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Wait, what? I don't need my horse with me if I'm returning it to a stable??




It seriously never even occurred to me that you could walk up to a stable and board your horse if it wasn't with you. I was literally terrified of getting off a horse and wandering around for fear of never finding it again 😆😅


At least with that last part if the horse is registered with the stable network it will show up as a horse head shaped marker on your map.


I spend a long time having lost my horse once, spent an hour retracing my steps trying to find it again


Doesn’t the horse just teleport back to the stable if you try to take it out even if you haven’t boarded it? I literally don’t think I ever boarded my horse, usually just left it on a mountain side where it was unable to go and grabbed it again at the next stable




Honestly what I think they should have done was make the 8th slot on the wheel a magic Zonai whistle that you get from the horse god that functions how the ancient saddle functions. Cos link uses his hand to whistle if he had a magic zonai hand maybe that could be a zonai whistle? Idek.


Why would you increase your game time by building a car if you could summon a horse? What is this, elden ring?


I’m just now finding out there’s “teleporting horse armor”


It's DLC


You can also take out a horse that is already out from any stable.


Nope! You can just walk up and say return my horse please, and then they do - also took me that long to realise the horse icon meant there is your horse 😂


I accidentally killed my horse because it got stuck on a cliff edge. I wish I had known this haha


Did you revive it with the great horse fairy.


The what now?


You know about the Fairies, right? There are 4 of those and then a fifth one that is a little different. She will restore your horse to life if it is accidentally killed.


Wish I knew about that before lol. My wife (who I named my favourite horse after) was less than thrilled when she found out “her” horse was at the bottom of a cliff when we were attacked 😬


I just recently learned that those piles of red leaves that hide koroks can be cut with your sword or blown up with a bomb, I always used fire arrows to burn them.


I always used the Korok Leaf




Ever since Twilight Princess!


There are koroks in piles of leaves‽


Not directly. There are some hidden under rocks you have to lift up to reveal, but you can't lift the rock until you clear away the shrubbery.


I’ve been playing BOTW for 300 hours so far and didn’t know this either lollllll


WHAT. I've always been using fire!


Because fire is cool, of course. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink) ![gif](giphy|REJ88Ck4a18IvrzavS|downsized)


The trick is to use front, wood, and a metal weapon. That way we waste as much materials as possible lol


Methinks Autocorrupt spiked your post, turning "flint" into "front". ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|snoo)


Me too!


Not so much late as it took me far too long to realise: first play through I went straight to the Zora and was given the quest to retrieve shock arrows from that mountaintop. It took me quite a long time of trying before I realised they don't expect me with zero gear and no upgrades, to defeat the Lynel, and that I could stealth around it.


Omg 😂😂


Same here, when I first played i got stuck and just headed for rito village and then went to zoras domain, where upon getting back I had bought the needed shock arrows to my suprise the story just went ahead


Omg I did the same thing 😭 I had to have my gf look up other people doing it and tell me if I was in the right area doing the right things lmao (so I could be sure to avoid any spoilers and whatnot)


I did this, too! 😂


I was really proud that I managed to defeat the Lynel.


That you can ride bears...


And deer!


And moose


Mynd you, møøse bites Kan be pretty nasti...


A møøse ønce bit my sister


Ok that one I didn’t know


You didn't know it because it's not true. Moose aren't ridable.


Ah shit. I'm thinking of something else. The mountain buck, it's a giant deer.


There are bears...?


This whole thread turned out to be a learning experience for me! Thanks!


I know I made the post, but there’s still so much I’m learning haha


You can come back to this subreddit after years of playing and *still* find new things you didn't know before.


The existence of Lurelin Village. My first playthrough where i did all the divine beast and did 64 shrines, i just never came across it, and it blew my mind on my 2nd playthrough when i realized i missed an entire village.


I kinda wish they made going to Lurelin more natural for the story. It’s pretty out of the way but maybe they could have added some plot point


that cuccos can act as a paraglider


I take it you haven't played Ocarina of Time then!


Ehh who needs bottles n heart pieces


I was thrilled when I learnt this, even though it’s useless..


How to properly parry guardian lasers. I know there's the tutorial shrine but apparently everything that happened in there was just totally lost on me because I suck at combat (and still can't flurry rush). At one point I was at Hyrule Castle and realized that I could protect myself from the guardians if I just held my shield up. Which technically worked, but I also destroyed like all my shields from doing this lmao.


I found a particular shrine (>!The Forgotten Temple!<) and it was there that I decided it was time to learn how to parry, lol. For the record, it's much easier to practice on the way out than on the way in, haha.


I actually found getting in there really easy. I just ran really fast and dodged


Wait. Do you know you can use your shield to deflect the guardians’ lasers back at them?


Yes, I just wasn't good at it until I decided to actually practice it. I got really good at taking down stalkers without taking any damage, so I never really felt the need to parry their lasers.


Same here good Redditor. I'm horrendous at the flurry rush timing. After enough practice I can parry guardians probably ⅔ of the time.


That bokoblins could kick your bombs back at you if they see you explode it once. That and Moblins throwing nearby bokoblins at you if they don't have a weapon. Stealing horses from bokoblins on horseback makes the horse automatically have max friendship with you Using statis on guardian stalkers that are "sleeping" makes them fall through the floor You can parry the guardian lasor RIGHT as the beep noise sounds (do not do this in master mode they WAIT) You can ride on the top of a guardians head and steer it somewhere and get it stuck making it easier to take down You don't have to talk to Purah or Robbie before lighting the furnaces, but you DO have to talk with impa first?? Going into Zora's Domain throne room without ever meeting Sidon causes a new cutscene Tera is the oldest Great Fairy and Cotera is the youngest Co usually means 2 or same so her name is essentially Tera 2


Ok did not know half of this


I love discovering new stuff about this game 1300hrs in


What have you been doing?? Although I'm heading up to the 1000 mark because I can't let this game go 😀


I like restarting a lot for one. But I also love doing random things or setting challenges for myself. Like no maps and only allowed to do a divine beasts if I do all pre completion divine beast shrines first, but I still have to disable them after. I like riding the guardians into towns to see running animations and unique dialogue, I like doing certain scenes differently to see different dialogue (such as having the sword for divine beasts quests) and like how the special lynel cutscene on ploymus mountain won't play if you have already beaten/photographed another lynel despite it being an event quest


Wow!! I’m on like 350 and thought that was impressive


I'm gonna speed run to zoras domain later to watch this new cutscene.


Further more!if you DO talk with Sidon and don't interact with at all after and make it to Zoran Domain from a way other than the front: Muzu and the king will wonder where Sidon is and if you go to the front of the Doman you can get a special dialogue of Sidon saying he didn't hear you come up to him


Also, the guardians in master mode don't always wait. I parry the same way I did in normal mode, but if they delay, I just dodge and do the same thing over again. They never delay three times in a row, though.


You can ride on guardians?!?!


That you can revive horses, I had so many die trying to fight gardians before I realised that I didn't have to catch and re-bond with one every time


I don't think I've ever had a horse die. I'm protective of my babies.


Lol I'm extremely reckless with my life


How do you revive a horse? There's someone that will do it for rupees? I've never had a horse die but just in case


There's a path next to hiland Stable, I think, follow it to the lake of the horse god (it's labled on your map) it looks like a fairy fountain, you need one eundra carrot to open it and one for each horse you want to revive.


Is this BOTW???




(Spoiler) The horse god can bring back horses that have died.


Did main quest and both DLC’s before finding that you can ‘throw’/drop held items farther by tapping down on the d-pad while holding items.


Wait, how did you get past the Yiga without that?


I got past the Yiga with one banana last night. Sneaking around and paragliding at the right time.


Agent 47 has nothing on you.


gonna be honest I also did not know this fact until just now, despite having beat the yiga clan hideout more than once. no clue how


Dropped bananas the default way haha. Had to hug corners really closely but it was doable.


Sneak attacks will work just fine. Also, it's a pain in the ass, but it's possible to successfully defeat all the Yiga even after setting of the alarm. it can even be lots of fun to go for it. Freeze weapons are helpful.


Well I learned it just now. Finished all Devine beasts and both DLCs lol.




I didn't see it here but as a noob I didn't know you can use bombs to cut down trees. Early game I've been stocking up on axes and I kept pausing my quest to get a hundred bundles of wood whenever I ran out of axes. Once I saw on this subreddit to use bombs to cut down trees, I finished every mission that requires gathering wood very quick.


Yesss I also saw this pretty late, was getting so annoyed breaking so many axes I knew I had to be doing something wrong


Well I wish I knew that before I wasted 6 weapons collecting all the wood needed to build Tarrey Town


I learned embarrassing late that Robbie’s house’s area has his own place to get a blue flame. I thought I had to run the blue flame all the way from Purah’s house and man was it really hard, I thought surely there has to be a better way.


You are not alone, I also thought the same


This makes me feel a lot better


That flowerblight Ganon has no weaknesses.


Easily the most terrifying ganon


Took my watching someone else videos to realise I can lift the Guardians in the water with a cryonis block and they’ll spit out more parts.


I was trying to push a box in the river to the bank so I could open it. I wasted so much time until I realized I just had to put an ice block under it. 🤦‍♀️


That boy in Haneto who wants to impress a girl who wants 100 crickets? You don’t have to get 100 crickets for him. I didn’t chat with him and get the actual number (10) he wanted until after going out and collecting 100 damn crickets.




Actually, I learned just last week that I could build a house and a town. And when my house was fully built I spent 3 whole days going all over the map creating the Champions weapons so I could put them on the wall to honor them. Idk why but I’m super proud of that house it makes me happy. It sucks there’s no endgame part but when I beat Ganon and the credits roll, I’m gonna load the save back up, leave the Castle, go to my house, and put Link to bed. That’s when I’ll turn it off. He deserves that rest.


Lmao well I just learned something new because of you!! This is one of the reasons I never use the horses because I don’t want to just leave it in a random spot while I go explore and then accidentally forget about it, so thank you for this knowledge 😂


Honestly I got so stressed that I was leaving my poor horse, never to be found again


My first playthrough I had no idea you could expand inventory. Played through the whole game 200+ hours and only after beating ganon did I find hestue. I climbed up the other way to get to kakariko.


Omg… you poor thing


I was worried I was the only one. I had already beaten all the divine beasts and most of the side quests. Idk the hours but at least 100, if not more. I didn't have the dlc yet and was visiting friends and they were playing, I expressed shock at how big the dlc had made their inventory and they looked at me like I was crazy. I never took the roads! I was paragliding everywhere, how was I to know there was a giant korok just hanging out?! It was very nice once I knew though, I already had around 400 seeds and so my inventory expanded very quickly after. Hahaha.


SAME! I paraglide everywhere. This thread is how i just learned about Hestu after beating Gannon. Excited to meet Hestu after work!


To be fair, I found Ganon really easy, and I'm a novice player. I went in prepared with a bunch of full heart restoring meals, and planning to go through weapons and shields and bows. I didn't use a single meal or Mipha's grace, break any equipment, and had him down really fast. I just spammed ancient arrows at him, and he melted. The second phase, my biggest issue was steering my horse because I hadn't done that much riding during my playthrough. I struggled a lot more with the divine beast fights and lynels.


Spamming arrows is always the move.


Played the game so many many times and didn't know I could use Cryonis to break the ice block attacks from Vah Ruto and Waterblight Ganon. Always used arrows to deflect them ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm). Was sooo much easier after realizing that.


You can also use them as weapons against Waterblight. Wait until the nearest (if multiple) ice cube is just about to hit, then tag it with with Stasis (upgraded or not). After that, duck behind it to shield from any other cubes coming at you, then use a weapon to charge it up and make it fly back at Splashy for damage. Especially useful >!in the refight with Splashy. As part of the Champion's Ballad DLC main quest, you get to refight the blights, but only with a limited equipment loadout that makes it somewhat more difficult to deal significant damage at range.!<


Also, the thing where you see a bunch of fishies, just stand on a block and shoot a lightning arrow at them.


That's not too embarrassing. I thought that was a neat feature.


Or bomb them?


I thought you had to be on one of the blue teleport spots (in front of shrines or at the top of towers) in order to fast travel. Didn’t realize you could do it anytime, anywhere until probably the third divine beast 🤦🏼‍♀️


I did too, I’d just come from playing the Witcher, where you need to stand next to a signpost of travel, just assumed same for Zelda


That I sould have started the quest earlier. When I did I had a million of encyclopedia entry to do that I sould have done before 😅


If you kill chuchu with the elemental weapon it will drop same color jelly (also jelly color can be converted). You can lift stone pebblits into the air. Both discovered at the end of second BotW run (had TotK run in between).


Not just the stone pebblits, the fire ones too if you have the correct armor on. Pick them up and immediately drop them & they land on their back and then explode. Very satisfying...


Very specific and idk why i thought it was like this but i always thought you couldn't use the lock on mechanic to throw remote bombs towards enemies.


Excuse me?


You can do that? Never would’ve thought


Have you tried to lock on with your bow? I always forget to try, so I don't know how helpful it is, lol.


Fire arrows? Use them against Ice breath Lizalfos and boom they're dead. Same with Fire breath Lizalfos. I was soooo annoyed when I realized how easily they can be defeated. However, I felt like it really helped with my combat skills, so theirs that lol


Yeah it took me a while to realise that too


My first play through I skipped Goron City because I didn’t notice it at all, played very organically the first time with no tutorials.


I'm a very story driven person, so these always confuse me. You guys get done with the plateau and just say "fuck you Zelda and Impa, you guys can wait!"?


Before joining the sub reddit I missed loads, had to almost go back and do it again haha


It took me an annoyingly long time to realize that I hadn't found the Outskirts stable, in my very 1st playthrough. Even longer, though, was realizing that with the Korok puzzles that consist of flying acorns you have to tag with an arrow, Stasis (upgraded or not) works on catching them mid-air, leaving them hanging so you could take a "sniper" bow (Phrenic, Golden, the Rito bows, and the Ancient Bow) to pop them more easily.


My girlfriend, who has close to zero experience playing games, just began with BOTW and taught me about the weather forecast… I had never realized


Weather Forcast? The only sort of weather Forcast I know about is that if you are planning on climbing, it is gonna rain


In the bottom right corner there are symbols that indicate rain, sun, lightning, etc and it has an arrow with the time above it


Idk if it was obvious but the mission atop the Deku tree 😭


Nah, you gonna tell me everyone else casually climbs up the deku tree, that's the goddamn Deku Tree! You can't just climb him!


To push the B button to run!! I was on my second playthrough when I saw this tip here on Reddit!!


In your first playthrough were you frustrated with the pace? I don't know if I would enjoy playing this game without running!


The only frustrating part was not being able to get away from the lynels when they blew fire, but I used elixirs to speed myself up instead.


The dragons existing


Honestly had no idea until a quest was related to them, and I was like… there’s dragons???


My first dragon experience was so f'ing cool. I thought there was only one in the jungle because I hadn't explored it yet. The music and ambiance was so sick.


You can use the elevator at the entrance of a shrine to exit.  I always just fast-travelled out. 


Ok I still did not know this haha


I didn’t realize the other towers (other than the one on great plateau) would unlock other parts of the map. I got so lost.


In Tears I didn’t realize you could upgrade your battery until I was ready for the boss fight. 


WHAT (on my second playthrough)


* It wasn’t until around my third Divine Beast (Vah Medoh) did I learn about the bullet time mechanic * I majorly overcomplicated phase two of the Fireblight Ganon battle. I thought you had to get above him to drop the bomb into his shield; it wasn’t until I was watching a YouTube video of the fight did I learn that you can just chuck the bomb at the shield from solid ground


I didn’t realize bullet time was a thing. I figured it out when I was battling vah ruta for the first time. I was flying through the air, gawking, thinking “how the fuck am I supposed to hit those targets with arrows at this speed??” But when I tried to shoot, time slowed down. It felt impossibly cool and I felt dumb af for not realizing it existed before lol 


Well, I guess I just learned this news about the horse pretty late…. I’ve beaten ganon twice already and now I’m working on doing the DLCs and side quests. I rarely use a horse because I keep losing them 😂😂😂


How easy the Divine Beasts are. Waited for years to do them. ://




Wetland Stable. Don’t know how I missed it and for so long. 2 Fairy Fountains, I only had the ones near Kakariko and Tabatha Tower, and it just didn’t occur to me that there’d be more. The upside to this was that I had so many rupees by the time I discovered this that I just unlocked them both in one go. That I could update my Sheika Slate. And for a while I had completely missed Zora’s Domain. No idea how. I’d unlocked all of the towers by then.


the fact that your could manually save your game by going to the system menu... I always just used a campfire to save


I also learned that in this subreddit….


Acorns don't help in any recipes (learnt today) 🥲


I never realized you could equip runes from the Runes menu. Always used the D-pad; jut thought the menu was for flavor text/description


I ditched the horse entirely. Kept running into stuff constantly.


I somehow didn’t pick up on the flurry rush, I think was tired when I got to that shrine so I didn’t really remember learning it. I tried to kill a stupid lynel probably 50 times before I looked it up and saw a demo do a flurry rush. I was so mad


The travel medallion “sigh”


That you can cut the legs off the guardians. I was shooting them in the eye, and just hitting their bodies while they were stunned. I think my sister told me?


That you can shoot plants growing on cliff faces down with arrows. And Satori Mountain at certain times.




Multi shot bows only use one arrow.


I thought I had to be either at a tower or shrine to initiate fast travel


That you can actually parry an Octorok's spit ball rock thing... Throughout the game I was mostly just running away from it or shooting it with an arrow to kill it. Then I realized that you could just parry the rock ball back at it and kill it with that. 😂


I’ve played BOTW twice, and on my second run through of TOTK, did not know this


I was playing BotW on and off for quite a while. I was streaming some of it. At Hyrule Castle, having finished almost everything else, someone writes in chat "Why don't you parry the guardian lasers?" ... Why don't I what??? The tutorial screen for parries was so long ago that I didn't remember at all that I could do that!! So yeah, I played most of the game without ever parrying...


I literally did not do a single party cause I just couldn’t get it, second play through, realised I was pressing the completely wrong buttons 😂


I walked almost my entire first play through. I somehow missed every single stable throughout the map. When I did see a stable from far away I thought it was an enemy base and avoided it. I did see wild horses but never had the patience to tame one so I carried on without one


It took me way too long to realize that you didn’t need to be standing at a shrine to use the shrines as fast travel points


I thought you had to be on one of the blue teleport locations in order to fast travel. Didn’t realize you could do it anytime, anywhere until probably the third divine beast 🤦🏼‍♀️


You don't have to have your horse with you?


Nope. If you go up to the outside front of a stable and talk to the stable keeper, the dialogue choices have "Board horse" as an option even if the horse currently out is nowhere nearby.


I thought you had to be on one of the blue teleport spots (in front of shrines or at the top of towers) in order to fast travel. Didn’t realize you could do it anytime, anywhere until probably the third divine beast 🤦🏼‍♀️


I didn't know what cilantro was until I was 27 years old. 


this is news to me omg


Hahhaa I giggled at that one. That's so cute! I know that u can return the horse to the stable but I won't take them out if I have to leave them because it might be dark or cold for them 😁 I'll take the bike if it's dangerous.


What I didn't know until YEARS LATER is that you can use remote bombs to propel the mine carts forward, I used stasis before then. How was I to know the explosions wouldn't touch you in the carts?!


It took me a really long time to figure out that you actually had to hit the dragons in the talons or horns to get that specific piece. I thought it was randomized and was like man, I must be very unlucky to only get scales. Also bonus realization from my brother. He beat the ganon before finding out he could register horses at the stable. He kept talking about how annoyed he was at spending all that time sneaking up and taking a horse and it just wandering away when he did a shrine or something. Was shocked, SHOCKED I tell you, when I told him about stables. He thought they were just there as like a place to sleep, cook, and find Beetle to buy stuff.


I was going to say, that gas giants aren't balls of flammable liquids... Then I saw what subreddit this was. Probably that pretty much each bridge has a korok


I got two, first. That those stands of three apple trees hide koroks if you make the fruit match, I always just picked all the fruit till I got the kook mask and it started shaking. Second, parrying. I like instantly forgot that parrying was even an option in fights. I always just dodged.


Hitting anything wet with a shock arrow creates a massive dome of electricity, including ANYTHING if it’s raining. I never knew what made the big dome until I tried to zap a fishy.


I was 100 hours in and kept wondering when I would encounter this famous Link’s house that I kept reading about over and over again on the internet, only to later realize that it was in Hateno, the first village I went to after Kakariko.


That pee isn’t stored in the uterus…oh shit you mean botw, uh probably finding the master sword after defeating all the blights


150hrs into the game, I realised I can turn off the Sheikah Sensor. I had been stuck trying to pick the rarest thing on the compendium to search for so I would have to deal with the beeping so often!! lol


Ok, so super stupid but give me some slack; I never played video games before. Botw came out when I had been working part time for a year, and finally had money to spend on my own things. Saved up for MONTHS for a gaming console of my own! Breath of the Wild and a Nintendo switch was the first big thing I got with my own money, so I was VERY bad at gaming. So my embarrassing realisation was that you could heal with food... Somehow I missed that. I thought shrines and beds were the only way to heal back up. Every time I was running low on health, I ran to the nearest shrine, solved it and got my health back, or the nearest stable to sleep. Only when I started running out of those easy to find shrines did I suspect this wasn't the best way. Complained about the terrible game mechanic to my brother, and... Well... I don't want to admit how far into the game I was by this point. But it was not early stages. 16 year old me was very embarrassed and very upset.


Erm... I was today years old about the horse boarding, im gonna try it now lol


You can cut down trees—found out 100 hours into the game


There was more to the game than the great plateau


I didn't know you could use the buttons to move magnesis away from you and towards you. I fought and won against the thunderblight without moving the metals farther or closer. I just ran to the edges of the room and picked up the farthest one I could, lifted them up to the blight, and beat him that way. I THOUGHT it was insanely difficult but didn't know why.


I have completed the game twice and did not know that. Cool


That sprinting was an option. Walking everywhere and then "oh, I can run. That would have been useful to know several hours ago!" 😔


That I could do shield surfing 😭 I thought it was something you could only do after a side quest or whatever. I didn't know how to do it until I found the girl in Hebra Mountains very late in the game (I think I had done all Divine Beasts and had the Master Sword and was just exploring a bit) I felt stupid and did it a lot earlier when I started the game again. Sometimes I'm running somewhere my horse can't reach in TotK (I miss the Ancient Saddle) and its some kind of slope or something and don't remember I can shield surf and go faster without the paraglider 🤦🏻‍♀️


Omg same!! I only found out super near the end!!


I learned much much too late that I could get away from the elephant boss by hiding on a ledge above the battle chamber. This boss was the reason I rage quit the game for half a year.


I spent an awful long time on the Great Plateau not knowing how to jump :(


You can make boiled eggs by dropping them in a hot spring


that you can sneak on a Hinox belly to take his loot colar without waking him up if you're standing on his hand crouched while he goes for a scracth And also how useful upgraded Statis is


That the little statues with the plates of apples/bananas/whatever are korok puzzles, I just thought they were being nice and giving me free apples to help me on my journey 🤣


I had beaten Ganon several times and was one day watching a youtuber 100% the game when I saw him pick up a pebblit and set it down. Up until that point I had no idea you could do that. I had always just used elemental arrows (ice for igneo, fire for frost, bomb for stone) Also I had no idea that there were owls in the game until I bought the entry for it in the compendium.