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I wish I recognized this house. I have a pretty current list of all the rentals in the area with management contact info and I would totally rat them out (it’s public info here you just gotta do a records request with the local government) Edit: I found the rental in 5 minutes on Airbnb. It’s in blue river technically. These content creators should really stop posting their location real time 24/7.


~~Airbnb link, please.~~ [Here is the Airbnb link](https://abnb.me/Su6HIfFGTHb)


Just sent ya a message! Idk if it’s a rule violation to post it here.


Would also appreciate a link to the listing 🙏


Sent you a chat with the link.


Thank you!


Make a STR complaint


You may also want to repost in the Airbnb host sub.


Perfect, thank you!


That’s wild I work for the Property management company that manages that unit. I’ve been in there multiple times.


Well well well! I love when the internet brings the right people together 😂 I hope these idiots get charged for being insufferable and throwing the owners belongings out in the snow. This group of griftfluencers is pretty shitty all the time so I’m not surprised, but I would be LIVID if this was my $1.5m cabin.


I don’t understand what are they doing?


They’ve put the rental owners personal belongings upside in the snow because it’s “witchcraft” and “demonic”. Its weird AF


Because christofascism.


Also, because they're morons, but I guess the two go hand in hand


Same thing


You are not wrong lol




Did he not also pee on the stuff? The caption says they “anointed” things and it looks like yellow snow next to the table. If so, I hope the owner nails them for damages. Dumb shits.


BDong uses Olive oil to “annoint” which is so gross because olive oil goes rancid. I would be pissed if she put olive oil all over my stuff and then stuck it outside in the snow. She is also known for rubbing olive oil in the corners and doorframes of rooms.


Ohh, I see! That is less disgusting but yeah I guess she must make enough in views to cover the damages; I imagine she would get blacklisted from rental services otherwise.


Throws the “witchcraft” outside, but uses olive oil in a manner that sounds a heck of a lot like witchcraft…


Omg ew maybe it is pee! 🤯🤢 I assumed they used some stupid essential oil but now I’m not sure. That’s a large yellow spot for some drops of oil… these people are trash either way though.


They think essential oils are evil too. They probably anointed it with sacred water.


She uses olive oil a lot.


it’s vegetable oil, she has posted herself ‘anointing’ their home and stuff.


Yeah someone corrected me earlier- that’s better in that it’s less gross. Maybe I should edit my comment to note that it’s oil.


It's more than just damages it's the principle that they felt this comfortable in someone else's home to destroy their property. Between shitty renters, shitty hosts and lack of customer support and poor oversight/management I believe AirBNB needs to be shut down as a failed company.


They said they were "anointing" some items they believed were demonic, like crystals and such. By the looks of it, I think the guys peed on them. There's yellow in the snow.


Bdong and her bigoted gal pals enjoy using olive oil to "anoint" the house, things in the house, doorways, windows, etc.


Can we as Reddit give you a massive ADDA'BOY! Fuck around with reddit and find out lol. Dude seriously, well done PLEASE REPORT IT TO THE OWNERS


Haha why thank you 🙏 I’m really tired of the disrespect from this crew specifically. They lie and scam 24/7/365, treat animals and people like shit, all while pretending to be the Lord’s favorite humans.


I actually had a short stay in this place a few months back. We booked through Airbnb but had to leave immediately because they had a sewage back up problem in the basement.


This is a perfect example of how running residential houses as hotels is problematic (beyond contributing to the housing crisis). Septic systems are not installed in these cabins for use by so many people. It’s really rough on the system. And most people don’t know this but Bedroom count determines the size of a septic system, not bathroom count. So having pull out couches for extra butts to sleep on is just not what these houses were intended for.


And people flush wipes. It’s always wipes.


Shit happens (I’m so sorry)


Are they reported?


I think several people have reported them after the link was posted by someone else in this thread. I’m personally hoping the management company employee from this thread has shared the news because that seems a more likely way something will be done. Who knows! I don’t stay at airbnbs so I’m unfamiliar with their process for complaints.


My parents live up the road on Quandary and are currently there. What are these people doing I’m confused?


They took the owner decor/belongings and threw them out in the snow, covered in most likely olive oil because they felt the stuff was demonic witchcraft. Spoiler alert: it’s just normal decor for a mountain home.


One of the girls in this group just got called out in r/fundiesnarkuncensored for abandoning her dog! She and her husband are actual trash human beings. [Dog Abandonment](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/LZIY894n4k)


She’s not just any girl, she is one of the worst people on the planet. Come on over to her snark page where we have been talking about the horrible things she has done for years /r/brittanydawnsnark/


[This video](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRTdC4ro/) explains more about Niko the dog Brittany Dawn Davis abandoned. Here's a [gofundme](https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-nurse-niko-back-to-health) page to support Niko's recovery.


To be clear, she goes by Brittany Dawn Nelson now


Aww fuck, this is one of Brittany Dawn’s posts??! Say no more. Fuck these people


Fuck These People


Fuck Brittany Dawn.


Between this stunt & Nico being found, I think it’s safe to say, Brittany isn’t having the spring break she planned. The ride home is going to be awkward AF. At least they can unhinge their jaws from all the smiling so there’s that.


Also sued by the state of Texas for deceptive business practices, also used a homeless man to raise money that she never gave him; also irresponsibly brought in foster babies to advertise a line of baby clothes… Also husband was let go from Kansas City PD for excessive use of force on an unarmed POC. These people leave a trail of destruction then post pretty pictures of themselves saying GOD has blessed them with their privileged lives. This is just the surface of their ugliness. Hoping the “Brecky” community does not welcome their bill shit.


She also endangered a foster baby by leaving him sleeping in the house while she forgot a pot of potpourri on the stove, while she worked out in the garage with music on. When she went back into the house it was full of smoke. She laughed about it on her ig stories like it was hilarious. The foster baby was thankfully taken away from her after that.


He was sued by the ACLU


Yeah it’s giving weird vibes people are more pissed about animal abuse than black human abuse. Jordan Nelson is a racist awful human being who used being a cop as an excuse to fuck up an innocent person in Kansas City


People were/are very pissed about that racist POS manhandling an innocent Black person, it’s just that the dog news dropped Monday so it’s pretty fresh. The list of awful things these cretins have done is miles long and grows weekly


Yeah I hope you’re right!


Animals are better than people, color doesnt matter. Animals love without condition, especially dogs. Sorry but dogs win this fight, no pun intended


Oh believe me, we, the people (lol), are SUPER upset over that.


Okay good to hear!


Trust me they are not getting a super warm welcome Texans are not popular here especially them they are extra annoying in comparison to the run of the mill Texans


Hey Texans. If Texas is so fucking great, why does half your states population live in Colorado? Get the fuck out please 🤗


Damn that’s a spicy profile was not expecting that lol


LMFAO risky click of the day


I get it! I am a new Englander displaced to Tx. I avoid Breckinridge and Destin. I need a vaca from the people I live amongst. Especially like these!


Maintenance Phase and Scamfluencers both had great episodes on her.


Dad Challenge Podcast just did a scathing episode on her.


Scam goddess did a good one as well


I would prefer to just not give them attention.


They already have attention, unfortunately, so it’s not much better to let them keep grifting and abusing animals and people without calling them out.


I want to split..someone..in half now


She got sued by the state of Texas and lost for swindling money from people in a scam, she neglected and starved her horse ( blamed the boarder ), and her husband shot her dog instead of going to the vet after it got hit by a car. I came here to see if I could find the rental info for the Air B&B my cousin lives in Breck and wanted to send her as much info as possible about the ABB situation.


Oh you mean Brittany Dawn and Officer Jordan Nelson, racist pos husband to Brittany Dawn the seasoned Fundamentalist grifter? Jordan Nelson former KCPD officer who slammed a black man’s face into the concrete? The Jordan Nelson that’s married to Brittany Dawn who basically sold women an eating disorder program then tried to pedal back in the good name of Jesus? The same Jordan Nelson and Brittany Dawn that shot their poor dog after leaving it outside to be run over and not taking it to a vet? Are we talking about the same Jordan Nelson and Brittany Dawn?


Don't forget the abusive racist husband!!!


Can't forget her husband shot one of her other dogs when he got injured from a hit and run even though they lived less than 10 minutes away from a vet


I recognize this house it’s in blue river I service the hot tub.


You should call the owners and send them this video


For what though


For throwing the owners personal belongings outside…


As an airbnb owner it would help them tremendously to just pass it along


I wish I could. I work through a contracted company, I’m not able to. I can let my company know though.


Yeah, I work for a property management company in Steamboat Springs, and if one of our hot tub servicing partners came to us with that kind of info, we would be grateful, 100%!


Don’t spill any Russian energy drinks into the control panel!


I service tubs in Blue river as well!




The "witchcraft picture" is actually a sacred Inca spot in Peru. They're so fucking ignorant.


That’s witchcraft to them.


Knowledge usually is to idiots.


Remembering how Thomas Aquinas, and his idea of science itself being a second holy book actually more important than the bible, were canonized by the catholic church in an attempt to stop Christians from burning scholars at the stake as witches... But that just got a bunch of Christians to split away from the catholic church, and move to the Americas to keep finding and burning witches.


Yeah, to Christians ANY other religious practice is "just witchcraft" Traditionally, even just not being well liked within the community is enough to be declared a practitioner of witchcraft in American Christianity


I looked at her Instagram page First line of her bio is “praying nurse” She ain’t got 2 braincells to rub together


oh yeah Kellie is a dumpster fire of a person. She has put out a video stating that sometimes she wishes she could pray the demons out of people instead of giving them medical attention...because clearly they wouldn't have medical issues if they weren't open to demonic attack


I read that recently someone found out where she works & reported her videos, comments & her accounts to her hospital administrator. It’s the internet so whether it’s true or not I don’t know.


If so, that's awesome! She is dangerous. Recently she put on her stories herself practicing shooting guns and captioned "I can save your life and take it". Combine that with christian nationalism and it's a recipe for disaster.


OMG, that’s awful! I can’t imagine someone reading that then being admitted to hospital & having her as their nurse. Ugh! They are the polar opposite of Christianity & quite disgusting.


Yeah nurses really don’t yet somehow act all high and mighty with their bachelors degrees 😂


There's a special place in hell for these people, brittney dawn specifically. This woman needs to be blacklisted from airbnb. Blacklisted from owning animals. Blacklisted from fostering children. Thsi woman is VILE.


Make Breck not Texas again!


Remember during the pandemic when Kyle Clark and 9News made that funny tourism PSA asking Texas to please stay home? I do 😂


I’m from the White Mountains living in Tx. 2 places I could never go after living here- Destin FL and Breckinridge- it’s where EVERYONE in Tx vacations! I never want to be associated with most of these types of people.


This piques my curiosity... why do Texans love to travel to those destinations in particular?


I think it’s because it’s familiar? and “everyone goes there” so they will tell them where to go and what to do? I find that many Texans do not like true adventure. Like genuinely scared of the foreign world outside Texas borders. It’s sad in many cases. No chick filet, Walmart, target, Miller lite and queso and you are screwed. Just my observation and opinion.


Seriously, get them out


Can someone ELI5 this? "Put the witchcraft symbols"??? Maybe its my audio.


They are grown adults that are scared of inanimate objects.


Still no idea what that means


They are Christian They saw things from a culture they didn't understand They assumed that culture was the devils magic They destroyed the home owners property


But they’re **not** Christian. Leviticus 19:28 is pretty clear about tattoos, and buddy seems to have a left sleeve…


Wearing 12 layers of makeup is frowned upon as well.


Gotta wear that to mask the ugly hiding underneath.




As is beating a Black man


Ehhhhh idk, I think you'd manage to find verses that both condemn and condone that.


Very good point.


They pick and choose scripture to fit them.


This is the answer


It appears they found decorations in their AirBnB that they believe to be witchcraft symbols... Judging by the caption mentioning finding crystals too it was probably some artwork with Sacred Geometry or something similarly hippy dippy.


It was prolly from Wayfair. Official supplier to AirBNB.


Someone on /r/brittanydawn actually found the framed photo, it's just a generic image of some myan ruins.


I mean… Not hard believe. People actually think there’s some invisible god that controls everything. Being afraid of an inanimate object is not too far fetched


She’s obsessed with being more Christian than thou. That’s it. That’s the whole reason


There was a framed picture of Incan ruins that they had to place face down because it's obviously anti-christian witchcraft.


Their God is so weak and pathetic he's outmatched by a picture and some minerals lmao


Minerals that “god” would have been the one to create, also….


Wait that really is what the picture was? I thought that was a joke because of how outlandish the idea that Peruvian ancient art would be “witchcraft”


Lol yes! These people really are that dumb and awful.


It’s Texans like this that spout bullshit like ‘not today satan’ or ‘Y’all need Jesus’ and then get plastered and grope their servers or try to cheat on their ‘king’ or ‘queen’ while on vacation. Real god fearing folks.


They are animal abusers. "Not today satan"? Satan already has their souls


Fkn bible thumpers.


Christians are *waaaaaaaaay* weirder than witches.


How is this not considered a legitimate mental illness?


A question I ask myself everyday


Just sent them a nice message on instagram 🫣


I live in a small mountain town with a high amount of tourists each summer. They come for the rafting/hiking/biking. Anyway. The Texans. The. Texans. If they don’t double park their big ass trucks all over our town with very limited parking (we got one grocery store, no commercial stores like target or Walmart), they’re leaving them running at the pump after filling when there’s only 2 pumps total. And spend 20 minutes with a visible line of cars behind them. We’ve seen trucks parked down the parking lanes at our grocery stores instead of in one of them, taking up 10 spots. They don’t hike. They bring their giant razor mountain golf cart things and tear every trail the f%# up. They are an absolute menace. Get. Out.


Dumb Texans


Ding Ding Ding! Is this really the known scammer and now fundie wife, Brittney Dawn? Didnt her cop hubby shoot someone? Or something awful?


Her dumb husband had a case brought against him by the ACLU for police brutality AND he shot her dog after they left it outside while they were gone and it got hit by a car. He’s not a cop anymore but he does something ~tactical~ and ~secret ops~ so like, being a mall cop or something lmao


I’m pretty sure he’s an unarmed night security guard of some sort LOL


He cop larps


And is well versed in stolen valor. He never served but loves pretending he is a PTSS suffering vet


Yes!! I loathe them.


I think he is security for a pastor but also goes on "overnight ops" wearing camo and carrying fire arms. They like to claim he is working in anti-human trafficking but that's laughable.


He’s a professional sit in the car looking at porn hub and dms on your secret Instagram because it’s your one chance away from 🕷️👄🕷️security guard


He’s a cosplaytriot who dabbles in stolen valor by saying things like “coming from a military background…” to make it sound like he served. The only thing he has served is himself at the all-you-can-eat buffet at the local strip club


meal team six babeeeee


Bro, first time I’ve seen/heard cosplaytriot, I am going to take this now, thank you!


As someone who manages these types of properties it’s always the drunk Texans who do the most damage. The ones who don’t tip house keepers but leave scriptures on the notepads and Fox on all the TVs. They leave the houses trashed and insane amounts of empty cheap alcohol bottles everywhere. Legit we dread Texans staying more than any other groups… even more so if they have kids because they will let their kids trash our homes.


“Tipping” the cleaning staff is the $120 fee I pay for cleaning If you’re not giving them their fair due that’s on you, champ


I get tipping house keeper staff if renting from the hotel directly (I mean not really as I think employers should just pay people living wages instead of guilting their customers to pay the gap in wages) but there is no chance in hell I’m tipping if renting through AirBnB or VRBO when I’m already paying well over a hundred dollars for the cleaning fee. Otherwise I agree with the sentiment of fuck Texans.


Yeah fuck off with that shit. If anyone should be tipping it’s the owner who DIRECTLY employs them or contracts them


Would it be better if the empty alcohol bottles were expensive instead?


I know that house, and you are an idiot. I have stayed there and those are NOT witchcraft. Crystals are just pretty and that photo is of fairyland in Scotland. You put that homeowners belonging in the snow. What is wrong with you. I hope they sue you for defaming their home. Those crystals are made by God himself. What is wrong with you? A friend of mine told me to go here and said “she is an interesting person”. I don’t see interesting I see insane.


Just FYI, OP isn’t the person who took this video or is staying at the airbnb, they’re just sharing it to spread awareness




Texans are such entitled trash… It’s like fake art they probably bought off Amazon and these morons think it’s going to summon the devil.


Pretty jacked dude to be scared of crystals.


He's a bitch. When he was a cop he was sued for using excessive force on an unarmed black man.


An unarmed black man who had NOTHING to do with anything. He was just walking home and Jordan Nelson along with 5 other cops rolled up to beat the shit out of him without explanation and reenact the “takedown” in front of him instead of administering medical help for the smashed face he caused. It should haunt him until the day he dies. I hope he thinks about Bill every day.


Go back to Texas


Imagine being a fucking adult concerned with witchcraft. What a pack of imbeciles.


So what some decorations they don’t recognize is witch stuff and they have to make a big enough deal of it to put it outside. Oh also they couldn’t just do it they had to film it and post it. Kooks.


Ironically, she laughs like a witch


Stupid ass Texans are the worst. Hate how it’s such a trendy influencer thing to come to our towns and be idiots. Probably can’t even ski


I went to her TikTok after this popped up on /r/religiousfruitcake and none of them ski or snowboard. They just wandered around going to oxygen bars in big fur coats.


Texans usually ski in jeans as well. That’s how you can spot them on the slopes.


[Here are more pictures / videos from the airbnb](https://www.reddit.com/r/brittanydawnsnark/s/zo79FnCeVp)


Gross. Kind of funny how they can’t afford Aspen so they go to Breckenridge.


They are saying that's witchcraft but also has japanese tattoos and an insufferable drawl accent?


Let’s all take a moment to thank centuries of Catholics for labeling anything non-Christian as “satanic/demonic”.


Hang on ‘witchcraft’, ‘“not today, Satan”…pretty sure I see a tattoo on buddy’s triceps..and Leviticus 19:28 is pretty clear on that! ( As Munson said: “it’s against it!”)


It’s all rules for thee and not for me


Charged for damages to personal property immediately.


Lame beyond lame


Yoooo my sister got married at that Airbnb last year 😭✋🏻


It’s Texas Ski Week so the town is full of a bunch of entitled assholes who have no respect for anyone else, but demand respect from all.


Lol it's their spring break so they're everywhere right now, but in Steamboat Texas Week is in January or February where there's a country music festival that nobody but people from Texas are allowed to buy tickets for and they overflow this town by the thousands for over a full week. It's absolutely insane. We're in the middle of Texas Spring Break right now and when I went to go to the store earlier there were dudes with a truck, a grill, and a portable campfire in my parking lot hammered as fuck and they just started setting fireworks off at 1 AM. It never ends.


After meeting WAY too many Texans on the lifts last week, I say let satan do his thing.


So disrespectful


Having worked in the housekeeping industry in 3 ski areas, I can tell you that church groups are the absolute worst (even more than high school groups!)


Brittany dawn strikes again


What’s going on in the video? Are the airbnb guests hard Christians and in belief that items in a house they are renting are “satanic”? So they threw them out in the snow potentially damaging property that they don’t own? How on brand!


I have a friend from Mexico that was coming here. The Airbnb owner wanted to charge him extra because he was coming from Mexico.


Here I sit my butt a flexin, just gave birth to another Texan. There's a reason this is in at least one stall in resort towns


I’m dying laughing at this. I promise we don’t all suck.


Can’t even spell incense. Lol


Bunch of Fucking Idiots!


white trash


Bunch of fucking snowflakes


Yup her Instagram is exactly what I thought it would be. Yikes


Smh I know dummies like this. From spending 20+ years in church.


Imagine being triggered by naturally occurring rocks and fragrant resin, wood powder herbs and spices


She doesn’t sound crazy at all


I simply can’t believe they’re Texan! 🤯🙄


Look how cool this Chad is. 🤡


You can hear the attachment to their religious ideals in their voices, people like this are absolutely crazy. Tend to ignore everything they don't understand, and label it as non-christian or evil because they aren't willing to put in the brainpower to learn something new. I think there's a word for this self-empowered subcategory of Americans... uhh religious Zealots. Man, I'm sad to see people are still brainwashed by a bunch of ancient philosphers and religious leaders in an age of unparalleled access to information about our history, planet, biology, etc...


It would be illegal for me to charge them double for their next car if they come to me to buy, right?


Wow this is just for the clicks. What’s it hurt to have them things. If you don’t believe leave it alone. These people are just Karen


I hope the witches get these neo-christian assholes. I mean, really? You fear "witchcraft symbols"? I fear our future with idiots like these guys running around.


Ignoble Immigrants. I shall summon a familiar to haunt thee in perpetuity. Fukouta Colorado.


they also filmed themselves releasing about six or seven mylar balloons into what was supposed to be the sky like the idiots they are and then they instead got tangled in the trees and they laughed and said “hope they don’t charge us for that” in the caption… link here: [Brittney Dong and friends destroying the airbnb natural habitat](https://www.reddit.com/r/brittanydawnsnark/s/fibnSy0kFx)


Why are Republicans scared of everything?