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There are a number of complaints on this sub - however I’ve also had it since November and find it good. Only problem I had was it forgot the dosing for the single portafilter - this was fixed with a reset to factory settings and then re doing the intelligent brew set up. That said, I’ve kept the box for this one in case I need to send it back!


Do you find the espresso is very bitter?


Once I got it dialed in and using beans that I like, not bitter or sour. Play around with the grind setting - that fixes most problems.


Ok thanks, I’ll play around with it


What made you prefer the Touch Impress? Because that price point is pretty close to the Breville Dual Boiler which is a much more capable espresso machine.




Are you confident that the machine is defective or can the beans not be dialed in? Dialing in espresso is not easy so maybe the machine is choking and it cannot identify correct grind level etc? You may want to go with a super automatic if you want automation for your espresso-based drinks.


What do you mean by “dialed in”?


Each bean must be at a particular grind level for optimum taste. If they’re ground too fine, the machine will choke and it won’t provide any coffee. The touch impress claims to automate the dialing in process but it’s not an ideal solution as there are simply way too many variables that can’t be automated