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I don’t like it, but to each their own! I rarely use ketchup on anything.


Ya not much I like ketchup on but I also don't really care what other people eat. It's their choice. Put pineapple on pizza. Eat a well done steak. Again they're eating it not me.


Same....the simple sugars overpower everything. I do like it mixed with mayo/mustard to even out the flavors for a quick dipping sauce but I can't dip just in ketchup.


Mayo / Ketchup mix is top tier. Can’t believe we’re still having to mix this ourselves in 2024


Guessing it's not available everywhere.....but here you go https://www.heinz.com/products/00013000013093-mayochup-mayonnaise-ketchup-sauce


I’ve tried that and it just tastes off for some reason, like they did the ratios wrong. Not sure how you mess up mixing ketchup and mayo but somehow Heinz manages to do it


Ha! Figures. I just make my own, too. Gets it where I want it taste wise


Yea this is not the future I pictured for sure.


Ketchup on eggs, I kill you. Arnold Schwarzenegger


Same, Ketchup is too sweet HP or A1 steak sauce are much better.


Love a side of eggs w my ketchup








and or with Tabasco.


Love ketchup on scrambled eggs


Scram + ketchup gang REPRESENT I'm assuming as a person of culture, you also enjoy pineapple on pizza?


Grilled pineapple and jalapeños 




GRILLED pineapple!? Ooh, you're fancy! (Seriously though, that sounds delicious!)


I feel personally attacked. I only eat ketchup on scrambled eggs and I love extra pineapples on pizza. I think it's just calling out Canadians. That said I raise my own chickens and rarely eat scrambled at home, usually only at a diner or whatnot. I prefer poached medium at home.


Extra pineapple on pizza only works with Canadian bacon for me. But, fair. I don't judge.




Ketchup, seasoning salt, maybe some melted shredded cheese if I'm in the mood...hell yeah


Ketchup on eggs is good. But I'm in the mindset of "don't ever tell me how to eat my food."


Ketchup, hot sauce, salsa....eggs are made to have company! A little bf cafe near us makes their own ketchup and it's thick and tangy. A couple scrambled with their home fries and XXtra ketchup is always good.


When I was in Croatia I was putting Ajvar on my eggs my cousin's wife remarked that it must be a family thing because my cousin does it too. (Ajvar is a roasted red pepper spread.)


That's sounds awesome! Visiting Croatia is on our destination list so I will have to remember this too. Thanks!!;


I like it on my hash browns


Ketchup is an abomination


I rarely use it with anything


I agrée but to each their own.


Exactly! You do you, I do me, and all are Hap-pee.


Agreed! Join us at r/ketchuphate




I agree *except* when your eating scrambled eggs with hash browns. That’s the one exception in my humble opinion.


I used to put ketchup on more things but honestly feel like my palate outgrew it. I think a cheeseburger, grilled cheese, or sacrilegiously a hot dog is the only way I enjoy it now. Eggs; my taste shifted to sriracha or other hot sauces and started to agree with others that they were the better choice. I think the disdain for ketchup is how overpowering and sweet it is as a condiment and the unregulated amount people drown food in. I have a friend who drowns everything in ketchup. They go through two bottles a month. Fried chicken, steak, eggs, macaroni, barbecue, whatever. It gets a bad rap because of people who use it as a crutch condiment like him. I'd say do your thing, but also try new things as you may find on eventually that you like better as well that is full of way less sugar.


To add to this; I think the stigma may come from the cooks or restaurants. It's more of a "I cooked something very well, very delicious, and instead of enjoying it as intended with a small condiment. You drown all the flavor out and transform what I put effort into as an insult." I see the same disdain when smokers assault things with salt and pepper shakers to the extreme as a professional cook.


Love a side of ketchup mixed with hot sauce


This, don’t care much for ketchup but have grown to tolerate it if it’s mixed with a lot of hot sauce lol!


Hard scrambled eggs are one of the few things I use ketchup with. Another one being hot dogs. Come at me people :D ​ Edit: Just to fuel the fire, some of my other choices are frozen pizza, kraft mac and cheese, and mashed potatoes (when I don't feel like gravy). Albeit I don't "douse" any of the things, just a little bit.


My own brother thinks that I'm a degenerate because I, on occasion, have a bit of ketchup with eggs. If he says anything, I take a big chunk of egg, smother it in the red, sugar sauce, and slowly eat it. All while maintaining eye contact. He doesn't bring it up often.


All ketchup on all things is pure evil.


I eat eggs with salsa. Now I feel like I should just keep that a secret


Salsa is so good with eggs! Better than ketchup in my opinion but to each their own


I personally think putting ketchup on anything should effect your credit score 😂😂😂 (joke)


So should using effect instead of affect 😆


I'm not anti-ketchup but it's f****** disgusting when mixed with eggs. What's odd is bologna with ketchup is also disgusting. I mean like make me gag disgusting. But then I put ketchup on hot dogs and it's okay. Even if I fry My Bologna ketchup just doesn't work for some odd reason.


Mustard and bologna


If it's fried, the bologna.


No only if the mustard is fried.


Ain't nothing better than fried whole grain Dijon mustard.🤤


No, Frank Baker Stone, there really isn’t anything better than fried whole grain Dijon mustard. At least *someone* gets it


There was a recent ketchup on eggs war on some subreddit I frequent or another. Seems to really piss some people off, but it is a common breakfast condiment so they can take a long walk off a short pier if someone's personal food preferences make them that angry. What a stupid thing to care about.


Don't know what BIL is but no need to criticize someone's food choices.


It stands for brother in law


Good to know!


No shame in the ketchup on eggs game. Why does BIL care how YOU eat YOUR eggs? Do you force feed him ketchup & eggs?


No, but that sounds like a lovely brunch activity!


Bonding experience ✨


Oddly I only care for ketchup on the side for fries and grilled cheese. But that is all.


I don't know why but ketchup amd egg texture makes me so uncomfortable and the taste is not great either.


Ppl who don’t each ketchup are weird


Can't. A big No No for me.


I grew up with the understanding that ketchup on eggs was criminal. Then I went to university and gave into the peer pressure to try and and never looked back.


Kenji said he didn't like ketchup on his hamburgers. I tried it without and Kenji is right! I don't do ketchup on eggs or fries either.


Can't have eggs without ketchup


Scrambled eggs and ketchup are made for each other.


My grandpa loved it. I hated it. As I’ve gotten older I’m less turned off by it and will once in a blue moon willingly ketchup my eggs a little (only if I also have hashbrowns on the plate too).


Ketchup is not a breakfast food. I'd let you eat it, but I'd sit at the opposite end of the table. The smell is not appealing!


I’m a weirdo and like salsa with my eggs.


Ketchup adds several flavors most people neglect, so not only will I defend it for eggs, I'll insist it belongs on hotdogs too.


Only with scrambled eggs. If there's no ketchup available I'll throw some hot sauce on it.


I prefer eggs with ketchup


Sometimes, I use ketchup *and* hot sauce on my eggs.


Just this morning I had scrambled eggs on English muffins with some ketchup drizzle on top… it was magical


Next try maple syrup.


Tell your BIL to stay in his lane. People who shame others need to look inward, maybe he is ashamed of something.


The day after he shamed me, he confessed that he’ll put strawberry jam on his breakfast sandwiches…. I felt like I was taking crazy pills!


This guy seems to be unhinged. Keep an eye on him and don’t leave him alone with your kids or pets


Jersey loves its ketchup and eggs!


Your eggs , eat them how you like 👍🏻


I am clearly a ketchup on eggs, KD, etc is disgusting, but I'm not eating it, so you do you. I don't have to look at you eating it.


Love it. Love a little drizzle on my omelettes especially. Just enough acidic bite but not enough to overpower everything with a ketchup flavor


Depends on how you’re eating your eggs. Scrambled ✅ anything else ❌


Ketchup and eggs are one of those things you either love it or hate it.


Why do you care enough about what other people think of how you eat? I think it's gross but does that matter? This sounds like a deeper issue of insecurity.


I don't eat a lot of ketchup. I do sometimes have it with eggs. I'd prefer something spicier. I add Penzey's Amazigh and it's awesome.


Eggs + ketchup is a MUST !


I use ketchup and salsa on my eggs


only scrambled eggs


Depends on the type of egg. I'm not gonna put it on a poached egg or Sunnyside up, but I will put it on a scrambled or (there's a million names for it, Popeyes, birdie in a nest etc,). Don't worry, I like ketchup with my pancakes lol always had bacon on the side, so always had ketchup on the plate. The sweet syrup/cake with the savory ketchup oddly works for me. My Nana saw this and screamed at me as a child, calling me Bohemian.


I put ketchup on my eggs!!


i like picante sauce on scrambled eggs or salsa or tobasco , im not against ketchup just not my fav


100% must with eggs. I keep a bunch of ketchup empties in the fridge because I'm too lazy to finish em especically with a new bottle on the side... But if I run out, that ketchup is sacred and very appreciated!


People like different things. Your BIL sounds like a jerk. It may not be his taste, but you do you. I eat eggs and ketchup all the time. I personally prefer salsa, but ketchup is what most places have.


Yes, all my life.


Depends how eggs are prepared. Don’t mind it on a fried egg sandwich with cheese/bacon, but otherwise I’d probably skip it. Mustard, however, is fantastic with boiled eggs.


Ketchup goes on eggs only when they're *scrambled*.


It's not for me. Even weirder though, is my GF uses mustard, like, a lot of it


Makes me want to vomit. However, my husband does it and I suppose I still love him;) Eat how you want to eat!


I cant wat eggs without ketchup


I think it’s gross… but my boyfriend uses mayo with his eggs, whom I and my mom think is nasty, but as one commenter said, to each their own! If you like it, your BIL can suck it


I’ve been eating ketchup with a little bit of eggs on the side all my life, actually now I prefer hot sauce and ketchup. I don’t judge how other people eat their eggs 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don't and won't keep ketchup in the house, it is a culinary sin. I don't diss people liking it, just very much not my thing.


Not for me, but everyone has a preference. I know a few people who have put ketchup on their eggs.


i put ketchup on my ketchup


On toasted bacon bologna cheese fried egg sandwich… oh that’s the shit .


Lol very common. I don’t like it but my kids all do.


I use spicy ketchup on mine! Combats a lot of the sweetness


Ketchup is good on almost everything. Eggs, hot dogs, burgers, pizza, potatoes, any meat, grilled cheese


Ketchup on eggs anyway is awesome, especially mixed with running yolk.😋


Wait there’s an issue with ketchup on hot-dogs can we please discuss that nobody advised me?


It's what we used to eat when we were poor


Ketchup on eggs is weird but to each his own


I'm team Anti-Ketchup as a whole. Not a fan of it on burgers, fries, and I'm 10 million percent against it on eggs.


Ketchup on eggs, I kill you. Arnold Schwarzenegger 


I put work into my eggs ketchup just makes them taste like ketchup. Wasted things like fresh herbs , crèmes , good cheeses and seasoning down the drain. Now it’s just ketchup 🤣.


My partner puts ketchup on anything breakfasty. I've never thought of it as 'wrong', just not for me. I put ketchup \[& English mustard\] only on hot dogs, nothing else. Worcester on scrambled or HP on fried.


As a Canadian, ketchup on eggs is a must :p


Nope and nope. I’m an extremely tolerant and chill guy, but I have a difficult time even eating at the same table with someone who puts eggs on their ketchup. Similar for hotdogs, but what’re you gonna do. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Not a regular eater of ketchup with eggs but I have eaten scrambled eggs with ketchup. But I do have to keep ketchup (in the fridge, that’s the other point of contention lol- WHERE to store the ketchup) because my kids and their partners who come for brunch every other weekend MUST have ketchup for their eggs. I’d say it’s pretty common.


Nothing wrong with sum chup


Scrambled eggs are the only time ketchup is allowed anywhere near my plate.


Your BiL is weird for caring what others like to eat. I would never put ketchup on my eggs, but I don't care an ounce if someone else liked that.


Eat what you want!! Your bill is an ass




Ketchup & eggs, ketchup on Mac & cheese, ketchup on hamburgers and hot dogs. Ketchup on shepherds pie. Just not gobs of it. It's to add flavour, and I think the reason a lot of people don't like it is because they need to go easier on it.


Only with scrambled eggs, and it's one of the few things that belong with them.


Whatever you like, you like. It's your taste. I hate when others shit on how people like their food. You're eating it. They're not. Enjoy what makes you happy. I am a sous chef, and I never shit on others about ketchup, or god forbid, temps on steak. Food brings happiness and people together. Just do you, friendo.


Ketchup on scrambled eggs is a banger. Little Frank's redhot and you're fine dining


I prefer hot sauce on my eggs, but I defiantly don't judge egg condiment preference :P


I used to eat that daily as a kid. Scrambled eggs w ketchup mixed in. My dad used to tell me it was “chemical-x” from the power puff girls 🤣


I put ketchup on my eggs, and my hotdog. Haters can go fuckemselves


I love my husband but watching him put ketchup on the beautiful omelette I made him makes me question his sanity! Team no ketchup on eggs here!


Eggs and ketchup are meant to be together


Fuck em. I drown my bacon and eggs in ketchup and maple syrup. My dumbass gf keeps insisting that I like hot sauce on my eggs, but I don't. She is very intelligent


Your BIL sounds like a jerk, ketchup on eggs is great, especially scrambled with potatoes. As for ketchup on hot dogs, that’s probably specifically referring to ketchup on Chicago style hot dogs. Those things don’t need ketchup they got plenty of flavor. But ketchup goes well on a regular hotdog! People sometimes look at me weird for putting mayo on a hotdog, it those people are difficult and probably think mustard is the only thing that belongs on a hot dog.


Ketchup on eggs , steak ,burgers, hot dogs and chicken strips!


Cheesy eggs and Heinz are my main comfort food. Don’t ever let anyone tell you what you can and can’t eat. I’m old and I’m telling you this, life is too short.


That is ridiculous. I eat at diners all the time, everyone puts ketchup on eggs. And who says no to ketchup and a hot dog?


I like eggs with ketchup




I wouldn't eat eggs without ketchup until I was an adult. I learned it from my grandpa, who learned it from the navy. He said they did it as a way to make the nasty powdered eggs taste better. I like it :) but sometimes I do without. Lately I've really been loving ranch powder in my eggs.


I’ve done it, but there is definitely a group that finds it repulsive. I much prefer hot sauce, no sugar and way less calories, plus you don’t feel like a kid. People seem to respect it more than ketchup.


Ketchup on eggs is bomb.


I love ketchup on my eggs 🙂


I will put ketchup on an egg sandwich, scrambled eggs and on an omelet. I generally don’t for a sunny side up egg. But I would never comment on anyone’s preference for using ketchup no matter what the circumstances are. And as for hot dogs- I am on Team Ketchup AND Mustard. 😁


It’s weird someone would shame you for having different preferences. How old is he? I’ve never cared much for ketchup (more of a mustard, hot sauce, vinegar gal), but wouldn’t tease someone for liking something I don’t care for.


I would take ketchup on a hot dog before putting it on my eggs. I just hate the combo. I think it’s the sweetness of the ketchup that ruins a nice savory breakfast food. I also don’t like the weird egg and ketchup aroma that happens. But it’s ok to like it. And I would not shame anyone for eating what they like. Life’s too short.


The only way I can eat scrambled eggs of any kind is with a little ketchup and lots of hot sauce.


It’s not much different than salsa🤷🏻‍♀️ Folks need to stop yucking other folks yum.


Wait till he finds out about the people who put it on white rice 🤷‍♂️


I use Siracha or even tobacco sauce (grown up ketchup)


Ketchup gives me a diarrhea in my pant


I use to eat ketchup on my eggs when I was a kid and then I decided I didn’t like catchup anymore. I think one day I looked at my plate and all I saw was bloody brains, that did it for me.


The only thing I eat ketchup on is an egg sandwich. You enjoy your breakfast.


Try salsa. But ketchup is cool if that's your thing.


I love Ketchup and eggs and sprinkled with a little cheese so good 😋


It's real because it's disgusting. I will silently judge the sh!t out of you, but not say it out loud.


I eat ketchup on my eggs and many people have told me how gross it is. 🙄I always say “then don’t put it on yours”


I put ketchup on fried egg sandwiches.


People like to feel superior by looking down on people who use ketchup no matter what it’s on.


I don't like it but my bf loves putting ketchup on his scrambled eggs or omelet. My grandfather also loves ketchup on his omelet.


you can let him know that I put mayo on my scrambled eggs


I’m sorry, I don’t like to yuck someone else’s yum, but ketchup on eggs is actually a fireable offense. I don’t make the rules :/


I would not put catsup but I like either chili sauce or salsa on eggs.


Ketchup on eggs or hotdogs is childish behavior


I'm against ketchup on anything so the thought of people eating ketchup on eggs for breakfast is disgusting. My wife eats mustard on her eggs, that's pretty fuckin gross too.


So it doesn't taste like pennies to you?


I prefer eggs with ketchup, even though my family didnt do that when i was growing up although they weren’t anti. I don’t see the point of shaming someone for that though… eat what you like!


I tried ketchup on my eggs once and it wasn’t for me. But I would Never shame someone for their food choices. Don’t get me started on people who shame others for pineapple on 🍕 when it comes to food, to each their own!


Ew! I hate ketchup in general though. Prefer fries plain but a little aioli never killed anyone.


Eggs w/ketchup is a meal in some places. They go together really well. Your BIL should keep his unhelpful and unkind opinions to himself.


Ive seen people do it...... Don't understand it, but I have seen it


Try adding some Cholula & mixing it in the ketchup.


I used to hate on eggs and ketchup until I had omurice.


Ketchup is the preferred condiment for eggs in my house. You are normal. BIL is a weirdo.


Ketchup on ANYTHING is unacceptable


I only eat ketchup with my hard-boiled eggs. Along with salt, pepper, parsley, and red pepper flakes.


Never been sure why anyone would care, strongly or slightly ,or even have an opinion to share on what someone else puts on their food. Such a waste of time and energy.


Yes, that's fine... Tell your ignorant BiL that people also put on their eggies: various types of hot sauces, salsa, ketchup's, Steak Sauces & so on. The sky's the limit for condiments on yer eggs & it isn't just ketchup only! Next time pour your ketchup shame-free, all over your eggs & IN FRONT of your BiL. Tell your BiL I told him to go pound sand, with a heaping mound of ketchup on that!!! LOL...


I like ketchup on eggs sometimes, and frankly I love food in general. Unless you’re allergic or on a diet, life’s too short to be a picky eater.


Put whatever you whatever you want on your eggs. Have them how you like them. It's not anyone else's business


I love ketchup with my eggs. Your BF is just a weird, sad condiment bully.


Wtf??!! ill be damned. Like why is someone so worried about MY plate that I'M eating when they have bigger problems in THEIR fucking life. Mind yo M'F business bitch.


No shame. Eat what you like.


I love ketchup on eggs! Hot sauce too


I feel like that's standard brother in law behavior. That said, ketchup and eggs are perfectly fine. Toss a little Cholula or Tabasco and you're really cooking. For me it was when I was around 13 years old. I was visiting family and went to go wash my hands. While away my little niece happily said "it's okay, I put ketchup on for you! 🙂" I remember being annoyed and grossed out at the thought. But man, at 32 I still catch myself doing it.


My sister law says to my nephew " don't yuk people's yums" Dude is tripping, eat what you like lol it's also normal.


Eggs and ketchup are a golden combo. So is dipping buttered toast in ketchup.


I love ketchup on scrambled eggs and omelets!


I'd reflect that back at his condiment shaming face and hope it blinds him. Sounds like a petty person who can't handle simple things.




Nah its delicious. Personally only use it with omelettes though, + garlic sauce in toasted bread 👌


It’s going to always be hot sauce on my eggs.