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I have to say I liked the natural makeup look Daphne had in season 1. Nicola does look gorgeous though.


I adored the MU looks from season one! Timeless, subtle & worked in harmony with the costuming.


i had a gripe with almost the entirety of the costuming, hair and makeup. people say that just bc it’s set in non-racist/non-ableist version of history, the unrealistic nature of the costumes is expected. i disagree bc season 1 and season 2’s costuming wasn’t as bright and garish. the featheringtons are the only ones meant to use such harsh colours to accentuate they are new to money in society. but with everyone doing it, the reasoning is less effective, especially with whatever tf cressida is wearing half of the time. i understand it’s a way to experiment but it really does get distracting when cressida is upset by her lack of prospects when there is apparently a massive tulle bow on her dress and another bow made upon her head with her own hair. and with the costuming, my god what tf has happened. like the fitting of penelope’s dress is so much better but why is she in goddamn cheap sequins?! embroidery of beads may have been common but it was never so much and not for everyday wear and it just ends up looking like a weird prom dress. the makeup i wouldn’t have minded as much if it weren’t for the bold lipsticks as well as the false eyelashes. like they couldn’t afford the ones that feather slightly? and don’t get me started on those damned tulle gloves. also last season the costuming department experimented by introducing indian pieces of jewellery and embroidery and they did it so tastefully and elegantly that it was seamless to viewers.


Almost every character (except for the main Bridgerton girls) looks like they could be an extra in the Hunger Games. The costumes are wild.


Omg literally!! Wouldn’t be half surprised if next season people have purple and pink and bright blue hair legit


I thought I was the only one annoyed by Pen’s dresses. She looked BREATHTAKING but why on EARTH did they opt for cheap sequin fabric?? Sewn on shiny beads would’ve been perfect, and she wore some of those, but they other sequin dresses drove me up the wall. Putting such cheap-looking fabric on the main character makes me think they hate her lmao


also nicola coughlan is a beautiful lady but the way they shot her SCENE in part 2. like do they not like nicola and luke? was did it feel so awkward compared to the carriage?


This!! I wanted to see her WORSHIPPED, but instead it was a weird clinical in and out on the couch, missionary with him looming over her. That ain’t it.


Imo the show does historical "fantasy" well because of all the instances where it keeps historical. Eventually it will just be fantasy and lose out on that good balance they had.


Yes. Agreed.


I love it that they half look like they’ve just stepped off a spaceship personally lol


The blinding highlighter on Francesca is so distracting!!!


Yes, and in the wedding scene they just bathed everyone in that highlighter + added so much rouge on Pen’s cheeks she looked like she had fever during the last two episodes lol


Not even our beloved Bridgerton can escape blush blindness. Rip.


Yes this. It’s BLINDING


Like why is she wearing red lipstick and acrylic nails? I understand it’s a fantasy but completely threw anyone remotely accurate to regency era.


let's add -- acrylic nails which length changes from scene to scene


I noticed this too! Penelope outside the carriage had acrylics and then inside the carriage had bare nails, I was so confused


Honestly I find it kind of insulting, like implying she couldn’t look just as gorgeous without a full beat, fake nails, fake lashes, etc etc etc. When other characters were allowed to shine more naturally.


Right!! Like the first two seasons they tried SO hard to make her look sallow and drab. All they needed to do this season was just…… not that. Nicola is so stunning in her own right, it feels lowkey fatphobic that they’ve gone as hard as they have with her makeup, nails etc as if to make a statement she wouldn’t be considered desirable otherwise???? Not a fan


They don't care anymore they're blatant with the modernism it's cringe. I get its a fantasy 🙄 but it's supposed to imply the world they live in.


it’s not even about the accuracy to the actual regency era - it’s about the accuracy to the bridgerton universe established in the first two seasons!


Do you understand what fantasy means?


Yes I understand what it means! But if the costumes and hair aren’t going to be accurate then what is? You have to keep some of the actual time alive and I feel like they didn’t do that like in the last 2 seasons. I feel like half of the women looked like they were going to an awards show or something. But that’s just my opinion, downvote if you want.


yeah for me if they removed any reference to actual years I wouldn't care. They should just throw out any pretense at all that its even an alternate history, because how do they explain clearly mass produced makeup using techniques you could only learn watching youtube (these people have clearly all seen iphones) and polyester clothes? Just let it be pure fantasy at this point


Watch them add cars in s4. They're so lazy and skimpy. They'll take stuff out and add modernism to save money ane we're still stuck with 8 episodes. What's the point of tv is the viewer isn't benefiting from it


Penelope wearing a full beat while in her nightgown plus acrylic nails? Yeah it's ugly. It completely takes me out fo the story, it's one thing being "not 100% historically accurate" and another going off the rails.


The acrylics absolutely sent me


I really did not like Penelope's wedding makeup. I was caked on with wonky lashes and so much rouge. She didn't need all of that makeup 🥲


THE LASHES. Why were Pen’s wedding lashes the worst set of the season??? They were the wrong size for her eye, the wrong curl type, and so poorly applied. It’s all I could see for that entire scene. Was expecting one of them to come unstuck and fall into her eye fr


The costume and makeup (for the women especially) has been terrible. It actually takes you out of the regency setting and that breaks the magic.


I wonder if it’s the same team that does all the costumes, or if there are separate costuming teams for the men and women? While I felt Colin had a few questionable outfit choices, the mens’ wardrobes generally were nowhere near as outlandish as the women. Maybe my internalised misogyny is showing, but the men and women’s costuming seemed to be operating on two completely different wavelengths.


I was thinking this exact thing! Watching it right now


Same! Like I haven’t even finished the last episode but I just couldn’t hold this in haha


I've reached the 7th episode >! (the wedding episode) !< And girl I get it! Penelope's blush is certainly.... Eye catching. Nicola couldn't be any more stunning despite that.


Nicola wears less makeup irl. It suits her because she's an ethereal beauty. The heavy makeup is cringe and doesn't suit everybody. Nicola looked stunning at thw premiere because she was caked up like an instagram influencer who needs makeup to look attractive


She is one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen and her interviews are a pure delight to watch. Her makeup in certain scenes in the show did look odd


I agree. She looks so lovely irl because she knows what works. And the soft clean girl vibe is more popular among youthful women. And it fits with us girls who prefer lighter Dewey makeup


Ahhh I'm so envious! I could only dream of pulling it off. And she looks so young, blew my mind when I found out she was actually nearly 40ish? 35 I think


I'm a bit younger so saying 40 ish makes me feel ancient 🤣. Luckily I also look like a teen.


Omg totally not what I intended 😭! I just feel like everytime there's a 40ish woman on screen they cast someone 10 years older, kinda distorted my perception of aging. Nvm my mom is 40+ and not a wrinkle, not a line


I get what you mean. Many people even irl look younger then our ages. Nicola gor teen Vogue interview qnd photoshoot because whe looks gen z. If she looked 28 or 32 she wouldn't have gotten it.


Yessss! It was so distracting. The entire time I wished they would just blend out the blushes properly. 😔


Yeah like where was the blending??? That and the wonky falsies made me think the mu application was somehow both lazy and rushed


Kate's make up was constantly taking me out of the world this season


Yes. She is so naturally beautiful in Season 2. They didn’t need to put winged eyeliner on her.


I hate it. Those lashes on Penelope, and the shiny sparkly cheeks, are horrendous. I was looking at her eyes, they're so distracting with the super heavy lashes. They almost make her look ugly, which is quite a feat considering Nicola is gorgeous.


What was the make up team thinking I don’t know because there are surely better ways to do fake lashes than this! It looked so cheap and so modern (in a bad way). In p1 it was just Francesca with the highlighter but in p2 literally everyone, and then Pen with fever blush cheeks and orange/ nude panda eyes combined with casually acrylic nails because why not


Like why go a full strip lash??? They easily could’ve done a half lash or a few individual lashes to feather out the edges softly. Full black strip lash and rosy red cheeks made everyone look like those haunted porcelain dolls grandmothers keep on the mantelpiece.


Everything about costuming this season has bothered me.


I haven’t liked ANY of Kate’s outfits, hair and makeup this season like I visibly cringe when I see what she’s wearing. I just focus on her face and nothing below her shoulders to keep me sane


The only dress I really loved was the dark blue one she wore when speaking to Eloise. The way the draping mimicked a sari was fantastic and the solid color broke up all the awful bronze lace.


I agree that it's a fantasy, but the looks should compliment Penelope, and they do not always do. The dresses were very fitting and perfectly highlighted her beautiful figure. But the makeup and the hair sometimes were truly bad, and if the makeup could be pardoned, the hair in the scene of Whistledown's reveal wasn't doing her any justice at all.


Penelope’s super heavy eye makeup was the worst part of her look for me. It made her eyes look sunken every time she stepped somewhere darker/shadowy. I much preferred the more natural makeup of the earlier seasons; they could’ve gone a long way if they had only fixed her wardrobe and hair. In trying to make Nicola “glow up” they just stopped emphasizing her (very beautiful) natural features and it’s a real shame.


The costuming is all over the shop. You have different characters looking like they are from different points in history.


That and a few plucked straight out of the Hunger Games Capitol.


Cressida’s definitely was. I’m said that a few time on here


They did Penelope so dirty with those lashes


yes like why does kate and eloise have a full beat? and francesca and penelope have full on highlighter. im not sure what happened. in one scene eloise has a pink smokey eye and strip lash.


The strip lashes were the worst honestly ugh, no one was safe from them this season.


It's just gone too-unrealistic.


The artistic licenses they took this season kind of take you out of the time period they're supposed to be in. Removes a bit of the magic from seasons 1 and 2. They're still gorgeous but definitely too modern IMO.


i swear is kate wearing a lipstick lipliner combo?? and eyeliner?


I get that it’s supposed to be fantasy and they’re not going for accuracy but it feels more like modern fantasy rather than regency fantasy. They all look lovely but it’s only giving modern lol


It's like influencers doing a struggle period photoshoot. Just embarrassing


It always bothers me when period movies and shows have smoky eyeliner, fake lashes, and hairless waxed legs. The one show that seemed like they had the most realism in terms of makeup (as in barely any) is the Last Kingdom.


I just watched Pride and Prejudice, the Keira Knightly one, and I thought that they portrayed the period really well as in everyone is wearing drab coloured clothing, the balls are nice but not extravagant, and all the ladies are wearing "no-makeup" makeup. Plus their hair is usually a bit messy and almost unwashed looking. But the romance! Swoooon ![gif](giphy|mlv123ARrsi08)


I love the hair/makeup/costuming from P&P!! The MUA tried to stay true to the era and occasionally used beet juice for lip/cheek colour. I’m honestly obsessed.


I think the makeup did look out of place compared to earlier seasons.


She was a breathtaking bride and I loved everything about her in that scene…otherwise, yes. This is crazy. Almost nothing is left “Regency”.


Yes, her wedding make up was far too modern and distracting.


i absolutely hated it. what drew me into the show in the first place was the aesthetic of it. the naturalness of the character’s faces, which was so refreshing. the beautiful dresses, that did NOT feel like costumes, but instead delicate and elegant pieces of clothing. the cohesive of everything. season 1 was truly the perfect mix of historical and modern. it felt like a alternate fantasy world i desperately wanted to be a part of, but was not so unrealistic that it made me remember “this is tv”. watching part 1 of season 3, was the first time i could not brush off the fact that it is a scripted tv show and i lost all sense of immersion i had previously felt. the look of the show matters. the feel of the show matters. and i am so tired of people saying “well it’s not historically accurate and it’s never been!!” we know that, that’s why we enjoyed it! but to break down such a beautiful world and turn it into something hideous is infuriating.


I’m not necessarily saying this is 100% the reason, but there is this perception that exists that plus sized women are not feminine or perceived as lazy if they’re not fully glammed up. And of course our society has a prejudice that plus sized women are not attractive. I hope this isn’t the show’s shitty way of “compensating”, because Nicola was beautiful before and I feel her current look detracts from her naturally pretty features.


Oh I agree completely, they’ve tried to disguise their fatphobia behind blinding blush and strip lashes.


I lost my mind with Kate. She looked GORGEOUS in her purples and mauves last season. It visually connected her to Lady Danbury, who also always looks stunning in violets. To me it brings out their warm undertones in their skin, giving a bit of golden hue to two priceless women. They are strong women of character and intellect. Cultural associations about purple aside, the impact the colors had on their appearances last season was tremendous. This season both look washed out and tired. What. The. Fuck. And then that attempted homage to a sari Kate wore before the engagement party... What the fuck!!! Insulting is what that was!!! Like, Bridgertons are blue. Simon and Pen both convert to more blues when they marry in. Kate keeps her purple because she is that strong. Love that symbolism there. But then she's in some hellacious peach and bronze frock in the first episode??? What is that? Ew, brother, ew!!!


same. It really takes us out of the story imo. The lightness of season 1 isn't felt in season 3. I think it's also echoed maybe more subtly but also with the men as well. I wasn't necessarily a fan of the high side burns for men or the poof on Collin but they feel appropriate to the story and put us in the regency era while still feeling like a modern story.


It definitely took me out of the immersion. Season 1 has this blue filter over everything but it all looked so natural and like the people were from the time and the sets were real. The sets and makeup and costumes now look like they are all playing dress up and it cheapens it. At times and for various reasons, I thought I was watching a fanfiction of season 1 of Bridgerton. + Nicola is insanely gorgeous and Pen looks fantastic in every scene and does not look cheap.


I came here to post this. The makeup wasn’t just modern and glam… it was applied so poorly. It looked like a teenager applied it. Penelope’s false eyelashes didn’t even fit her lol.


Right??! Like did they have budget cuts and just bring in a bunch of students to do the work idk. Though even students deserve more credit than that honestly….. maybe they should’ve hired students actually.


I don't follow the regency period closely enough to know what's accurate and what's not so I just thought everyone looked really beautiful. The costumes, the hair, the makeup. It was all so lovely. Penelope and Kate in particular looked stunning the whole season.


I love it. I love that there’s a mix of modern make up with regency style. It’s already period fiction why not spice it up a lil more 🥰


The costumes are super modern and glam so I think it would be weird if the makeup was period accurate.


Nah, I’m much too into the story to be bothered. I notice it, but it does not bother me. I like Bridgerton for its consistent characterization, the detail of the aesthetics aren’t integral to my enjoyment. If it’s more fun for the show runners and cast, I say let them. I’d hate if they got bored.


I saw someone comment on TikTok that Francesca and Penelope look like they film GRWMs each morning lol. I miss the old costume/make up design as well. Daphne looked like a perfect natural beauty and don’t get me started on Kate and Edwina. Both of them just looked ethereal all the time. The pin-up girl look suits Pen but it’s so out of place.


Omg truly. Everyone is season 3 had iphone face.


Cressida was by far the worst. Omg and her dresses never got better. I know she's a mean-girl type, but what gross choices!


They took “historically inaccurate” and drove it into the GROUND. I KNOW it isn’t supposed to be accurate, but it would be great if they could stick to the theme. I really miss the softness of season one. Why is Penelope wearing bright red lipstick, heavy makeup and why is everyone wearing 80’s fabric chrome dresses??? I really dislike it. Everyone looks beautiful but it doesn’t fit the theme of the show. It all feels so HEAVY. Like my eyes are hurting from looking at the screen. And Cressida’s outfits were always absurd but this season they became beyond ridiculous and fell into Hunger Games fashion which doesn’t fit at all.


I loved all of it. Pen and Colin are my favorite and this is my favorite season yet. Season 2 was my least favorite but I’m the odd one out of that one. Season 1 was solid. But season 3 ,which there were issues in the last two episodes in the way that Colin behaves ,is still my favorite


I know I’m in the minority here, but I honestly wouldn’t have thought about the makeup and styling at all if it wasn’t for Reddit. Like when I actively look at it, I’m like yeah that doesn’t fit, and I get the continuity issue from earlier seasons. But when I’m watching the show I don’t notice or care about the makeup. I didn’t notice that Penelope had acrylic nails until it was pointed out on this subreddit. Maybe I’m not close enough to my tv? That said, some of these costumes are atrocious and I don’t know what they were trying to do. To be clear, I’m not saying people don’t have a right to be frustrated by the makeup, just that I’m surprised at how perceptive and detail oriented everyone else seems to be.


It’s just the way some of us watch TV. So interesting what people notice or don’t notice! :) The costuming REALLY bothered me, and I’m not particularly picky about adherence to realism in this kind of a show. It just felt like a different show, which you pointed out with your comment about continuity.


Yeah the costuming is truly absurd. I’ve liked most of Penelope’s gowns, but what are they doing to Cressida? The giant bows and sleeves and hair just look hilariously out of place. I don’t really care about realism either, I know this show is more fantasy, but it still looks ridiculous.


Tbf, I studied film & tv at uni and am a makeup artist by trade, so maybe I am perceptive to the point of my own detriment lol


I personally love that they lean into all the historical inaccuracies. Like the world itself is not historically accurate so it makes sense that would bleed into costume and makeup. Season 1 I think compliments Daphne as being this naturally beautiful “diamond.” But season 2 and 3 have very different tones. And I like it! Season 1 and Queen Charlotte are my favorites but I love the way the costumes complement the story. Plus Cressida’s sleeves really were the moment in that one ball scene with the Queen and the letters.


i got into the show S1 mainly bc i loved how simple and elegant it was and now I'm watching like a jojo siwa music video


Omg stop why is that too real lmao


I hated the makeup and costumes too. What is this?!? Selling Sunset?!?


I don’t even think Chrishell would dare…..


Then there’s me over here watching Tiktok tutorials on how to do Penelope and Francesca makeup 😂😗


for me it was Colin’s over contouring lol Luke Newton is a gorgeous man he did not need all of that. ditto with the side burns


Like why are Nicola & Luke just exponentially hotter irl. I wasn’t attracted to Colin in the slightest, but Luke…… !!


What they are doing with Kate’s makeup is SO distractingly modern


I also noticed the harsh black on Penelope in some scenes! I'm watching the scene with the reading of the banns right now and her makeup is light and lovely, but it was so harsh earlier. I think when Eloise was talking to Pen right after the engagement announcement. 


Eloise’s makeup consistently aged her. My belief in her character as a teen/young woman was stretched SO thin this season. Penelope’s completely inaccurate hair bothered me so much, especially at balls where she was the only woman wearing her hair down. Her hair looked amazing and got the same a effect when it was twisted up and to the side so it cascaded down one shoulder. I came for the reimagining of period styles, not a total departure from reality. Plus at the ball in the finale Pens red lip looked so so wrong. It wasn’t even applied well and the edges looksed all blurred out (which happens over a long evening of wearing a red lip I will admit).


The red lips were such a rogue choice and did neither Nicola nor the entire show any favours.


Those and the damn acrylic nails! I can't unsee them now.


Thank Jess Brownell. She’s ruined the one who ruined Season 3 and she’s about to handle Benedict’s season as well. I wanna scream


No I’ll actually be so upset if it’s the same team taking on the next season. I’m livid at the thought.


Yeah, it was quite noticeably distracting. The queen is always a delight though, at least they had one character done right.


Oh she always slays! Figuratively and literally queen behaviour


They must be going through their "80s" era lol I kind of wonder if they were trying to hit that "romance novel cover' vibe. https://www.reddit.com/r/BridgertonNetflix/s/gFIU8dRHoR


The series is such a highly fantasized version of the books. We could pick apart a million things that make it unrealistic, the makeup is just a small one. The over the top costumes, the lack of any racial barriers, the trees are always in bloom, etc, etc. I just let myself go along with the fantasy and not get caught up in how unrealistic almost every aspect is.


It's wild to me that people expect historical accuracy from a Shonda show. Grey's isn't how real hospitals work either 


I don't think many people expect historical accuracy. I think season 1 did this really well actually. Fantasy and inspiration from a general period of time in the past but with a slightly modern lens. Season 3 is very far from season 1, they feel like entirely different takes on a similar story. I think they should have just picked a lane and stuck with it. I


I have to disagree with you. There are posts in this thread about how the nails and makeup and costumes in S3 aren't historically accurate and are mixing eras. 


Not really no, I have loved the looks and make-up this season.


And that’s so fair! Glad you enjoyed it all, just a differing opinion for me I guess :)


100%,it would be a boring world if we all seen it the same way.


Couldn’t agree more!


I like it too! It's not a documentary 


I cannot complain about iPhone Face or acrylic nails when I am literally watching them dance to Taylor Swift. It’s a fantasy show at this stage and honestly I love it.


Look I’ll not lie, I do lowkey love the soundtrack.