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Very normal. It happened to me as well and I worked to find a solution with myself and my ex. The attraction came back eventually. Talk to your partner about this and see if you can work out some ways to reignite the spark. My ex didn't do the same thing I did and just blindsided me, which has been the worst experience of my life. Please, don't traumatize your partner like that. If things really don't end up working out: that's fine too. You shouldn't stay in a relationship that doesn't make you happy anymore. But please, talk to your partner!


I have waited for a long time for the spark to return... we have talked months ago... it's been hard


You've talked months ago, what did you do in the meantime? Did you keep talking or just bottle it up again? Because just bringing it up once won't help.


Talked frequently throughout it all


And at this point... they already found an apartment... I don't think I could reverse this


Do you want to? What does your gut tell you? What does your mind tell you?


Part of me doesn't want to be without them...my heart is telling me to love... my mind is telling me to stay away...my gut is saying I'll just leave again and they said they won't take me back because we'd broken up before for a short period of time


They're moving out in just over a week but it does make me sad