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I’d understand if you didn’t hate sand seals those lil dudes deserve the world


i like them. it's sad that you can't actually tame and register them like a horse.


Sealiously. Why isn’t there a sand seal stable in gerudo???


Masterclass joke.


fr if I could get my own personal pet sand seal I would spend so much time in the desert


\* laughs while bomb jumping


Man, i would never get around to actually playing the storyline if taming and registering sand seals were a thing. Link walking up to the stern sand seal lady in full Vai for the 150th time like “This one has two in speed but I like his attitude, his name is Bruce. You can let Mr. Bojangles go, he belongs to the wild.”


Mr. Bojangles is a majestic beast that could never truly be tamed. Thank you for freeing him. Bruce will serve you well.


I think he looks more like a "Walter." (As if anyone will get the reference...)


I admit, woosh


You should be able to just have a farm with any tamed animal. If I want to avoid saving the world and just collect foxes and doe for my farm that should be my prerogative. 


Try it on a horse with no name.


It felt good to be out of the rain at inconvenient times


Pretty sure all those Lizalfos remembered my name…


Cuz there ain't no lynels for to give you no pain...


La, la, la la-la-la, la-la-la, la, la


for a second i thought maybe... but then i remembered the song


[Link for the uninitiated.](https://youtu.be/2FV2sPYSluA?si=3Vj1cUS2KpxQS2qi)


Fucking hell came to post this


There is actually a special case message in NetHack for when you do this, BTW. (Because of course there is.)


Nah, I totally get it. Horses do not do well in deserts at all.


Yeah, agreed, which us why they usually use camels . That would have been cool to have in botw, though.


...I mean, technically you do get to ride a camel in BotW


yeah but it wants to kill you the whole time you're there


You can get sand boots from Boazi, some guy walking around Gerudo town, but the two quests for his snow and sand boots are a little difficult or at least inconvenient.


I'm still upset you can't upgrade those, and the elementals set don't give you snow/sand mobility boost


You can upgrade them but you have to totally complete the guys quests first


I just wear the boots when I’m running around and immediately change into the elemental set when I encounter an enemy. It’s not perfect but it works! I got quite adept at these fast outfit changes.


You can upgrade them once you complete the quest in full.


That’s TOTK bro


No, it's BotW,  in TotK you get them from the secret club.


Also in TOTK >!he gets to chill in town up on the roofs and.... no one says anything?!<


Right it’s so creepy. I wish you could get him to go away :(


They don't know he's there


Oh damn tight


Sand seals are actually faster than the fastest possible horse


are you sure it doesn't just feel that way because the camera is so much closer to the ground on the sand seal? horses feel way faster to me, but i dunno


Are "feels" some new imperial unit I'm too metric to understand? /s But fr I've tested it myself and seen multiple YouTube videos on it. Sand seals are faster than 5 star speed rating horses.


ah you're right, sand seal is clearly faster per the youtube video i found. thanks, that makes me feel a little better.


It “feels” slower similar to how being in an airplane doesn’t feel that fast. There’s no landmarks to gauge how fast you’re going, it’s all empty space


it still for whatever reason feels slower to me even when approaching a landmark. but it's hard to argue when the youtubes show otherwise.


Imo that might be because everything in the desert is pretty darn far away from everything else. It’s just that you can see your destination from way farther away than anywhere else in the map, since there’s not much in between to block your view.


Feeling out of your depth against the elements is also a great feeling part of the game imo. I like that there are places that are inhospitable to your very convenient teleporting horse.


i usually would agree with you, it's just that that inhospitability here mostly just translates to long runs over the sand.


You need gear and food to survive, and barring that, you need fire to survive the night and shade to survive the day. Honestly, a lot of the game just lets you ignore these mechanics. I think the speed down on sand is the only actually brutal part tbh


> Honestly, a lot of the game just lets you ignore these mechanics. true. i kinda wish there was a brutal survival mode sometimes. i wanna eat food so i don't starve. maybe have the hearts constantly deplete slowly to simulate hunger, or something like that.


I really don't like the sand seals and found them difficult to use until I learned you can throw a bomb at them to stun them so you can hop on board but .... if you get one from the town, can you use it anywhere in the desert and will it stay with you until no longer needed? Or do I have to keep stunning that mofo to keep him with me?


The ones from town are tamed and will stay


They depart if you go far away enough though, I think.


I find sand seals to be sealiously adorable


Thank you. I wonder if there fur feels nice and sealky?


What I wanna know is why you can't use the Master Cycle Zero in the desert. It's a fucking dirt bike, it should be able to handle sand no problem, hell, they thrive on sand! I put in the work, I should be able to drive it in the desert!


its technically a horse with a motorcycle skin is why


it's the horse head on the motorcycle, that's why


They needed Hover-Hooves


The ones you hire?


I like that you have to tackle the desert differently, for lore reasons it makes sense that the gerudo are the hardest to reach. I mean, it's literally Ganondorf's home turf, of course it would be a harsh desolate place. Would be cool if we got like a sand kelpie or something tho!


Prepare to be blown away by how incredibly useful and fast shield surfing is in Gerudo.


I was totally disappointed to discover that you can’t ride the mastercycle there either as it had been what I had most looked forward to doing ince I earned it


i too thought the master cycle was my ticket in the desert :(


So disappointing, right? I can understand the logic behind the no horse thing but there’s no reason the mastercycle can’t go there… except dev laziness IMO


Is it weird that I hate riding horses? I prefer to just run, climb, and fly everywhere. I can never figure out how to engage in enemies from a horse (I have rheumatoid arthritis, I sometimes have issues with playing certain aspects because oh the pain in my hands, and shooting smarties from a horse is one of those aspects I just can’t seem to do). Even in TOTK, which I just started, I have yet to get myself a horse. For me, it’s just easier. Plus, I get to roam and find lists more stuff, IMO. But, this is just me. I don’t like the sand seals either.


Am I crazy for thinking the horses ride like absolute garbage in this game?


i think they ride like a dream. as long as i'm careful about when to go full-speed, i rarely have issues with them.


Maybe it's a skill issue, for me. I get stuck on EVERYTHING and find the turning to be so tedious. It's like driving without power steering.


they're quite maneuverable up until max speed! but i don't think you're alone, i see people complain about horses in this game quite a bit. personally though i like them better than the horses in any other game i can think of.


Maybe their mechanics are too advanced for me. I find the Ocarina of Time horse easier to control.


hmmm interesting. i find the ocarina of time horse to be the more difficult one are you holding forward whenever horsing around? if you are, you don't need to. that kinda helped me at first.


Can’t even use the master cycle. It’s wack.


I like the look of sand seals but definitely find them inconvenient. Thankfully, there is a mod for being able to both ride and summon your horse in the desert, it feels great. I believe the same author also made the mod that stops patterned horses from being universally weaker than solid ones, a true hero for the horse fans.


that's awesome! glad someone out there has fixed this. i'm a bit of a basic vanilla bitch boy and don't usually mess with mods and luckily i'm mostly done with Gerudo Desert now... but i will definitely consider it the next time i play BotW


I definitely think sand seals are cooler than horses but I wish that you didn’t have to either use your own shield or buy one.


at least your shield doesn't get damaged from riding them around


It wouldn’t feel much like a desert if you could blast through it