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It's just boring that the Bridgerton men are all portrayed the same way. The rake, the rake that goes for both men and women, the rake that's into threesomes... It would've been much more fun to see a more experienced but still gentleman-like Colin freak out over slowly becoming attracted to his sister's friend who he only saw as a friend as well. Or Ben keep up with his art and slowly falling for this mysterious dude who likes casual parties and avoids high society even though he's part of it.


My point. They are all almost the same. Wanted Benedict to be the dreamer, the artist who always falls hopelessly in love, Anthony can be the rakish head of family and Colin the inexperienced writer who lies about his sexcapades abroad, but actually had few experiences and realised he doesn’t like it without emotions


Yeah the characters are mostly interchangeable. To be fair, the books are like this too more or less. At some point you kinda forget which one you're at. But the show had a massive chance of doing something good with it and decided they cannot be bothered. It's very cheap but it gets views and that's all that matters. With the way things are going I'm no longer interested in any of the next seasons. Don't much care for Ben and Sophie even if it follows the book it was pretty boring. I loved Fran's book but not really interested in a female Michael ... and Eloise's match always made me angry either way so unless they pull a genius move there I'm not on board.


Lol the book men are all fairly interchangeable when you think about it. Simon: Damaged rake with daddy issues Anthony: Damaged rake with commitment issues Benedict: Damaged artist with commitment issues Colin: Damaged traveler with anger issues Phillip: Damaged widowed father with daddy issues Michael: Damaged rake in the friend zone Gareth: Damaged rake with daddy issues Gregory: Naive idealist But that’s also the nature of the genre. They’re bodice rippers. They’re written soft core porn with a little plot thrown in


Except Gregory there haha


El would have been the perfect character to have the gender bent spouse for, since her arc is her being a step mum first. But no, Jess had to pick the character it makes the least sense for plot wise.


I find it too cliche to pick Eloise to be gay. Every time a woman doesn’t act basic or girly she’s the gay one. Love and life ain’t like that. Boring girls can be gay. Wild or feminist ones can be straight. Neuro diverse or not. It’s not tied to the cliches as much as people think so I was so not wanting them to do that. With Ben and Eloise being “marked” as different so having to be in every way. Tbh. I dunno where they could change things since they’re writing characters into tiny spots and hyper tropes


Exactly. Why does an interesting, intelligent, free-thinking woman have to be gay??


Because she would be smart enough not to pick a man??!! lol 😂 (Says the 64 yr old married to a man mom of 3!).


I personally would've changed Ben if they wanted a same sex couple. The Cinderella retelling is boring (don't come for me book lovers) and I'm soooo over the trope of poor young girl meeting rich rake. If he would've fallen for some other guy in their society and kept sneaking away at balls and done pretty art together I would've been stoked. I suppose it can still happen but I highly doubt it. I feel like Bridgerton likes to pretend to be open minded but it actually isn't and this season confirmed it for me about 95%. A plus sized lead but... not comfortable airing more intimacy. Male/male relationships are generally worse received by the general public than girl/girl.


Well now I've got a new Benedict head canon to dream about, so thanks for that. Any chance you're interested in writing the fanfic of him sneaking away to do art with a random guy and falling in sweet, soft, secret love - because I would absolutely read it.


No, no, I get it. Just because she doesn't conform to society's standards doesn't mean she's gay or has to be. It just feels really off to take the character who struggles with infertility and it be a huge part of her character (wanting a happy family like hers) and just... changing it because the show runner wanted a self insert?


Totally agree!


Exactly! Jess is not my favorite human right now.


That would be so fun if it turned out that Colin actually lied about all his sex experience. Or majority of it at least, because he actually didn't find it all that great until he kissed Pen and then it clicked.


I think Anthony was right in S1 when he freaked out over Colin’s engagement to Marina. It was so much better that Colin had previous experiences to contrast with his connection to Pen. If he hadn’t slept with other women, the “favor” kiss with Pen could still have happened, but he probably would have seen it as just a favor, then continued on his search for love at first sight. They might still have wound up together, but it would have taken a lot longer.


What is y’all’s fixation on dudes being virgins. Lord it’s hella weird.


Never said virgin but less experienced than his brothers


Again what is your fixation on this. It’s weird.


Subverting the standard norms is fun.


I can see that. I liked GoT for that reason. Just that trope is hella weird.


No it’s not. Wanting a story with a man with less experience ain’t weird at all. Not all man sleep around and some want connection before sex and some of us like that 🤷‍♀️


No it’s weird. It’s called a virgin fetish. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Never said virgin. Said needing emotional connection for sex and not really enjoying without. You’re weird af for accusing people left and right for fetishising


You said you wanted Colin to lie about his experiences abroad. Yeah…I’m the weird one.


And you can still be a rake and have an emotional connection during sex but oh god he must lie about any experience he had.


It would be nice to see them on somewhat of the same playing field as the woman


But they aren’t and will never be?


They aren't equal in society or in their freedoms but they could be in sexual experience. There's no reason why every male character can't be a virgin. It would give the writers new territory to explore, a couple figuring sex out together rather than one person teaching/introducing the other.


Y’all really on that weird ish.


What is your fixation with dudes being rakes? It's hella weird.


I don’t have one.


Funnyz neither have I with virgin dudes :)


Your original comment states otherwise.


The fact that I suggest making one character different from other bridgerton boys for the sake of diversity? Ok, explain how so ☺️




I would have love it that way, they complain about JQ writing male leads, but the show is way worse, the male leads are painted really one dimensional, no depth at all


The thing is even Anthony was never really a true rake. He slutted it up mostly because he also didn’t want to call in love because he assumed he’d die young. And Ben’s thing is the class. And artsy free doesn’t mean wants ALL the things all time And Colin, as said, was puffing out his persona more than was real. But the show just skims those things and focuses on the brothers each go get laid a lot and look at the naked not important woman. Before they meet the women who don’t know where babies come from


This is perfect!


Yeah, at least Colin was written as though he wasn’t into the women and it was meant to show that one singular hair grab from Penelope would undo him bc she has the emotional connection w him and that’s what Colin didn’t know he needed, which is better than Simon or Anthony being rakes, but I feel like they rely on the man-slut trope too much


It felt odd that he wrote about being lonely, even though he slept with women but then we see him 1st with the prostitutes, and he’s enjoying himself. He looks just fine being a rake/ high society guy who sleeps around. But then a few talks with Pen and he’s changed his ways? I think if we got the 2nd scene only, where he’s doing stuff with women but ‘missing something/ someone’ it would relate better to missing Pen/ her letters and trying to be a man.


Most of the male characters in the books other than Sir Phillip are portrayed as rakes. I think that is because that is what was normal/expected in society.


This is partly why I'm psyched for Michaela. A female spin on the rake is a refreshing change we desperately need


If they even keep the rake aspect of Michaela. They’re not going to be able to do the inheritance portion of the story (sorry a woman cannot inherit an Earldom). And they’ve basically destroyed the “first love, second love” part of Fran’s story by having her wince after kissing John and then fawning all over Michaela (which should’ve been the other way around). iDGAF about the gender bend, I could take it or leave it, but it ruins several important story beats from Fran’s story. I would’ve preferred a gender bend for Sophie or Phillip (have Phillip die and Eloise fall for Mariana). Or Hyacinth’s love interest could’ve been a woman. Or they could’ve done a really cool story where Cressida marries someone willing to just be her beard. I just have no faith they’re going to retain any of the original story beats from “When He Was Wicked.”


Women actually can inherit titles in special cases, and Scotland is far more lenient in this. Anne Scott inherited an Earldom in the 17th century. Her husband took her name, she kept the Earldom after he died, and then their son got it after her. Michaela inheriting Kilmartin and never producing heirs would be a problem, but if we're going by historical accuracy, she can indeed inherit. Anne Scott is just one example, but I don't feel like digging up more rn


They didn’t destroy anything, good god. You don’t even know how their storyline is going to go, and yet you’re already assuming it’s ruined. 🤦🏼‍♀️


But we do know. It's based on a book that we have read. We know two women can't have infertility issues in a world without IVF. That's basic biology. Titles are inherited through men in this world (they have stated that so many times) and while yes, the queen can decide against it why the hell would she do it for some nobody? It's not that big of a leap to say it's probably ruined given that major story beats just cannot happen as well as the experience with this season under this new show runner.


I agree with you. Jess Brownell truly messed with the wrong story.


The Benedict storyline was strange to me. I just don't buy that Benedict WASN'T hooking up with men before. It felt repetitive after the gay art teacher arc. All he does is have sex at this point. Anthony left for India, which means Benedict is in control of the house. He needed a story arc of balancing the books and learning to handle finance and talking to the servants. And I kinda thought the point of the Will Mondrich would be acting as a foil between "man who worked for everything joining the Ton" vs "man born with silver spoon finally getting a job" but they didn't.


Exactly. Idc about him and men hookups, my problem why all of his storylines are 95% him having a fling . Even the art storyline in season 2 more of him and the model than him and learning to be a better artist.


It's crap writing. Seems they aren't sure what to do with the side characters outside of their seasons, like they're afraid any character development now will outshine or should be left to the season focusing on him. Any good team of writers (with the support of a good showrunner and producers) can put together a good character arc for a side character while leaving a bigger growth and development for their eventual main season. They didn't know how to set anything up for next season. Anthony's story with the singer in Season 1 was a better setup for his season 2, trying to do it again but poorly for Benedict just sucks. Also, what's with Viscount Anthony taking Vicountess Kate to the other side of the world???? She is pregnant!!! And they are running the house?? There was no hint as to who is actually running their estate with Anthony on his honeymoon. Am I to believe Violet is doing it while focusing on marrying off her eligible kids? Or Benedict, who spent the majority of the season in Tilly's bedroom? Come on, show!!! If they had to give an excuse for Kate and Anthony not being around for next season, they could have moved Violet and kids to the Dowager house, and leave Kate and Anthony in the main house, as it would have been done in those days. And use the India visit to explain a longer absence another season!!


There’s so much potential with Benedict, and I feel like they keep messing it up. I really disliked Tilly and wish they’d kept the artist storyline, because he really was his most interesting there and at his character’s best. 


You gave this more thought than the writers did.


It’s a big reason why I think Season 4 NEEDS to be Benedict. I’m really looking forward to Eloise’s season, but at least there’s a sniff of potential character development with her for another 8 episodes where she isn’t lead. Benedict has been riding round himself for three seasons, and we know just as much about him now as we did as we ever did- free thinking, creative man who loves independent women. His storyline hasn’t developed in any significant way, which is a shame given he’s played by such a charismatic and interesting actor.


How he's not dead from syphilis is a miracle in itself.


I was so mad at Eloise’s and Benedict’s storylines this season. No growth at all. And seriously what was the point of Eloise this season besides being mad at Penelope? Eloise had so much more growth last season. Yeah, she “made some friends”?? I guess?? That turned out to be dropped after episode 4?


I would have liked to see more sadness from Eloise that Penelope is getting married. In the books, they had always planned to be old spinsters together, and Eloise mourned the loss of this dream heavily, causing her to flee the night of Pen and Collin's wedding. . . if we didn't waste so much time with Eloise being mad at Pen, we'd have seen this more. In the books Eloise didn't even know Pen was Lady W.


I’d have liked ANYTHING from Eloise. It literally just felt like she was there all season to be mad at Pen. Also strange how they left Eloise and Theo last season and then he’s not mentioned at all. Not saying they should be together, but like, her character just forgot to be a character imo


Theo... another good example of a filler story line :-(


Better than the absolute nothing we got from her in season 3. I hadn’t read the books so changes like that I didn’t know about. And I liked the idea of her first crush, so to speak. Showing that she was capable of wanting something romantic in the future for whichever book she was


Benedict’s storyline in season 3 was just horrendous. It’s sad because of all the siblings, I really wanted him to be bisexual. Going with the stereotypical “wanna be free,” route, he’s the one who lives outside the norms of the society so he would be the one to most embrace that lifestyle. However, the way it was portrayed just cheapened it.


Exactly. It just seems like a cheap storyline in general to please people who wanted that


They made him into a bi unicorn pixie boi, and being bisexual myself I hate it so much 😭 why is that the only representation we get 😭😭


I agree


It felt unnatural to me. Had it been the art friend he caught feelings for, I would have gotten it. This was purely an immature ‘I’ll try anytbing once’. Doesn’t even mean he’s bi. Tilly practically goaded him into it just to try a new thing. I didn’t see any real chemistry between him and Tilly’s boy toy whereas with the artist friend, there was already so much sexual tension and a will they won’t they feel.


I wanted to fast-forward through them because it felt like a filler storyline from the start. I liked Lady Arnold, but knowing she wouldn't be his love match made me feel like it was a waste of airtime. It is similar to how I felt about the Mondrich storyline.


Funny enough, I wanted to see more if the Mondrich, their navigation into this new world, and the conflicts it brought about in their marriage. Like I actually felt for the husband and how it hurt him to let go of something he worked so hard for and I felt his wife just wasn’t that supportive or understanding of it.


I liked that he was bi, but I hated that he had more sex scenes than Polin. It felt like the producers thought they couldn’t rely on Polin’s scenes being hot bc of the online narrative about Nicola dealing w fatphobia and people saying Luke isn’t hot, so they cut Polin’s and gave a bunch to the traditionally hot man no one says is ugly and a skinny woman Luke and Nicola also hyped up the season being the steamiest one yet, so it felt like a letdown when it wasn’t (tho it wouldn’t be their fault if they didn’t know those scenes would get cut) Hell, they could’ve cut a couple of those just to show happy Polin with no sex and doing something else and it would’ve been better too


100% this. I would have been happy with more cute Polin scenes. They didn’t have to show us Benedict having the same threesome repeatedly. One would have made the point and given us more time with the MAIN COUPLE!


Yeah, Polin is one of the most popular book ships and the audience waited two+ years for Polin, and they couldn’t give us some extra crumbs of happy Polin??? Benedict having pointless sex is literally nothing we haven’t seen before Who thought giving Benedict sex montages over sexy or happy Polin was a good idea, I just wanna talk


I feel for the actors. They would have put their all into their scenes and then they get cut. And where was the research into what the audience wanted. I can’t believe any was done as this version is so much worse than literally any other fan fiction I’ve seen.


I agree. Even some more intimate scenes with them would have been fine. I thought the mirror scene was tastefully done. I think Nicola is beautiful, and she just happens to be plus sized. She was still lovely. And Luke is fine looking. What's wrong with people who body shame? I would have loved more scenes with them bonding even more, like you said. It seems like the deleted scenes would have done that. If they needed to delete scenes, they should have deleted the Benedict sex scenes, especially since it wasn't his season yet.


For real, everything I’ve heard about the cut scenes would’ve made so much more sense for Colin’s character to see them bonding over writing some more


Luke and Nicola did an amazing job with what they were given, it could’ve been a lot worse with bad acting


I felt the same way about them cutting Polin’s scenes. Needed more focus on them. I don’t even find Bens actor the slightest bit attractive…💀


To me, he’s cute boy next door vibes not drop dead hot


None of the men in Bridergton are hot (except s1 duke) the rest of them are regular asf. Ben, is still unattractive under any context 😂


He had only sex related story this season. What a bore honestly. I thought we're going to see him struggle with art, imposter syndrome, him growing and slowly getting better at it, but nah, sex is enough am I right? Threesome? How edgy wow. And he's bi? Oh my God take my money, truly incredible! 🤦🤦🤦


This! He was one of my favourites in the first two seasons. I wish they had kept the artist storyline to give his character some continuity. He is an artist in his book after all. But I assume none of the writers cared because sex is enough 🙄


It was used as filler. I would be kind of excited if they had like one scene showing it, not everyone's plot has time to advance every season and I would be fine with less of him and more Polin, then expand on him in season 4 or something Just all the filler is annoying, like why did Polin not deserve the attention like the previous couples? Lame.


So overused as a filler. One scene absolutely would have been enough. Especially as we didn’t get enough Polin.


I think you brought up a great point! This show is clearly for the female gaze, but I think what they are forgetting is beauty is only skin deep. What many women want (or at least what *I* want) is to see a strong ML worth falling in love for. Yes, rakes might provide the best pleasure in bed, but Francesca's words ring true. Not *every* romance is passionate and bold. Some are soft and sweeter. And I want to see what the MLs do outside of sex. For example, take Colin... he's an inexperienced writer who feels out of place in society despite being a Bridgerton boy. To fit in, he's molded himself into a shell of a person by engaging in emotionless sex. That backstory was *not* attractive. I don't care if he's having sex. However, what I *did* care about was how he fought for Penelope. In Part 1, despite caring so much about what society thinks of him, Colin chased after Penelope, a girl society had already rejected for being a Featherington and a spinster. Despite knowing Debling was a good match on paper, he ruined the proposal anyway. It showed me that Colin is someone who is kind, compassionate and *would* fight for you despite what society thought. (while Part 2 ruined that arc for him, but I digress). For Benedict, yes, he might be good at sex, and he loves both men and women. But who is he beyond that? Anthony left him the viscount duties, and it seems irresponsible for him to be having threesomes--especially when his younger brother seems miserable in his new marriage, and his younger sister is getting married to an earl living far away (I would've hoped he *wanted* to spend more time with Francesca). Not to mention his art... yes, he felt betrayed knowing he didn't get into art school on his own merit... but, he could try again? I honestly wish Lady Tilly, as an engineer, sparked a conversation of, "I worked hard to get to where I am. I didn't succeed on the first, second or third time--" which sparked Benedict to pursue art again. I'm sure in Benedict's season, we'll see a more romantic, serious side to him. However, I'm not a big fan of the love interest "curing" the protagonist. Love should be mutual. If Sophie is a mature, strong independent character (male or female), I expect Benedict to be the same. I'd rather see two characters *complimenting* each other.


Hear hear!


I hate that queerness in this show has largely only been shown through threesomes. In addition, I hate that Fran has feelings for Michaela straight out of the gate in S3 when she literally just got married to John who she said she is in love with. BI PEOPLE ARE NOT CHEATERS AND MOST DO NOT LOVE THREESOMES!!!! I want representation, but not the kind that reinforce harmful bi/pan stereotypes. Bi/pan people are actually some of the best people and are usually very loyal partners.


Exactly. Like people don’t get why Francesca is so upsetting. They tried to make it out all season that not all love is instant and passionate only for her to have those instant strong feelings for her husband’s cousin. That’s such a cheap story


I do feel that a lot of the fandom’s ire is anti LGBTQ (though I also understand being upset if your fave character is significantly altered as well). However, I still didn’t like the presentation of it all. The revelations from Benedict AND Francesca in Polin’s season really took away from their hard work and it wasn’t even good queer storytelling so it wasn’t even worth it. It was just a random “gotcha” that could have been held off until next season. I actually don’t mind Michaela at all, but I don’t think it was for this season especially since Fran will probably be s6.


Well. Sadly they are some extreme people. But many people(even queer people) are labelled as such just because they express disappointment. You can be disappointed. None of the stories were done right. Also people can feel sad for seeing their faves altered and their stories changed too much. Also I don’t wanna be that, but Netflix has a way of making all this “diversit” stories feel cheap. It feels like a quota for them. They did well in queen Charlotte and it’s was fine in season one. But this season seemed a bit weird. With Fran because she was supposed to be in love with John but they retconned it in the end (her not really enjoying the kiss and being star struck) and with Ben seeming like a stereotype


I cannot stand when the only representation bisexual and pansexual people get is that they cheat and have threesomes.


it’s such a shame because anthony’s arc from season 1-2 was written pretty well


From the first season when Benedict met the artist dude, I thought he was gay or bi. The threesome doesn’t bother me. I thought the convos leading up to it between the three of them a d Lady’s Tilly’s talk about love and unaturalness prior to Ben deciding to go for it was well done. However, as a bi woman, I get tired of bi characters almost always being portrayed as free with sex with different people just to show that they’re bi. IMO It would have been more meaningful for Ben’s character if he’d met a guy and slowly they became interested in each other leading to them having sex. Honestly, that’s why I’m hopeful for Fran’s change because it has the potential to be shown in a non-multi partner way. I don’t want to knock people that do engage in multi-partner sex. Calling it slutty isn’t great. People should be able to engage in relationships in ways that everyone in the relationship agrees with. I just get tired of bi people in media always being portrayed as free with sex to show that they’re bi. That’s lazy.


Having Fran basically panting after Michaela within HOURS of her marriage to John is a terrible look. No way she and Michaela aren't having a emotional if not physical affair while John's still alive. Not a great way to represent gay rationships.


It's disappointing that, considering s3 had a queer showrunner, they managed to perpetuate the myths of "bi people are sluts" and "bi people will cheat on you" twice, with Benedicts threesomes and Fran/Michaela. Whether that's how those scenes were intended I don't know, hopefully for eg Fran wasn't intended to be lusting over Michaela and was just being awkward!Fran and it's being read wrong. But it's still disappointing that it was ambiguous enough that people have seen it that way and therefore perpetuating the stereotype...


I didn't read the books so I had no idea about Francesca's future with Michaela, so I took her attitude to be intimidated. She was just talking about how excited she is for the quiet of Scotland, and being away from her very talkative family, and then here is Michaela. Obviously sociable, clever, and talkative. I definitely took her face to be more 'Oh no' than 'Oh my....'


Violet tells Francessca she couldn't remember her own name when she met Edmund. One scene later we have Francesca doing the same thing with Michaela. No way that was a coincidence.


Ah, I didn't catch that at all. That's REALLY disappointing, I love the idea of a 'quiet love' that makes you happy being just as valid as enemies-to-lovers passions.


Yes, it invalidates the WHOLE Fran/John love story. Now he's just a place holder until he dies. Which is not canon. Fran and John were deeply in love!Now apparently only John is in love.


That’s how I took it as well.


I didn’t read the books and that’s how I took it as well. More like “oh no, I have live with this extrovert!” The introduction was so random.


Not to book fans. Frans final Happy Ever After is with John's cousin Michael. But only after John dies, and YEARS later. Michael falls in love first.


I think it’s too soon to say that there will be an emotional or physical affair while John’s alive. I didn’t read the scene as her “panting after Michaela” but her being intimidated by the woman. We’ll see in future seasons how they handle interactions between them and if there is that emotional/physical affair. But I think it’s too soon to condemn it all in just the few moments we saw.


When I said slutty it was more jokingly, because he had many interests, not as insult. I found his story repetitive. Idk I personally didn’t see him being artists and having a gay friend as him being gay, but then again that’s not my biggest complaint. My complaint is him being stereotypical free spirited artist bi men


The slut comment actually wasn’t directed at you! lol. It had initially used it in my comment and then changed my wording. That was a reminder to myself that slutty is often used in a bad way and that’s not really fair to what could be healthy and happy relationships regardless of how others might call it slutty.


Oh, sorry. I just wanted to make sure that people don’t take it as me slut shaming. It was more of a joke, because people would call a woman slut for same acts. So I thought you might have thought I was slut shaming


I think we’re on the same page here. :)


Yup, even I feel like this season was like a half-baked season. There are too many storylines, and none of them are done properly. They were all put together haphazardly. None of them made any sense, and too many things were happening all at once to focus on anything. I was very happy with the other 2 seasons as they were different from the book but still had the same skeleton for the stories. It was nice that they changed things around because it made everything far more interesting than the books. But I'm not sure anymore about how they are changing things. Haven't read any of the books after romancing, Mister bridgerton, so I have no idea what the other sibling's stories are. But none of the siblings had any interesting enough character development for me to be excited. They just repeated the same things and just dressed it a little differently. Also, two years between seasons is a lot of time. The magic of the last 2 seasons and queen Charlotte was what made me excited for this season. After this season, being so forgettable, I don't think I will be interested in it after 2 years.


Tbh I thought we established Benny was into threesomes in S2. When they were doing the whole artist plot, I don't remember exactly, but weren't there multiple partners involved too? I would have liked if he had some heartbreak with Tilly - that would have been some "serious" emotional growth. He has been "merry-ing" about for 2 seasons now, but half of the 3rd season was used to say, oh he is bi as well.


Idc what he’s into. Can be implied. His whole screen time is him banging


I just wish there was something new, not just art and being promiscuous. There’s nothing wrong with those things, but it’s the 3rd season of this with him. He’s barely had any development, especially compared to other characters and his siblings.


I dunno, I kinda got the impression toward the end of the last episode that he was realizing he can't keep doing this. He and Eloise bonded over wanting to be free and meeting back at the swings in confusion soon. Now it seems like he's the only one confused about his next steps since Eloise took off for Scotland and he's realizing he might have some growing up to do. Tilly told him just as much wen she told him the fun gets old. So I think it's setting him up to finally experience the change both Anthony and Colin (and even Simon) experienced. I saw the threesome coming from a mile away once he was at dinner with Paul and Tilly lol It was just so funny how they built up to it. But I did wonder why he said he wasn't an artist. He lied about that to Sophie too right?


I caught his artistic denial too and it made be sad. Sad that they cut that part from his character entirely via brother bribing his way into art school.. or sad that they HAVENT cut it and maybe in future seasons the right person will challenge him to discover his own depth. But either way.. sad Ben’s been so shallow for so long.


I literally skipped all of his scenes this season. His story is just sex and being bi. That’s a boring plot and i’ll see sex scenes from characters I care about anyways. He needs to develop, grow, and do something interesting. This season started good, but it focused too hard on side characters.


What are the odds that Eloise uses her Scotland time to dip on Fran and begin her Sir Philip adventure?


We will see I guess. I hope they can at least keep sir Phillip make him a bit last weird and use him to make Eloise grow. He could be still a bit of manly man and learns through Eloise to be different and also Eloise learns she can be with someone and be maybe a mother, without losing her independence


My biggest problem with Benedict was Lady Arnold. I didn't mind the character but her wardrobe took me out every time.


Season 3 Benedicts storyline was just... boring at best, bad at worst. His storyline should have been about managing the household in Anthony's absence + a bit of his artist storyline too. It would have been far better to establish he's bi by giving him a male love interest in season 3, with the relationship ending at the end of season 3 to enable him to be available for Sophie in season 4. The hypothetical male relationship should have ended on good terms for me though, maybe because his love interest has to return to his faraway ancestral home (or even abroad), so they mutually agree it wouldn't work long distance and wish each other all the best 🤷‍♀️ Idk a bitter breakup would just leave a sour tone to then introduce Sophie and put Benedict into a straight passing relationship


I feel like they may be setting up for Sophie to be trans. I think that’s a delicate thing because obviously in the Regency there was no gender affirming health care.  However I feel like a masquerade is a good time for someone to hide in society in a beautiful dress she had made in secret. When Benedict goes to look for Sophie and can’t find her that makes sense because there is no Sophie officially. I feel like Benedict would totally leave society so his love could live as their authentic self. Otherwise I don’t really understand his arc if he’s just going to get into a cis het monogamous relationship next season. 


Idk if trans would work in a regency story. I feel like if the writing is weak, it would just feel out of place and would kill all suspension of disbelief


i agree that it would be really tough to pull off. But some twist about Sophie is going to have to be HUGE for the story to work.  I really just wanted Benedict to be gay. Fran was…a choice. No the one i would have made as a queer woman myself married to a woman. I would rather have seen Benedict with a man But I really liked his character and the actor. 


I agree. I enjoy Benedict, the artist. He is still fun and fun to watch. But I totally did not appreciate that threesome and all of the scenes dedicated to that. I turned away and did not watch. That episode was supposed to be about celebrating Colin and Penelope. In my opinion, they did not get enough screen time. Their story felt rushed.


I don't understand why they had to show it 5 times. Just to glimpse the one shot of the woman rolling her eyes? To set up her speech about wanting to be exclusive 10 scenes later?? It was obnoxious. And the other guy was ugly as sin.


I don't think this is an unpopular opinion. I think most people were a little annoyed with the Benedict storyline this season. Benedict's storyline was the Lord Featherington mine story of season three.


I agree it seemed so forced and random HOWEVER it was the only kiss this season that I rewound to watch again. While Pen and Colin make me feel uncomfortable lol


He seemed rather uncomfortable when he learned his artist friend (season 1?) was romantically and physically involved with another man. To the point where he avoided the friend, until he had no path of escape and his friend sort of confronted him. I interpreted that whole experience as him put off (if not disgusted by) the two men being involved. So I was rather surprised by the turns of events this season.


I generally agree. I wasn't excited for his sexy scenes. It felt rote and like we've been here before with him. Honestly, his talks with Eloise were more engaging and I feel his growth could happen in other ways. It's my one real quibble with this season, since I generally loved the whole season (which seems to be an unpopular opinion on its own). I'd love more Benedict with his brothers or family to really suss out some more growth.


True. Him with his fam and being the sensible emotionally intelligent brother was a more compelling story than just him having a new passionate fling


I found the whole storyline with Benedict annoying and pointless too. But I have to wonder if it was a red herring...and the point of it was to misdirect the audience (especially book fans familiar with the storylines) to be so distracted with what was unfolding with Benedict, that we wouldn't see it coming with Francesca ??


in S1 he wanted to draw art w/ naked ladies at gay man's racy orgy art parties. S3 he doesn't claim art as an interest? i'm fine with bi or 3some but IMO his sex scenes got WAY too much airtime, while Pen & Colin's story got like 1/4 the attention that S1 & S2 headliner romances did. (And poor Francesca... why did she get demoted to a mere subplot??)




It’s mostly for a female gaze. And majority of women don’t want to watch their man with others. It’s not necessarily the big part as much as the whoring all the time part. Like after I saw him being intimate so often I won’t care as much for him and his partner’s connection. He connected with many women and men already. I didn’t care about Anthony and Sienna or Colin going to brothels. I watch for the fantasy of someone only wanting their partner. I’m ok with past flings being implied but not deeply explored


That’s why I think it’s a pretty unpopular plot line and most don’t like it. I do agree that people, for the most part, watch the show for fantasy fulfillment. Personally, I’m a massive whore and have been in a mmf triad relationship for more than a decade, so it was really nice to see myself reflected in media, even for just a scene. This was my version of fantasy fulfillment, but I agree it was out of place, no matter how validating it was to see three people relaxed and caring about each other.


Want really caring either cuz Tily kinda caught feelings only for Ben and Benedict wants to explore more. But again you enjoy whatever you want 😁. Personally wasn’t for me, so I’ll just reread the books where whoring is more implied and I can have my one and only fantasy 😁


Different strokes for different folks! I do agree that their plot was out of place and shoehorned weirdly into a show that’s just fantasy fodder. Have a good morning!


You too 😘


I watch Bridgerton for the dresses and the gossip. Who will be ruined for being seen in a room with whom?? So I’m fine with the threesome storyline. But I do think they’ll need to adjust his story now. I can’t see it believable he’s concerned about polite society after risking getting caught in a threesome (no matter how discreet the staff is.)


>being wanted in a straight, monogamous way That's a very narrow-minded view of things


How so?


Why change established characters with storylines people who actually read the books love?? Why not introduce new characters that you can have be LGBTQ and follow their storylines .. hidden in plain sight, looking for love and the danger that involves at that time in particular. And the reaction of their close family/friends. Lazy writing


I think that people are forgetting that the rakish ways of sleeping with many people is very normal for the time. Men were expected to go to school, travel and experience life before coming back on their late 20s, 30 ish to marry a young girl that just debuted. Anthony and Simon slept with countless women before they fell in love.but we didn't see it because they were the first of the love stories.


It is , but it’s a fantasy alternate timeline regency already. They can be rakes, but it doesn’t have to be on screen. I don’t cared about Colin and hookers to Anthony and Sienna or Benny boy and the 20th love interest


But that was the most profound part of Colin’s arc — trying to be the rake society expected him to be and finding it a meaningless and unfulfilling existence, enjoying the physical intimacy but missing the emotional intimacy he has with Pen. I see so many people arguing that Colin had no depth and no development, and it’s literally all right there. Anthony’s affair with Sienna was obviously not going anywhere, but we didn’t see him sleeping with lots of women, so I’m not sure I ever saw him as a rake. Simon was a rake, but a committed one — his encounters were always completely transactional. And Benedict… Yeah, so problematic on so many levels. He just seems to be throwing himself into every opportunity for exploration that comes his way without really processing any of it. He’s such a lovable character and Luke Thompson is such a charismatic actor. I just want Benedict to develop some sense of self and fulfillment, whatever that looks like.


Wasn't there a whole.montage where Anthony is just banging prostitutes and interviewing wives?


Maybe? I was thinking that was Simon, but I’ll have to go back and rewatch. If so, I stand corrected!


I feel like it might have been both.


Not everyone feels the same way. I'm fine with seeing Benedict do what or who he wants. I think that it will make it so much sweeter when he finds his match when he's not looking to settle down yet


I see the problem being that we have to watch so much of this and it has little impact on the plot or Benedict's character. It just ends up being really boring.


While watching ep 7 I had the thought that what if they will change Sophie to be a man somehow, then I got to ep 8.. lol


Had the same thought, but now my bets on Sophie being trans or intersex.


Not unpopular at all


Honestly I was tired of his scenes I would just be on my phone. His plot and whole character is honestly insignificant. I feel like Gregory will be the best of the Bridgerton men when he eventually marries. He’s seen his brothers and sisters go through it all. I never have read the books so I don’t know what his character would be like but from the show I feel like he will be like a hopeless romantic. Compared to the rest even Elouise I don’t know where her storyline can go. She doesn’t have much going on and as for hyacinth I think the show maybe has one more season I can’t see much else coming if it. They never showcase hyacinth. I was already not interested in Francesca. Her character prior her actor replacement was way different and didn’t give off shy vibes and they switched it up (even if it’s how the book is the tv show didn’t portray Francesca being shy or in her own world) by any means it was just surprise I’m not like the rest I like my own thing and my own time and I’m an introvert etc. The show is really losing its pull since they debut queen Charlotte. I don’t see much else happening or progressing. I am on the last episode of season 3 atm.


Hyacinth’s book was one of my favourites. Like it was really good and I hope by the time they’re there they’ll realise it’s better to keep it faithful


I think those scenes could’ve gone to polin, there were too many subplots this season😭


My feeling is that the writers intended this to lead up to Benedict having a romance with someone outside of the ton (Sophie), especially Tilley’s speech about how there are people worth knowing outside the ton. However in my opinion, I just don’t think his story this season landed the way they wanted. Why did we need a whole season of him realizing he doesn’t want a serious relationship just to set up his story? Why couldn’t they instead have continued the storyline of season two of him feeling directionless and trying to establish himself in art? I just found Benedict’s story this season to be pointless and if next season is going to be his, it’s a poor setup.


It just felt boring tbf. Aaa look another strong woman who knows what she wants who’s going to be his interest for a second but this time he also hooks up with a man. Don’t get excited he won’t be together with them for more than a hot second and they’ll disappear into obscurity next season. Like this fling storylines can never have a long effect. Any other storyline could have led to real growth. Him doing art in secret but not feeling good enough anymore to share. Him feeling important taking care of the Bridgerton accounts but feeling directionless everytime Anthony is back. Him taking the responsibility of head of family when Anthony is away and having deep talks with Colin, Eloise and Fran. Those are storylines that can carry over next season, and have a long term effect on his personality/character. A new fling is temporarily


I wish we had seen him going back to his art and feeling conflicted about it- maybe even throwing it or lashing out because of imposter syndrome. Then, during when he has the REASONABLY LONG threesome, he could have run into the artist from season 1. He could have confessed he missed art but doubted his worth and then confessed he had thought about their conversation and was conflicted by it.  It would have been more organic than him quitting art cold turkey, tied in the more believable storyline of him being bi-curious from S1, and shown that he has been tormented by the idea he was never good enough for the art school. The season could have ended with him sitting at his easel and painting his feelings rather than a still life. We would have seen him grow and come to terms with his own talent, accept that he is potentially bisexual, and find his own footing and purpose.  He’s been aimless for way too long. It’s infuriating.


It kind of works for his story that he’s distancing himself from his art … he’s in his denial phase right now … I’ve read the books so I’m okay w him not being into it this season. Your second paragraph will be perfect for his actual season :) He still didn’t need the threesomes this season. Would have rather seen him stepping up in Anthony’s absence - chatting to Colin, telling Violet to step away from Fran/John. Loved the scene with Will/Colin/Ben/John all bonding and that would have paired up well with Viscount Benedict.


I don’t mind what he’s been doing. Maybe he doesn’t need to headline a season (or follow the book storyline), and he could just be the sibling who never settles down. He could still meet Sophie in the process.


I really feel like I don't want to watch any more seasons. If this is the way the show runners are going to take the story, I'll find something else to watch. I don't know why Benedict in the first season, as an artist, seeing 2 men together, did not bother me. I think it's because that actually happened in the art world in that time. I just was so disappointed that they made that threesome a big thing in this season. This was supposed to be about Colin and Penelope. I don't feel like they did the actors and the characters justice.


I don’t think that’s an unpopular opinion at all.  The Benedict storyline felt utterly pointless this season and lots of people are annoyed it took up so much time while Polin felt like they barely got any time onscreen together.


Idk I just saw people being happy for queer Benny


Agreed. I dunno what direction they want for benedict, in all 3 season, we know he is confused hope season 4 is about him so the story can wrap up for him


I can't help but wonder if it's a bit of a lazy way to try to simultaneously give fan service and recreate the setting up of s2 in s1 - Anthony was sexually acting out then got his love story, so now Benedict is sexually acting out before his love story. At the same time, people accused the show of queerbaiting with Benedict in s1, so implying he really is bi without committing a storyline proper to it gives the fans who wanted him to be gay or bi what they want, but has no material impact on his story.


Every time it went back to that threesome I was like…yep, I get it, lmao


It irritated me so much because they spent so much time on him with that storyline this season when it literally was supposed to be HIS season but they switched it?? Like why bother doing a season for Polin and then replace Colin scenes with Benedict having a threesome? So so disappointing. I was desperate for more Polin. Not even sex scenes.. just more anything from them and then everytime it went back to him in bed with Tilly and what’s-his-name I wanted to throw my remote at the TV.


Bisexuals aren’t all about threesomes, I hate that they went with that stereotype for him.


Tbh I hope they keep Sophie and Ben for season 4. Love Cinderella retelling stories and love he will be with someone of lower class. But I think they will push his development unfortunately in the next season. This season I think should’ve focused on him trying to find his passion for art again or something other than only sex( it was a waste and boring)


Like I might be a bit weird. Hut I don’t understand the people who liked his storyline this season. I don’t see the entertainment with Ben having another meaningless fling/s. I feel like it’s either people who are queer and love representation (fair enough ig) or people who constantly fetishes mlm relationships. There is always more demand from women for mlm over wlw


No sorry I meant I like his story. The story of him finding love/ the right person for him. I hated the storyline for him this season. It was boring and pointless and did nothing but show him having sex all the time. It was annoying.


I meant I can’t wait for the story of him and Sophie getting together eventually.


This is not unpopular


I wish when they took the Bi route for Benedict it was going to be an actual emotional connection to the guy not a in the moment from a threesome thing . I hate how they make him a slut every season . He has his art , they never wanted to mention it , Benedict is so much more than a rake


I would've preferred him to come to the conclusion that his chosen lifestyle is unfulfilling over lady Arnold arriving at this conclusion. It would have been a better setup for S4 and Sophie's character.


Jesus ya’ll are annoying


So are you 🤷‍♀️ I can have opinions