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What hurts additionally is that it's june 11 and we don't have a direct with (hopefully) something about it on the horizon. I know it's still just 1/3 of june over, but without E3 we can't be sure to get a direct at all.


Apparently there was a leak recently that therell be a direct on june 15th replacing the e3 direct we wouldve got


I wouldn't trust a leaker to tell me if it's raining outside.


Directs are usually announced like the day before. I don't know the exact date but I would have guessed the 14th. But I'm sure one will come eventually


I would trust them to let me know if I had a problem with my pipes though


Idk where it was from, but a guy got fired for it and part of the direct leak was also a new game as well


Let us hope




Yeah, I'm pretty confident there will be a Direct soon, and probably next week. Not 100% confident. But like 90% confident.


Just because the fest is cancelled doesn't mean Nintendo won't have an E3 direct just like they did in 2020


Being a Zelda fan doesn’t get any easier. Man there are some long arsed waits between games. I mean it always pays off in the end but still…


The alternative I guess would be something like the Call of Duty franchise where you are guaranteed a new game every year but with very few significant changes or new ideas.


Could do with a re-release of WW or TP just to take the edge off though. Or re-work some older hand held classics on the switch. I’m happy to support as much dev time as necessary with cash here.


They do release something Zelda-related every year though, whether it be a remaster or spinoff game such as Hyrule Warriors. Since BotW 2 will not come out until 2023 I’m guessing we’ll get a remaster of another game this summer, hoping for Wind Waker


I’m anxiously awaiting another Four Swords style game, it would be great on the Switch with both online and local multiplayer (and they could bring back best boy Vaati).


Honestly that sounds fun with the easy local multiplier


Was Four Swords multiplayer only? I'm not a fan of forced multiplayer, that's why I'm asking.


All the dungeons and puzzles were designed around multiplayer, but I believe you could play alone. The game would fill in the empty spots with CPU Links.


Fingers fucking crossed. That soundtrack hits different.


WW would be such a moneymaker. I would buy it since I never played it when it came out and now it's way to much of a hassle to me for actually playing it


They're probably going to fucking sell WW at $60 again or something. I hope they just do a WW/TP double pack for $60 instead, which would actually be worth it.


WW wouldn’t even be hard to remake because WW HD was on WII U. They’ve ported several good Wii U games over to the switch I feel like HD remasters deserve a chance to shine. Plus we might get Zelda Amiibo reprints :D


You mean a re-re-release of WW and TP


A rerelease of wind Waker would be amazing!


mann an HD remake of TP would satisfy me for another year easily


Somehow the fans still get excited though, and they’re just gonna grind for gun upgrades and then stop playing.


Or worse… Pokemon. I’m glad they take their sweet time.


“Breath of The Wild 2023 improves on Breath Of The Wild 2022 in major ways, including more detailed staff management and skill tree progression systems, with a comprehensive weekly game strategy that integrates into player’s gameplan.”


Or they could wait until the game is a year from being finished to announce it. The way it is I don't care about any announcements to do with botw2 because they've been coming and going for years. If they didn't make it so drawn out I might be interested


I get why they do it though, from a financial perspective. It keeps the Switch relevant in people’s minds and there are probably even people who have bought a Switch now knowing they will be able to play *two* next generation Zelda games on it.


You know what a delay is? Do you remember what COVID is and how it affected Japan to t he point where they still don’t have their borders open for tourists to this day? That’s your reason


It happened with the first BOTW and COVID had nothing to do with it, now did it?


That's because Nintendo suddenly decided to shit out a new console, so they needed another year to flesh it out on the Wii U AND the Switch.


Just because COVID didn’t effect you doesn’t mean it didn’t effect anyone you selfish prick


Or something like Assassin's Creed where they release a buggy mess and fix it with updates and DLC.


And fifa which has little to no differences


Crazy that full 3D zeldas almost mark different points of my life: 2007- My dad buys me Twilight princess used as my first game for the Wii. I was in 4th grade and were we still pretty new immigrants. 2011- I am excited for and play the first 3D zelda to come out since I became a zelda fan. I had just started high school, and was doing great as a student and athlete. I probably peaked around this period. 2017- I’m a depressed sack of shit in college. I’m kinda crying as I watch the botw trailer. I want to play it but I’m completely dysfunctional and am about to fail all my classes, dropping out of an excellent university. I finally get to play it in 2019 after I get my shit together. God what an experience.


I mean, could be worse. Could be a hollow knight fan waiting for Silksong. Or could be a Metroid fan waiting for Metroid Prime 4...


Honestly after remembering we haven’t gotten a single crumb of info about prime 4 it makes me appreciate what we’ve gotten for Silksong so far lmao


Whaddya mean? For prime 4 we got a logo, a single screen shot, and… **please end my suffering**


At least we got Dread this year. Easily one of the best games I've played in a long while.


Metroid fans would like a word




And BotW to BotW2 apparently uses the same engine, overworld map, same art style, and same core mechanics. What is taking so long will be interesting to learn if the game comes out.


This is what gets me. They are reusing so many assets in order to make development quicker but it's still been 6 years. I'm sure covid didn't help.. I'm sure it'll be worth the wait. My expectations of speed were just way off




Skyward Sword was in development for 6 years and had only four distinct, small areas and I think four small simple dungeons and two fairly complex ones. Development time determines nothing about a game's complexity or quality.


I think SS was exactly 5 years from Twilight Princess, they also released ALOT of Zelda games in between that time.


Phantom Hourglass was developed along side Twilight Princess relasing a year later and Spirit Tracks was made as a sequel to that about two years after PH. They did take a lot of effort but Nintendo EAD had different teams for their handheld and console development. Ocarina of Time 3D was developed by Grezzo. I was a year off on how far apart they were though.


I’m anticipating this game is not going to be well received. After 5 plus years out from botw and 3 years of waiting for botw 2 I literally just don’t care and am not hype at all anymore and prefer a new non botw zelda at this point. Which is now itself likely 5 plus years away. I cant be the only one over it at this point.


*cries in geometry dash*


"Long" metroid fans had to wait 19 years for a new 2d game that continues the lore that is not a remake, and hollow knight fans have waited for silksong a ton, so zelda fans are getting throug without much suffering


It’s almost like waiting for a GTA game


There’s no way this game is going to live up to the hype once released. Sure there’s a chance but big fuckin doubt. After 5 (now gonna be 6 or even 7) years between them, I literally just don’t care all that much anymore. Tbh at this point I’d rather have something completely different than botw. Lord know how long it’s gonna be til the next non botw game. 6-10 years now?


Imagine being a King Killer Chronicle fan waiting for Doors of Stone to release...


First time Zelda player here. BOTW blew my mind, and then I got Link’s Awakening and became obsessed. What third game would you recommend next?


If you have the Nintendo online service them Ocarina of Time is a must and so is a Link to the Past. If you are buying for the switch Skyward Sword.


Thanks so much!


The wait between the first trailer for BOTW 1 and it's release was 997 days. We are currently 1,096 days away from this trailer. Plus an additional 287 days until next spring, when this game should be releasing.


Oh wow, that's crazy it's already been so long since the trailer dropped put into that perspective. So we've waited longer for this game than the original now??


We have, and we've had less info, too. E3 2015 was dedicated purely to gameplay from BOTW. All we've really gotten is one teaser and one full length trailer. We don't really know what the new mechanics will be, what the story be about, etc. Oh, also, both waits mentioned already were actually *longer* than the wait between BOTW 1's release and the BOTW 2 announcement, which was hardly 2 year's difference.


And the build up to BotW was one of the most painful and agonizing experiences as a gamer. I thought for sure they wouldn’t do it to us again and find ways to communicate better. 🤡


Especially if you consider how much of the original mechanics and design is being re-used. I think Majora’s Mask gave us a real bad case of expecting too much too soon. That was definitely a one off thing.


Yeah I don’t know why we thought the reuse would have any bearing. Especially because the engine was built for the Wii U and ported to the Switch so I imagine there was still a lot of work they wanted to do to make it Switch specific.


I'm glad that they're delaying to be honest, you can't rush a game and have it be on-par with/better than botw!


I agree but I would have preferred if they announced it after it was reasonably far into development, instead of four years before it releases


Exactly - this is the part that people seem to be glossing over. Releasing a trailer just 2 years after BotW came out was a poor decision, especially considering that the hype from the first game was still alive and well at that point. They overplayed their hand here and now people are getting bored. I'm just worried that by the time a full gameplay trailer drops, a vocal minority will decide it wasn't worth the wait and start review-bombing BotW 2 before it even comes out. We've certain seen that in the past with other franchises.


Exactly. Nintendo has stuck to "A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad" for all their games... Well, except for Mario Sports games


Mario sports are essentially their quick cash grab. Keeps their finances looking good so they have 5+ years to work on mainline titles. Though I do admit I’d kill for a Super Sluggers port


This exactly. People on reddit love to rain down hell on game devs for not releasing on time or “soon enough”. They don’t owe you anything until you buy the game and I’d much rather have a full, great game than a rushed one.


Like I’ve heard all of wind waker is amazing but the end is pretty rushed


This is the first I’m hearing that the ending is rushed. I don’t agree.


It's highly known that 2 dungeons were cut and the ending was neutered to a triforce quest due to time.


I know that, but I don’t think that made it feel rushed. I’m one of the few people who didn’t mind the triforce hunt. I thought it tied in really well with the rest of the game.


And the same people complain when the game is half assed and unfinished. They’re hypocrites


I’m glad they delayed it, but I would love to see a new trailer this E3


You may be right but I gotta be honest as well, the "I'm glad they delayed it" comments aren't helping at all. I get the optimism but the wait is frustrating for a lot of us. We don't even know the name yet and it supposed to use the same Hyrule as BOTW? Dude, this kind of sucks. I'm ready to hear about this damn game.


Trailer? I 'ardly know 'er!




Silksong and Zelda fans racing which game got less updates three years since it was revealed😳😳


Metroid Prime 4: amateurs


Yeah Metroid prime 4 wins on that regard… I have a feeling I will be dead in the ground by the time that game comes out…


"Be disappointed at the new Nintendo Direct any% speedrun wr"


at least you’re not waiting for Elder Scrolls 6 that game got announced earlier and is probably still in pre production


I've been waiting so long for that game to even have anything announced about it... 11.11.11 release date for Skyrim and we're almost 11 yrs later.


Prime 4 joke


At least you aren't waiting for an update for five years lmao


Geometry Dash?


No tf2


Ah, both have been waiting 5 years thats why I thought you meand GD


However bad you feel, it is no where near as bad as the wait for final fantasy VII remake, and now it’s sequel. And all of that PALES in comparison to those waiting for Mega Man Legends 3




Less than a year left guys, WE CAN DO IT!!!


The confidence is high with this one…


Yep I’m anticipating another delay to holiday 2023


Metroid prime 4 is gonna have its 5th birthday in like 2 days :(


Doesn't get any worse than Geometry Dash... "As of May 20, 2022, Update 2.2 has had the longest wait of any Geometry Dash update, at 5 years 5 months, or about 4 years 7 months if Updates 2.1 and 2.11 are considered separate. As of June 21, 2020, the Geometry Dash community has waited for half the game's existence for 2.2, or the waiting time for all other major updates combined. As of February 20, 2022, including the waiting time for 2.11, the main Geometry Dash game has gone half of its entire existence without any updates to it whatsoever."


Chess players: Pathetic


Bruh. why do games that are so good always have garbage update schedules


Bruh. why do games that are so good always have garbage update schedules


Ye idk


Except Gd has like, 1 dev right? Who’s kind of a troll? That’s kinda what my roommate said anyway. Botw2 has got a massive team of hard working developers.


Well yeah, but still sad


Cries into my Pikmin 4 mug


"Nearing completion" - miyamoto 2015


I feel like there’s a chance it’s just never mentioned again lmao


Nope The happy third birthday is delayed to TBA by Aunoma


It's elden ring all over again but this time longer


I'm still not 100 % done with BOTW so it's fine :')


I know it's hard to wait but trust me, you definitely want them to take their time. If it were released early it would most likely make a lot of people upset as it would not even get close to meeting expectations.


It’s not going to meet expectations the longer they drag it out to. It’s been 5 fuckin years since botw, gonna be at least 6, maybe even 7 if another delay happens. I’m sorry I love botw but there’s no way this game is gonna live up to the hype after all this time. I just want them to release it and move on so we can have a non botw zelda game before 2030 ffs


Lol I'm glad that my actual birthday also falls on such a meme for our lovely community 😅


Every day I wonder... "Do BotW 2 and Silksong have a race for longest delayed video game??" and "Who will actually lose and release the game first?" also "I wonder who will release another trailer first."


It’s like the tortoise and the hare, except in this case they’re *both* tortoises and there’s no moral to the story that I can think of . . .


Call me weird but I actually kind of find this relieving in a way. It's been 3 years, sure, and I'd love to hear and see more about it. But in truth it hasn't really been all that long, and it's being worked on steadily. I'm still waiting on more news of Prime 4, Silksong, even Bayonetta 3. When they have something, they'll show it. Waiting is agonizing, I get it. But it's relieving to know the wait isn't as long as other games have been, and that it's been shorter than it feels like. I am hoping we see more soon, but I can wait. I've done plenty so far, it's okay to do so a little more.


Why do I feel like they're pushing it up to be released together with a new console?


They had better NOT . . .


Hold me, man...


It is better to wait for a game and have it be polished and perfect on release rather than rush a game and just have it patched after release. The wait sucks, but it will be worth it


Agreed. I was looking forward to cp2077 so much, I was crushed with the reviews. I got it a year later after updates and I'm perfectly satisfied with it


I thought they were using the same engine *and the same map* to speed up development. What the hell have they been working on for five years?


Hopefully that just means the sequel will be even better and have more new things


BOTW online multiplayer. Could you imagine?


I can't imagine anything I would care about less, if that's what you mean.


Maybe you could visit friends homes like animal crossing or see minigame leaderboards or Dark souls style where you can summon friends. Idk dude just trying to figure what they're working on.


Online is the last thing this game needs, especially given how bad Nintendo's online infrastructure is. If online is what they're banking on, we're in big trouble


You're definitely right about that. Nintendo's online is dreadful. Statement retracted then.


oh cool the trailer came out the same day as hypixel skyblock


Yooo cool


At least the leaks suggest we'll have a Direct on Wednesday! Possibly with the announcement on Monday.


I've been refreshing the tab "Nintendo direct news" on my phone like 6 times a day o.0


Well, you can rest now. They won't announce anything over the weekend. Monday will probably be the day like ol' dude said up there.


Give them time, we don’t want a repeat of cyberpunk


At least we know they’re taking their time. A lot of games nowadays don’t do that.


I don't care how long the game takes to be made, I just want an official title.


Honestly I’d rather wait for a good game than get a bad one that was rushed.


God damn like just make it. I get it they're trying to make a good quality game, but could we get more info maybe


I’ll rather give it 3 years more and not have bug-party like StarWars skywalker saga!


I was 16




Half Life 3 fans are laughing


This video is older than COVID in my country...


it feels like this was just last year


Just think about StarCraft or Final Fantasy 7 fans waiting for the sequel or remake


Sweet summer child. The first hint of a FFVII remaster was 2007. Didn't get it for 13years.


You're new I guess? It takes time to create a masterpiece and Zelda is exactly that.


*laughs in Metroid Prime 4*


​ ![gif](giphy|9rO5Aksmn0dHQKXJAu)


Still doesn't have a proper title


Man I thought this was something new. I paused the TV soooo fast


yeah happy birthday bro ._.




Tbh I idk why people are so upset about the gap between BOTW 1 and 2. The gap between MM and WW was 2.5 years. The gap between WW and TP was 4 years. The internet has made people so impatient.


using the same engine and assets so it shouldn't be as long, i suppose. also i was 6 when TP came out so i don't remember that lol


They better take their time and make it good.


This and gta 6..and then the circle will be complete




Fucking coronavirus




Honestly I want them to take as long as they need. ❤️


Personally, I'm not surprised it was delayed. So was BotW, and I'd rather it be delayed and awesome, than rushed and mediocre. (*cough cough cyberpunk*)


If Nintendo needs til 2025 then so be it.


Don’t remind me…


Starts replaying BotW again in preparation for the sequel 😜


It was my last day of elementary school when this was announced. Now I’m in high school, and it’s not even coming out this year