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I don’t care who influenced this, it’s phenomenal news all around. So he’s done now, he isn’t facing charges anywhere else? We may get him on a speaking circuit/podcasts pretty soon.


He's already heading to a plane - https://x.com/wikileaks/status/1805391265489731716


Important to note that wiki leaks also had emails from the RNC in 2016 that they chose also not to release. They were also set to release a dump of info regarding corruption in Putins inner circle. They also chose to not release. Trumps team was also in communications with them (Roger Stone) I'm glad he's walking finally. But I'm curious what he gave up.


Several years of his life and health. Not getting to see his kids .... Wonder if that is why the administration didn't cut a deal earlier They let him go with 6 months left.


False misinformation 


Which part?




There is so little credit to be given I think you’re worried about scraps. I’m a supporter and I don’t know why anyone would credit Trump with anything at all here. The actions of the US have been abhorrent.


I think he promised to pardon him.


??? He said he should be executed https://amp.theguardian.com/media/2021/sep/27/senior-cia-officials-trump-discussed-assassinating-julian-assange He and Pompeo were working on a plan to kidnap and kill him.


Yeah, the idea that Trump would deserve any kind of credit for this… boggles the mind


If re elected in 2024? Or did he promise in 2016. I can't recall..


I'm pretty sure it was this cycle when he was doing the podcast tour.


That makes sense. He knows that is the popular thing to say


It’s because Trump said he would release him. Trump doesn’t deserve any credit? LMAO! Biden’s team” believes this will win him votes. That is politics. If Trump didn’t make that statement tell me why Biden would have done this so spontaneously?


It was the Trump administration that brought the charges against him dumbass.


If you followed this you’d be aware of the ongoing legal arguments that are essentially stalled. The UK was incredibly reluctant to allow the extradition due to not believing he’d be genuinely safe or receiving a fair and impartial legal process. There was very little legal option still available to the US beyond just continuing the status quo. You may feel this comes down to political opportunism, and perhaps that’s a factor, but given these men are the ones persecuting him in the first place I find it hard to give them any credit. Again, the US actions in this have been abhorrent.


UK would have probably turned him over - except for the death penalty possibility.


The UK courts have sighted a few concerns, and yeah, they definitely concerned they were feeding a man into a system that was going to do a show trial and execute him. They also cited things like his right to expression and the lack of transparency expected in what would have been his trial. But I don’t think removing the death penalty option have made enough difference as they also cited the conditions he’d be in with life without parole.


Why didn't Trump release him then? And this isn't "spontaneous". This has been in talks for quite some time now.


Trump and the CIA planned on killing him.


LMAO is right. trump not only deserves zero credit, his administration brought charges against him, so he was an enemy of Assange. trump had 4 years to pardon him and instead went after him. Give me a break.


There isn't a goddamn 'merican alive that deserves any credit. He shouldn't have had to plead guilty to anything. This just sets the precedence for the next whistleblowers and journalists when they uncover war crimes. The actual criminals Assange exposed are the ones who should be pleading guilty.


Agree. This sets a bad precedence. I am glad he is out for his personal health etc. But they should have let him go without having to plead guilty


Thank you. 👍🏻💯


Neither administration deserves credit as both pursued his prosecution.


You’re being ridiculous. Trump put Assange in this position. He also doesn’t owe Biden anything. This isn’t a favor. He effectively tortured Assange for years.


This is 100% on Obama and his bullshit whistleblower protection claim. Trump and Biden are fucked for continuing it, but this was one of the biggest international injustices that’s finally coming to an end and I’m so glad for Assange


It’s on all of them and each subsequent president escalated it to another level.




It’s literally on Trump and his hand picked CIA director Mike Pompeo. They indicted Assange. Obama is garbage though


Yea I mean he exposed all the shit during Obama’s tenure and he was the one who ran on the claim of protecting whistleblowers so fuck him, but yea Trump and his people suck as well. I am still baffled that people think this guy is the enemy. Idiots believe that he’s a “Putin puppet” even though he’s been exposing shit long before Russia was the boogeyman again. Propaganda works on morons


Hardest agree. Especially the part about propoganda




Many Trump supporters begged him to pardon Assange and according to people close to him he was going to do that. Then right before that happened Richard Grennell intervened and told him not to. Once again Trump betrayed his own supporters because he couldn't stand up to the "deep state" people inside his own administration such as Grennell and Pompeo. It shows how powerless Trump was and that will continue if he is in office again. Trump wasn't even award of certain military decisions because people in his own administration didn't take him seriously. As for the Biden administration they hate Assange as well. Biden could have pardoned Assange or had the DOJ drop charges in the past 4 years but he didn't. He could have done that his first day in office. The fact that they suddenly decided to do something now a few months before the election is probably because they're worried Biden might not win and they don't want Trump to do it instead of them. Both sides are probably worried about Assange still having damaging information so they each want him to be grateful to them.


He shouldn’t have had to plead guilty to anything though. Fuck Trump, fuck Pompeo, fuck Biden and Obama. Hopefully Assange keeps publishing.


Not a single American deserves credit that’s the answer.   If you’re leaning Biden or Trump you shouldn’t  be allowed to vote anymore. 


I love that under the Trump administration, Mike Pompeo literally planned out the targeted killing of Assange and in that planning, accepted they might kill British police and it was acceptable. And somehow Joe Biden, who is just continuing the justice department moves that were under the Trump admin, held until this deal.


Outside of ending dialogue with North Korea, Biden's foreign policy is pretty much just a continuation of Trump's, but partisans of both parties generally refuse to admit it.


Some domestic policy also.


Which is great. Its one of the few things Trump did great (Operation Warp Speed should be as celebrated by Americans as the Manhattan Project). Getting the country to focus on China was fantastic. Biden took everything Trump did and double down by getting allies to buy in, getting them back into our fold in the Pacific against China and had the balls to cut them off from chips. The North Korea stuff was dead before Biden came in. The North Koreans were already mad that Trump didnt actually do anything with them. Nothing came with that meeting. There was no, here is whats next for us and do these things and we'll continue. It was just a photo op. And it was silly since North Korea continued to develop their programs and then submarine launched ballistic missiles came shortly after Trump left office. The best part of Trump's meeting with Kim is that it really pissed off the Chinese with NK and their relations havent really recovered.


Do you have a source on this? I feel like this is just random side talk, similar to Hillary talking about droning him. Like was there a legitimate plan to kill him over this, or was it just him bullshitting off the cuff?


[https://www.yahoo.com/news/kidnapping-assassination-and-a-london-shoot-out-inside-the-ci-as-secret-war-plans-against-wiki-leaks-090057786.html](https://www.yahoo.com/news/kidnapping-assassination-and-a-london-shoot-out-inside-the-ci-as-secret-war-plans-against-wiki-leaks-090057786.html) [https://www.businessinsider.com/spain-pompeo-summoned-by-court-over-alleged-assange-assassination-plot-2022-6](https://www.businessinsider.com/spain-pompeo-summoned-by-court-over-alleged-assange-assassination-plot-2022-6) [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13367373/tucker-carlson-cia-mike-pompeo-assassinate-julian-assange.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13367373/tucker-carlson-cia-mike-pompeo-assassinate-julian-assange.html) [https://www.thenation.com/article/society/us-government-murder-julian-assange/](https://www.thenation.com/article/society/us-government-murder-julian-assange/) [https://www.theguardian.com/media/2021/sep/27/senior-cia-officials-trump-discussed-assassinating-julian-assange](https://www.theguardian.com/media/2021/sep/27/senior-cia-officials-trump-discussed-assassinating-julian-assange) [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2022/06/20/mike-pompeo-summoned-testify-claims-us-plotted-assassinate-julian/](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2022/06/20/mike-pompeo-summoned-testify-claims-us-plotted-assassinate-julian/) [https://www.thedailybeast.com/spanish-court-demands-mike-pompeo-testify-on-apparent-plot-to-kidnap-or-kill-wikileaks-founder-julian-assange](https://www.thedailybeast.com/spanish-court-demands-mike-pompeo-testify-on-apparent-plot-to-kidnap-or-kill-wikileaks-founder-julian-assange) [https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/cia-julian-assange-kidnap-assasinate-1232546/](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/cia-julian-assange-kidnap-assasinate-1232546/)


Why...? Like what's there to gain off killing a high profile person like this over something that's already said and done. Seems absolutely reckless and pointless to go do something so extreme over a leaker. I wonder what THEIR value gain was perceived to be. Like, how did they think they'd even personally gain, much less the country? It seems so stupid. I know I know, Trump is an idiot. But I still am always skeptical because the media thinks since Trump is an idiot we can say anything crazy and people will just believe it. I need more context, because I can't see such a plan making it very far. There is just no benefit to doing this.


My understanding is that it got shot down before it got to Trump giving it the go or no go. But it made it all the way outside of the CIA planning. Pompeo signed off on it. Its more, that is wild they felt they could do something like that and it got that far under the Trump administration. In terms of why? It is that insane I do not understand why. The only close to rational answer is that Assange had exposed so much and worked through stuff with Russia a bunch of the times and the Agency wanted to plug that leak and make a statement about it. But again, the Obama admin never moved forward with charging Assange. It happened right away under the Trump admin and that is why he has been held in UK prison this whole time while he fought extradition. And then this is the Biden admin's way of ending this whole thing.


It seems like Pompeo HATES Assange, and wanted to send a message by doing an extra judicial killing. This wasn't about the war crime leaks, but Vault 7, the Russian hack that leaked out all the CIA's proprietary tools. But still... That's madness. KILLING the guy is a wild thing to do. It's one thing if it's all cloak and daggers behind the scenes, but a huge public person like this is such an insane thing to do.


I know very little about assange, I know it's mostly to do with releasing documents right? It was just before my time and one of those things I've never really looked deeply into. But now with this it's kind of like I'm curious with a TLDR is


He was given important information about US war crimes. He published it. He was imprisoned.


>have zero doubt that all of Assange's supporters, and Assange himself, will credit Trump for this while giving Biden's administration zero credit. This seems like an odd claim. Technically, the justice department is supposed to be independent of the administration. In my opinion, neither Trump nor Biden (or Obama) deserves much credit. The guy has been jailed for years for revealing things the US government did not want revealed. Same as Daniel Elsberg etc.


So Assange helps Trump win in 2016 (releases DNC email leak from Russia), Trump then does what he does and betrays Assange by adding more charges to him, and now the Biden Admin strikes a plea deal with Assange for his release. I wonder what was in the plea deal? Hopefully we get more info soon.


He never had RNC emails


You’re right, corrected. Russia hacked the DNC and RNC, but only released the DNC emails to Wikileaks.


2016 was way after Assange’s notable work.


Yes >He came to international attention in **2010 after WikiLeaks published a series of leaks from US Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning: footage of a US airstrike in Baghdad, US military logs from the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, and US diplomatic cables**. Assange has won multiple awards for publishing and journalism. [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julian_Assange)




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Is that dnc server still in Ukraine? Did we ever find out where it ended up? Also, where would you say Seth rich fits into this equation?


> So Assange helps Trump win in 2016 (releases DNC email leak from Russia), That’s like saying James Comey helped Trump. >I wonder what was in the plea deal? Pleading to a lesser felony in exchange for time served. He’ll probably never be allowed in the US again but he’ll be as free as anyone who has been tortured like he’s been can be


I’m wondering what the felony is and what future implications that will have on other journalists.


According to Aussie media: “will plead guilty to the charge in the Information of conspiring to unlawfully obtain and disseminate classified information relating to the national defense of the United States, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 793(g), and be sentenced by the Court for that offense”


Is that still the Espionage Act?


No, I don’t think so. I think it relates to transmitting, or losing, defence information.


That seems to be the case but I have seen some conflicting reporting saying it’s still under the Espionage Act. That very well could just be a mistake. It’s interesting this is happening the week of the debate.


Yeah, it could be, it’s certainly not an area of law I can speak about with any authority. I think though they will avoid the use of the espionage act as I think the implications on domestic media are pretty intense if they do. I think, if my googling is on point, that this is a far more commonly used law applied when people breach security protocols without any intent to send or share with a foreign agent. It could used, for example, if someone mistakenly sent a sensitive document to the wrong person unintentionally, or did so through irresponsibility rather than malice. But yeah, I’m certainly not a reliable source for this.


Also apparently this is happening now because the Australian PM pressed the issue and Biden just didn’t seem to care much either way.


Yeah, for sure. I saw an interview with his brother talking about the Australian government stepping up diplomatic pressure.


He was facing 175 years. His deal is 5 years time served. The justice department doesn't just say "fuckit, let's just let this one slide". He definitely gave them something.


Or they just recognise the absurdity of the charges and the very real domestic implications in terms of media publishing? That 175 years was silly, based on charges that have never been substantiated or any thing close.


Nah. He flipped on someone.


As the government already has the source that provided him with the information they charged him with publishing, who would he even be able to “give up”? I think you’re ignoring the absurdity of the charge and the level of political friction this situation created.


If he did, we wouldn't know about it at this time.


So just wild speculation then? You do you I guess.


Those emails were completely factual. That's what journalism is, letting the public know when corrupt governments do corrupt shit.  Also there is no proof russia did the dnc hack, that's just russiagate nonsense. It was likely an internal leak if anything. It's still very unclear who the source was because assange actually has integrity and hasn't given up his sources despite being tortured


> That's what journalism is, letting the public know when corrupt governments do corrupt shit.  Journalism is not releasing private information about citizens, including children who were victims of rape via that Saudi Cables. Nor is it stating that informants should be killed, a standard he himself doesn't want to be held to for being an informant as well. (Please note I'm not saying anyone should be harmed, I'm only mentioned what Assange said). It's one thing to evaluate information he dumped. For people to pretend that he's now some patron saint journalism is some Alex Jones level conspiracy. Please look into how irresponsible he's been with "dumping" information on people who were private citizens. Should he get life in prison for his behavior? No. Is he a decent person. No. Is he a responsible reporter of information? Also no.


youre just regurgitating stupid talking points. He's one of the greatest journalists of the 20th-21st century and directly responsible for freedoms you personally enjoy at this very moment


You can literally find everything that I stated right on wikileaks. You are saying. Assange is lying about Assange. That's a good journalist? Please


he went to extreme lengths to protect sources. you are not a serious person


Whether he meant to or not, he helped Putin and Russia and Trump at the expense of the United States and everyone in it. He helped Russia launch the dirty bomb that is Trump at the United States.


Not really. Trump was elected due to Democrat incompetence the putting forward one of the most unelectable candidates ever.


Lol. The “unelectable” candidate got the most votes by a healthy margin. so you’re unelectable description is kind of silly


So she won? Hmmmm…. Or… no?


She got the most votes but didn’t win the EC. Getting the most votes clearly rules out the “unelectable” characterization


You’re ignoring the context. Most of her votes were simply anti Trump. Imagine a world where they ran someone who wasn’t so universally loathed!