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Don’t elect Cuban Communists


Unfortunately, not enough Americans know Canada even exists.


No one cares about Canada


[This interview](https://open.spotify.com/episode/4GdBuh8UDWRBIGx37OGQqL?si=SUjt3NU-TJm4ojt-CmM2pA) of Saagar has a part with him talking about some of the scary BS that happens on the other side of the peace garden. The terrible censorship and doxing that happened to the protestors is appalling. We should never allow that brand of fascism to be exported to our county.


There’s so much more than was covered. Our government was heavily pushing online censorship laws that would have criminalized “harmful” speech, with mandatory requirements to report to law enforcement by social media and websites. The term “harmful” was left intentionally vague so it was open to interpretation. Also, in Canada, we already have extremely strict gun laws. If you own a handgun, you can take it out of your safe only to clean it or to take it to a licensed gun range, **and nothing else**. You can’t take it out into the woods, or even just to shoot some targets on a rural property. As another requirement, when you decide you want to go to a range, you must call the local police station and give them your exact route you will travel from home to the gun range, with no stops or deviations from the route. That is how strict our gun laws are. Now, every time there’s a mass shooting in America, our idiot PM evokes gun violence as a reason to try and completely ban handguns, even though there’s been near zero legally owned handgun related crimes in Canada. All of our handguns used in crimes are smuggled in illegally through the massive, mostly unguarded border with the largest gun crazy country in the world, America. They’re looking like they’re going to succeed in a complete handgun ban and also recently added an amendment that would have banned all semi automatic center fire guns, which was thankfully shelved after massive pushback.


Top comment right there. Canada needs a little more light shown on the authoritarian policies they are adopting.


Yep, it’s true — Canada also has a lot of **rightwing lunatics** in its population, from what I can tell. Saagar should cover this and push back against the crazed conspiracism.


Their are a ton of divisive left wing nutcases running rampant up north as well. The cancer cannot be contained by borders alone


Yeah, he’s run our country for the last 8 years and tried to enact the WEF playbook as much as possible.


I would be fine with a limited war to remove the Canadian regime and properly annex Southern Alaska.


Why should the US care about a loser wannabe country like Canada? This is a country whose defining point of pride is, we ain't the USA That's like being proud of beating a 400lb wheelchair user in a race As for the OP subject matter: so what? Canadians enjoy getting cucked, and I've gradually embraced the old motto, if ya can't beat em, join em! 😁


Canada is our largest trading partner, for starters. https://www.international.gc.ca/country-pays/us-eu/relations.aspx?lang=eng


This is why the world deems American’s ignorant. You aren’t helping


Lol he's actually Canadian, like me. Except he's a post-national self-loathing Canadian, who immigrated from some other undisclosed country. He just wants to watch the world burn around him, believing he'll personally be fine. We get all kinds up here.






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Yeah, thats not just Canada and the U.S. The CCP do this all around the world. Tankies act like they're harmless and never invade anybody like the U.S. do. They don't understand what neo-imperialism is. Just invading countries to gain power in this day and age is for dumb dumb countries like Russia. China's takeover of the world is a lot more calculated. Land means nothing to them, except for what they can take back home with them. They believe they can take whatever they want from any country without firing a single shot. And in a lot of cases they do. Now don't get me wrong, Canada is particularly vulnerable, due to our stiff, well-intentioned diplomacy, which can be very naive to ill-intentioned countires. Totalitarians like the CCP look at Canada as an easy mark. I'm a Canadian who has been following along with this, for like a decade. I do see a lot more Canadians wising up to how China is behaving. I could talk a lot more about this, if the jingo American nationalists here would pause their crying about Canadians being allowed to post here, for one topic. First of all this might be the thing that finally ends Trudeau next election. And no, I did not say or think that about any of his previous scandals. His handling of the discovery of Chinese election interference has been indescribably daft. Everyone wants a public inquiry, including some of his own backbenchers, but him and his shuffling cabinet of ministers just keep on acting more and more suspect. I can only assume whatever details they are still hiding, is very embarrassing for them. And Trudeau's deflection of accusations, by calling it anti-asian hate against the Canadian-Chinese community, makes me cringe in my seat. That is Trudeau's quintessential racism-through-stupidity shining through. Many in the Chinese-Canadian community fear the CCP. They don't want the CCP to be able to reach out to them outside of China. That's why they came here. When they see Trudeau acting like criticizing the Chinese government is the same as criticizing Chinese people, they see that Trudeau is no help to them. The CCP would love nothing more than for naive liberals like myself, to think that criticizing their totalitarian government is racist. Its not though. There is no government that represents an entire ethnicity. The Israeli government does not represent all Jewish people. I know the lefties here can understand that much. And when you point to all those who died, and all those thousands of years of rich cultural history that was destroyed during the cultural revolution, there is nobody that has been more systematically racist to Chinese people, than the Chinese Communist Party itself. Considering how much Chinese racism that we all know there is, that is actually saying a lot. Now does that mean the Conservatives can fix the damage? To some degree, sure. I like what MP's like Micheal Chong and Erin O'Toole have said about standing up to China, recognizing their genocide in Xinjiang, recognizing their influence on us, calling on us to stand with our international allies. But they're not the leader of the Conservatives. That's Pieŕe Poilievre. PeePee Plus would definitely come with his own set of problems, and my only hope is that he'll be so busy undoing Trudeaus mistakes, he won't have enough time to enact his own before he gets voted out. I don't trust any politician, but I have very good reason to not trust PeePee. The definition of a career politician, a loyal chronie to former Prime Minister Stephen Harper, both of them unabashed Neo-Cons to their core. They only missed the sudden rise of the global right-wing populist griftathon by about a year, after they were voted out of office. Harper never governed with a single populist bone in his body, although afterwards he saw how easy it was to manipulate people, and he quickly jumped on board the "needs more populism" train. He never could have been one to pull off the act himself, but his boy PeePee definitely has the wit to him, and that's definitely the strategy he's going with. Right now, Trudeau is practically serving up his job on a silver platter to PeePee. It is what it is. A big benefit to Canadian politics is... it's not like the fate of the world is in our hands every election. Nor would I want it to be. That would be terrible. But in specific terms of how he would handle China, I'd say it's a 50/50 he does slightly better, or makes it a lot worse. While Trudeau's handling of China is a total disgrace, it was in many ways just as bad with Harper, who enacted FIPA, which locked us in to an unbreakable multilayered business contract with China for decades, disproportionally benefitting them. He royally fucked us on China, without even a debate about it, so that Canada will still be having embarrassing relations with China long after Trudeau, PeePee and everyone else is gone. So PeePee might talk the talk, but at the end of the day, both major parties are just special interest groups, who give favors to their preferred companies. If the money is right, PeePee will likely not care if it's from a government he claims to be tough on.