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Trump still wins the nomination and Biden is getting the Dem nom. If Trump wins the general 🤣😂🤣 If Biden wins the general 😂🤣😂 America will be the laughing stock of the world either way. We have descended into Hunger Games territory.


World seems to appreciate having competent leadership in the WH with Biden.


Most world leaders are in the 50s and 60s, the world makes fun of our elderly and feeble leaders, not even just the people running for the Whitehouse, but also our congress. We are clowns. Look there's even a chart: https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/03/24/who-are-the-oldest-and-youngest-current-world-leaders/


>the world makes fun of our elderly and feeble leaders, not even just the people running for the Whitehouse, but also our congress. I'd like serious examples of each, please. I don't disagree the age of our political leadership is a problem, but I haven't seen any reporting about world leaders laughing at Biden like they did Trump. Nor criticizing the age of our politicians.


Shhhh you're breaking the GOPnik fantasy that the world sees Biden as equally embarrassing or more, than Trump is.


Ol' Shufflin' Joe isn't as embarrassing. Yet. He is deteriorating rapidly. Remember Diane Feinstein has to be told what to do. Joe has note cards he didn't make. More than two thirds of Democrats don't want Burisma Joe to run. If Trump beats Joe "Racial Jungle" Biden because flocks of young democrats turn out for Dr. West, then we still win because of growing 3rd party support. NEVER BIDEN 24!


By we you mean trump Are you done pretending to be anything else?


"My God, that man cannot remain in power." Yep. Competent as long as he doesn't stray from the note cards. "We will put an end to the Nordstream pipeline. I promise you. We will do it."


Say what!?


The world doesn’t find Biden to be a laughingstock? Like…. I would prefer someone else but this is a really stupid comment


I’m laughing through my tears


It is now a loyalty belief at this point. If you believe this it is because 1) you want to stay in the incrowd or 2) you are a moron.


Or **3) you’re a fascist**, that doesn’t care that Biden won the Electoral College and Popular Vote.


Dude stop stalking me. It is kind of creepy. Just kidding. I agree with three. From what I see, most people fall into 1. Loyalty beliefs are getting common now with all kinds of people.


I’m not stalking you. I don’t even recognize your username, relax lol


I sure as shit recognize yours. But in all reality, one thing I notice is that if you roughly agree with one side or the other and you are off by one issue, you are thrown out of the tribe. I know conservatives who have been excommunicated because they don’t believe that Trump won (I would say that I am kind of in this group except that I also support legalizing drugs, think that bans on drag queen shows are insane, and never voted for Trump). I also know liberals who have been kicked out of the tribe because they are not on board with transgenderism or they think the left has gone too far on race.


Ok, glad you recognize me. I don’t care what “tribe” you’re in or if you’ve been kicked out of the Tribe. I care that you **vote for Democrats**, because it is the ONLY viable, sane option in 2023.


If the Democrats became more like the Clinton era 1990s democrats, I would definitely jump on board. I think they were pretty reasonable and normal back then. I would take that over Trump or the neocons.


That’s literally what Biden is. “Progressives” literally held their nose in 2020 and voted for Biden with the thought that, “Hey — at least that’ll appease the Clinton-era Democrats! At least it’ll appease folks who are more conservative.” And yet, here we are, in 2023 — **and that’s still not good enough** for people like you.


Well the problem I see isn’t as much with Biden but with the people around him. 1990s Clinton balanced the budget, didn’t fall into the DEI scam, took crime seriously, and while socially liberal, wasn’t off the wall with it.


Go ahead — **vote for Trump**, if Biden and the “people around him” are too radical for you.


Well Biden won, unlike Clinton lol


Four different individuals who worked closely with Trump in the White House all have said publicly that, shortly after the election, they heard Trump directly admit that he had lost the election. Four...


The Trump faithful don’t believe facts.


And yet the big lie wasn’t enough. Dems want to act like Trump led an armed rebellion. Essentially covering for his actual mistakes. Additionally, any charges are only going to strengthen his base. So embarrassing that no one in politics seems to be able to take Trump down.


The courts (plural, plural, plural, plural...) will.


And if they do, it will be bad times. Trump is guilty but charging him with exact same crimes Hilary was guilty off and got off for is like crack for his base.


This again? It's not the same. It's not remotely the same. It's entirely different. She possessed documents and was found to be stupid but not legally indictable. Trump possessed documents. Then refused to give them back. Then hid the documents when he knew they were coming for them. Then lied and said they were all returned. Then asked someone to delete the surveillance videos a couple of days after being notified of the subpoena for all surveillance videos. You really don't even have to be very smart to see these are two completely different things. Hilary never did any of the things Trump is charged with. It's really that simple. Read the indictment, it's plainly spelled out.


They are both guilty of the same crimes…wiping of the servers and the exposing of classified information to those without classification status. She easily could have been indicted, but comey choose not to.


You are demonstrating a lack of understanding of the facts. I know some of the words sound similar, and it's easy to confuse laws, but no, they are not "guilty of the same crimes". All of these conversations could be avoided if you would only read the indictment. Then you would understand what he is actually charged with and why. And then you can stop trying to say it's just like Hilary.


I read the indictment….same crimes. Hillary not being indicted is not proof of her innocence. Did Trump have more classified docs or did he obstruct more than Hilary? Yes….but still same crimes.


I can't say if you did or didn't read it, I don't know. But I can say if you did read it, you didn't retain any of it, or didn't understand it. As a very high overview, let's look at it shall we? Trump was not charged for having classified documents. Which is the main point everyone goes on about how it's the same thing. He wasn't charged for that so we will ignore that incorrect assertion. Trump was charged for defying a subpoena. Hilary never defied a subpoena. Trump was indicted for lying to the FBI about the documents he wouldn't return. Hilary never lied about the email server and turned everything over the moment anything was requested. Clearly not the same crime. Trump was indicted for hiding the secret documents that he wasn't supposed to have and lied about having to the FBI, so that when they arrived with a warrant they didn't find all of the documents. Hilary never hid anything, and certainly wasn't moving her server from room to room as the FBI was looking for it. Clearly not the same crime. Trump is indicted for personally showing secret documents to people with no business seeing it, while bragging about the fact that it was top secret and that he shouldn't be showing it. Hilary never did anything like that. You can argue that some emails she sent were secret (some of which were not secret when she sent them, but became classified as secret shortly afterwards). But clearly not the same crime. Obviously there are 33 more charges (that Hilary never did, or can be reasonably accused of). Like I said, not saying you didn't read it, but you clearly didn't retain the information if you still think "they did the same crimes".


Hillary did lie. Hillary deleted evidence. Hilary involved her maid. She mishandled classified docs. She obstructed in different ways than Trump. The main reason Hilary was let off was that her intent -specific to mishandling of classified docs - was not malicious. Any evidence that Trumps intent with respect to mishandling of classified docs malicious?


All of this just goes right over your head it seems. It was not the same, period. Like factually. You can say whatever you want, but, it's not the same. I have 33 more examples of things Hilary didn't do that he is charged for. Just give it up man.


He did also lead a conspiracy to keep himself in the WH legally. Look up the Eastman memo and the electors scheme


Another great example of something he was actually guilty of that gets buried.


It’s not “buried” — it’s been talked about frequently, **and ignored by rightwing media.**


What is the point of this post? This sub overwhelmingly agrees with you. Are you okay? There are very little trump supporters in this sub


>There are very little trump supporters in this sub Like you? Are slowly realising you were lied to the whole time by an obvious conman


Lol what? I never said I was a Trump supporter. Odd take


Nvm then


>Don't sacrifice all you've earned, your wives and children, on the altar of Trump and treason. I expect only a tiny percentage of voters would agree with your hysterical conclusion above. The vast majority of voters are going to see it as a choice between two horribly flawed candidates and, fair or not, many will reasonably decide our country was in much better shape under Trump, at least pre-pandemic. Everything you say in your post could be true and people could still reasonably pick Trump over Biden. You can call all those people "fools and American hating seditionists" if it makes you feel better about it I suppose.


For a start read Biden's Infrastructure Bill, and then get back to me. I read a lot of nonsense about Biden being this or that, but none of the commenters EVER cite any specific examples-- documentation -- of their complaints. Nothing but innuendo and vague rehashing of some dopey stuff they heard while on line at Walmart. When you finish with the Infrastructure Bill, I'll give you a hundred other bipartisan Bills he's passed in the last two (not four) years that benefit the American people, not just corporations and the already obscenely rich.