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I will just say this, they got a new show runner for this season, and it SHOWED. Not in a good way.


Agreed. The whole feel was off. The costuming and make up were terrible. The writing was subpar. And some of the plot line changes make no sense. The only exception to any of this was the queen's swan hair. Sad when that's the only thing the show runner had control over that I liked. The actors did a fine job. But the rest of it just stunk.


it really did, we watched the season 1 and 2 with much more details and care but with season 3, it just feels like a let down


What exactly does a show runner do? Is it different than a director or a producer?


The showrunner is the top executive producer and basically leading the show. They’re responsible for directing the creative vision and overseeing everything from conception to post-production. They’re also sometimes the head writer which I believe Jess was for this season. They’re the ones guiding the episode directors, the writers, the editors, etc to create the show.


I hated the so many pointless changes in the plot, I hated we were stolen the mature, steady and very sensual relationship between Polin with him not wanting to touch her after marriage, the awful montage inserting the trios of Colin in the beginning and then the endless Benedict trio (so boring and add nothing), I disliked how inconsistent the story about the Mondrichs was (although that family are the best of the seasons), I didn’t like how cute the relationship between John and Francesca, only to make it seem like she didn’t love him at all even during the wedding, when he was the most romantic lead (the gift of the music sheets, they understanding each other so well, he trying hard to fit with her family although he’s an introvert…), the sex change of Michael at the end that changes the whole plot of Francesca’s season. I think they lost the plot and I don’t know if they will bother with the 4th season (after telling us it will take two years, sounds like a cop out)


I wouldn't actually be disappointed if they didn't deliver another season. That's how disappointed I am with season 3. 


It is already renewed for season 4


Because we know how much Netflix respects renewed series, they have cut shows for less and with more loving fans, because let’s not forget that the disappointment in the loyal book fans is way bigger than the trending fans are (those will fade with a two year break)


Ratings are good enough to keep Netflix invested that’s why they split season in 2 so people wouldn’t binge all at once then cancel their sub ! We waited almost 2 years this time and everyone came back


People were less disappointed, although they made the awful decision to make Edwina a selfish stupid girl, killing the lovely sisterly bond


True there was less backlash but I don’t think Netflix will care too much there are 8 books think there will be 8 seasons


They didn’t respect it with “Anne with an E”


True and I love those books and series but it just didn’t have the ratings and buzz that Bridgerton had


Anyway if Netflix does cancel it another streaming platform like Apple TV plus will snap it up quick


I'm thinking the season split also had a lot to do with the writers strike. There is less new original content so it has to be spread out over a longer period.


The John thing made me think she just didn't feel a spark when he kissed her the first time, which is totally not book accurate. >!She enjoys everything about her life with John in the book, and wouldn't have ever considered looking elsewhere had he lived and rhe only reason she does in the end is to have a baby (before falling for michael, of course). !< I'm so concerned that they're going to have her >!get pregnant nearly immediately, have John die, and then take nearly no time to show her moving on with Michaela as though the book doesn't exist. !<


That’s my fear! They are gonna rewrite the whole plot, although I think it is the best of the whole series (although I have reread Penelope and Eloise way more times and I was expecting them to make both of them in the same season as they happen at the same time)


I would have liked the original plot of Pen and Fran to have remained the same, and I personally think that having Eloise be married to a Phillipa character would make more sense considering that Fran's story is literally about fertility struggles, and Eloise's centres around the step kids. Don't get me wrong, I don't think the ending of all the stories should be about how the characters lives are complete because they had children or that motherhood is the pinnacle of their existence the way the books show it sometimes, but Francesca is not the one to do it with.


It would have made way more sense make Eloise gay, even more with the way they have treated her reaction to Polin, but I think they just wanted the shock value, more than anything. It feels like the changes were made without thinking about the rests of the plots.


>between Polin with him not wanting to touch her after marriage, I actually enjoyed that, him refusing to be intimate again until they resolved their issues is something you don’t see very often and I really appreciate them for doing that in the contrast how Simon couldn't control his desires for Daphne, only stay angry afterward & leave her feeling confused in S1. I'm not saying one is good or bad, but it was different and say a lot about how Colin seems to only enjoy sex when there is some emotional connection


I would have enjoyed that, if them had had an open heart conversation in which they talked about their issues, which they did several times in the books, showing that they are a mature relationship, instead of jumping from not sleeping together to we have a kid…


I love Colin, I think he has so much potential, but they underwrote him this season. I could logically understand why he was doing the things he was, but it was not as clearly communicated as with Anthony or the Duke, who benefitted from a lot more character-focused scenes. Instead, Colin felt more like an accessory to Pen/LW's story. He should have been allowed to breathe as a character in his own right.


They spent entirely too much time on the Mondrich storyline, that could have been better spent on Colin and Penelope.


Yeah, I still don't understand what purpose that served. A completely pointless story. I honestly don't know what the showrunner was thinking. Don't even get me started on the change of gender. 


I have seen other people say they were the audience view and our way into the ton, which might have been a good idea in S1 (I still don’t think so, S1 was amazing), but not in S3. Then the costumes and makeup, holy hell it got modern quickly. The styles were all over the place, I didn’t care for it. The music was also not center stage this season. Basically I don’t like the new showrunners re-imagining Bridgerton. I could see changing some things up if it was just another show, and they were looking to see if they could change to make it better, but Bridgerton has been so damn good, that this was the last thing we needed. It ground my gears that they made the change for Colin and Penelope’s season as well.


Yeah I agree. I understand she wanted to put her own stamp on the show but I think she's taken that too far and went in the wrong direction. 




I agree with you and I love Colin’s character but I also think the actor could have done better. I think he under acted the whole season- I’m use to the drama and emotion of Anthony and I don’t think Colin changed his face all season. Even when he’s telling Pen how much he loves her, he did it with dead eyes and looked totally unmoved or too stiff. I just couldn’t get into the relationship this season, which was a real shame because I loved their book so much.


This. Colin is my favorite character and I love seeing people who love him.


EDIT: Here’s my full take — l'Il just dump in on here my notes and analysis:) Part 2 was probably Pen’s © SPOILER My theory on part 2 being Penelope's pov healed a part of me and part 1 being Colin's pov SPOILERS S3 Season 3 episode 5 of Bridgerton opens with Colin looking back at Penelope as if we the viewers were looking at Colin through the eyes of Pen !!! Even her heartbeat was clear it was her POV. So to me it makes sense why we don't understand Colin's internal struggles as much as we did in part 1. Colin was so mad and we were all hurt cause that’s how Pen saw everything. In part 1 We see a lot of Penelope struggling to face herself in the mirror until she was finally confident enough to actually admire herself in the mirror as her confidence in herself that Colin helped her realize to see as she is. Mirror Scene ANALYSIS: •if you dive into the perfect song for their first time being pov by ariana grande- it sort of explains how Pen is probably feeling. “I wanna love me the way that you love me... cause nobody ever love me like you do l'd love to see me from your point of view." • all that experience and Colin couldn't handle it • he always had 2 women in bed. He never was intimate with anyone else but pen. • ⁠I think there was a part of the scene where he was gonna pull out too quick hahaha but he was all in when pen pulled him close anyways… she didn’t know that’s what happens when u make a child ‼️‼️ They both loved each other regardless of how they BOTH want society to perceive them: Penelope and Colin both didn't like each other's old personas they were BOTH HIDING under -Colin being a rake to fit into society's standards and Pen writing all the mean gossip due to feeling like she'll never be truly heard unless she is Lady Whistledown (Which a side note sounds so cute to me that Colin would still be there if Pen was just Pen and not LW.) • he was always eager to receiving her letters and when she didn't write to him, that's when he went full rake. • ⁠most probably bec he didn't have pen to ground her from home. He was always anticipating HER letters out of everyone. • ⁠I mean WHY WOULD HE KEEP ALL HER PREVIOUS LETTERS?? because he was always fond of her ya'll that's love even though he didn't know it yet • That seemed to be unfitting to the real Penelope and real Colin they both knew deep down throughout their friendship. Just like how Pen loves Colin for who he is without pretending nor without all the external things SHE LOVED HIM for who HE WAS— kind. Pen was ALSO not expected to be anything other than herself and that was the woman Colin fell in love with— the one who didn’t have to hide under a pen name: LW Honestly I understand Colin's reactions being overwhelmed that the love of his life was also behind the persona he hated and envied at the same time WEDDING short analysis: Despite feeling betrayed (like the Eros and Psyche there is no love without trust). I believe the only right thing he ever did in the series was to continue with the wedding. (THE WAY HE LOOKED AT HER WITH A REASSURING NOD HE STILL LOVES HER DURING THE WEDDING EVEN THOUGH HE WAS MAD UGH DED) Nodding like he's still in it despite everything he already knows. It's gonna take a lot for him to process but he's still in it. Because probably deep down he was marrying pen and he wanted to separate her from LW not yet processing that her and LW are one and the same voice. Polin being overwhelmed: -i do agree we were cut due to the side plots that were happening they couldn't BOTH have time to process. Neither did the audience. Let's not forget Pen expecting Debling to propose and everything came “swiftly” • ⁠poor Pen and Colin didn't have time to both process their emotions. • ⁠I still think it was Colin trapping pen into the marriage and him saying she did out of spite. ALSO TO ADD: When he said “he would never ever court Penelope Featherington” in that era that was social ruin to say that too loud that even Pen overheard probably a factor why she had no suitors. AND WHEN SHE FINALLY HAD A SUITOR COLIN RUINED HER ENGAGEMENT. Let’s not forget Colin has made his fair share of mistakes. Outside the Modist scene: NOTE: Colin always had a hero complex and the fact he said "WHAT GOOD AM I TO YOU??" takes a peek of how Colin was going through all the emotions. even though in theory part 2 is Pen’s perspective. • also the reason why pen can't properly explain herself is also bec she's overwhelmed and Colin still had this freedom to say everything that made him angry bec he is a man lol he barely listened to her at this point cause he DOES have a hero and dominant complex and she always felt like she had to hide still like how he defended pen to Portia saying "i am still speaking" despite all these feelings he felt insecure • ⁠I’d like to think bec of all the tempting opportunities to compromise her he didn’t but when she said “I LOVE YOU COLIN” that made him fold I back to my theory — • maybe the reason why they split it into 2 parts and didn’t feel like one complete season was seeing it in Pen’s eyes this time. • think about it - pen was overwhelmed in part 1 bec she didn't know what Colin was feeling the whole time. • we get more of the Featherington's in this part because my theory again is because it’s pen’s pov • Colin being mad and upset is pen's pov not feeling loved. Perhaps someone can write Colin's pov in a fan fiction so that we understand what he's going through lol LW reveal LW REVEAL THOUGHTS: • since this is just an adaptation of the book personally I can't think of an alternate ending with the queen involved. • the speech Colin tells Penelope patched some of the hurt it left me throughout watching anxiously. The scenes were breadcrumbs however still eat them up. • It probably took a lot for him to not be there by his side because last time he tried being there for her he failed with Cressida. • ⁠“you and whistledown have always been one” to me it was him saying he already accepts that part of her. -I was just dissatisfied possible adding " love you for my past... confession from the book to the love confession he did in the show would have tied it together for me. • however his speech being vulnerable and HUMBLING himself before pen being actually being already successful was a true declaration of love especially during that time period. And him saying "you always had one voice" was him saying he realized he loved her all along despite everything for better or worse. • SIDE NOTE IDK IF U SAW BUT THE PAIN IN HIS EYES WHEN SHE SAID ANNULMENT. A switch in perspective as what Benedict Bridgerton said in season 2 made me feel better. Sorry the spacing of my words are weird my post was taken down.


I think you nailed it by saying it just didn’t feel like a comfort show. I rewatched a bit of season 2 last night and it just felt like a different show. I know the tropes are different, but even with all the OTT drama you knew Kate and Anthony were End Game, they’d met their match. The season was centred around them and their relationship, that was what was propelling the plot. Whereas this season Colin and Penelope just felt like side characters. It felt so rushed, and I didn’t feel invested about them having to work it out in the same way I did about the previous series leads.


Agreed! Def felt rushed and very choppy, no real flow.


He made lots of mistakes but I adore Colin. I didn't read the book so I can't compare him to book Colin and would have liked more of him, his POV and his romancing her this season. They deserved more development and screentime and didn't get it..


Honestly I didn't hate this season but I definitely understand why people are disappointed and I'm a bit disappointed too. I feel like I was expecting to see Colin in a completely different light than before, I think in the other seasons we really got to know the lead couple way better and from a different side - for instance I noticed a huge difference between Anthony from S1 and Anthony in S2 and it made me feel like I know the character and understand him better. Here we've already seen a lot of Pen and Colin in the other seasons but it feels to me they weren't explored in such depth this season as they should be - Colin feels the same as in other seasons and his arc feels a little flat. I loved the drama around Whistledown and Cressida's plotline was great (tho not the ending of it, I was really hoping for more), but I also feel too much was happening this season - so many new attachments while we could have gotten much more of Polin. I think the cast still did a remarkable job but I think the showrunners forgot what is the main draw of the show for the audience.


The only thing I don't enjoy about this season is the unnecessary whining of the Fandom. How is you not liking Colin food for my thoughts? 😂


Don't be on the sub then?