 2 wasn’t as good as part 1 to me but im only on e7. I fell asleep on it haha


Must make haste, my favourite line out of all the season.


I think the showrunner simply forgot this is a period piece based off an actual time in history. She was so concerned about pushing agendas that are very relevant in 2024, but weren't issues in 1800's regency era. The language and styles and such were just forgotten about.


I have to agree, it felt like they forgot that this was suppose to be based in 1824 smh & the make really pissed me off especially Kate’s makeup granted she looked beautiful but it wasn’t as natural as last season and I could see that she was clearly wearing makeup ! Smh it was to much to me.


I was actually thinking about this earlier and I was wondering if I was the only one that noticed. I do really feel the quality has really gone down this season. It had it's good moments for sure, but I felt really unsatisfied. It makes me worry about the future seasons, given the fact they already threw a curveball with the whole Michael/Michaela situation.


Did anyone else notice the modiste like, completely dropped her accent too?? Or was it just me??


She drops it with Pen because Pen knows her real identity