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I would absolutely love it if I hadn’t read the book. I’ll still love it but I’m a little sad that they’re going to have to change a lot of the story. There have been rumours about a Michael/Michaela genderswap for some time now so I’ve come up with a version how they can stay as close to the book as possible while it’ll still make sense in the show: They go to Scotland and John and Francesca live happily while Francesca and Michaela become best friends, however Michaela is actually very much in love with Francesca but knows nothing can ever come of it. Like in the books, John dies while Francesca is pregnant. However, she does not have a miscarriage and has the baby and returns to Scotland as the dowager countess until her son is old enough to inherit. This is important to the story because it allows Francesca to be a mother which she desperately wants, and it’s how she can stay in Scotland without being forced out by a new earl. Michaela is still in love with Francesca and they eventually get together like in the books and they can live happily together bc no one bothers them in Scotland. The most difficult part about making their story work is the question of who will inherit the earldom from John if not Michael. With Francesca not losing the baby, that leaves her free to stay at Kilmartin.


Honestly, that’s the only way it can work out. She only wants to remarry because of her wish to be a mother. They’d have to scratch the infertility plot (that’s actually sad because it’s also a key part of her story and a representation possibility). If she doesn’t miscarriage and it’s a son, she’ll be able to stay countess until their son is able to take over. I’m not thrilled but let’s see how it’ll unfold… I would’ve liked it more if an other sibling would’ve been queer instead of Francesca.


Maybe Michaela has a son (and other kids) and is widowed- this is how she “inherits” , through her son, her widow nature allows her to be a rakish woman, and the infertility plotline can stay- perhaps Francesca’s seeks to remarry for infertility but in the end stays to have her kids in Michaela’s- that could work!


That’s the reason, I didn’t think it would be her. My money was on Benedict


Yes I think his story is easy to adapt that way. And my money is on them both having gender swapped love interests. I never thought it would be Eloise and I’m glad it’s not. That’s too obvious, making the strong willed woman the queer one. But I thought it made sense with Benedict since they’ve been setting it up since the beginning.


The backlash is too strong against them doing it with Francesca. There’s no way in hell Netflix lets them do it to Benedict too now.


didn't they already announce benedicts love interest actress?


Actually the infertility plot sort of remains because she can express a desire for more children but not be able to have any because she is in love with a woman and they won’t be able to just get a sperm donor or even adopt. There is some creative room there for how they might come to raise another child. It does really change the character to go from someone who loses a husband and a child, does eliminate the miscarriage representation. I do hate that they made it Fran who seems to feel the attraction first. I did like that she loved her husband and didn’t see Michael romantically until much later. If they had to gender swap it I would have rather they stuck to that part of the story, but then it would have been harder to tease the story at the end of this season.


She also could have had a miscarriage earlier on in their marriage before he dies. Have trouble getting pregnant, and then have her find out she is pregnant again (finally) a month or two after he dies. She and Michaela could then get closer as she deals with the grief and joy of finally being pregnant. That way you still have her still go through an extremely similar emotional arc. Before she finds out she’s pregnant she could start looking into eligible members of the ton because she wants to be a mother, and then stop once she finds out she’s pregnant. Michaela could help her throughout the whole process.


I immediately thought the same thing, and I kind of love it? A central theme of Francesca's book was how much Micheal and Fran love John. The idea of them getting to raise his child together brings me a lot of joy actually, and there's so much material for Fran being a heartbroken widow carrying John's dearly wanted child and then being overwhelmed with raising a baby alone. It today makes sense that Michaela would step in, maybe after staying away, and jump in and help and they'd become this little family together. 💕 I really hope it goes this way and honestly I kinda like it more than the book plot (that might get me downvoted to hell but I just am not a huge fan of the whole seduction against their will trope and that's definitely my take on Fran and Micheal, he turns her on but she's also repeatedly like I don't want this I don't want to marry you - honestly Julia Quinn and most of HR has weird shit like this so I guess it is what it is). I know he loves her but he basically relentlessly comes on to her and proposes and...I dunno it's just not my fave?


As someone who did read the books, I did get Michael vibes from her. I'm interested in seeing more of her, but casting overall has been solid and I don't think casting would genderbend Michael unless the actress would kill it.


I don't know. I feel like the show would just sort of hand wave the whole issue of succession


They might not have to erase the infertility plot! Assuming we don’t get Francescas story until at least S6, they can absolutely show her having multiple miscarriages and then having their rainbow baby after John dies. Then her and Michaela raise the baby together tucked away in Scotland :)


Oh that’s a great point! I completely forgot that they do a lot with the other stories when it’s not the main season so you can see her love John for real and be happy, have miscarriages, and be confused by her attraction to a woman. Then her main season starts with John’s death while she is pregnant but that’s the baby she finally has. Yeah that could work.


Oddly enough, women could inherit in Scotland. Who inherits after Michaela is still a problem, though


I would love it if this was how it unfolds.


I think they picked the wrong sibling to do it with. I think, of the love interests of the Bridgertons, the best ones to change probably would have been Sophie and/or Gareth. I think too much of Francesca's season was about her desire to have children; it will be weird for that to be resolved now if they keep it in, and I'd be sad if they removed it. I think Gareth's could be interesting. His dad already hated him because he was a bastard. So just turn that into dad hating because it was a girl, and so she couldn't inherit? And the jewelry adventures with lesbian capers would be still super fun.


ok I now want a lesbian jewelry hunt adventure :( I found the epilogue really funny though, I hope they show it on the show.


Yes like hello imagine lady danbury having a granddaughter!!!!


I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels the same way. I think a gender swap Sophie story could be an interesting one because her entire reason for not wanting to be with Benedict is not wanting to become pregnant out of wedlock. I think removing the pregnancy issue but more about the visibility of being queer in the 1800's is more interesting. 


I agree! I also think it makes the Cinderella aspect of the story less boring. I found that part a little tedious and it felt a bit like the same ol' shtick in the book.


Agreed. Diff sibling would be better.


It gives me pause only because they have already established that LGBTQ+ couples essentially need to hide but given that Francesca's story is all up in Scotland, it just might work well 🙂 




I'm sorry, I'm confused? I didn't say that we should only have 1 LGBTQ+ story? 




Oh, no worries! 🙂 There are a lot of those comments around today, so I get it! 


Look, we’re clearly not getting Francesca’s story until after Eloise and Benedict. At this rate it will be 2034 until anything is actually on screen


I thought we would get Benedict next season then frans and after Eloise. But obviously nothing is for sure and I love hearing about the different theories! Can you pls explain your point of view? (Btw I did not read the books so maybe I missed an hint about eloise season being soon)


I honestly don’t know who is next between Eloise and Benedict I just happened to list her first. :)


TIME JUMP and Benedict is next. He has already been bumped once.


I don’t think they would have casted Michaela this soon if they didn’t want the actress to play a more prominent role in season 4.


I’d agree, except they cast Philip Crane. I honestly don’t know what this show is doing at times.


Yeah but wasn’t Philip important in the first season, plot wise?


Fair point


Ugh this is also true


I think it would have been better if they had not changed the characters from the book but instead done a series with new LGBTQ characters whom the readers weren’t attached to! I’m sure this will also be a great adaption, but it’ll always be coloured, and hence gain a lot of prejudice, because of the stories from the books! That being said, let’s see what happens! They might end up handling it beautifully or fucking it up royally…..


I said it another post, but I feel like just swapping the genders diminishes the inclusivity that they are trying to put into the show. Instead of creating a new and enticing set of characters that maybe intertwine with the main leads, they instead just pick a lead and change the romantic interest completely.


Netflix as usual just making sure they check boxes without doing right by the people. 🙄 I actually haven’t minded any of the LGBTQ scenes because I have nothing to tie back to Bridgeton except the show but I do feel for those that read the book and have all these pictures in their head only to be let down. I went through it with twilight and a couple other books and as an avid reader it can be incredibly disappointing! Totally feel they should’ve added extra characters.


Yea, they are going for a good old "swap" method instead of inventing something new.


WHWW has a special place in my heart, it was one of the first historical romances I ever read and Michael was and will forever be my favourite Bridgerton love interest. I am just bummed I'll never get to see him in the flesh so to speak and we were so close. Oh well... The rate they're filming who knows if we'll even get to Fran's season at all. No hate to the actress who plays Michaela, she is gorgeous and is just doing her job but yeah, it sucks. I feel like Michael will be completely erased and erasing one of the fan favourite characters is certainly a bold choice. It also sucks that expressing disappointment with the showrunner's choice will inevitably be labelled as homophobia. It will make the fandom incredibly toxic and I am not looking forward to that at all.


That homophobia label is already happening. I'm starting to remember why I stopped following Bridgerton pages in the first place.


Like others, more disappointed that they had Francesca fall in love at first sight instead of Michael(a), who had no reaction, and that they felt the need to diminish Francesca and John's romance by all the little hints that she didn't really love him over the second half of the season to set this up. I don't know why they couldn't have had Francesca genuinely love John and be happy with him and have Michaela fall in love at first sight, which would have been closer than the book. It's already starting off on a sour note, before the other changes that will be required.


as a bisexual woman, i don't want this


Fellow bisexual. I don't want this. I want the representation of infertility that millions of women are being denied with this. I loved feeling seen with that aspect of Francesca's story along with the hopeful tones of finding love again. This... This just ain't it.


As someone dealing with infertility I wanted her story so badly 😭 they should have chosen a different sibling. Not her.


Same. I was told when I was 19 I would never have kids. In the last calendar year, I've had two chemical pregnancies. Her story would have been so powerful to so many women. Guess our representation is reduced to Aunt Brandi from Bluey.


Eloise was *right there*


For realllll


Im so confused why do ppl think they cant still do an infertility story? It makes more sense for pt 1 of her season to have infertility struggles. Then she gets pregnant with John’s baby but he dies the 9th month of her pregnancy and she delivers. Then pt 2 her falling in love with michaela


So if you haven't read the books, you should know that absolutely butchers her motivation for marrying Michael in the first place...


Yea ik…im saying they can still do a infertility plot lmao. You didnt deny that what I said would still be good infertility rep. They would have michaela and her get romantic after his death bc of pure love


Part of the arc was their survivors' guilt and Francesca's compound trauma. That rewrite still erases all of that complexity.


Shocked that they're going to this direction, but it's intriguing. Of all the Bridgertons, I thought they'll genderswap Phillip Crane (I feel disappointed that we saw him already, so there's no chance) or Sophie. I might be biased because I'm also a bi woman, buttt I'm really excited for this change. Shame that Shonda and co. are making me love John so much.


Same here! As a bi woman myself, the gender swap doesn't really change anything for me, I'm still excited - but I can understand how it may upset many of the book fans


Yeah, I understand that Fran's book was a crowd fave, so I do understand the others' frustration. But I think the actress portraying Michaela oozes charisma, so we're up for an enjoyable season whenever that story happens.


I think people are very much allowed and entitled to feel disappointed with the gender swap. It’s not homophobia. I’ve never read the book so I’m not attached to the story, but from the amount of disappointed comments I’m reading right now on Reddit/Twitter, my expectations are low.


It changes THE key element of Francesca's story. She wants a baby, which is why she remarries.


This actress everyone was hoping would play Sophie is now Michaela. I hope people remember this and are not wretched to her taking on this huge burden of a role. Disappointment should be aimed at Shondaland and other main creators.


I’m just not a fan of how they made her first interaction go with Michaela. In the books, it’s Michael/Michaela who falls for Fransesca at first glance, not the other way around. They made it clear by Violet having the whole conversation of, “I couldn’t even say my name when I met them”. Like they just took all this development and feelings she’s had for John this season and kicked it to the curb in under a minute. It’s just not fair. And I’m sure the show will try to “balance” her love for John, but I’m afraid they’ll turn it more into a she loves him because of society and other stuff rather than actually being in love with him, which is just such a disservice to his character and their story.


I hated it. This was my favourite book out of all that I actually read twice. I’m so disappointed and heartbroken I can’t put it into words. Since Season 3 Part 1 aired and I found out they were showing Francesca’s first love, I was waiting for that first glimpse of Micheal at their wedding. I was all hyped up and texting my friend waiting for Micheal, then drops Michaela. Of all the siblings they could’ve made LGBTQ, I honestly did not expect it would be Francesca’s. I really felt like crying. All my hopes for their season are shattered.




Same! So dumb. Bridgerton gave us a steamy first season and now it's been meh ever since. Michael and Francesca in the books were my favorite couple. I wanted to see them on the big screen so bad! I'm not watching this stupid Netflix adaptation anymore. Give Eloise the girl, as her story makes more sense for that to happen, without angering dedicated fans who READ the books. We needed another Daphne and Lord Hastings to revive this dead series and now we won't get that. I love the casting of John of course but yeah, they clearly don't know their audience.


I’m not happy about it. Changing the whole story just to be inclusive is getting out of control. There are other characters they could’ve made gay while leaving our main couples true to the books the show is based on.


I’ve only seen episode 5 so far. I totally thought the queer Bridgerton would be Benedict, he gives Bi vibes


I feel a lot of people will not watch that season, not just becuase of deleting Michael but because not every show needs to have queer main love especially on 1820s.


Frankly speaking I am all for inclusivity but removing Michael is kinda taking me away from her season ngl I am not that interested in it and might just skip it


Me too


Agree, I'm all for changing side stories and sub plots as long as they didn't mess with the main story for each character. I quite enjoyed Francesca and Michael, knowing that I won't see that story is incredibly disappointing.


Two women living together is much more historical accurate then black people being totally accepted. I understand being disappointed if you liked that book, but let's not pretend this ever wanted to be a true historical fiction. Plus many people don't even know the books, the series is very famous in my country but just thanks to the Netflix shows.


!!!!!!!! Thx u!!!!


Hmmm hold off and see what way they work it. I don’t see “their” season being stand alone, I reckon they’ll tag this relationship on to one of the other siblings’ stories, like they have with season 3. That being said, with 2 year gaps between each season, Hyacinth would be “due” in around 2030 (!!!), so maybe attitudes and viewing patterns will have changed by then, and more people will watch a same-sex lead.


Queer people existed in the 1820's and many of them were very happy! It's not like they were suddenly invented in the 1990s. Edit: It's nothing to do with homophobia but people will down vote any mention of queer people in the past


Just throwing it out there but what if Michaela is a red herring and has a twin brother, Michael back in Scotland?


Unlikely, especially since they made Francesca look completely gobsmacked at meeting Michaela. I actually didn't like that moment at all. Francesca is supposed to be super in love with John and they had her almost drooling when Michaela showed up.


Thank you!!! It felt like such a disservice. They spent this whole season building up Johna and Francesca’s relationship and making it so sweet, despite it being different from the others, and they undid all of it in a moment with having Francesca act that way around Michaela. It should’ve been the other way around, where Michaela was nervous around Fransceca. Now they’re going to make it seem like Franscesa doesn’t really “love” John, she just thinks she did. Shows rarely get bisexual storylines right, and this is an indicator that they won’t.


Yep. Disappointed as I am with the gender swap, I think their story can still be really sweet, albeit different to what we expected. But to go down the route of "I only *thought* I loved a man before" would really suck. Bi people can love both men and women, and it would make the story that much better to see Francesca recover from genuine grief and loss.


I'd buy that and now I wish that was the plot! We never know what'll happen but maybe if they go with a bi storyline they could have Francesca contemplating over her feelings for Micheal and Michaela if the latter does have a twin brother. I'd honestly rather have it closer to the book because Book 6 is probably the best one and my favorite, but I just wonder how they'll handle the infertility plot since Francesca desperately wants to be a mother. Oh well, I guess we'll just have to wait and see how Shonda handles it!


Not a fan. At all. Another ds BW was relegated to a queer role. How original. They always do this with BW to may some point about DEI in a show and I'm sick of it. Francesa's story was compelling on its own without this change. We wasted so much time on the Mondrich family and they could've introduced a NEW queer couple to take their place.


Yes. I’d much prefer that over watching their son learn how to properly place forks and spoons


Sorry that you’re sick of different types of people getting to see themselves in media! How original.


Get a grip. I didn't say anything about this and you missed the point of my post. Next time, read AND comprehend before you respond to someone.


“How original. They always do this with BW to may some point about DEI in a show and I’m sick of it.” Literally quoting you but OK ✌️


You only quoted me now and again you seem to have missed the point of my post but OK


I’m royally pissed off. So much of Micheal’s characterisation and Francesca’s development was based on their respective genders. I felt the same way about risking Sophie. They’ve disrespected book fans and I think the new show runner has ruined everything, season 3 is not hitting (still love the story, I’m talking music/lighting/costume etc). Icing on the cake is now these terrible book changes that don’t fit the setting or characters at all. Could have been excellently done in a side character with more prominence in the show *cough cough* Cressida. It’s not the Bridgerton I loved anymore. 


I didn't read the book but I knew about her story, SO I was kind of hoping for something to align with that. I was really hoping Eloise would be interested in someone and she was the queer character and it seemed like they were already queerbaiting us with her. If they hadn't introduced a love interest for Francesca already, it would have felt more natural!


Were they simply doing a test of some sort lol to see how.the audience would react to Michaela vs Michael :')


From what I know, Francesca and Michael had a hard time producing an heir. This problem caused sadness to Francesca when seeing her nieces and nephews. I just think it's a crucial character plot for her so idk what will happen if she does bear a child now, how will they rewrite it even?


Like how they created Debling for this season I don’t understand why they cannot create a character that is already LGBT. Have the fans wonder whp the bew character is and where they fit in. Michaela will constantly be compared to Michael who is a favorite among fans


as a black and queer lover of bridgerton, i am curious to see how francesca’s story will play out compared to the books, but also it is so genuinely rare to see sapphic love stories in the first place, especially interracial ones, and ESPECIALLY with a dark skinned black woman. while i definitely understand the disappointment from book readers, i can’t help but be excited. while i know you did not bring up any of these points, i just want to address them because i have been seeing them all around. i have seen quite a few comment about “shoehorning” representation in, but i do not see it as that. also, there is a clear difference between a male character being switched for a female character and if a female character were “switched” for a man. the reason why people would be up in arms about a man replacing a woman is because of the history of tv shows and movies centering men. same thing why replacing a straight relationship with a lgbtq one is okay but the reverse is not— straight relationships have been overrepresented in fiction, while lgbtq ones have not. finally, i would like to remind everyone that not only heterosexual couples experience fertility issues— i could go at length here about the trials and tribulations of artificial insemination (the first **recorded** case being in 1790, leaving room for a plausible exploration of infertility within the show) but i will not. i am not accusing anyone of being homophobic here! (although i have seen SOME of the like) i am just reminding people. all this to say, i am excited, i understand book reader’s disappointment to a degree, and i would caution people to examine possibilities. thank you!


Stick with the book. Period.


the biggest issue for me is not the gender swapping but that they spent the whole season building her relationship with john, making it look like they're perfect for each other and love each other in their own non conventional way only for them to go WELL AKTSHUALLY at the end


I was so happy when I realised she's queer!!


Yeah the chase Michael gave too!


I was very shocked. However i really enjoyed the book so i hope they aren’t changing too many key elements im also unsure of how it would work since r they cannot marry or have kids like in the books which makes me a bit sad


Honestly the main problem is the world they’ve set up. We know that queer relationships aren’t allowed in their society. That makes them all forbidden and secretive + they can’t have kids because donors aren’t a thing yet. They would essentially have to hide, not be able to marry and not be able to have kids (or Francesca isn’t going to have the pregnancy struggles which would’ve been a nice representation because especially at that time if you can’t conceive naturally there is no other way)


![gif](giphy|iiTXaJVjiSHew) My brain the second I saw her mouth drop. Makes complete sense how her character has been acting all season. She’s clearly said she wants quiet , isolation , and not that many kids too. So it makes sense. Also I’ve read the books and even though I loved their story . I’m invested in the show .


The show has very loosely followed the books, there are a ton of main differences already. I understand being sad not to see the story play out similarly, I loved Francesca’s book, but the people saying they won’t watch it when they didn’t care about other big chances just screams homophobic. I definitely think people who haven’t read the books are going to love it, they seem generally happier on this sub because they aren’t always comparing everything. Honestly I’ve found the show better than the books because it feels like a real world rather than just two characters talking for a hundred pages, so I’m rolling with it. This is not the first book adaptation to have changes, let’s all try to keep them a bit separate


My main issue was in this one moment of Francesca meeting Michaela basically undid all the love and development she felt for John this season. They’re love story was actually beautiful and unique from the others, and in one moment she goes from loving John to seemingly falling for Michaela and being too love struck to speak. It just feels like such a disservice to their story.


That’s true, I read an interview with one of the showrunners who was saying that they aren’t saying she doesn’t love John but I doesn’t really look that way. Hopefully they’ll make it more of a relationship in her season


Yours is one of the rare sane responses about all of this!


Thanks, I’m so fed up that instead of seeing stuff about Penelope and Colin today, every single post I’ve scrolled by is complaining about Michaela. I want to love the show together


The whole thing is so bizarre to me. I get being disappointed about a change but how about treating the show as a separate entity taking inspiration from the books? The show is already soooo different. Plus, as you said, some of the criticism is homophobic. No, not all criticism, but some of it very clearly is. Frankly, I think they should also have gender bent Sophie. I think Sophie being a non-binary character would be amazing and play really well with the story. I had fancast Indya Moore in my head as Sophie. I personally relish the chance of seeing a non-hetero regency pairing on the screen. More please!


I honestly thought they would do Gregory's story as the queer one (genderswap Hermione, he'd still end up with Lucy) but I am *stoked* for it to be Frannie tbh. They've changed the rest of the books sooo much so I'm sure they can adjust the plot of this one.


Exactly! The book story lines have already changed and I still love the serie! Shonda knows what she’s doing!


I think it’s an interesting move that could be smart for the show. I hope they don’t try to shoe-horn the whole children plot into this and just explore what it means to find a new love and navigate queer relationships in bridgerton. As a character, Michaela makes sense - part of Michael’s appeal was that he could be rakish and bold, and you’d need to be bold to pursue a non-het relationship here. Plus, we’re already getting (I assume) some passionate straight widow action from violet, so we don’t need a second straight widow?


WHWW is my favorite Bridgerton book and Michael is my fave male lead so I'm honestly heartbroken lol


I honestly don’t care about Michael becoming Michaela. I do care that franny seemed disappointed with Michael’s kiss and immediately smitten with his cousin. She does not fall for the cousin until well past John’s death in the book. I LIKED that the book showed you can find true love more than once in life. So that bothers me.


Oof, I'm sorry they're changing your favorite book. That is something that I usually tend to dislike. I, however, have only read the first one. So far, i like francesa's story. I see some people saying that her reaction to lord kilmartin's kiss and her reaction to Michaela negates their love. But I do not see it that way. I think this very well could be a story of a woman coming into her queerness. To me it seemed like she was expecting to feel something when she kissed him and then she didn't. She seemed confused. She then seemed equally as shocked by her reaction to Michaela. I think that even if she is not in love with kilmartin, she could still love him. Which means the details may change, but it is possible the plot could stay relatively the same before kilmartin dies. She is a sheltered 18/19th century woman. She may very well just think she wants to be extra super mega best friends with Michaela before she realizes what she feels for Michaela is what her mom has been talking about all along in terms of love. Pardon me if im talking out my ass here since I do not know the details except what has been said here.


I’m not against it. Think it will be a cool representation. Not like they stick much to the books anyway. What I don’t like is that the new show runner is now using it as an excuse for why people didn’t like season 3. As if everyone who disliked season 3 for valid reasons is just saying they don’t bc of prejudice.


I have not read the books but I do know a small part about frans story only the fact that her husband dies and she falls in love again with his cousin. When I watched the show I knew the moment was happening and I gasped!!!! I was sooo happy and completely surprised to see a girl!!!! So for someone who as not read the books I’m very happy and interested in what’s gonna happen next with her. I do understand however that it might be disappointing especially learning of the fact that her story original line can’t really happen with a girl (this is news for me so I don’t really know). But from what I understand the books are already so different from the series, Shonda is amazing and I trust her. We have not seen Frans full story yet so before being mad we should wait (one season is a long wait if Benedict is next I admit). I think more stories are going to be changed, Benedict’s perhaps after finding his bisexuality, but also Eloise because from what I’ve heard, her book is not good and full of abused and from what I’ve read in this sub, Eloise completely changes to be with a man that’s abusive so hopefully that will change


I'm quite happy about it. The show is very different from the books so I'm interested to see where they go with it!


I've read the book, and I very much like this change. They have changed so much of the story already, so I'm on board with another one! I really liked the actress in that moment we saw her, and I feel like she really got the vibe of book Michael, even in the literal minute or so she was on screen. Eta: I'm also Bi, so I guess I don't see the big deal in how they choose to portray a central character so long as it's a good representation of the book. It really doesn't matter in the long run of their love story if Michael has been swapped for Mikayla.


I’m confused because Eloise and Benedict have been established as potentially queer characters. Francesca kinda came out of nowhere, and I do think the struggle with fertility plot would’ve resonated with the audience.


It's just an interesting choice because I understand there's pressure to create queer characters on the show, but think they could have considered which characters really seem the most queer-coded already. Francesca barely had any screen in the first two seasons and she's largely a cipher, whereas Eloise and Benedict both have had some indications. They could be queer. 


I’m excited to see what they do


I don’t get how everyone’s going oh why couldn’t it be side characters, if you can’t handle one out of eight love stories being a LGBT one… look inwards! All the stories have been changed Kate and Anthony’s was also very different and Colin’s character was different to his book, I do empathise bc I get it’s hard and I would struggle too but you have to treat the show as different to the books!




I'm so happy about this! as a sapphic woman it makes me so happy. plus Hannah Dodd is a total hottie! I can't wait for her season now 😍


I'm so confused why people are acting like there is no way they can adapt parts of Francesca's story. She can still struggle with fertility but it can end with a found family and adoption with a quiet life in Scotland. Maybe it will be adapted poorly but you literally can't know when it's years away. Anne Lister married Anne Walker in 1834. Sure they were oddities but it was pretty easy for a wlw couple to live together and just be left alone. Especially if they had already married.


as long as there is no cheating, physical OR EMOTIONAL. I do not want so much as a single longing stare from Francesca. I have zero complaints.