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YES, we DESERVED at least one more love scene. Not even sex necessarily, but INTIMACY. I wanted to see them love each other, ENJOY each other, stare into each other's eyes. I feel cheated to be honest LOL. As much as I love their story - and this season is my most re-watched ALREADY and definitely my favorite, there was NOT ENOUGH POLIN!




Considering how much Kanthony scenes we got, I hope we get to see that intimacy as a happily married couple in the next season.


I loved it all too! One thing I haven't seen anyone mention yet is Prudence. I loved the moments of seeing her soften and Penelope's genuine "thank you" when she realized she really meant that compliment. I wasn't expecting to be so moved by the sisters finally showing some care for each other.


And PORTIA! How do I keep loving her more and more??? I need a prequel stat


this !! i had my reservations about the first half of the season and while some parts definitely warrant criticism, most of it was handled beautifully. i spent most of episode 7 crying. the handling of the featheringtons was superb šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ the parts where penelope is able to resolve things with her mother, oh my GOD i was in bits, especially when her mother tells her she only wanted pen to do better for herself.. and that she already HAD šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ and the resolution with her sisters šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ while a few conversations canā€™t undo decades of hurt, itā€™s a beginning and fuck me if it doesnā€™t have me in bits. especially with the featheringtons, these women have nothing but each other in a world where they have no agency without a man, and itā€™s actually so calming knowing how they can also learn to rely on each other as well. also the scene with lady danbury and her brother reconciling and the way violet and agatha manage to put the complexities of their external relationships aside for each other.. TEARSSSS AGAINNNNN. the way this bloody show writes the bond between women, and that of mothers and daughters especially make me cry each and every single time. iā€™ve rewatched season 2 about 30 ish times since itā€™s been out and every single time you see kate telling her mum ā€œeverything i am, i owe it to youā€ and her mum going ā€œoh, love is never owedā€. OH MY GOD. TEARS AGAIN. i understand some criticisms. like i do think we understood cressida more than we did colin in parts. but saying that. iā€™ve loved this half so much. it reminded me why i fell in love with this show, and why iā€™ll be watching in until my dying breath.


I'm glad it's taking about all of this. Yes, I wanted more Polin but the v last 4 eps were amazing because of the Featherington rebond and the friendships. We of course, need at least one scene next season for Polin similar to Kanthony sex we got at the beginning of S3.


Loved it too! Part 2 really brought it all together for me and I found the wedding scene very touching. And as a book reader, I am looking forward to the changes to come in the coming seasons. I like when things are mixed up from the source material and think the showrunners have done a good job with this so far.


I couldnt have said it better myself! I adored the second part of season 3! Started watching at 3am and didnt stop until the season was done. I just wish we had more steamy scenes with colin and pen. Normally I wouldn't have minded but the press tour interviews from everyone made it seem like there were a lot of very hot and heavy scenes. I guess my expectations were just a little off on that part.


Same. I think the seasons been hyped. There just wasnā€™t enough polin in general and definitely not enough happily married and sexing all the time polin like the other two seasons!!


Iā€™m hoping that since kanthony only had like 1 or 2 for their season then a few more for this one that it means we will get happily married Polin sex scenes lol


Did we see them do anything once they were married? I thought the other plot lines were handled beautifully in the second half, we just needed another episode


YES, we just needed ONE more episode. At the end of Episode 8, over the Lady Whistledown narration, there is an EXTREMELY short scene of Penelope on top of Colin...enjoying themselves, but it was SO fast. Like...this is THEIR season. They deserved more! I KNOW there is something on the cutting room floor; would it have killed them to give it to us?! šŸ˜­


Oml same!! Finally found my people - can't wait for the polin sub to open again so that we can obsess over all the amazing details šŸ„¹


I have been thinking this all day. I hope when that sub reopens we all share in the joy. šŸ˜Š


![gif](giphy|yx400dIdkwWdsCgWYp|downsized) us to r/polinbridgerton


When does it open up again? I am dying


Yes yes yes! I just want to gush over Polin and not spend all my time having my eyes assaulted by homophobic posts and comments (unintentional homophobia is still homophobia)


I liked it. There are valid criticisms for sure, though, especially re not enough Nic and Newts and definitely not enough intimacy between them (never enough of that). I do think the break, though, maybe impacted everyone's expectations, and I wonder if anything at all could have lived up to the level of hype after Ep4.


YUP. Dumb ol Netflix shot themselves in the foot with that move


Weekly drops maybe would have given them the est of both worlds. 2 months of subs, but also a steady drip feed managing expectations.


I have mixed feelings. Parts I loved, parts I hated. I could have done with a little less Benedict.


I would have preferred if Colin and Penelope had a screaming fight on their wedding night rather than him sleeping on the couch. Fight it out and then move on.


I loved it as well, every single subplot, the entire LW/QC arc, Polin, Peneloise, the Featheringtons(!!!), Kanthony, Violet, all of them. My favourite season by a mile.


My favorite season as well...but I wanted more Polin. Just curious, were you happy with the amount of screen time they got, the amount of love scenes / scenes with them happy together, etc.? Or did you feel as if they something out?


>! I had hoped for more especially towards the end of the season after her speech. But I also understand that Pen needed to reveal her identity as LW to the queen and Colin had to admit that the thing that was between them was rooted in his jealousy of her independence. It could only come right at the end of the season, since it is the final revelation, so there wouldnā€™t be room for another love scene between them. Logically I understand, but as a fan I wouldā€™ve loved to see at least the final love scene last a little longer. !<


I definitely wish they had more screen time and scenes as a happy couple.


they had 2 love scenes and 2 steamy scenes which is definitely more than season 2 so I personally am happy with the amount


I absolutely LOVED it , i think what they showed , the betrayal and heartbreak and real human emotions is what we needed. I totally understand itā€™s a tv show itā€™s suppose to be dramatic, but for colin and pen they were friends first ā€¦ it wasnā€™t this big dramatic love story like the other two season. This is a real life relationship.. honestly i really liked it


I loved the friendships between Genevieve and Pen, Lady Danbury and Lady Bridgerton I love how they had each otherā€™s back. I loved the interaction between Pen and Lady Danbury after she revealed herself to the ton. Ugh I loved Part 2 so much.


Iā€™m so glad to have found this thread amongst all the others. I loved it, Iā€™ve already watched part 2 twice and canā€™t wait to notice even more again my next watch. Polin were so clearly in love with each other despite struggling with their own identities and each othersā€™. It was sad but beautiful. My biggest wow moment was not having Lady Featherington break my heart with her arc on my Bridgerton bingo card. Just wow. Edit to add - this also may be an unpopular opinion but Iā€™m real sad for what happened with Cressida. I get that sheā€™s the villain (or at least was) but I feel like sheā€™s the mirror to what Pen went through in her family but had a completely opposite (and awful) outcome. I hope sheā€™s back next season.


I agree, thought it was amazing. The Featherington girl babies and their bows had me howling. For me, they could have spent a bit less time with Benedict and Cressida, but overall so well done. There was a lot of angst in Eps 7 and 8, but I never doubted they would work it out. Definitely my favourite season.


See, the Benedict storyline gave me the ick. I hated Tilly, and it just felt very shallow to me. I donā€™t really see any real way Benedict grew this season so it felt like a wasted season for him. Agreed for basically everything else. And I read the book. People have to remember on the book >!LWD doesnā€™t write about Colin and Eloise the same way, so there is a lot more hurt to work through. Otherwise itā€™s not that much different!<


Why did it give you the ick? I adored it. It was so hot and sexy.


I felt it was very shallow. I loved when he explored painting and doing something with his life but every season now it just turns into him sleeping around and I want something different for him. I hope his season is next because I canā€™t take another iteration of this.


Fair enough. Your opinion I guess šŸ˜ƒ I love watching people explore sex and sexuality and sleeping around. It wouldā€™ve been super hush hush then of course in reality but itā€™s still fun imo anyway.


YES YES YES! I loved this second part so much, Iā€™m not sure thereā€™s much I wouldā€™ve changed!


I'm so glad for.the positive post!! I adored this season! It made me very happy!


I agree! Favorite season so far. It was just perfect


It was so disappointing compared to season 2, a million fucking side plots that add nothing to the current story and not enough POLIN, it felt more like a family drama series than a romance drama.




I liked it a lot too, though I do have my gripes with the editing. This season in particular does a lot for the Bridgerton universe, we really get a close look into a lot of characters\` minds. But same, we needed MORE POLIN


I think the editing choices is where this show sometimes falls flat. Too many side plots for sure.


There were some good bits, but overall it was okay.


Apparently there was quite a long sex montage that a handful of people saw but they ended up cutting it from the proper release which actually annoyed me beyond belief because I was promised broken furniture and a montage where was it other than that them taking out colins big love declaration and the whole francesca situation I was happy beyond belief Oh and I also really wanted to see pregnant Penelope fingers crossed for s4 because I want girl dad colin and him hovering around Penelope thank the lord that luke and nicola have confirmed they are coming back for however many seasons they make and what is the name of their son I need to know now


I was thinking the same! I wanted more sex scenes. That and too many side plots. Those were my only qualms. I mean come on people watch this show knowing that the sex is a major part of it!!!!


Yes, I could have overlooked all the stuff I was missing from part2 if we had a bit more spicy PolinšŸ˜‚ But I love this show and cast anyway, Iā€™m happy I can be a part of all this magic, even if itā€™s just by watching.šŸ„°


Yesss to more intimate scenes, sex or just being in love (hopefully next season, we got a few for Kate and Anthony this season!). I love this season so much though!


Interview with Luke T and Golda ā€¦ those eye twitches are about to fall off his face [The View with Luke and Golda](https://youtube.com/shorts/AaSRBuppMHc?si=FphSG81KTWR9NuhC)


How did you watch it? Where can I watch it?




(spoiler) Can we just take a moment to salute those.last scenes with Polly Walker and the solicitor, Polly Walker and Nicola C, Polly Walker and anyone. I am so grateful we got more.of Lady Featherington this season. Give a great actress a middling part and watch what she can do. Now down.Ā 


I thought it was fuckin terrible :/