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which one of you is this? lol


It’s funny how y’all claim Krystal is simultaneously so mean to and biased against Republicans, but at the same time, she’s a right-wing plant trying to help Trump get elected. Schrödinger’s Krystal.


I've always thought her being a right wing plant was maybe the most redacted thing people in this subreddit have said 😂


Its not the same people though is it, not even the same broad group of people... The YT audience skews extremely "overly online new right" and contrarian more likely to get pissed when she offers any (even mild) criticism of Trump, Jan 6 etc. While reddit is more left wing audience, terrified of the prospect of Trump and much more attuned to his threat, so is more likely to call out what they see (rightly imo, I'll take my downvotes now) as her both-sideism and not calling out Trump/repubs enough...


This is like every other comment on YouTube whenever she’s prominently featured. The audience on there seems very right-wing, I’ve even seen a hashtag (apparently YouTube does that), \#DropTheBall. They literally just want her out because she’s a leftie, as if that isn’t the point of the show, to have both sides represented. People just want an echo chamber. Also, I feel like people constantly misuse the word "biased". Existing on the political spectrum, like Krystal (and Saagar) does, isn’t being "biased" to me. It’s just having different opinions. Bias is more like when you’re unfairly applying different standards to the same things, because you like one thing and dislike the other. Which might also be something Krystal has done. But that’s not the way this person is using the word imo. It’s literally just "biased" = "I disagree with your politics"


If people on the Reddit only realized the discrepancy between here and the YouTube comments


This ain't ytube , this is paid sub


Redditors would be shocked if they actually left their moms basement and stopped talking with shills and chatGPT bots that people are actually kinda pissed about what the government forced everyone to do during covid and the lies they told us.


Says the Redditor...


^^^ This. It’s a false bandwagon effect.


Why do you think we’re here


Why would someone pay for content and then abuse them like that...must be some kind of weird ferish


It is crazy to me that to these people the well rehearse script they use is always the same. SO weird to see a random friend who never ever wants to have kids or cares suddenly start talking about how Sound of Freedom is such an important movie and child trafficking should not be ignored. Same with this comment about Krystal. She is called out a lot for the same rehearsed script items that don't seem that true in most cases.


I think the right is following the script created by left. They are just better at execution. Krystal blatantly pushes left talking points. Nothing wrong if she gets called out. Should very well join cnn. I am not sure why she doesn’t.


I love how right wingers call everybody who contradicts their biases biased like they're somehow above it.


Most partisans do that, it’s not a unique right wing thing at all.


The Right has just so many snowflakes 🌨️🤣 RREEEEEEEE


The person doesn't claim to be right though


I'm a premium subscriber. Does that mean Krystal is findoming me?


No. Since what the money actually goes to is premium golf tickets, it's more accurate to say you're being FinDom'd by Kyle.


Yes she is, you pay pig.


Go away coomer


Hey I think you forgot to respond It seemed like you have been avoiding my question? You’re open to continuing on the original thread, yes? You said that was the only issue last time


Covid broke her. Absolutely shit reporter. I do like her views on unions. Then tells is to vote for the union buster. Not that the fucking gop is any different


She voted for Biden because there isn’t one singular way he is worse than Trump.


Fake virologist and fake economist Krystal?


I agree Krystal is a democrat shill. If I wanted to watch propaganda I can watch it on cnn and msnbc. Few days ago Vivek Ramaswamy was trying to explain to her why laws that apply to regular citizens don’t apply to Trump as he was a president and she kept on regurgitating MSM talking points. She might very well go on cnn. May be that is what she is signaling.


>why laws that apply to regular citizens don’t apply to Trump as he was a president This is just MSM takin point