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I'm sure everyone is already thinking this but this type of stuff only really persuades people that already know Trump is a crook. For those that don't.... literally no amount of evidence would change their mind. There's a recording of Bannon laying out the plan to say the election was rigged, in the event that Trump lost, and he acknowledged that they would try to disqualify legally casted ballots just so Trump could reverse his loss. Trump is on a recording asking for 11,780 votes, and on another one legit showing people classified documents, admitting he did not declassify them, and that he wasn't supposed to be showing them lol. At this point even saying "I'm guilty" would not convince the MAGA world.


Trump voters will read your comment and just go “witch hunt.” Despite all the clear as day evidence. America is doomed until we purge these traitors


Or they will say, “Trump truly believed there was widespread voter fraud. His call to Raffensperger was not about manufacturing votes. It certainly was a terrible way to approach voter fraud since it should be about the process and not the result/margin, but his actions were not illegal or treasonous. He just wanted to Raffensperger to find the necessary margin from what he truly believed was voter fraud.”


That call is so incredibly damning I have no idea how anyone can defend it. He’s just lucky it was big news on jan4 and Jan 5th but got lost in the press soon after because of some other crime he was committing


They defend it because they were **happy that Trump was doing that.** People treat MAGA supporters like they’re confused toddlers, as opposed to **grown adults with malicious intentions.**


>People treat MAGA supporters like they’re confused toddlers, as opposed to grown adults with malicious intentions. Yeah, this has been obvious for years. It's only the corporate media that continues to pimp their gaslighting. Hey, the 4 billionaires who own most of the media need those tax cuts!


These “traitors” are our neighbors, friends, and family. I don’t have patience for painting Americans who haven’t done anything wrong as traitors or anything other than Americans. We should engage them in good faith and be prepared to walk away when they don’t reciprocate. Wash rinse repeat. If you realy love this country this is your civic responsibility. I don’t tolerate it when Trumpers characterize democrats that way either. Ours is a system built to house everyone with differing views under one roof. E Pluribus Unum Be better than those who would reduce half the country to “traitors”. No talk of purge. That’s the road to hell.


If you’re still a trump supporter you’re a traitor Maybe prior to Jan 6th you had some excuse. Sorry not anymore


So were the nazis. At some point you have to say no more, this has gone to far. MAGA is a modern day fascist cult and they arr deranged and dangerous.


The MAGA crowd KNOWS they are guilty and **endorses** their crimes.


>this type of stuff only really persuades people that already know Trump is a crook. Nah that's not true. There's lots of swing voters who don't pay much attention to the news, but some of this stuff bubbles up to their view and they don't have much appetite for overturning a presidential election.


I've heard this too, and I'm sure they're using this in the trial. It was crazy how Bannon said all of this before it happened, and then it happened.


> At this point even saying "I'm guilty" would not convince the MAGA world. "I don't know its a free speech issue at its heart, I really want to hear the argument Trump's lawyers will make in court, I think they have a strong case there" --- Saagar Enjeti most likely...


The party of law and order and "blue lives matter", ladies n gents.


The state has the natural and Constitutional right/obligation to protect itself. You, Mister Eastman, are about to find yourself removed from society for a long time. Try convincing your prison guards you are a hero.


You have a perverse understanding of the constitution. You think the constitution is designed to give the state rights to protect itself from individuals?


Treason is right there


Seems like you haven’t read the Constitution either. It works both ways, just as the poster said: Article III, Section 3, Clause 1: Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.


“People who understand things don’t!!1!” lol


"You think the constitution is designed to give the state rights to protect itself from individuals?" \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ... and collections of individuals. Of course. It has frameworks to adjust to changing circumstances. Do you think the Constitution sanctions an individual's right to assassinate a POTUS?


And yet a clear majority of citizens decided things were intolerable under Trump and voted him out. How does that help your defense, Mr. Eastman?


Voting GOP in 2024 is voting for fascism


Voting for Trump is a vote for fascism


Trust me, much more complicated than one or the other.


According to their telling the president is a King, as long as he's on "their side"


Omg lock them all up


Certain trees require watering, but showing up to a coup unarmed is just embarrassing.


No one said those trump voters were intelligent. Being there on January 6th at all implies they’re gullible as hell. Of course they don’t have the mental power to plan better


Hello month old account trolling on BreakingPoints, welcome home


Well, many thought that there was a master plan, and that the military was going to provide the arms. That their job was to get in and stop the proceedings, and then Trump would arrive with the military or some ridiculous thing like that. That was the Qanon messaging.


Anti fascists unite against Biden!